Captain's daughter who called for a duel. An essay on the topic "Duel Greeneva and Schvabrin. Church of the Blessed Virgin

Captain's daughter who called for a duel. An essay on the topic

Rubber! 2

Two young officers Grinev and Swabrin (Tale Pushkin "Captainskaya daughter) fighting for duels. One protects the honor of his beloved, the other offended by pride. In the future, the events are developing so that Swabrin becomes a traitor, the Grineal remains faithful to the word and debt.

A. S. Pushkin in the story " Captain's daughter"It tells not only about the uprising of Pugachev in Russia, and the people who were in the thick of the events. Writer wants readers to understand what is human dignity, Life, honor.

In the center of the story of two officers - Grinev and Swabrin, who serve in the Belogorsk Fortress. And the acquaintance began with the arrival of Peter Greeneva to the service. However, friendly relationships quickly broke off. Masha Mironova stood between them. Because there was no duel between Grinev and Schvabrin, only one of them intended to protect the honor of an offended girl, the other was conceived by the murder ...

The first time did not take place, but Schvabrin was ready for everything to get rid of Grneeva, because Peter sympathized Masha. It turns out that Schvabrin once woven her, the captain's daughter, but received a refusal. The daily officer is not used to him to be denied. Having threw offense, he charges the girl in the presence of Greenland. A young officer is subordinate to his heart, in which the laws of noble honor live. Peter comes noble and wants to defend the honor of the girl.

Schvabrin same in life cunning. Having waited for a re-convenient moment, he causes Peter to the river bank, without thinking that he would meet a worthy opponent. It is not known how a fight would end, only Grineh turned into Savelyich Creek. This took advantage of Schvabrin to wander in the opponent's shoulder.

The narrative follows, life is presenting a new test of heroes. Schvabrin Mstim Grinevo and writes a letter to his parents. But this small meanness could be forgotten, but the betrayal is not laundered. When the fortress was occupied by Pugachev, Grinevo moves to the side of the rebels, because for some time you can feel safe. In the dirt of Vtoptans officer honor and noble name.

Peter Grinev remains faithful to the end. Without thinking about the consequences, honestly says the "sovereign", which the Empress swore once, and this oath will be faithful to the end of his life. Honesty helped Grinevo. The officer is released, but he could not leave Masha Mironov Schvabrin, so he again appeals to Pugachev with a request to let the captain's daughter.

What further narration? About human destinies, about punishment for betrayal, about honor and conscience. And again wins the grine, the right oath. Schvabrin also appears to a person without honor for which his own life is most important.

More essays on the topic: "Duel Greenieva and Swabrina"

Grinev and Swabrin - two different personalities. But there is something in common between them. Both are young, both officers, both nobles.

As a child, the Grineal played with the courtyard boys in Czechard. Father refused to send a young son to serve in St. Petersburg, and wrote a letter to his old friend to Orenburg. Swabrin was in the Belogorsk fortress because of the duel. He already served in St. Petersburg and tried all the beauty of life. In the fortress, Swabrin rises a family of commandant, and Grinevil loved and does not mock their simple life. Schvabrin talked about the daughter of the commandant as a "perfect fool." He hid it sought her unsuccessfully. The cause of the duel was not only the song Grneev, but also because he did not suffer mocking over Marya Ivanovna and the family of Mironov. Grinev could refuse a duel and convey a complaint to Schvabrin, but he went to an unequal duel defending his honor on his own. Schvabrin and could not assume that the young young man would have such strong resistance. Seeing that the opponent was distracted, he inflicted him a breaking in his chest. Grineh did not hesitate when he came to the news that Pugachev goes to the Belogorsa fortress. Schvabrin immediately snapped to the rebels and tried to destroy him with the executions in the fortress. Only the intervention of Savelich saved the young man life. Schvabrin was a complete egoist, and his interest in Mironova's interest was also selfish, the grove on the contrary, wanted to free his beloved from the villain. In this, Pugachev helped him, he liked the openness and honesty of Petrushi. He forgave Schwabrin and let go of Peter with Marya Ivanovna. After that, in a few years, the Grineal married Masha and they lived with their parents in Simbirsk.

In my opinion, Pushkin is not in vain uses the proverb "Take care of the honor". Having passed through a series of tests, Grinevo rose from the yard boy in a decent and honest officer-nobleman. And Schvabrin as it was, so remained: an egoist capable of vigorous and low deeds.


Grine and Swabrin - two heroes of Pushkin Roman, dedicated to the events of the terrible era of Pugachev's uprising. Both officers, young people, nobles. But their fates add up completely differently. What is the reason for this?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider actions and characters of heroes, in what conditions they have formed as individuals. Grew grew in the province, in the estate of the Father. Immediately from there, he was sent to serve under Orenburg in the Belogorsk Fortress. Father did not want the Son to serve in the guard and lived in a secular society. He brought up a honest person who knows what duty and military discipline is. Schvabrina was transferred to the fortress for the duel, that is, he already served in the guard and knows a secular life. Therefore, Alexey Ivanovich despises ordinary people as captain of Mironov and his wife. He tells Grinev, that he is glad to see the "human face", showing this his attitude to the residents of the fortress. He is a sharpman, but he loves to gloom, he is insincere. Masha, the captain's daughter, he presented Grinevu "I breathe in fool", hiding that he himself was wobbled to her. The grine did not immediately understand this, and a serious conflict between the heroes occurred while reading his "songs" grieving. Song, which Schvabrin rose, is just a reason for the duel. The reason for her is that Schvabrin dirtily slandered Masha, and Grineh could not help but stand up for the honor of the girl. In the Duele, Grinev was wounded at that moment when Savelich called him and he turned away. Schvabrin is used to acting. From jealousy, he writes the complaint to Father Greeneva, so that he was transferred somewhere out of the fortress. "Hidden hostility" to a fortunate opponent from Schvabrina remained for a long time.

During the capture of the Belogorsk Fortress, the troops of Pugachev Grinev was ready to give life, but not to swear an impostor. From death he saved a happy accident. Shvabrin immediately moved to the side of the rebels, forgetting about his officer's debt. Lefting the fortress commandant, he is trying blackmail and threats to force Marwan Ivanovna to become his wife. Grineh in the first call Marya Ivanovna rides her to help, risking life. Pugachev is ready to play the wedding of Greeneva and Masha, but, having heard it, Shvabrin immediately reports that Masha is the daughter of the executed captain Mironov. Grineh is ready to pay life for the freedom of Masha, but asks Pugacheva not to demand that "It is disgusting to his and Christian conscience." Schvabrina has no conscience or honor. When they grabbed him with the defeat of Pugachevtsev, he again slandered Greeneva to justify himself and not to give the opponent to be happy.

The history of Schvabrin is a rare exception, but people who are brought up in the tradition of higher light are capable of low actions. Grinev - an honest Russian officer, faithful to his love and a sense of duty.

"Didn't share a woman?" Or "the honor of the girl is above all"?!

Peter Sokolov Portrait A.S. Pushkin 1836
Illustrations for the story "Captain's Daughter"

Several decades after school, I remember the topic of essays on the story of Pushkin "Captain's Daughter", which I wrote " Comparative analysis The images of Greeneva and Swabrina. " Then I triggered the first and reigned the second! The theme of the duel will allow me to see now how much my attitude changed to these heroes, or, is still one, I will praise, and the second to despire.

The history of the duel itself is simple:

Grinevo met the Swabrinian in the Belogorsk Fortress, where he served. Schvabrin was translated into this fortress for murder on the duel of one lieutenant (!). And the grinee fell in love with the daughter of a local captain - Masha. However, Schvabrin himself is experiencing tender feelings to Masha, so all sorts of nastiness speak Grinevo. He eventually flares and insults Schwabrin, after which they are fighting for a duel, on which Swabrin is hardly hurt Greenland.

And now duelists:

Peter Andreevich Grinev

The son of the Symbirsk landowner, many years a low-frequency living in his estate, and poor nobility, Peter Ros and brought up in the situation of provincial-local life.
Another young Peter Andreevich, a harsh father sent serve serve. And not to serve as it was accepted among the nobles of that time - in St. Petersburg, among the secular nobility, balls, billiards and a dozen champagne, and serve in real - in the God of the Forgotten Belogorsk Fortress, which is on the border of the Kyrgyz steppes.
Here he gets acquainted and holds on a duel with a screw, here falls in love with Masha Mironov. Well, after that, the story begins on how Grinene and Masha are experiencing troubled times - Pugachevshchina. The story of love, separation, betrayal and the celebration of justice.
Yesterday nobles inappropriate, he prefers death to the slightest retreat from debt and honor trades, refuses Pugachev's oath and any compromise with him. On the other hand, during the trial, risking life again, he does not consider it possible to name the name of Masha Mironova, rightfully fear that it will be subjected to a humiliating interrogation. A similar combination of proud independence, incorruptible loyalty to the debt, honor and ability to make insane, the timely actions of Pushkin especially appreciated in the old Russian nobility.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin

Frame from the movie "Russian Bun"

Nobleman, Antagonist Greeneva.
Schvabrin Mucklog, ugly, lively. It serves in the Belogorsk Fortress of the fifth year, it was transferred here for the "death" (on the duel of the broof of the lieutenant).
Schvabrin, undoubtedly formed Grneev; He was even familiar with V. K. Tredyakovsky.
It is known that Schvabrin was once woven to Marya Ivanovna and received a refusal. So, his feedback on it is like a perfect fool in essence - revenge, and the nobleman, an adhesive woman, - a scoundrel.
During the night duel, which brings His Grine, offended by Masha, Schvabrin is hit by a sword on that moment when the enemy looks at the unexpected call of servants. Formally, this is a blow to the chest, but essentially - in the back of the opponent who is not going to escape - a sneaky blow.
Later, Shvabrin writes a secret denunciation to the parents of Greenyev about the fight (thanks to which the Father prohibits his son and think about marriage with Maria Ivanovna).
As soon as the fortress goes Pugachev, he moves to the side of the rebellion, becomes one of their commanders and the force is trying to incline Masha, who lives under the guise of the niece from the local poplay.
Cums Shvabrin in that, hitting the government of government troops, shows on Greeneva as a Pugachevca-traitor.
I wrote all this, and once again thought - what a scoundrel!

And now the word Pushkin!

Chapter IV. DUEL.

V.L. Campion Illustration for the story "Captain's daughter" 1952

Invalo, and become a pository.
Watch, just like I figure!

"Wow! Proud poems and a modest lover!" - continued
Schvabrin, an hour from the hour more irritating me; - "But listen to the friendly advice:
If you want to have time, I advise you to act not with songs. "
- What is it, sir, then? Contributed to explain.
"With the hunt. This means that if you want Masha Mironova to go to
You twilight, then instead of the gentle rhymes give her a pair of seagle. "
My blood boiled.
- Why are you about it such an opinion? - I asked, with
Holding his indignation by difficulty.
"And therefore," he answered with the hellish smile, - "What do I know from the experience of her
Nour and custom. "
- You are lying, bastard! - I cried in rabies, - You are lying the most
A shameless way.
Schvabrin changed in his face. "It will not be so passable for you," he said,
Harding my hand.
- "You will give me satisfaction."
- expected; when you want to! - I answered, glading. At that moment I
I was ready to confuse him.
I immediately went to Ivan Ignatirich, and found him with a needle in my hands:
According to the recruitment of the commandanthi, he rushed mushrooms for drying for the winter. "BUT,
Peter Andreich! "- He said to see me; -" Welcome! How is you God
Brought? What is the case, I dare to ask? "I explained to him in short words
that I quarreled with Alexey Ivanovich, and His, Ivan Ignatich, I ask to be
My Secundant. Ivan Ignatich listened to me with attention, putting on me
Your only eye. "You ignite to talk" - he said to me - "What
Want Alexey Ivanycha to stare and wish, so that I witnessed?
Is not it? I dare to ask. "
- Exactly.
"Mill, Peter Andreich! What are you started! You with Alexey Ivanovich
Diffused? Great trouble! Hard words break no bones. He dug you, and you
Serve it; He is in a fig, and you in your ear, to another, in the third - and
disappear; And we will eat you. And then: whether it is good to stack your
Middle, dare to ask? And good bolt bolt you: God with him, with Alexei
Ivanchych; I myself am not a hunter myself. Well, if he drill you? For what
Will it look like? Who will be in fools, dare to ask? "
The reasoning of the prudent lieutenant did not lay me. I stayed at
His intention. "As you please" - said Ivan Ignatich: - "Do how
Meet. Why should I have a witness here? How about how? People fight
What kind of unprecedented, dare to ask? Thank God, I walked under the Swede and under
Turku: I saw everything. "
I began to express him the position of Secundant, but Ivan Ignatich
I could not understand me. "Will Your" - he said. - "if I really
intervene in this case, so to go to Ivan Kuzmichu yes convey to him
duty service that the villain is deliberate in the fortification
Interest: It will not be lacking for Mr. Komentant to take appropriate
I was afraid and began to ask Ivan Ignatičić anything
commandant; Nasil him persuaded; He gave me a word, and I decided on him
The evening I spent, as usual, at Commandant. I did my best
seem fun and indifferent in order not to submit any suspicion and
avoid renormal issues; But I confess, I did not have that coolness,
who are praised almost always those who were in my position. IN
This evening I was located to tenderness and to the lunization. Marya Ivanovna
I liked the more ordinary. Thought that maybe see it in
The last time, attached to her in my eyes something touching. Shvabrin
appeared immediately. I took him aside and notified him about his conversation with
Ivan Ignatich. "Why do we need seconds" - he told me dry: - "Without them
we will bypass. "We agreed to fight the skirds that were
Fortresses, and come there on another day in the seventh o'clock in the morning. we
they spoke to see, so friendly that Ivan Ignatich's joy
Tashed. "Would like this" - he told me with a satisfied kind; - "Lucky World
Better than good quarrel, and dishonest, so healthy. "
"What, what, Ivan Ignatich?" - said Komendantsh, who was in the corner gadal
In the cards: - "I was not listened."
Ivan Ignatich, noticing the signs of displeasure and remember their
The promise was embarrassed and did not know what to answer. Schvabrin arrived to him on
"Ivan Ignatich" - he said - "approves our world."
- And with whom it is, my father, you quarreled? "
"We argued quite largely with Peter Andreich."
- Why so?
"For the sort of belligence: for the song, Vasilis Egorovna."
- Found for what to quarrel! For the song! ... how did it happen?
"Yes, that's how: Peter Andreich composed a new song and today I got it when
I, and I dragged my, my beloved:
Captain's daughter,
Do not go for a walk at midnight.
Released a delighthouse. Peter Andreich was and became angry; But then judged
that everyone is free to sing that anyone. Thed the case. "
Shamelessness of Schvabrina slightly stolen me; But no one except me
understood its gross bias; At least no one drew on them
attention. From the song, the conversation turned to the poetmen, and the commandant noticed
that they all are people of disturbing and bitter drunkards, and friendly advised me
leave the poem how the service is nasty and nothing good
The presence of Schvabrina was ugly. I soon said goodbye to the commandant
and with his family; came home, examined his sword, tried her end,
And went to bed, ordered Savelich to wake me up in the seventh hour.
Another day at the appointed time I was standing behind the skirds, waiting
My opponent. Soon and he appeared. "We can catch us," he said to me; -
"It is necessary to hurry." We removed the uniforms, stayed in some Camzoles and exposed
swords. At this moment, Ivan Ignatich and a man appeared because of Skird
disabled. He demanded us to the commandant. We obeyed with annoyance;
soldiers were surrounded by us, and we went to the fortress following Ivan
Ignatic, who led us in celebration, walking with amazing importance.
We entered the Commandant House. Ivan Ignatic took the doors, proclaiming
solemnly "led!" We were met by Vasilis Egorovna. "Ah, my father! On
What does it look like? as? what? In our fortress, warming up! Ivan.
Kuzmich, now they are arrested! Peter Andreich! Alexey Ivanovich! Serve here
Your swords, serve, serve. Palash, take these swords to the chulad. Peter
Andreich! That I did not expect from you. How don't you conscientious? Good Alexey.
Ivanovich: He is discharged for the shuttless and from the guard, he is not in the Lord God
believes And what are you? I climb there? "
Ivan Kuzmich quite agreed with his spouse and sentenced: "And hear
You, Vasilisa Egorkov, tells the truth. Fights formally prohibited in
military articula ". Meanwhile, the Palash took our swords and took
lumber room. I could not but laugh. Schwabrin has retained its importance. "With all
my respect for you "- he told her cold-blooded -" I can not not notice that
In vain you learn to worry, exposing us to your court. Grant
This is Ivan Kuzmich: this is his business. "- Ah! My father! - objected
Commendant; - Didn't the husband and wife do not understand the spirit and one flesh? Ivan Kuzmich!
What do you yawning? Now they are searched on different corners on bread and on the water so that
they were a foolishness; let the father of Gerasim impose epitimi on them so that
I prayed for God forgiveness, but died in front of people.
Ivan Kuzmich did not know what to decide. Marya Ivanovna was extremely
Pale. Little little storm subsided; Commandantus calmed down, and forced us
Fresh each other. The Palaley brought us our swords. We came out
Commandant to be reconciled. Ivan Ignatich accompanied us. - as you
It was not ashamed - I said to him angrily - to convey to us a commandant after
how did you give me the word not to do? - "How God holy, I Ivan Kuzmich
He did not say "- he answered; -" Vasilisa Egorovna launched Sun? from me. She is
All ordered without the knowledge of the commandant. However, thank God that Sun? So
Ends ". With this word, he turned home, and Schvabrin and I stayed alone.
- Our business can no longer end, I said to him. "Of course," - answered
Schvabrin; - "You will have your blood to answer me for your audacity; but for
We are likely to look after. For several days we must
pretend. Goodbye! "- And we broke up, no matter how you were.
Returning to the commandant, I, as usual, satisfied to Marya
Ivanovna. Ivan Kuzmich was not at home; Vasilisa Egorovna was busy
economy. We talked in a low voice. Marya Ivanovna with tenderness
I triggered me for anxiety, causing everything that was my sorry with a screw.
"I did and measure" - she said, - "When they told us what you intend
Beat on the swords. How men are strange! For one word about which in a week
Right would be forgotten, they are ready to cut and sacrifice not only life, but
and the consistency and well-being of those that ... But I'm sure you are not a filling
quarreling. Alexey Ivanych is true to blame.
"Why do you think so, Marya Ivanovna?" "
"Yes, so ... he is such a mockery! I do not like Alexey Ivanich. He is very
contracted; And strange: I didn't want for anything, so that I don't
liked. It would have bothered me. "
- What do you think Marya Ivanovna? Do you like him or not?
Marya Ivanovna grew up and blushed. "I think" she said, -
"I think I like me."
- Why do you think so?
"Because he walked for me."
- Woven! Does he woven you? When? "
"Last year. Two months before your arrival."
- And you did not go?
"How to see see. Alexey Ivanovich of course a man is smart and good
surnames and has a condition; But how I think that it will be necessary under the crown at
To get along with him ... for nothing! For any well-being! "
The words of Maryia Ivanovna opened my eyes and explained to me a lot. I understood
Stubborn eloquence, which Schvabrin pursued her. Probably noticed to our
Mutual leaning and tried to distract us from each other. Words submitted
reason to our quarrel, seemed to me even more vile, when, instead of coarse
And obscene mockery, I saw in them a thoughtful slander. Desire to punish
the bold energone was still stronger in me, and I was looking forward to
Expect a convenient case.
I was waiting for a long time. The next day, when I sat for an elegy and gnaw
The pen is waiting for the rhyme, Schvabrin knocked under my window. I left the feather
He took the sword and came to him. "Why postpone?" - Schvabrin told me: - "For
We do not look. Let's go to the river. There no one will hurt us. "We went,
silently. Located on a steep path, we stopped at the river itself and exposed

S.Gerasimov "Duel" (illustration for "Captain's Daughter")

Schvabrin was arterily me, but I am stronger and bolder, and Monsieur Bopry,
the former once soldier, gave me a few lessons in fencing I and
Used. Shvabrin did not expect to find such a dangerous opponent in me.
For a long time, we could not make each other any harm; Finally, I will have that
Schvabrin is weakening, I became with the liveliness to come on him and drove it almost
River. Suddenly I heard my name, uttered loud. I looked around and
I saw Savelich, running back to me on the Nagorno path ....... in this most
time I was very kept in the chest lowering the right shoulder; I fell and lost

A.ITKIN "I fell and lost feelings"
Vseskov "I fell and lost feelings" 1984

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800 literary characters

One from the most famous prosaic works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Tale "Captain's daughter". The book enters the school curriculum. It is analyzed in the lessons of Russian literature. One of the scenes on the basis of which schoolchildren write writings - Duel Greeneva and Swabrin. About the content of the fourth Chapters of the Great Russian Classic It will be discussed in this article.

"Captain's daughter"

Duel Greeniewa and Swabrin - this is not the key scene in the work of Pushkin. The book was first published in 1836. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story was born much earlier. Pushkin began working on historical novel another 20s. For several years, he collected historical information about Pugachev Bunte.

Initially, the writer planned to make the chief hero of the officer who passed on the side of the impostor. However, in the process of work, the idea has changed significantly.

Pushkin created an outstanding book, in which historical personalities are adjacent to the fictional characters, the book in which the killer and the confusion of Pugachev appears before readers in the image of a contradictory person: cruel, cruel, but not deprived of concepts about honor, thanks. And he raises much more sympathy than the aristocrat and officer Shvabrin.

Fight in Russian literature

Duel is a fight in which opponents enter into order to protect the honor of another person. The Russian nobleman, according to the law, participate in the duel was not right. The punishment was expected not only by the participants, but also the Secundants. But there was another law - the law of honor.

Duel Greenyov and Schvabrin, of course, not the only literature. But it was Pushkin who was the first to affect this topic in his work. It is enough to remember the famous "Eugene Onegin". Later, the heroes of Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev fought on the duel. Such scenes allowed the authors to reveal the character of heroes.

Duel Greeniewa and Swabrina plays a special role in the story of the story "Captain's daughter". Everyone remembers the epigraph to this work. The main hero of Pushkin's story, as his father instructed, managed to save the honor. His opponent never sought it. Duel Greeniewa and Swabrina in the "Captain daughter" - a fight in which heroes fought, opposed to each other.


For those who do not remember or for some reason, it does not know the content of Pushkin's story, we will tell us briefly about the events that preceded the Duele of Greenyov and Schwabrin.

The Grozny Father sends the Son to the province remote from the capital. In his opinion, the young man only runs through the girls and climbs into doves, and therefore must certainly "sniff the gunpowder."

On the way, a young officer is found a man who escorts him to a parlorian yard. Later the main character Find out that this is not anyone else like Emelyan Pugachev. A young officer comes to the Belgorod fortress. Here falls in love with the daughter of Commandant. It is not indifferent to her another officer. Love triangle in some way and serves the reason for the Duele of Greenyol and Schvabrin.


A duel between grine and shvabrins reveals the characters of these literary characters. The initiator of the fight is Swabrin. A formal reason is an insult, which he allegedly inflicted Grinev. The true cause of the duel is the desire of Schvabrin by any means to remove the opponent from the Belgorod fortress. He sees the emerging feelings between Peter Andreevich and the captain's daughter.

Shvabinos drives no love. Rather, vitality, vanity. He wants to punish the girl who refused to marry him.

Once Greenyowa visits unexpectedly inspiration. A young man composes an uncomplicated love song. It is impossible to name this work for a masterpiece. However, in it, the name of his daughter Grinevo reads his poetic essay of Swabron, and the one understands who is dedicated to, trying to slander Masha. But Grine-time has already managed to know the girl closer. He understands that everything said by the Swabrins is a mean lie. Therefore, calls it a bastard.

Failed duelists

Shvabrina has no reason to be angry with Greenwood. This is a man of hypocritical, false, which confirm the subsequent events. Undoubtedly, he understands that he wrapped the girl in the eyes of Peter. Nevertheless, everything is possible, so that the fight took place. However, the first attempt was unsuccessful.

According to the rules of the fight, we need seconds. Grinevu turned to the lieutenant Ivan Ignatich. However, he refused. It is worth paying attention to the statement of the old lieutenant. In the Green Engineering dialogue, he says: "I myself am a hunter before him." These words mean that Ivan Ignatich would not mind and himself fight on the swords with the Swabrins.

By vulgar statements, the rival of Greenyowa causes antipathy in all the inhabitants of the fortress. However, the Lieutenant, trying to protect Greenwood from the trouble, reports the captain of the possible match. Duelists immediately take the swords. Greenyava and Swabron nothing remains how to portray a truce.

Vasilisa Egorovna - the wife of Captain Mironova - I am sure that the conflict has been exhausted. So believes other witnesses of the incident. However, they are mistaken. Schvabrin does not intend to retreat.

It is worth saying that on the first day of your stay in the fortress, Grinev learned some facts from the biography of his opponent. Schvabrin is perfectly kept on the swords. The Belgorod fortress was sent for this reason. As already mentioned, according to the law, the duels were banned. Schvabrin punished and sent to the wilderness. During the fight he killed his opponent.


Schvabrin was confident that Grinev could not hold the sword. Perhaps that is why he insisted on a duel. But the protagonist was a fencer experienced. This art was taught by French Gutener. So, the duel began. Grinyov confidently owned a sword. Moreover, the force was on his side. But Savelich unexpectedly appeared.

The old servant called Peter Andreevich. Schvabrin at that moment hit. Suddenly Sawelich did not appear, Grinevi would win in the fight.

From the injured injury, the protagonist launched a few days in the fever. When I woke up, I was aimed with a screw. And only later learned that the enemy, while he was unconscious, sent a letter to the Grineal senior. However, soon in the fortress there were events that were eclipsed and duel, and an angry letter of Grneeva Senior. But at the same time, the vile nature of Schvabrin was revealed.

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Chesnock chalk mountains

White mountains are a hilly area with the exit of the present writing chalk to the surface. The attraction is 4.5 kilometers to the north-west of the village of Chesnokovka (Perevolotsky district). White chalk mountains stretched from north to west of about 5 km. The age of chalk mountains is estimated in more than 70 million years. At the top and in numerous logs of these mountains, ancient fossils are often found, ...

The fight between the officers of the Belogorsk Fortress Grinevo and Schvabrins in the story "Captain's Daughter" helps the disclosure of the characters of both literary heroes. The initiator of the fight was Schvabrin, allegedly insulting to Greeneva. The best reason was only that I was striving to remove Greenene from the fortress with all the truth and untrue, seeing the emerging feelings between and Peter Andreevich.

Only not love was moving with a pinch in his actions, and vschshestavia, vitality, the desire to punish the girl who refused to marry him.

It began with the fact that interested in literary classes, Grinevo wrote a small love song. It must be said that the work was so-so, it was difficult for a masterpiece. But Schvabrina knocked the name mentioned in the poem, and he hurried to talk about Mausha Miron's nasty. Grine during his stay in the fortress has already managed to learn Masha closer, and understood that it is slander. He called Schvabrina with a bastard.

There were no reasons to be offended by Greeneva. After all, he really walked Masha in the eyes of Peter. Whatever it was, and Schvabrin did everything possible so that the duel took place. True, two attempts were made. According to the rules of the duel, they needed seconds and Grinevo asked to be the second of Ivan Ignatić. Old lieutenant refused. Noteworth of a statement:

And good b bolt you are: God with him, with Alexey Ivanovich; I myself am not a hunter myself. Well, if he drill you? What will it look like?

This "I myself am not a hunter," says that Shvabrina did not respected in the fortress. Obviously, with his vulgar statements and actions, he managed to prove himself not from the best side.

The next morning, when the duelists met to cross the swords, the lieutenant appeared to the place of duel with five people with disabilities. The swords were confiscated and locked into the chulad.

True, after Vasilisa Egorovna reported duelists, everyone considered that the conflict was exhausted, and the swords were returned. But Shvabrin did not want to calm down and put up. When everyone was separated, and Masha and Grineh left alone, Masha told Peter Andreevich that last year Schwabrin woved her, but she did not like it. Then Grinevo became clearly attacked by Schvabrin on Masha. He is even more commodity to fight the slander. Schvabrin called him when Peter was at home and no one followed.

The enemy was confident that the young man could not hold the sword, and he quickly shared with an inexperienced fencer. But the lessons of the French governor went to the future. Grinev confidently acted with a sword, and youth and health allowed him to hold on the battlefield, while Schvabrin was noticeably tired.

And no bit of a young man, the outcome of the fight could be different. Schwabrin took advantage of the fact that Grinev was turned around at the call of a faithful servant. To some extent he struck in the back.

From the wounded wound Grine, a few days slept unconscious. And when he woke up and went on amend, he forgiven Shvabrin with all youth generosity.

But being the initiator of the duel, he was not too lazy to write Father Greeneva about the fight. Old Major was angry, ready to write to General in Orenburg request about the transfer of his son away from Belogorsk.

In general, the behavior of Schvabrin before, during and after the fight shows his unworthy officer's title and noble estate. Such concepts as honor, generosity, decency, alien for him.

At the same time, the result of the duel between the Swabrine and Grinevo proves the correctness of Ivan Ignatich. And besides, they once again show that, as a rule, the scoundrels are trying to calculate their actions (usually a few steps forward) and sometimes get an advantage over honest people acting spontaneously, according to the deck of heart.
