The artistic intent and meaning of the "Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky." A1 A1 than usually completed the narration of life

Artistic intention and meaning

Along with the chronicle, as in the preceding century, in the XIII century. The most important genre of the Old Russian literature is the Agiography - the lives of the Saints: the narrative of the life and exploits of people recognized by the Church of the Holy. As mentioned above, the authors of life in their work were closely related to the requirement to strictly observe genre canons developed by the centuries-old history of this, church-religious in their tasks, the genre. This is the reason for the abstractness, the rhetoric of life, the fact that the lives of various saints written at different times are in many ways similar to each other. But, which was also noted above, real historical personality became heroes; The authors of life were their time, and in one degree or another, the political concepts of this time were written in viyatakhi written; One of the sources to which the Agiographs resorted were oral legends about the holy, and real events from the life of the saint, and fabulous fantastic legends about him were reflected in these oral traditions. All these factors operated destroyably on genre canons, contributed to the penetration of historically-topical, jetty works of historically-fascinating episodes. The more significant to the retreat in life from genre canons, the more interesting there is such a life in a literary attitude. Of course, in any case matters the literary talent of the author of life. These characteristic features of the agiographic genre, inherent in him, were reflected in the lives written in the history of Old Russian literature considered by us.

Below we will focus on four monuments of the agiographic genre of this time: two of them are the lives of church-religious figures, two are princely lives.

Life Avraamy Smolensky. The lives of the devotees of the Church, which can be dated the middle - the end of the XIII century, should be characterized as monuments, strictly observing the canons of the living genre. The sample can serve as "Life of Abraham SMOLENSKY", compiled by Ephraim in the middle of the XIII century. Life begins with rhetorical entry of a general nature and ends as the rhetorical praise saint. About themselves the author of life speaks with the extreme degree of self-esteem. On biographical facts from the life of his hero, although Ephraim was a student of Abrahamia and could hear about the events of his life from him himself, the Aguiographer tells himself abruptly and generally. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the agiographic etiquette, it consumes stylistic stamps: Abraham was born "from returning to the parent", in the youthful years he "on the games with Inihei is not an obstacle", in the monastery he "stay ... in labor and in the Alkania Day and Nosta "," We all obeyed the igumen and obedience to have a hairy brothers. " The main content of "Life of Abrahamia" is a story about his preaching activities in Smolensk, about the persecution that he undergoes from the local clergy and from Smolyan. It is described about it rather colorfully, but abstract and rhetoric - hints, comparisons with biblical events, allegorically. A concrete understanding of this story about why Abraham caused such dislike and clergy to himself, and the residents of Smolensk, how he still managed to avoid the threats of physical violence that hung over him is very difficult.

Veda Varlaam Khutynsky. In the 2nd half - late XIII century. In Novgorod, the initial editorial office of Vlaraam Khutynsky, founder of the Khutyn monastery under Novgorod was composed. This is a quiet type - short story about the life of the saint, intended for the prologue. Here in a compressed form, basic information about the life path of the devotee - the founder of the monastery is reported. And as a characteristic feature of the gortgage genre should be noted that in this life, other type than the "Life of Abrahamia", and independent of the latter, the general places coincide with the "Life of Abraham". In the "Zhisma Varlaam Khutynsky" we also read: "We are born ... From returning to the parent and the peasant and God-fearing", "And the people are not on the games with Inii people who did not exceed it."

At the time when the initial editorial board of Vlaraam Khutynsky was compiled, the legendary stories about it of a fabulous and novelistic nature were given in oral tradition. But in the Written Life Text, such stories began to turn on later. In the XIII century. In the life of the church devotee, the episodes of a residential, fabulous legendary nature are not included.

I observe a different picture in the princely lives that created at the same time. When maintaining a number of agiographic etiquettes, images, verbal stamps, deviations from the canon, violations of it are significant in princely lives. First of all, it was determined by the fact that the Hero of Life was the statesman, not the devotee of the Church, in addition, it was in the princely lives written in the period under review, the events of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke were reflected. At this time, the "Life of Alexander Nevsky", the Great Communion and State Worker of Ancient Russia, a number of princely lives appear, in which the prince performs not only as a statesman and commander, but also as a prince-sufferer who took martyrdom in Horde.

Life of Alexander Nevsky. The "Life of Alexander Nevsky" in the initial editorial office was written in the Christmas monastery in Vladimir, where Prince was buried (mind in 1263), most likely, until 1280, the death of Metropolitan Cyril, since a number of data speaks of his participation in the creation of this life. "Life of Alexander Nevsky" should have shown that after Bathiyev invasion, after the defeat of the Russian principalities in Russia, there were still strong and terrible princes, which could stand out for Russian lands in the fight against the enemy and the military valor of which inspires fear and respect the people around Russia .

"Life of Alexander Nevsky" manner of the description of military clashes, certain features of the style, composition, phraseology comes closer to the Chronicler of Daniel Galitsky. At a convincing assumption, D. S. Likhachev, such proximity of these works is explained by the involvement of Cyril Metropolitan II. Kirill was close to Daniel Galitsky and participated in the compilation of the "Chronicler of Daniel Galitsky", and later, settling in Northeast Russia, he took a hot participation in the state activities of Alexander Nevsky. "Without a doubt," writes D. S. Likhachev, "Kirill had a relation to the preparation of Alexander's lives. He could be the author, but the most correctly he ordered the lives of anyone from those living in the north of Galitsky scribes. "

"Life of Alexander Nevsky" has a significant genre difference from the "Chronicler of Daniel Galitsky": it was written from the very beginning as a work of zhitsky, this is a monument of the agiographic genre. The genre features were reflected in the author's preface with elements of self-esteem and the author's etiquette information about themselves, in how the narrator reported at the beginning of his story about the birth and parents of Alexander ("... Being from the Father of the Milostovean and the Humoundbard, and the Majorlava, Prince Victor Yaroslav , and from Mother Feodosia "), in a story about the murdered by the death of Alexander wonders, in numerous retreats of a church-rhetorical nature. But the real image of the hero of the narration, his acts gave the "life of Alexander Nevsky" a special military flavor. The feeling of the live sympathy of the storyteller to his hero, which he not only heard "from his father," and himself was "Samopovy's Lady of His" (p. 159), the worship of his military and state affairs gave "the lives of Alexander Nevsky" That special sincerity and lyricity.

Characteristics of Alexander Nevsky in life are very diverse. In accordance with the living traditions, "church" virtues of Alexander are emphasized. About such as Alexander, says the author, the Prophet Isaiah said: "Prince of Goods in countries, stepping, meek, reimbursed - in the image of God there is" (p. 175). He is "Be Bo Lieheyoles and Mijnoylubets, and a beggar of loving. Metropolitan and bishops of Chubash and obedience to them, Aki of Christ himself "(p. 176). And on the other hand, it is a courageous, scary for enemies hero-commander. "The gaze [view, image] of his pucha [here - the majestic] of the person, and the voice of him - the actions of the pipe in the people" (p. 160). By defeating, Alexander himself is invincible: "... the opponent's enemy never gained," (p. 172). In their military actions, Alexander is rapid, selfless and merciless. Having learned about the coming on the Neva Shvedov, Alexander, "Heart Razoring", "Male Druzhin" rushes on the enemy. He is in such a hurry that he has no time to "take a message to his fatty", and Novgorod people do not have time to collect their strength to help the prince. Alexander's swiftness, his Bogatyr Udalty is characteristic of all episodes, which are referred to about its ruining feats. In these descriptions, Alexander appeared already as an epic hero. The combination in one narrative row is emphasized by the "church" and also brighter expressing "secular" plan - the stylistic feature of the "Life of Alexander Nevsky". And it's great that with this diverseness and, it would seem, even conflicting the characteristics of Alexander the image of it is intelligent. This integrity is created by the author's lyrical attitude towards his hero, by the fact that Alexander for the author not only the hero-commander, but also a wise, caring for his people a statesman. He "Syrote and Widovitsi is truthful to judge, the Milostiovers, the benefits of home the household" (p. 175). This is the ideal of wise prince, ruler and commander. Not by chance, describing the death of Alexander, the author of Life in one of his sorrowful exclamations almost repeats Daniel Sharpener: "Father Bo Leaving a person can, and good Madin is not able to leave" (p. 178) (cf. Daniel Sharpener: "Prince There are many years servants: Moscow is to leave the father and Mother, they resort to it).

The Heroic-Epic Spirit of the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" led to the inclusion in the text of the live of an episode telling about six bravets, distinguished by the Battle of Neva. The author says he heard about it from Alexander himself and "from other things, at the time in that time in that sash" (p. 168). Apparently, the episode is based on some kind of oral epic legend or perhaps the heroic song about six bravets. True, the author of Life only listed the names of heroes, briefly saying on the feat of each of them.

Describing the tactical feats of Alexander, the author of freedom unusual for Aguograph enjoyed the military epic legends, and visual means of military leaders. This explains the stylistic peculiarity of the "Life of Alexander Nevsky", and it, in turn, was also due to the real appearance of the hero of life, and the task of the author to draw the ideal image of the prince - the defender of the Motherland. The author of the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" so successfully allowed the task set in front of him that this life was up to the XVI century. He served as a peculiar standard of "high" style of prince-commander.

Life Mikhail Chernigovsky. Closely in time to create to the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" and "Life Mikhail Chernigovsky". This is another type of princely live of the era of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In 1246, Chernihiv Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich Mikhail Vsevolodovich was killed in Batiya Horde, together with Hero Fedor, who accompanied him. The murder was political, but in the life of Mikhail's death, presented as a voluntary suffering for the Orthodox faith.

As mentioned above, the record of death in the Horde Mikhail Chernigov was placed in the Rostov chronicle of the princess Marya. Mikhail Vsevolodovich's daughter, Rostov Princess Marya, together with his sons, established church veneration of Mikhail and Boyhar Feodor in Rostov. In this regard, the prolite live of Mikhail Chernigovsky was written - a brief story about his death in Horde. Life was written to 1271 (the years of the death of Knyagini Marya). This brief prolite "Life of Mikhail Chernigovsky" served as the basis for a number of later and more extensive editions of the living story about the death in the Horde of the Chernigov Prince. The first of these editions was drawn up at the end of the XIII - early XIV. Priest Andrey.

The Chernihiv Prince who came to the Bat for Batyu, the Chernihiv Prince refuses to perform Tatar rites: go through between the lights and bow the Tatar idols. Mikhail kill. Boyar Fedor comes in the same way as his master, and also dies. Going to the Horde, and Mikhail and Fyodor know that death is waiting there, but they are in order to "imitate" idolatry - "wicked faith." This living line has a pronounced church color. But in life is no less strong and the line is psychologically dramatic. At this time in the Horde, the grandson of Mikhail, Rostov Prince Boris, and other Russians, who happened at this time in Horde, persuade the Chernigov Prince to submit to the will of the Tatar, promising with all his people to accept the Epitia. Boyar Fedor fears that persuasions will affect the prince: remembering "Zhenskaya love and children caressing", the prince will give way and submit to the requirements of Tatars. But Mikhail is hard. He decided to commit duty to the end. Having removed the princely cloak, Mikhail throws him into the legs of persuading and exclaims: "Please accept the glory of this light, you have a knob." With dramatic details that slow down the story and enhancing his emotional impact, it is described how Mikhail and Fedor were killed.

This second line of life is a story about the circumstances of the murder of Prince and Boyarin made it a not distracted church-religious story about suffering for faith, but the burning story about the Tatar cruelty and about the adamant pride of the Russian prince, who sacrifices life for the honor of his land.

According to the "Life of Mikhail Chernigovsky" in the XIV century. Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverovsky will be written, killed in the Horde in 1318 in the Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich. And here the prince voluntarily goes to the Horde. But selflessness is explained by no longer religious motifs, but the care of the prince about the fate of his principality. The story about the humiliation of Mikhail Yaroslavich in Horde, about the circumstances of his death is complicated by a number of strong details and psychologically acute situations.

11. What is the features of the genre of life in the literature of Kievan Rus? What are the types of genres? Describe from this point of view, "Tale of Boris and Gleb and" Life of Feodosia Pechersk ".

The sample in which the Russian "Lives" was made, served by the Greet type of metaphrate, that is, those who had the task of "praise" holy, and the lack of information (for example. On the first years of the life of the saints) was filled with general places and rhetorical ranting. A number of miracles of the saint - the necessary component of J. In the story about the life itself and the exploits of the saints are often not visible by the features of individuality. Old Russian literature until the XVII century. Does not know or almost does not know the conditional characters. The names of the actors - historical:
Boris and Gleb, Feodosia Pechersky, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy,
Sergius Radonezh, Stefan Permian. "Tale of Boris and Gleb" and "Life of Feodosia Pecherski" represent two agiographic types - Martyrian's ghost (the story of the martyrdom of the saint) and monastic lives, which tells about all the life of the righteous, his piety, asceticism, wonderful, and t. d.
"Life of Feodosia Pechersk". - An example of a life dedicated to the topic of the ideal Christian hero, who left the "worldly" life, to earn the life of the "eternal" (after death).

Life was written by the ink of Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nesser (the compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years"). The point of view on the time of writing of life varies from 1088 to the beginning of the XII century. Nestor was well acquainted with the Byzantine Agiography. Parallels to some episodes of life are found in the lives of the Byzantine Saints: Savva of the Consecrated, Anthony of the Great, Eutemy of the Great, Wennedikt, and others. In his work, he gave tribute to the traditional composition: the future saint is born from pious parents, he since childhood "inhales God, "alien to the Games with peers, visits the Church daily. Becoming ink, Feodosija amazes surrounding asceticism; So, already being igumen, he dresses so easy that people who do not know the devotee in the face take it for "illegal", then for the "one from cooking" (behind the monastery cook). Trying the flesh, Feodosius sleeps only sitting, does not wash (they saw it only "Ruta wash"). As befits the saint, Pechersk Igumen successfully overwhelms the "many regiments of invisible demons", wonders will create in advance about the day of his death. He takes death with dignity and tranquility, has time to instruct the brotherhood and choose her new hegumen. At the time of death, Feodosia over the monastery rose a fiery pillar, which sees the prince of Svyatoslav nearby nearby. The body of Feodosia remains ample, and people who appeal to the Feodosius with prayer receive the help of saint.
And yet, we are far from traditional life, built in strict accordance with the Byzantine Giortan Canon. In the "life of Feodosia" a lot of devils, sharply contradictory. However, this is not an indicator of the inexperience of the author who failed to coordinate the facts known to him or legend about the holy of the traditional scheme of life, on the contrary, is evidence of writing courage and artistic independence.
Especially unusual for traditional lives of Mother Feodosia. Mother-like, strong, with a gross voice, immersed in worldly worries about villages and slaves, volitional, even cruel, she passionately loves her son, but cannot accept the fact that the boy is growing alien to all earthly. She strongly opposes the decision of Feodosia. Nestor did not consider it possible to change this fact in the fault of the living tradition, especially since the harsh inflexibility of the mother was still brighter thanks to the determination of the boy "to betray himself." The attractiveness of the literary mothers Nestor is still in his ability to create the illusion of reliability in the description of fantastic episodes.

Life Boris and Gleb. Samples of another type of life - Martyrie (the story of the Holy Martyr) are two lives written in the plot about the martyrdom of Boris and Gleb. One of them "reading about life and about the shooting ... Boris and Gleb", written by Nestor, the author of another, referred to as "Tale and Passion and praise the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb", unknown.
The creation of the Church Cult of Boris and Gleb pursued two goals:
1. Lifting the church authority Rus
2. Political meaning. He "sanctified" and claimed more than once a state idea, according to which all Russian princes are brothers, and at the same time emphasized the obligation of the "conquest" of the younger princes of the elders.
After Vladimir's death in 1015, the throne seizes his son Svyatopolk. The first victim of Svyatopolk in the fratricidal war is the Rostov Prince Boris, who trusted brother as his father. Then Scholyopolk trickle lures younger brother, Murom Prince Gleb and kills him. Yaroslav Vladimirovich joins the fight against Fratubyat. Svyatopolk suffers defeat, but with an extraneous help he is trying to drive out his brother beyond Russia. In 1019, the army of Svyatopolk was defeated again, and he himself runs from Russia.
"Tale" tells about the same events, but significantly enhances the agiographic flavor, it is characterized by increased emotion and deliberate conventionality. For example, the deliberate submission of Boris and Gleb's fate is already unusual in essence, and in the work it acquires simply hypertrophic forms. Despite the indisputable tribute to the agiographic genre, in the image of events and especially in the characteristics of the heroes of the "legend" could not be recognized as exemplary alien. It is too documented and historically. That is why, as IP believes. Eremin, Nestor decides to write other lives, more satisfying the most stringent requirements of the classic canon for the monument of this genre.
The "reading" of nonzero, really contains all the necessary elements of canonical lives: it begins extensive entry, with an explanation of the reasons why the author is decided to start work on life, with a brief statement of world history from Adam and before the baptism of Russia. Nestor's local part, as required by the genre, talks about the children's years Boris and Gleb, about piety, who distinguished the brothers in childhood and adolescence; In a story about their death, the agiographic element is even more strengthened: even in the "legend" Boris and Gleb cry, pray for mercy, then in "reading" they submit death with joy, they are preparing to accept her as a solemn and dedicated suffering from birth. In "reading", also in accordance with the requirements of the genre, there is also a story about the wonders committed after the death of the saints, about the wonderful "acquisition" of their relics, about the healings of patients with their coffin.
If we compare the "Life of Feodosia Pechersk", on the one hand, and the "legend", and especially the "reading" about Boris and Gleb - on the other, then we note various trends that distinguish compared monuments. If in the "Ferodosius of Pechersk" "Realistic details" they broke through the agiographical canons, then in the lives of Boris and Gleb, the canon, on the contrary, prevails and in some cases distorts the vitality of the described situations and truthfulness of the characteristics. Nevertheless, the "legend" is more than "reading", differs in peculiar lyricity.

12. What is the originality of the literary style of "teaching" Vladimir Monomakh? What kind of instruction does he give his descendants?

In the "teaching" V. M. appeals to "Children" - not only to its sons, but also to all youngest contemporaries and descendants with moral instructions. In addition to the general Christian covenants - calls for piety, "repentance, tears and alms", hard work, hopelessness, generosity, justice, V. M. Gives and concrete advice: to follow everything yourself in your house, without relying on Tiunov (ruled) and servants . In the campaigns, it is not hoped for the governor, but to install the night guard themselves, do not rush to remove weapons on the night until there is no complete security confidence. He calls to ensure that the soldiers do not reject violence to residents or their own, nor stranger. Returning back to the household councils, V.M. Calls to love your wife, but not to give her the authorities over himself, to constantly learn everything and leads as an example of his father, who, "sitting at home, learned five languages."
After these instructions, V. M. recalls his life in countless military campaigns: for the first time he took part in the war to thirteen-year-old trains, and only until the time of writing "teaching" (i.e. until 1117), the prince counted 83 such campaigns. These notes are completed by the description of the favorite princely entertainment - hunt, during which V.M. More than once subjected to mortal danger: "Twice tours raised me to the horns with the horse. The deer was bodied, and from two salts one feet stalling me, and the other horns were bodied. Wear a sword from my hip, the Bear near my knee, the Potnis was tracked, the Lyut Beast jumped into the horse cerebral croup and hurt me together with me. " The active, energetic, initiative prince writes with a full basis further: "What to do to the mature to be taken, then I myself did - in the war and on the hunt, at night and in the afternoon, in a heat and in Stuzh, without giving yourself peace." But V. M. does not want the hearing of his words to perceive them as a praise and arrogant instructions, and therefore hurry to explain: "Do not condemn me, my children, or who is another, after reading: I don't praise myself, I'm neither my friend But I praise God and glorify the grace for the fact that he was, sinful and bad, so many years failed from the death hour and did not lazy, unfortunate, for all sorts of human affairs. " "Weaching" V. M. Explicively rare monument to the genre, which has only very distant analogues in modern European literature.
In the style of "teaching" easily detected, on the one hand, the books of its elements associated with the use of Vladimir Literary Sources, and on the other - the elements of a live spoken language, especially pronounced in the description of "paths" and those hazards that he exposed during the hunt . A characteristic feature of the style - the presence of honedly memorable heuristic expressions.

14. What are the features of "words about the law and grace" Metropolitan of Illarion as a monument of solemn eloquence? What is the meaning of the title?
The words of the title ("The Word of Law and Grace") go to the Gospel of John, Ch. 1, art. 17: "... Dan a law through Moses, grace and truth happened through Jesus Christ." The law (Old Testament) is a set of laws and commandments that God told the Jewish people through the Prophet Moses on the way from Egypt to Palestine. Grace - New Testament, this Jesus Christ to all believers in him.
Logical analysis allows you to divide the "word about the law and grace" on three components. The first part is a kind of philosophical historical introduction. It is based on the reasoning about the relationship between the Old and New Testaments - the law and grace. The meaning of this reasoning is diverse. On the one hand, this is a continuation of a purely theological dispute between the Western, Roman Church and the Church of Eastern, Orthodox. The fact is that Western Christianity worshiped the Old Testament as a meeting of various legal norms, as an excuse for the western world of pragmatic aspirations, etc. In the east, the Old Testament was given much less importance.
Hilarion in his "Word" is closer to the Eastern Church. He emphasizes that following the standards of only the Old Testament does not lead people to the salvation of the soul, as did not save the knowledge of the law ("Shadows") of the ancient Jews. Moreover, the preference of the Old Testament can lead to Judaism.
Only the New Testament ("Truth"), given to humanity Jesus Christ, is grace, because Jesus was redeemed by all the human sins with his death, and he opened the path to salvation to all nations to the posthumous resurrection. In proof of his thought, Hilarion writes a spare argument on the topic of biblical parables about Sarah and Agari. This reasoning is the first sample of symbolic-allegic interpretation. biblical plots In Russian literature. Subsequently, the symbolic interpretation of the Bible will become the main method in the work of the Old Russian scribes.
The meaning of this parable, in Hilarion, very deep. Agar - this is an image of the Old Testament, the law that appears before, but born by the slave continues and remain a slave himself. Sarah is a symbol of the New Testament, grace that gives birth to free Isaac. So the Old Testament can not be truth, although he came before the new Testament. Consequently, no "birthway" is crucial, and the fact that the Lord sent the truth to people in the covenants of Jesus Christ. In the reasoning of Hilarion about Sarah and Agari, two most important ideas are traced. First, Christ grace is so significant that he saves all the people who took Holy Baptism, regardless of the Baptism itself. Secondly, one fact of baptism is enough to ensure that people who adopted it were worthy of salvation.
In the second part of the "Words", Hilarion develops the ideas of salvation by one grace already in the appendix to Russia. Rus's baptism made by Grand Duke Vladimir showed that grace spread in Russian limits. Consequently, the Lord did not despite Russia, and saved her, leading to the knowledge of the truth. Taking Russia under his patronage, the Lord gave her and greatness. And now it is not in the "thin" and "unknown" land, but the earth is Russian, "Like the knowledge and hear there are all four concents" Light. Moreover, Christian Rus can hope for a great and excellent future, for it is predetermined by God's fishery.
The third part of the "Word" is devoted to the glorification of the great Kiev princes. First of all, we are talking about Prince Vladimir (in baptism - Vasily), whom the Almighty himself visited and in the heart of which heaven the light of reference. In addition to Vladimir, Hilarion Prince Yaroslav Wise (in Baptism - Georgy), a contemporary and a companion of whom Metropolitan himself was. But it is interesting that Hilarion also glibbles Igor and Svyatoslav, who laid the future of the power of the Russian state. Moreover, in his essay, Hilarion refers to the Russian princes title "Kagan". But this title at that time was equated to the title of emperor. And Vladimir Hilarion himself compares with Emperor Konstantin.
As you can see, the theological arguments of Metropolitan Hilarion are the basis for serious historical and political generalizations and conclusions. The evidence in favor of grace give Metropolitan Hilarion the opportunity to show the place and role of Russia in world history, demonstrate the greatness of his homeland, for Russia was consecrated by grace, and not the law.
In fact, "The Word" is a commendable song of Russia and her princes. And the oppression of the dignity and the glory of the Russian Earth and the descendants of Igor's descendants were contacted right against the political claims of Byzantium.
"The word about law and grace" illustrates the first steps of Christianity in ancient Russia. It is easy to see that Hilarion Christianity is brightly pronounced optimistic character, it is permeated with faith in the fact that salvation will be given to everyone who adopted the Holy Baptism that Christianity itself transformed Russia, opened the gates to the divine parses.
Consequently, in the interpretation of Christian verbation, Metropolitan Hilarion is close to early Russian Christianity, having its origins in Cyril-Mefodiev tradition. And in this, Ilarion was not alone. As studies show, similar views were expressed in the "Memory and Praise of the Prince Russian Vladimir" James-Mnich, where plots are occupied by the plots comparing the exploits of Vladimir and Olga with the acts of Constantine and Elena. The main thing, and in one, and other monuments, is brightly felt optimistic, joyful, even an enthusiastic mood from the very fact of the Baptism of Russia.
In the historiosophical sense, Metropolitan Hilarion continued and developed a line launched in the chronicle tradition, having made efforts to "fit" the history of Russia in biblical history. Numerous biblical analogies that fill the text "words about the law and grace," allow the author to represent Russia, as a state that has inserted into a number of other Christian states and occupies the most worthy place in this row. But, absolutely conscious and evidential preferences of the New Testament of the Old Testament, also proved the independence of Russia both in comparison with the West and in comparison with the East.

16. What are the features of the founding of the Motherland in the "Word about the death of the Russian Earth"? What are the main hypotheses about the passage of this monument?

The events of the Mongol-Tatar invasion are obviously generated by such an outstanding poetic work, as "the word about the killed Russian land", first discovered only in the late 70s of the last century K. G. Evlentev and published in 1892. X. M. Loparev. New list The work was found in the 30s of the current century I. N. Zavolokly and published V. I. Malyshev in 1947

"The word about the death of the Russian land" performed by a high civil patriotic sound. In the center - the image of Russian land, "light-light" and "decorated-decorated." An unknown author is making anthem homeland. He speaks of natural beauties and riches of his native land. Its integral part of it, its pride is the cities of the Great, the villages of the Wonderful, monastery gardens, houses of church (temples). The glory of Russia was the princes of Grozny (powerful), the boyars honest, the velmazbi many. The author speaks of the power of Vsevolod (a large nest), his father Yury Dolgoruk and Deda Vladimir Monomakh. Like the author "Words about the regiment of Igor", the author "Words about the death of the Russian Earth" compares the former greatness of Russia with the current decline. "And in you days, the disease is a baptized, from the Great Yaroslav to Volodimer, and to the current Yaroslav, and to his brother, Jury, Prince Volodimerkago." It is easy to notice a peculiar periodization of the history of Russia, as if continuing the periodization of the word about the regiment of Igor. The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" connected with the "old Yaroslav" the period of the flourishing of the political power of Russia, and then spoke of the "unauthorized godine" of the Princely Kramole and the strip, which led to the strengthening of "Pogati". The author "Words about the death of the Russian land" as it would develop further the thought of the ingenious singer: from the "Great Yaroslav", that is, Yaroslav Wise, "to Volodya" Monomakh continued by the princely distribution, "destroyed" Russian land; Vladimir Monomakh achieved the cessation of gravestics, rallied all the forces of Russia for the fight against steppe nomads and inflicted a crushing blow. Therefore, in the "Word of the Death", the image of Monomakh acquires the heroic and epic sound. After Vladimir and to "Shyashnyago Yaroslav", "before his brother Jury" continues the period of princely contention, which led to the "death of the Russian land", that is, the seizure of her enemy.

The comparison of the "Words about the death of the Russian Earth" shows that the Russian people began to speak about the "death" of the land only after the capture of Batym Kiev, who continued to remain the center of the Russian Earth in the eyes of the people (epics). In this regard, the natural way to assume that the "Word of death" was written by Southerner, who moved to the north of Russia, not earlier than 1240, after the fall of Kiev. This product can be attributed to the genre of historical and journalistic "words" - "Speech", designed to instill courage in the hearts of students, wake up a sense of pride in his land, subjected to the devastating defeat of the "Language of Non-Feligious", "Lyutoye", inspire to the fight against enslave For which it is necessary to overcome the "Disease" -Cnakers. "The word about the death of the Russian Earth" gave rise to extensive research literature, in which a number of interesting things were expressed, sometimes conflicting opinions about the time and place of the creation of this work, about its attitude to the "Life of Alexander Nevsky."

7. What is the genre features of the military story? How do they manifest themselves in the "Tale of Ryazan Batym"? What is the role of the finals of the work.

Military stories are one of the most famous genres of Old Russian literature. They are the sources of information about the most dramatic events of the history of ancient Russia - wars with external enemies, victories and defeats Rus. The Old Russian military story has exits to the genres of modern literature, consciously oriented on a historical fact.

The patriotic pathos of the narrative is combined with a publicistic estimate of what is happening, epic with excited lyrism. The central hero V.p. - Usually the real historical person, presented as an ideal Christian warrior. A large place is given to a colorful description of the battles ("the singer of evil and terrible"; "Arrows Letiuu, Aki Rain"). Characteristic features of V.P. are presented in the "Tale of Bygone Years" (early 12th century), in the tales of princely gravestics, the fight against the Pechenegs and Polovtsy in the Galico-Volyn Chronicles (12th century) and especially in the word about the regiment Igor "(12 century). Large distribution received translations V. P: "History of the Jewish War" Iosif Flavia, "Alexandria", "Devgeniyevo Act".

The central theme of the original V.p. 13-14 centuries. The fight against the Tatar-Mongolian conquerors is becoming; The religious interpretation of events and the impact of oral national poetic creativity ("Tale of the Kalki Battle" and "The Tale of Ryazan Batuy") is enhanced. In the late 14th early 15 centuries. V.P. He has an impact of agiography and business writing ("Tale of Mamaev Boy", "Zadonchina", "Tale of the Moscow Take from King Takhtamysh"). It is opposed to the resistance, courage of Russians and luty, the wickedness of the "dies" of Tatars. In the mouth of positive heroes, pious reflections are invested - prayers, the religious and fiction paintings of the help of heavenly forces are depicted. An important stage of development V.P. - "The Tale of Taking Tsargrad" by Turks in 1453 Nestor-Iskander. Colorful emotional episodes of battles are interspersed with patterns of prophetic signs. The traditions of this story were developed in the "Kazan history" (mid 16th century). In the 17th century V.P. acquires a democratic character ("The story of the Azov Sitting of the Don Cossacks" in 1637). In the 2nd half of the 17th century. V.p. inferior to new genres of the household and adventure adventure story.

"Tale of the arrival of Batya to Ryazan."
In 1237, the main forces of the Golden Horde headed by the successor of Genghis-Khan Batu-Khan (Batym) approached the borders of Northeast Russia. The first blow steppe nomads caused Ryazan, and then Vladimir was crushed. Events associated with the heroic protection by the Russian people of their Earth received a bright artistic reflection in "Tale and the arrival of Batya on Ryazan". The tale has reached the chronicles of the XVI century. In close connection with the backbone of Nikola's leaders. She glorifies the courage and heroism of Defenders of Ryazan: Prince Yuri Ingorievich, his brothers Davyd and Gleb and Ryazan Dairy - "Udaltsov-Razvetsov - the property of Ryazansky", the glorious hero of Evpathy Kolovrat. The reason for the defeat of the Ryazantians the author sees in the feudal separation of Russian principalities, in the egoistic policy of the princes. In vain Yuri Ingorievich calls to the Vladimir prince Yuri Vsevolodovich - the latter refuses to help Ryazans, he decides to independently deal with Batu.
Organically not associated with the whole content of the story are religious and moralistic arguments about the causes of the death of Ryazan: the connivance of God, the punishment for sins. These arguments of the author cannot obstruct the main reason - the oblivion of the Vladimir great prince of the interests of the whole Russian land.
"The tale of the parish of Batya on Ryazan" consists of four parts: 1. The appearance of Batya at the borders of the Ryazan land, the Embassy of the Ryazantians to Batu headed by Prince Fedor, the death of Fyodor and his wife Euptraction. 2. The heroic sewn of Ryazan Yuri Ingorievich, the death of defenders and the ruin of Batya Ryazan. 3. Feat Evpathy Kolovrat. 4. Update Ryazan Ingvarem Ingorievich.
a) the heroes of the first part of the story are the son of Yuri Ingorievich Ryazan Prince Fedor and his young husband Eupraxia.
b) The second part glorifies the courage and heroism of the Ryazan squad and her prince Yuri Ingorievich.
The central episode of the second part is a hyperbolic description of the battle. The Russian warrior one beats "with a thousand, and two - with TMYU", shaking the courage of enemies. Having caused them a significant damage, Ryazan digested: the image of the ruin of the city is executed in the story of great drama
c) the third part is devoted to the glorification of Evpatiya Kolovrat's feat. This is an epic hero to become the richors of the Russian epic. It is endowed with hyperbolic strength, courage and courage. He is a living personification of the heroic feat of the entire Russian people who cannot put up with the enslavers and seeks to take revenge on the land of the Enemy. The focus is on the depiction of Evpathia's behavior in battle, the feat of the whole squad is transferred to his feat. He fearlessly travels around the Ordane regiments and beats them mercilessly - so that his sharp sword was stuck. Batya himself covers fear, and he sends his screwdriver against Evpathy the Hostow (typically epic epic epic). In the fight wins Evpathy. To become Evpathy and his brave warriors. When nomads managed to capture five warriors who were extended from the Russian Academy of Sciences, those with irony and consciousness of moral superiority respond to Batya: "Faith Christian Esva, Rabi of the Grand Duke Jury Ingorievich Rezansky, and from the shepherd of the Kolovrat, Kolovrat's regiment. Sent from Prince Ingvar Ingur'evich Rezanskago You, Silne The king, adult and honest, and honor to rejoice. Yes, do not poured, the king, do not have time to pour bowls on the great strength - the Tatar soldier. " This response is detected by the essay of the Wet People's Epos (cf. conversation Ilya with a Kalin king).
The last, final, part of the story begins with an emotional plan for Prince Ingvar Ingorievich, created in all the rules of book rhetoric. He silently mourns the dead,
The story ends with a story about the revival and updating by Russian people by the enemy of Ryazan, as a result of which "to be the joy of Christians ...". This ending testifies to the optimism, the viability of the Russian people, his non-flash faith in the possibility of getting rid of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. All the work is a sample of military story, which has absorbed significant elements of folklore. The story is not always accurate in the transfer of historical facts (the participation in the battle of Vsevsky Vsevolod is reported - she died earlier than 1237; about the death of Oleg Red, although he stayed alive), but she faces the mood of the society of that time and is distinguished by liveliness, brightness and Dramatic narration.

Short retelling:

Prince Alexander was the son of the Grand Prince Yaroslav. His mother was called Feodosia. Growth Alexander was higher than others, his voice was like a pipe, and his face is beautiful. He was strong, wise and brave.

A noble person from the Western country named Andreyash specifically came to look at Prince Alexander. Returning to his, Andreyash said that he did not meet a man like Alexander.

Hearing this, the king of the Roman faith from the midnight country wanted to conquer the land of Alexandrov, came to the Neva and sent his ambassadors to Novgorod to Alexander with the notice that he, the king, takes his land.

Alexander prayed in the Church of Saint Sophia, accepted the blessing from Spiridon's bishop and went to enemies with a small friend. Alexandra did not even have time to send the news to his father, and many Novgorod people did not have time to join the campaign.

The elder of the land of Izhora, who worn the name of Pelugius (in the Holy Baptism - Philip), Alexander was instructed by a sea dosor. Emissal about the power of enemy troops, Pelugia went to meet Alexander to tell about everything. At dawn, Pelugius saw a swarm sailing around the sea, and on her - the Holy Martyrs of Boris and Gleb. They said they were going to help their conquer Alexander.

Having met Alexander, Pelugius told him about the vision. Alexander told no one about it.

Prince Alexander entered the battle with Latinians and the King himself wounded a spear. Six warriors were particularly distinguished in the battle: Tavrilo Oleksich, Sbyzlav Yakunovich, Jacob, Misha, Savva and Ratmir.

The corpses of the dead Latinians were found on the other bank of the Izhora River, where Alexander's army could not pass. They interrupted the Angel of God. The remaining enemies fled, and the prince returned to the victory.

The next year, again, Latinians came from Western country and built a city on Alexander Earth. Alexander Needlly disappeared the city, some enemies executed, and finally captured, and thirdly pardoned.

On the third year, in winter, Alexander himself went to the German land with a big army. After all, the enemies have already taken the city of Pskov. Alexander liberated Pskov, but many German cities entered into an alliance against Alexander.

The battle occurred on the Church of the Lake. Ice there was covered with blood. Eyewitnesses told about the military of God in the air, which helped Alexander.

When the prince returned to the victory, the clergy and residents of Pskov solemnly met him at the walls of the city.

Lithuanians began to break the parish of Alexandrov, but Alexander broke their troops, and since then they began to be afraid of him.

At that time there was a strong king in the eastern country. He sent ambassadors to Alexander and ordered the prince to come to him in the Horde. After the death of his father, Alexander with a big army came to Vladimir. The news of the Terrible Prince was separated by many lands. Alexander, having received a blessing from Bishop Kirill, went to the Horde to the king of Batu. He gave him honors and let him go.

The king of Bati was angry at Andrei, Suzdal Prince (Alexander's younger brother), and his governor unfortunate ruined the Suzdal Earth. After that, the Grand Duke Alexander restored the city and church.

Ambassadors from the Roman Pope came to Alexander. They said that she sent Pope to Alexander two cardinals who would tell about the law of God. But Alexander replied that the Russian law knew, and from Latinan did not accept the doctrine.

At that time, the king from the eastern country forced Christians to walk along with him. Alexander came to the Horde to persuade the king not to do this. And the son of his Dmitry sent to Western countries. Dmitry took the city of Yuriev and returned to Novgorod.

And the prince Alexander on the way back from the horde fell ill. He accepted monasticism before his death, became a spherenik and died on November 14.

Alexander's body was incurred to the city of Vladimir. Metropolitan, priests and all the people met him in Bogolyubov. There were screams and crying.

Put the prince in the church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Metropolitan Kirill wanted to break the hand of Alexander to invest in her diploma. But the dead himself stretched out his hand and took a diploma ... Metropolitan and his economy Sebastian told this miracle.

The life of Alexander Nevsky does not represent complete and system. the preceded biography of the prince, but describes only the most significant events of his life (Victory over the Swedes in the mouth of Izhora, the defeat of the Germans on the Lake Mice, the prince's trip to the Horde). In Life, "there is no connected story: the content represents a non-sheal number of fragmentary memories, individual episodes from the life of Alexander" (Klyuchevsky), the author describes "just such features that do not paint the historical activity of the famous Prince ... and his personality and deep impression, produced by him on contemporaries ... "

Life refers to princely lives, and therefore in the narration is significant light element. The monument was created during the years of Tatar rule, and the text tells about the Russian prince, who in a serious time for Russia achieved significant victories over Western neighbors and managed to achieve relative independence from the Horde.

"Before battle of Neve., which gave the nickname Alexander Yaroslavich - Nevsky, he goes to church and prays with tears to God. Coming out, he instructs a squad: "God is not in force, but in the truth. And you mad Pedoshnovtsa David: these in weapons, these on the horses, we are in the name of the Lord of our god of ours, they call, so-having everybody and Padosha." And in fact, quantitative advantage on the side of the enemy, as there is no time to appeal to the hell to the father of Alexander Prince Yaroslav. Before the battle of one of the warriors was a vision - a ship on which Boris and Gleb stand. And he says Boris Gleb: "Brother Gleb, I was rowed, let him help his great prince Alexander Yaroslavich." In the very battle of heavenly forces help Alexander to win victory. At the same time, however, it is also described about the very course of the battle and are even called the soldiers who distinguished themselves in this battle.

Described in life and another battle - the famous Battle on the Ice, which took place on the ice of the Lake Lake: "And the singer of evil and a pipe from a copie and the breaking and sound from the laugh of a laugh section, Mulz Musha, Mulzusha Mulz. Do not be Voschi Led, the blasting blood. The battle ends with a victory and thanksgiving prayer.

In life is described and such an episode. The embassy from Pope arrives to Alexander, but he refuses: "Do not accept the doctrine from you." Returning from the horde, where he managed to achieve the permission of Russian not to serve in the troops of the Tatars, the prince was fatally ill. Before death, he takes monasticism. When Metropolitan Kirill wants to put a spiritual diploma in the hand in the hand, he himself, as alive, stretches his hand for her. "And the silence and horror is great in all." This miracle confirms the holiness of Alexander "

About the genre "Life".

"The right live" was characteristic of non-refineous statution in the Third Face; Sometimes a retreat was allowed: the author's appeal to the reader, praise from his name to the saint. In composite attitude 3 parts were required: entry, actually lives, conclusion. In the accession, the author must ask for forgiveness from readers for his inability to write, for the rudeness of presentation, etc. In conclusion, the saint should be praised - a peculiar ODA in prose (the most responsible part of life, which demanded large literary arts).

In J. many canonical, traditional For this genre. Following the canons of life, the author begins his narration from self-esteem, calls himself thin and multi-faceted, susceptible. Starting to the description of the "holy, honest, and glorious" life of the prince, the author leads the words of the prophet Isaiah about the priesthood of the Prince of Power and inspires the idea of \u200b\u200bthe special patronage of the prince Alexander of Heavenly forces. Delight and admiration is full of the next then the characteristic of the prince. Alexander is beautiful as Joseph is beautiful, Silen, like Samson, Wheel, like Solomon, he is invincible, always defeating. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe priesthood of the princely power and comparison with biblical heroes determine the intonation of all further narration, several pathetic, solemn-great.

"Having heard about the valor of Alexander, the king of the country of Roman from the northern land ..." So the story of the Nevsky Battle begins. The author does not mention that at this time (1240) Alexander was only 19 years old, contemporaries knew that well. In J. The mature husband is depicted, about which the ambassadors of other countries say: I passed the countries and peoples, but did not see such a king among the kings, no prince among the princes. "Alexander learns that the Swedes came to the Neva," , staggering from madness ", threatening:" If you can, defend. "He flares up with a heart, acts on a trip with a small friend, in battle on the face of the King himself leaves the" track of his spear ". Beautiful Prince's speech facing a squad, concise, harsh , courageous: "God is not in force, but in truth."

Decisive, brave Alexander and in battle on the Church of the Lake. The prince cannot demolish the foliar of the Germans: "We will conquer the Slavic people!" He frees Pskov, fighting German lands, embodying his retribution for pride and arrogance of enemies. They came, praise: "Let's go and win Alexander, and take it." But the proud knights were turned to flight and captured, and he was barely taken by the horses of those who call themselves "God's knights." As in the description of the battle on the Neva, the author does not give detailed picture Battle, only a few imagesThat helps to imagine what cruel was a cruel: "It seemed that the frozen lake was moved, and I did not see the ice, for it was covered with blood." Glory about the victories of Alexander was separated everywhere. "And his name was famous in all countries, from the sea of \u200b\u200bWonuzhsky and to the mountains of Ararat, and on the other side of the Sea of \u200b\u200bVarangi and to the Great Rome."

In all like a prince and his warriors. The author J. Includes in the description of the Battle of Neva, a story about six bravets, which beat, "without having fear in his heart." Each of the six has their own target. For example, novgorod Misha Skilled three Swedish ships, Savva He wrapped the tent Great Zlatoverkhius, SBSYASL Yakunovich He fought with one ax so that all his strength and courage were made. Scientists believe that in this story about six bravets it was reflected oral legend about the battle on the Neva or a twinning heroic song. To convey the greatness of the spirit and beauty of courage, the author is drawn not only to Russian epic traditions, but also biblical. The warriors of Alexander are compared in their courage and perseverance with the warriors of King David, the hearts of them as the heart of Lviv, they are performed by the spirit of the rost and are ready to fold their heads for the prince.

Biblical comparisons and analogies They became one of the main elements of the art system of J., the acts of Prince are comprehended in comparison with the biblical history, and this gives life a special magty and monumentality. Permanent adjacent and mention of David, Ozekia, Solomon, Jasina and Alexander himself towed to the biblical hero. Guidelines for the help of over (the phenomenon of Boris and Gleb Pelgucia in front of the Nevsky battle, the wonderful beating of the Swedes by the Angels behind the Izhori River, the help of the regiment in the battle on the Church of the Lake) convince, in a special patronage Alexander Divine Forces.

As a smart politician and diplomat appears Alexander Nevsky in relations with the Horde and Pope Roman.Advanced, scientists and wise sounds the answer of husbands of Alexander Ambassadors of Pope. Listing the main stages in the history of mankind and Christianity, they completed him with the words: "And we do not accept exercises from you." The description of the relationship with the Horde should convince that the princes, the courage and wisdom of which can resist the enemies of the Russian Earth in Russia. Alexander's victories inspire the fear of Eastern peoples, Tatar wives scare their children with his name. Even the Baty recognizes the greatness of Alexander: "I was told that I was told that there was no princelike like him." And it helps Alexander to "crush" Russian shelves from participating in the campaigns of Mongol-Tatars.
Excited and lyrical story about the death of the prince. The author is unable to keep his feelings: "About the grief to you, a poor man! .. How the anticipation of your belongings are not falling together with tears, how your heart does not break together with the root!"

Death of Prince All perceived as the greatest grief. "The sun of Suzdal Earth has already gone!" Says Metropolitan Kirill (Alexander died by Grand Duke Vladimir), "I've perish!" He eats all the people. A story about a miracle, when Alexander as a living extends his hand and takes a diploma from the hands of Metropolitan, the culmination in this sublime, raised narration about life and the courage of the "Blackening and Grand Prince Alexander." I. P. Eremin called J. "The enthusiastic tribute to the bright memory of the prince." Not exact historical information wanted to report the author, and inspire the humiliation of courageous beauty, righteousness and mercy.

All researchers celebrate the literary gifts of the author J., his scholarship.Among the literary sources to which the compiler of J., "History of the Jewish War", Joseph Flavia, "Chronographic Alexandria", "Devgeniyevo Act". D. S. Likhachev believes that J. continues South Russian literary traditions, revealing the similarity in style with the biography of Daniel Galitsky from Galician chronicle. It is assumed that the direct attitude to the compilation of the life method of Alexander had metropolitan Cyril, Which in 1250 moved from the south, from Daniel, to Alexander Nevsky.

J. Alexander Nevsky, written in the 80s. The XIII century, was the basis for all the next editions of the monument in the XIV XVI centuries. (their more than ten). For a long time, J. became a model for the princely lives and military leaders.


in literature 8 class

for 2010-2011 uch

(Intermediate certification).

T e s t № 1.

Life. "Tale of the life of Alexander Nevsky."

A1. What is life?

    the historical story was conducted by year.

    an extensive story in verses or in prose about outstanding national historical events.

    biographies of spiritual and secular faces canonized by the Christian Church

    the work that differs in poetic fiction but applying for some kind of accuracy

A2. What was the name of the father of Alexander Nevsky?

1. Svyatoslav 3. Oleg

2. Yaroslav 4. Rurik

A3. What was the name of the elder of the Izhora land, which was a vision?

1. David 3. Sevastyan

2. Boris 4. Pelgsi

A4. What vision was the pelgusy?

1. Virgin 2. Boris and Gleb

3. Nikolay Wonderworker 4. Apostle Peter

A5. From what city Alexander Nevsky expelled the Germans?

1. From Novgorod 2. From Kiev

3. From Ryazan 4. From Pskov

A6. In which church, Alexander prayed before the fight with the king of the country of Roman?

A7. What was usually completed by the narrative of life?

    praise saint

    moral preaching

Test number 2.

A.S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter.

A1. Genre of the work:

A2. Epigraph to " Captain's daughter"Pushkin chose the proverb:

    "Honor is better dishonored";

    "Debt good turn deserves another";

    "Take care of honor".

A3. The narration "Captain's daughter" is conducted on behalf of:

    Peter Grineeva;

  1. Emelyan Pugacheva.

A4. What was the name of the teacher and the faithful companion of Greenyow?

  1. Savelich


A5. What did Green-His Went, helped to get to the inn?



  1. hare Toulup

A6. In the humiliating words of Greenyow, addressed to Savelich ("I am your Mr., and you are my servant"), the author uses:

  1. synonyms


A7. How did Svabrin behave after the capture of the fortress?

1. Bought off

2. Moved to Pugacheva

3. Sent out of the fortress

4. hid in the house

A8. Greenwood refusal to serve Pugacheva caused by the fact that:

    Greenyava was not proposed by the position of Commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress

    He wanted to leave the fortress and Orenburg

    He is a nobleman and silence the soreman of the Empress.

A9. In the answer Greenyow, who refused to cooperate with the Pugachev, sounds:


    sincerity 3. High-member

A10. What happened to the parents of Masha Mironova after capturing the fortress?

    Pugachev their pardon

    father was killed, the mother managed to escape

    both were killed

A11. Character features and behaviors of Merron's behavior, contributing to the disclosure of its image:

    weakness, indecision, timidity

    pride, egoism, disregard for people

    somotered love, selflessness, sense of duty

A12. Petr Grinev returned to the Belogorsk Fortress, captured by the rebels to:

    arrest Pugachev

    save Masha Mironov

    transfer Pugacheva Letter from General

A13. Why was Grinyov enclosed in custody?

    Pugachev said that Grinyov is his spy

    schvabrin stated him

    for unauthorized excommunication from Orenburg

    his devils unknown to him

A14. Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter" is presented as:

    rebel, criminal

    historical face - the leader of the people's uprising

    romantic hero

    a simple person who has respected by the people

A15. What features of the Russian national character are shown by A.S. Pushkin in the image of Pugacheva?

    mind, Estimacy

    laziness, lackless

    undolit, nature latitude

    leaning to drunkenness

    good memory, gratitude

A16. Catherine II is shown in the "Captain Daughter" as:

    good, reasonable, and fair woman

    pulse Empress, mercifully obeyed innocent Green

    attentive to compassion, a woman who believed the stories of Masha.

A17. What is the character belong to the word?

Execute so execute, wish to complain.

A18. Whose portrait is it?

It appeared to me wonderful: it was forty years, the growth of average, thin and broadcaster. In a black beard, he was shown: the living big eyes were running ._______________________________

Test number 3.

Lermontov M.Yu. "MTSI".

A1. Genre of the work.

    1. poem confession


A2. Professional MTSI:

        penetrated with a feeling of repentance

        protects his response to the will and happiness

        history of what happened to the hero

A3. Theme of the work:

          showing the past Georgia

          story about life in the monastery

          beauty of man ready to die for freedom

A4. In rows: "But the days are running, running the year, they never get together" - the author uses:




A5. Mciry says the old monk:

...My life

Without these three blissful days

It was sad and grind

Cleisive old age of your.

In his words, an important idea is concluded:

1. During three days Mcsury survived the tragedy of loneliness;

2. Three days of the wanders allowed the hero to survive a lot of tests, in which he showed himself as a fighter;

3. For three days, MTSERS managed to live a lifetime and learn more than during the years spent in the monastery.

A6. Monastery for MTSI:

1. Shelter single hearts who have found their salvation in serving;

2. Prison, where violence over a person who does not want to live without freedom and will;

3. The abode of the monks who devoted himself to serving God and who left this worldly life.

A7. The death of the MTSERS is perceived as:

1. The tragedy of man who failed to resist the forces of nature;

2. Protest against personality violence;

3. Exemption from dependence, finding freedom.

Test number 4.

N.V.Gogol "Auditor".

A1. The string of "auditor" is a scene:

1. The appearance of the holling in the house of Governing;

2. conversation of Governing with officials;

3. Message of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky about incognito.

A2. The monologue of Osipa at the beginning of the second action is introduced by the author in order to;

1. The servant could speak, express his annoyance;

2. Russian literary criticism did not accuse the author in the unbelief to people from the people;

3. Talk about Khlestakov to the audience.

A3. The boasting of the horstykova against the background of worship and respect for officials is primarily due to:

1. Children's naive dream to be a government official;

2. Fear for its position, which may change;

3. Stupidity, windiness, impunity of Holestock in the current circumstances.

A4. Officials see that Khlestakov is stupid, but do not want to admit it:

1. The position of the auditor stops them;

2. Fear for the illegality of their acts deprives them of speech;

3. Otherwise, you will have to recognize your stupidity and limitations.

A5. Khlestakovshchina is:

1. Unsupported, unsundayless boasting and uncommunicating and unexpected action for the very hero;

2. The desire to follow the fashion in everything;

3. Careerism, fraud.

A6. Caring Horstakov for Maria Antonovna - this is:

1. Random intrigue that has strengthened its position in the house of Governing;

2. Present, a bright feeling of loved;

3. Cruel mockery over the provincial young lady.

A7. Having learned the truth about Khlestakov, Gingerbread:

1. Scared that everyone will now laugh at him;

2. It was noted that I could not see in it stupid, a nickembered boy;

3. I was glad that he was not an auditor.

A8. The situation in which the true face of Klezlekov is open only by the viewer, and the actors accept it for the auditor, creates:

              comic effect;

              special drama;

              pessimistic mood.

A9. What is the meaning of the "silence"?

1. This auditor is a wokeered conscience. So Gogol approves the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of retaliation for unrighteous life.

2. Introduction of elements of folk art;

3. To emphasize the surprise of the heroes of the play by the message.

T e s t №5.

I.Sturgenev "Asya".

A1. Genre of the work:

1. Story

3. Tale

A2. The reason for the failed love of Asi and Mr.N.:

1. Mental weakness, the slightness of the hero;

2. The character of the heroine;

3. Disagreement of the gagina.

A3. Decoupion in the work:

1. Departure of the Gagina;

2. Date in Frau Louise;

3. Last conversation with gagina.

A4. In the fate of the storytellor, doomed to loneliness, is to blame:

1. Mr. N;

A5. Special charm of the main character - in her:

1. Character;

2. behavior;

3. Romantic mysteriousness.

A6. Lyrical sadness of the hero of the work is imbued:

1. Dream of the future;

2. Bitter self-seen

3. A sense of satisfaction from the fact that Asya did not become his wife.

A7. A special idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroine is created by:

1. A story about her gagina;

2. Its actions, behavior in various situations;

3. Story about her Frau Louise.

A8. Only the topic of love is dedicated to the work:

1. "Baryshnya-peasant";

3. "Stationander".

T e s t №6.

I.S. Turgenev "After Bala".

A1. Genre of the work:

A2. The disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work helps:




A3. How can I characterize the meaning of the title of rockets?

1. The importance of the fate of the hero after the Bala;

2. The special value of the scene of the massacre with a soldier;

3. The importance of the morning following the ball.

A4. Why is the colonel, attentive and sensitive during the ball, turned out to be cruel and heartless towards a soldier?

2. On the ball put on the "mask" of respectfulness;

3. In good faith, not arguing performs his official duties;

4. Sincerely believes in the need for brutal reprisals,

A5. Determine the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story.

1. The fate of a person depends on the case;

2. The condemnation of the mindless execution of the rules, because of which injustice flourishes;

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bperson's personal responsibility.

A6. With which artistic part of L.N. Tolstoy proves the sincerity of the feeling of the colonel to his daughter?

1. Suede glove;

2. White mustache and bundlebard;

3. Brilliant eyes and a joyful smile;

4. "Homemade" boots.

A7. What can be said about the vital position of the main character?

1. Approves the idea of \u200b\u200ba thick "non-resistance of evil violence";

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for "changes in life conditions" for "change of human views."

A8. The work makes think about:

1. The fate of the colonel;

2. Personal responsibility of a person for the life of society;

3. Love Ivan Vasilyevich.

A9. What did the narrator in relation to Varena after the scene of the soldier's punishment seen?

1. Forest it;

2. Made her proposal;

3. hanged her;

4. continued to love her.

A10. The case that occurred with Ivan Vasilyevich influenced his further life, namely:

1. He became a military;

2. He did not serve anywhere else;

3. In all his failures he vinyl colonel.

T e s t №7.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Khorkin".

A1. Genre of the work:

                  1. stylization of epics.

A2. At the heart of the plot of works:


      life situation;

      the combination of fiction and life vehicles.

A3. A feature of the verse of the work is:

        the presence of high-speed vocabulary;

        close connection with a live speech;

        putter complication.

A4. Vasily Khorkin:

          historical personality;

          fabulous hero;

          collective image.

A5. The hero of the work can be called:




A6. A.T. Tvardovsky compares Soviet soldiers with:

              fabulous heroes;

              medieval knights;

              russian warriors of past centuries

              their fathers.

A7. What is the point of comparing Turkin with an old man's soldier?

                show the continuity of generations;

                emphasize the depth of faith of Torkin in the victory

                show the nationwide character of war

                expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe versatility of Törkina.

Then serious, then fun

It's not necessary that the rain is that snow

Into battle, forward, in the fire is pitch,

He goes, holy and sinful,

Russian miracle.

2. emphasize the exclusiveness of the main character;

3. Show Vasily Turkina as a generalized, collective image of a Russian soldier;

4. To approve the invincibility of the Russian national nature.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

What do you think, what works of ancient Russia were especially close and their ways to contemporaries? Why did they provide preference to lives?

Should I reread the works of antiquity? Are they alive?

So, what is the artistic world of literature ancient Russia, her intonation, images, paints?

Comparison of the poem of A. Maikov "Concent Alexander Nevsky" and the final part of "Life ...".

Guys, in order for you to perceive the person of Alexander Nevsky in the whole fullness I suggest you listen to the poem A. Makov "Concent Alexander Nevsky." Listen to it carefully and answer the question:

What mood is the poem and the final part of "Life ..."?

Konina Alexander Nevsky. (Slide number (Icon (fresco)

Night in the yard and frost. Month - two rainbow bright crowns of him ... in the sky, as if the celebration goes. In the inside of Zhegumenskaya - the spectacle of the sorrow and tears ... Quietly lamps before the way the rescue burns ... Quietly, the igumen is before it on prayer stands. Quiet boyars stand in the corners. Tih and realizes lies head to the images of Prince Alexander, black scheme covered ... Quietly lamps Prevent the rest of the rescue ... Prince Mustrally in darkness, it looks in the infertility ... there that the curtain, suddenly spread in front of him ... He sees: Looking like a ray of gold, the coast of the Neva where he broke the enemy ... suddenly there is a city there ... the people are sicked the shore, the flags are with colored circle of ships ... The coffin from the ship is raised to the temple, the ringing is distributed, the sacred hymns sing ... the lid opened ... the king says something there ... That's the coffin Earth bows are creating, after all people go to the relics. In the coffin - the prince sees - he himself. Quietly lamps are prexigated. The prince is still lying ... a wonderful face littered with red. Quietly, the igumen came up to him and the heart trembled his heart and the man and, buried, headed: "Our sun has gone!"

These works are transferred to the mountain that covered all Ruscha. In the poem A. Maikova so often the word "quiet" is repeated. Of course, you can and silently mourn. But in this grief, again, the folk love for the prince Alexander and the irreparable mountain from his loss, which in silence is still sharper. In "Life ..." The death of the prince is described in the final part and reminds us of crying (children read the quote): "Oh, grief to you, a poor man! You can not describe my grandfather's death! How your eyes will not fall with tears together! How the heart does not break from bitter sadness! Father a person may forget, and you cannot forget the good sovereign, I would be ready alive with him in the coffin! "

Metropolitan Kirill spoke to people: "My children, desire that the sun has already gone to the Szdal region ...". "Already perish!"

It is better to express your attitude to the prince Alexander and once again emphasize his dignity than it sounded in the crying of the third part of "Life ...", it is impossible ...

5) the relevance of the personality of Alexander Nevsky in the 20-21 centuries.

Passed century ... 13th century - 20th century ... more than 700 years! In 1938, the countries of the country goes feature Film Directed by Sergey Eisenstein "Alexander Nevsky", where Nikolai Cherkasov is playing the main role. (video from K-Ma "Alexander Nevsky")

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, why exactly at this time this movie comes out? What did the director mean?

On the eve of what event did he have been created? On the eve of the 2nd World War. This film is inspiration of Soviet warriors to win, this is a film warning the enemy that "the enemy will be broken, the victory will be behind us"

The words of the hero came true: "Who will come to us with a sword, he will die from the sword." And in 1941, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established for the executive team of the Red Army. The award was awarded for the management of a successful operation, during which the enemy of the larger losses. In the period of the Great Patriotic War, Over 40 thousand people were awarded the Order. (Slide Order Alexander Nevsky)

The words of the hero are relevant today ... 21st century ... 2011 ...

On the TVs was the project "Name of Russia", in which the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky represented His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. He was able to show the scale of the feat and the achievements of Alexander Nevsky, for which he was awarded the Higher Russian public award - the Star of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky "For Proceedings and Fatherland". At the beginning of the 21st century, when the country enters the path of deep modernization, it becomes very symbolic that the Holy Man became the name of Russia. Saint Alexander Nevsky is the name that will actually help our contemporaries to change life for the better.

Individual task: Prepare expressive reading "Tale of Shemyakin Court."

Work (independent) by options.

1st option.

1. Name the genres of the Old Russian literature. Give the definition of military story.

2. What was the name of six husbands brave, which "together with him [Alexander] fought firmly"? What compares the author of the Hearts of the Herbs of Alexandrov?

2nd option.

1. Name the genres of the Old Russian literature. Give the definition of lives.

2. What words, Alexander strengthens the "Spirit of his squad"? How do you understand them? With what means is the image of the hero?

As the Russian history reflected in the paintings.

"Find fairly accurate words-definitions of the artistic world of literature ancient Russia and write them down, correlated with the studied works (including the" Love of Life ... Alexander Nevsky ")."


Thus, underwatering the study of this course work, such conclusions can be made. The young prince Alexander is not only for the Ratish case, he was a politician of his time, which he looked at the city in a new way. With the time to upbringing, the strong characters were in the princely medium very early: historically there was the formation of the personality of a wide-minded, alien to the hosomic closetness of small prince of the communional gadwist.

Secondly, there is a lot of canonical, traditional genre in life, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe priesthood of the princely power and inspires the idea of \u200b\u200ba special patronage of the prince Alexander of Heavenly forces.

In its activities, Prince Alexander proceeds from the fact that: "God is not in force, but in truth." In all like the prince and his warriors. The acts of Prince are comprehended by comparison with the biblical history, and this gives life a special magty and monumentality.

As a smart politician and diplomat appears Alexander Nevsky in relations with the Horde and Pope Roman. Advanced, scientists and wise sounds the answer of husbands of Alexander Ambassadors of Pope. Listing the main stages in the history of mankind and Christianity, they completed him with the words: "And we do not accept exercises from you." The description of the relationship with the Horde should convince that the princes, the courage and wisdom of which can resist the enemies of the Russian Earth in Russia. Alexander's victories inspire the fear of Eastern peoples, Tatar wives scare their children with his name. Even the Baty recognizes the greatness of Alexander: "I was told that I was told that there was no princelike like him."

Excited and lyrious the story of the death of Prince.

All researchers celebrate the literary gifting of the author of life, his scholarship. It is assumed that the Metropolitan of Kirill, who in 1250 moved from the south, from Daniel, to Alexander Nevsky in 1250, suggested.

Life of Alexander Nevsky XIII century. It was the basis for all the next editions of the monument in the XIV-XVI centuries. (their more than ten). For a long time, the living became a model for the princely life peckers and military leaders, his influence is noticeable in the "Tale of Mamaev Effectory", in the "Word of the Life and Putting of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy" and many other works of Old Russian literature.

Alexander Nevsky, as well as his colleagues, belonged to the generation of new people, their behavior was distinguished from the behavior of the specific princes. Alexander's patriotism for several centuries determined the principles of Arrival of Rus. The traditions laid by prince, based on national and religious tolerance, up to our time, attracted the peoples living in neighboring territories.

And in modern Russia, many nations see their defender.


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Attachment 1

Test "Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky"

Option 1

A1. What is life?

1) the historical story that was conducted on the goals

2) Extensive narrative in verses or prose about outstanding national historical events

3) biographies of spiritual and secular faces canonized by the Christian Church

4) a work that differs in poetic fiction, but claiming some kind of accuracy in the past

A2. What was the name of the father of Alexander Nevsky?

1) Svyatoslav 3) Oleg

2) Yaroslav 4) Rurik

AZ. What was the name of the elder of the Izhora land, which was a vision?

3) Sevastyan

4) Pelgius

A4. What heroes like the story of the prince?

1) Alexander Macedonsky,

2) "King" Achilles

4) Solomon

5) iius Christ

IN 1. In which state there was a genre of life?

AT 2. What was the name of the bishop, blessing Alexander Nevsky before the fight?

C1. Why did Alexander Nevsky attributed to the Holy?

Option 2.

A1. What was usually completed by the narrative of life?

1) Praise Holy

2) moral preaching

A2. What vision was the pelgusy?

1) Virgin Mary

2) Boris and Gleb

3) Nikolai Wonderworker

4) Apostle Peter

Az. From what city Alexander Nevsky expelled the Germans?

1) from Novgorod

2) from Kiev

3) from Ryazan

4) from Pskov

A4. Who became Alexander at the end of his life?

1) obedient

2) priest

3) Monk

4) abbot of the monastery

IN 1. In which age was created by the "Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky"?

AT 2. In which church, Alexander prayed before the fight with the king of the country of Roman?

C1. What is the merit of Alexander Nevsky as a real historical person who brings to us in life?

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