The role of the service sector of the economy. Features and main problems of management in the service sector See principles and stages of planning

The role of the service sector of the economy.  Features and main problems of management in the service sector See principles and stages of planning

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The relevance lies in the fact that our current success cannot be seen without services, and as a result, without the sphere of services, which is one of the main components of society and the service sector, it is necessary to take a good look at the structure of the sphere service, know the main points of the direct activity of the service.

Everyday we live in service and sometimes, unsuspectingly, we give them to other people. The giving of services to one another, the variety and synergy of services - these are the ones that remind us of our first ancestors, which is not the least understanding of services. Our civilization, having undergone its transformation, has given the sphere of service a special niche, without which civilized marriage cannot do.

The life of a daily person, as it is otherwise, is connected with servants. And before trading in services, there is also the provision of utility services, bonds, banking business, wholesale and retail trade, transportation, insurance, legal, medical, lighting services, etc. The number of services includes the income of the state, the income of companies, the comfort, security and goodwill of the residents.

The connection here is direct and obvious: bright servants are trying to show respect, they are calling out for the sake of honoring them in order to make life easier. The positive situation that is gradually developing in the divisional trade allows employees to compare one service with another, and also pushes competitors to provide services that will gradually decrease if they are secured yakosti. The need to develop the service sector will require a new structure of the population, a significant increase in the number of employees and a reduction in the number of material incomes. It is necessary to thoroughly improve the quality and culture of service, expand the range of supporting enterprises, increase the implementation of services, and provide them with new types and forms.

My control robots will explore the basic concepts of what a service really is, what specific features it has, to explore the whole understanding of the scope of services and look at what features of its functioning.

The specific tasks of the control robot are to:

The butt of our marriage is to show the role played by the servant, the main understanding;

See the specifics of the service area;

Understand the scope of services;

The peculiarities of the sphere of services in the current world are examined

The objects of investigation will be the sphere of services, a society in which there is an exchange of services of different minds, and as a direct connection between the human and the sphere of services in the marriage.

1. Scope of service. Basic concepts

Nowadays, when we leave home, we begin to drift away from the social environment, becoming restless, nervous, and extremely disadvantaged by various tasks. Sometimes we can’t give a damn because we’ll pay off the service financially. However, this service has a wide range of meanings. One thing to note is that service is a complete activity, the result of which is a corollary effect that will satisfy the other needs of people who may initially be the target of offerings to the market.

Service is a complete activity, the result of which is a positive effect that will satisfy other needs of people who may initially be the target of market proposals. The concept of “service” covers a wide range of meanings. It is customary to understand various types of activities that appear in material form in a clear manner.

First of all, the stench is invisible;

in another way, they do not give in to saving;

thirdly, the production and production of servants, as a rule, occurs from time to time.

This refers to the peculiarities of international trade in services, similar to international trade in goods.

There are two types of services:

servants who mediate verbally. The stench is associated with living goods (material);

services related to material products. Its action is directed directly at the people or in the minds in which it is found, its creativity is incomparable from its existence (intangible).

The specific focus of the service is international tourism.

The specific features of international trade in services are subject to:

Regulated in the region by the statutory provisions of the law;

The existence and obviousness of the fact of crossing the service border is not a criterion for export;

The servants are not protected, the stench is generated and instantly disappears;

The production and implementation of services are under greater state control (in most countries there is a new or partial state power), the lower sphere of material production;

International trade in services is already spilling over into trade in goods;

Not all types of services related to goods can be the subject of trade (special services).

It is customary to understand various types of activities that appear in material form in a clear manner.

The importance of services for goods in material form is that

the stench is invisible;

are not amenable to saving;

The production and production of servants, as a rule, occurs from time to time.

The great importance of service from other goods is evident from the fact that the service is not noticeable, so that it cannot be reached or reached. The seller can only describe the benefits that result from this service. The problem with work and its companionship is that it can save time, and as time goes on, the production of services requires avoiding its companionship. You can only assign a service when a contract is due or a client appears.

As a result, the peculiarity of the service arises - the instability of brilliance. This problem can be solved if service standards are introduced. Internationally, it is reasonable to insure the particularity of services in the division of trade in goods and services.

There are two concepts of service, first - in private, then actions in relation to other people, directly to satisfy their needs. Another concept can be seen in the context of economic theory. According to this theory, service is all the benefits that are expected from the form of activity, as well as goods that can be generated, accumulated and transferred overnight. In order to separate services, they must be classified.

In 1964, Stanton's family divided his career into 10 groups:

1. service from nadannya zhitla;

2. family services (repair of living quarters, maintenance of the landscape, cleaning of living quarters, etc.);

3. repair and recovery;

4. Individual sanitary and hygienic services (washing, dry cleaning, cosmetic services, etc.);

5. medical and other health services;

6. privacy;

7. services in the business sector and other professional services (legal, accounting, consulting, etc.);

8. insurance and financial services;

9. transport services;

10. services in the field of communications.

Currently, this classification has undergone some changes and now the classification of services is in accordance with UN standards, in which services are divided into 160 different types and 12 main sections:

1. Business services - 46 Galuzev types of services.

2. Services for connection - 25 types.

3. Development and engineering services - 5 types.

4. Distribution services - 5 types.

5. Backlighting services - 5 types.

6. Services for the protection of excessive middle class - 4 types.

7. Financial services, including insurance, - 17 types.

8. Health and social services - 4 types.

9. Tourism and prices - 4 types.

10. Services in the sphere of organization of tourism, culture and sports - 5 types.

11. Transport services - 33 types.

12. Other services.

One of the most important patterns of economic development in the current world is the interconnection between economic growth and the shifting role of services in the national economy. This is evident in the vast majority of labor, material and financial resources that are allocated to the service sector.

With the development of marriage and the growth of productive forces, there is a rapid development of the sphere of services. There is an increase in employment in this area, an increase in technical equipment, and the introduction of more advanced technologies. The role of employees, as from the most important sectors of the economy, is even great and relevant. This is due to the complexity of production, the saturation of the market with goods both for everyday life and for individual consumption, and to the rapid growth of scientific and technological progress, which leads to innovations in marriage. All this is impossible without the provision of information, financial, transport, insurance and other types of services. Also, services are involved in the unknown warehouse trade of goods (especially technically foldable ones), since the goods will require more flexible measures, which is important from the services that are expected at the time of implementation for sales service.

In the minds of the development of market drains, as well as economical and political disasters that are occurring in our region, we are wary of changes in the service sector. Due to the formation of crisis conditions in Russia, there is a significant increase in the number of services, specifically those in power in the market economy (banking, finance, insurance, real estate, legal). An increased range of services related to the administration and administration of government authorities, as well as law enforcement agencies. With the integration of the country's economy, the light economic space will develop the import and export of services, the emergence of new technological bases for the functioning of a whole range of services, including information ініх.

A further expansion of the foundations for the creation of market and non-market services is expected. In this market, the service will be doubled, and the important part of the service will be taken into account.

According to international statistics, over 40% of foreign investments are invested in the development of the service sector, which confirms the relevance, interest and greater prospects for the development of this sector of the economy.

2. Structure of the sphere of services

In world economic practice, the sphere of services is usually differentiated into two subsectors:

Production of material services

Production of intangible services.

Before the creation of material services, there must be transport, housing and communal services, and trade.

Before the creation of intangible services, there must be education, health care, social services, science, management, insurance, etc.

What is the authority of these subsectors? If you look at the connections between the direct production of services and a material object, you can gain the following distinctions. When generating material services, this process is inextricably linked with the material object. For example, trade changes the ownership of the material objects themselves, just as transport changes the distribution of the object. However, during the production of intangible services, the material object is more subject to the production process itself. Most often, the role of the object is played by a person. All the categories listed above clearly distinguish between material and non-material service. An example can be tourism, most of which includes transport services and excursions. This means that in this situation, material and intangible services can become stagnant in the service sector.

To the sphere of services (Galuzevian approach) it is customary to include:

Trade (wholesale and distribution);

Services from food and accommodation

(hotels, restaurants, etc.);


Contacts and information services;

Services for supplying, preparing and saving material and technical resources;

Credit, finance and insurance, insurance and other services to ensure the functioning of the market;

Light, culture and mysticism;

Science and scientific services;

Health protection, including physical education and sports;

Services for servicing the household government (services for support and repair of the housing government, military and communal services);

Services of a special nature (non-virtual services, casual services, bakery services, photo studio services, cleaning services, etc.);

Serves from the government administration.

This Galuzev classification of the sphere of services exists in rich countries, but also in Russia.

F. Kotler, as the founder of the theory of marketing, classified his services under the following headings:

First of all, what kind of services are people or machines? Among the servants, who are generally human, there are those who highlight the obviousness of professionals (restaurant on the right, consulting on management problems), or qualified facists (officers), or unqualified workers or (door robots, looking after lawns). Among the services that serve as a machine, there are those that reveal the presence of automatic machines (vending machines), or devices operated by operators of generally low qualifications (taxi), or the equipment that was operated There are no highly qualified facists (letters, computers).

In other words, what is the obligation of the client’s presence at the time of service? Since the presence of the client is obligatory, the supplier of services is responsible for securing the client's request. Thus, the owners of restaurants are very fond of their deposits; quiet music sounds in them.

Thirdly, what are the client’s motives for providing service? Is it assigned to the service of satisfying special needs (services of a special character) or business needs (business services)? Please, the postal service providers will develop different programs for marketing the services markets for special services and the business services markets.

Fourthly, what are the motives of the provider of services (commercial or non-commercial activities) and in what form are the services provided (services to other individuals or services of a large nature)? The combination of these two indicators gives results that vary depending on the type of service system.

It is possible to classify services also under other signs:

a) the amount of capital expenditures;

b) according to the level of qualification of the Viconavians;

c) for the complexity of technological processes;

d) the social status of the clientele (physical and legal persons).

In literature, it is also possible to divide the sphere of services into three sectors:

third - infrastructure (transport, communications, transmission of electricity and heat);

quarterly – separate-exchange (trade, insurance, finance);

five-fold – social-administrative (management, science, lighting, health care, mysticism).

2.2 Evolution of the service sector

The next aspect that needs to be considered in connection with the topic of the service sector is the evolution and development of the service sector, starting from ancient times to the present day. At the early stages of human development, the sphere of service already manifested itself. As progress developed in the world, and new types of material production appeared, the service sector also improved. Deep reorganization of the system of public housing has resulted in even tighter mail from everyone directly.

The greatest manifestation of the inferiority of the sphere of services in the social structure of marriage was also marked as the first marriage. For example, the skin tribe had leaders, they were the singing world of administrative subjects, one of the direct administrative activities of the service sector. Shamans and clergy also performed social services. The army served its members out of power. In historical documents it is stated that in the ancient marriage there were such areas of service that were very similar to those of today. For example, there were trade, transport, lighting, art, the army, and health care. Right up to the end of the 19th century, these spheres were fully developed and they included communications, management, marketing, auditing, and insurance. With the advent of the new era of human development in the minds of high technologies and the scientific and technological boom, there is a change in the industrial economy to a post-industrial one. This is the urge to increase the production of services to the soul of the population.

However, until the mid-20th century, the service sector was respected by another part of the world economy. This area was important to be occupied by people with a low level of knowledge. The reason for this was Milkov’s idea that the service sector does not bring a sufficient level of income to the economy and does not contribute to the population’s income. During the hours of Radyan's rule, the sphere of services developed even more, equaled with Europe and the USA. Even after the scientific and technological revolution, the service sector began to occupy the center of the economy of rich countries. The post-industrial era is rightfully called a service era.

The improvement in the level of people's lives, as well as the development of the economy to a new level, allowed for an increase in the production of intangible types of products. The signs of the Friend of the World War on the development of the service sector were very negative, so that at this time the main sphere of the economy became industrial production. In the countries where military operations were underway, the material base of the Galusian services in the other world experienced ruination and after the war did not support the greatly accelerated needs. In the post-war period, there has been a rapid development of the service sector, which has seen a lot of new developments, and the positions of this sector in the government structure are steadily expanding.

In the 20th century, the United States is dependent on the leader for the equal development of the sphere of service. However, not only the United States invests heavily in this sector of the economy, but in countries that are developing, there is a sharp increase in the service sector. With all that has been said, you can make such a note. The sphere of services, which has undergone development for a long time and has known its own changes, is currently at one level, and in some countries there are more sectors such as industry and rural government. The most important pattern of the evolution of the service sector is that it develops over the isolation from material generation, the integration of these types of activities, and the depth of integration is great In this world lies the effectiveness of the current dominion.

3. Peculiarities of the sphere of services to the world

It goes without saying that this service conveys special respect to the person from a psychological point of view, like the client. Return your attention to satisfied needs and prepare for a difficult situation in the service process, as far as the client and the individual are concerned. Any question and duty of care must be taken for a clear-cut approach to the complex, since any inconsistency or lack of attention between the work and the client will entail a negative mark on the entire reputation of the service facility. bo subject. Therefore, most current companies that operate in the service sector have rules.

First of all, all the company’s specialists are aimed at implementing the company’s main business process – clear servicing of client requests. In other words, for clear satisfaction of client requests, specialists who work closely with clients must reach the level of one-on-one interaction - a personal, non-exclusive approach to the skin. This means that it begins, as it is not surprising, with a correctly taught role.

The service sector contains a number of important figures and robotic mechanisms that can always be strictly classified, with a number of changes in clients, the emergence of new services, as well as a high level of intangible goods. And we are aware that new trends are dictating and there is a growing tendency to reconsider the old rules in the serviced communities of these or other services.

The main features of the operation can be considered:

First of all, in the process of changing goods, services, they change and become more important at the same time, and do not allow saving. This will create a problem with the regulation of food and services.

In other words, services are often associated with products, although the role of maintenance in the industry is increasing, which may include equipment repairs, after-sales service and other services related to the sale of goods. We can say that in many cases service is an integral element of the product, just as the sale of products is an integral element of service. The closely intertwined sale of goods and the provision of services complicates the vision and appearance of services.

Thirdly, the sphere of services is more likely to be protected by the power from foreign competition than the sphere of material production. More than that, in Bagatookh Krains, the transport of that Zv'yazov, Fіnanovi that is a fever, science, overshada, hunting healthy people, a rakonalovye, the traditions of the traditions of the whistle of the sophist sustains, the Suvoro is controlled by the authority. The import of services, according to the authorities of wealthy countries, can pose a threat to national security and sovereignty, which is why it is regulated more strictly than the trade in goods.


sphere of service marriage

At the end of the day, the service sector itself is young and is being modified with great fluidity. Currently, the service sector is one of the most promising areas of the economy that is rapidly developing. Vaughn operates a wide field of activity: from trade and transport to financing, insurance and mediation of various kinds. Hotels and restaurants, salons and bakeries, shops and sports stores, travel agencies, radio and television stations, consulting firms, medical stores, museums, theaters and cinemas belong to the service sector. Almost all organizations provide services to someone else.

Regardless of the particularity of this area, such as the complexity of work with the client, the world over the past 20 years has noted a high increase in productivity in the service sector. The concept of “services” among the masses is more closely associated with a complex of high-tech and intellectual business and financial services, as well as with the interests of science, education and health protection. The country has renewed its efforts in traditional activities: trade, transport, daily work, recreational activities, etc.

Moreover, the very definition of “sphere of service” is, without exaggeration, all-pervasive. This includes household, medical, legal and a variety of other services, so that it does not just cover all aspects of people’s everyday life, but rather does it in a truly clear, meaningful way. Moreover, it would seem that service - in a broad sense of the word - extends to those areas of business that do not require special support. Even for the services they hope for, people are ready to pay pennies, and they swear from time to time.

The sphere of services, as we know, is placed before the tertiary sector of the economy, and at the forefront of the development of the tertiary sector, and especially the sphere of military services, and the inevitable change of mind and civilizational transition of the economy to the market, post-industrial stage of development.

List of Wikilists

material service

1. Belyaev M.I., “Myology”. Moscow, 2000 rub.

2. Demidova L.S. "US Service Sphere: Factors of Accelerated Dynamics", Moscow, 2005.

3. Kulibanova V.V. Marketing: Service activity. St. Petersburg, 2006.

4. Kulibanova V.V. Service activities St. Petersburg, 2007.

5. Morozova E.Ya., Tikhonova E.D. Economics and organization of social and cultural enterprises. St. Petersburg, 2005.

6. Pisotska O.V. Service marketing. St. Petersburg, 2000.

7. Portal to the market for household services -

8. Rodionova I.A. "World Economy. Industrial Sector", St. Petersburg, 2002.

Tarushkin A.B. “Institutional Economics”, St. Petersburg, 2004

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The service sector is one of the promising areas of the knowledge-based economy that is rapidly developing. Service is the complete activity of a person, the result of which is a positive effect that satisfies all the needs of a person.

Services are various types of activities, which do not result in the creation of material wealth, and which lie in the non-virtual sphere. In this case, the service sector is an important part of the real sector of the economy.

Current economic theory reveals a new government reality. At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, a new structure of post-industrial production is characteristic. Won has low-quality rice:

New production will ensure the mass satisfaction of all current and future needs;

The modern economy includes two spheres of creation that complement one another: material (creating verbal wealth) and intangible (creating spiritual, moral and other values ​​- the creation of spiritual culture, mysticism, science, etc.);

A special sphere of services organically enters into the daily production.

Service is such a type of long-term activity, the final result of which is manifested at the time of practical engagement due to the satisfaction of any need. The role of the sphere of services for the minds of the daily economy is indicated by the following minds:

New work places are constantly being created in the service sector;

The service sector contributes its share to the country's gross domestic product;

For the sake of the sphere of service, it is necessary to quickly serve the domestic dominion, which promotes the quality of life of the population.

Domestic rule and firms are extracting more and more services, moreover, more flexible and tall ones. The sublimation of the role of servants in the domestic dominion has a variety of reasons.

You can see the following main officials of the subordinate role of servants in the life of a daily household:

growing wealth;

the waste of life's beautiful fruits;

increase in free time;

urbanization, which creates the need for new types of services (for example, security);

demographic changes that will lead to an increase in the number of children and elderly people who will require rich services;

socio-economic changes, such as the appearance of families, where people and squads work, marriage at a special time;

complication of the purchase system, leading to an expansion of the range of necessary services (for example, to maintain special financial records);

Technological changes that promote the versatility of services or create new types of services (for example, in medical services, cable television, and the collection of data through a computer network).

The growing demand for services in companies and installations is stimulated by the growing complexity, internationalization and complexity of their care. Specialized service firms are being created (for example, time assistance, increased conflicts), as well as complex needs for such tired services, such as advertising, accounting and publicity, consulting, no systems, investment banking operations, marketing research. More complex products and more sophisticated technologies are driving the value of companies, creating an ever-increasing range of services for design, management and repair. Internationalization of competition generates a growing number of services, necessary trade security and maintenance of territorially concentrated enterprises (such as communication services and recruitment). Changes in technology and management lead to the emergence of completely new areas of service.

Whether a product is sold or not, it is a commodity. Products, services, sold in different markets, act as an independent and even diverse group of goods.

The main role of service as a product lies in the ability to satisfy the needs of buyers. The main role of the service in relation to a physical product lies in the immediate:

Whatever the service, it’s a process. The use of the term process allows for a distinction between services and physical goods, which by their nature cannot be processed;

The invisible part of the service is people.

There is a tendency to diversify the sphere of services in the world, if many types of services are consolidated within the same company before they have been strengthened. This whole complex is demonstrated, which enhances the competitiveness of the company and mitigates possible risks. Thus, banking, stock exchange and intermediary services are integrated into a single complex of financial services. Or, for example, it is necessary to hire a variety of services from companies that are engaged in transportation, such as life and property insurance, mail delivery, and tourism.

The growing role of the influx of services into the economy necessitates the need to conduct research on the classification of services and identify the characteristics of marketing in this specific area. Today, the following characteristics of services and products are widely known:


continuity of production and continuity of service;

richness of yummy;

unavailability of services for saving.

Inconsistency means that the service cannot be tried, demonstrated, or practiced until it is finished. Inconsistency causes problems for both the buyer and the seller. It is important for buyers to consider and evaluate what is being sold before the purchase, and then after. At the same time, the elusiveness of services makes life difficult for their sellers. The seller can only describe the benefits that result from this service. I want to provide services if the client cannot evaluate the advantages and then take them away. The inconspicuous nature of the services complicates the pricing and promotion. The service is inconsistent with the product, just as the material material appearance of the product is independent of the product. You can only assign a service if a request has been made or a client appears. Some counterfeiters respect this as the most important factor in how to perform a service efficiently and effectively and improve the quality of the product.

The unevenness of life and the production of servants creates a special form of “livable production.” Whose companion in advance pays for the service, which eliminates the possibility of assessing the level of satisfaction with his needs. This highlights the need to place more trust in employees before recruiting services. The impossibility of doing a regular job without a doctor imposes restrictions on the development of everyday activities. Businesses in the service sector practically interact with the areas of advertising and propaganda, whose functions are aimed at stimulating the work of services in various living segments. The inclusion of a buyer in the service selection process means that the seller can talk about what to do and how. The remaining task is especially important. Because of the way bankers, insurance agents, lawyers, doctors and persuers sell their services, they are confident that the client will return again and again. Therefore, it is very important to make the right selection and training of personnel.

The abundance of new services is an inevitable legacy of the simultaneous production and proliferation of services, and the fact that the building block of services is people. To change the inefficiency of services, it is necessary to identify the causes of this phenomenon. This is most often due to the qualifications of the worker, poor training and qualifications of the staff, the presence of competition in this area, and insufficient information and communication. Another thing that is even more important is the versatility of the service – it is, of course, the buyer himself who is unique. This explains the stage of individualization of the service for the buyer.

To change the availability of services, companies that have been operating in the service industry for a long time are breaking up and trying to improve the service standard. The service standard is a set of mandatory rules for servicing clients, which can guarantee the establishment of a level of quality in all operations. The service standard establishes formal criteria by which the level of customer service and the performance of any company professional is assessed.

These can be, for example:

service hour – 85% of clients are at fault for over 5 hours;

work with skargs and claims - the number of skargs is not to blame if it is more than 2 per month per employee, due to skin scars the client may be denied confirmation;

the maximum hour for answering a telephone call and other formal criteria to the extent possible;

Helpful in preparing documents, sheets, business papers, etc. Well-designed, competently written business papers speak about the respect for the client and the zeal of the organization.

The speed control system is a guarantee of service standards. To ensure control over the vigor of the organization, it is necessary to:

See the cost of obtaining and training qualified fakivtsіv;

Steadily monitor the level of customer satisfaction through the use of a system of scargs and propositions, as well as customer questionnaires.

Important is the importance of serving the servants - this is their militancy. Services cannot be saved for further sale. And if the labor of the servants exceeds the demand for them, then the income and productivity of the servants is wasted. If the drink exceeds the proposition, then services like physical goods cannot be taken from the warehouse. Kolivannya is attached to all types of services. They can change their position depending on the day of the week. The unavailability of services for saving requires the development of a strategy that will ensure a favorable supply and position on services:

By introducing differential prices, discounts, victorious and other incentives, it is possible to replace part of the drink from the peak period to the quiet period;

Increased speed of service, including automation, allows you to deal with a large number of clients;

introduction during the peak period of drinking, as an alternative, of additional services (kava, magazines, etc.), which will help ease the hour of recuperation of the main service;

To service an additional flow of clients, it is recommended to assign staff with a variety of functions, as well as hire time-sensitive workers.

On the basis of the service analysis presented above as an economical category, such a conclusion can be made. Services are a wide range of activities that do not create material wealth and belong to the non-virtual sphere. The quality of services is a complex socio-economic category. In the broad sense of the word, it represents an equivalent relationship between the urgently needed expenditures of the doctor and the special, individual hour of a person’s life, which, obviously, coincides with the special hour specialness assigned to creativity. In general terms, the quality of services characterizes the success and efficiency of the interaction between senior employees and co-workers.

Features of the service market

In its essence, the service market, which develops according to the laws of market economics, as well as a variety of commodity markets, also has a number of specific features that suggest a special approach to entrepreneurial and marketing activities. sincerity, to ensure satisfaction and satisfaction in my service.

The particularity of the market of services is important, first for everything:

high dynamism of market processes (these services are aimed at ensuring immediate satisfaction of people’s needs);

in territorial segmentation (the forms of services provided, and the mental functioning of service enterprises lie under the characteristics of the territory covered by a specific market);

high capital turnover rate (one of the main advantages of business in the service sector, which has a short manufacturing cycle);

with high sensitivity to changes in market conditions (power, due to the impossibility of saving, collecting and transporting services, as well as the timely and spacious escape of their production and growth);

the specificity of the organization of the production of services (small and medium-sized enterprises that are producers of services may be more mobile and have a wide range of possibilities for a flexible response to changes in the situation);

The specificity of the process is given to the service (special contact between the recruiter and the companion, on the one hand, creates the ability to expand communicative connections, and on the other hand, increases the ability to achieve professional qualifications, complete Idu, ethics and zagalny culture of the virobnik);

At a high level, differentiation of services (associated with diversification, personalization and individualization of the choice of services) is seen as the most important incentive for innovative activities clarity in the sphere of services, the fragmented structure of the popu creates the emergence of new, non-standard services, the search for new services becomes a permanent process, which is eliminated There are more and more developments in the world market drink);

In case of indifference to the result of the activity of the given service (the result of the activity of the given service, which is different in many cases before the influx of various berries of the viper, it is impossible to determine the values ​​with sufficient accuracy; a residual assessment of the result Possible only after regular service).

The need for management in the service sector. Management concept. The main stages of management evolution. Marketing management concept. Specific features of the service sector. Management model for the service sector. Characteristics of services and their influx to the management system. The main problems for management in the service sector and their directions.

Radical reform of economic management is the basis of market transformations taking place in the estate. The reform is fundamentally affecting the service sector, which, like any other sphere of activity, will objectively require management. Management is aimed at direct influx into the service sector with a focus on satisfying people's needs, increasing the efficiency of work and ensuring a pleasant level of profitability.

The quality of management determines both the results of the activities of the service sector, as well as the choice of activities and the means of their achievement. An important role is the management of the sphere of services in the context of the increasing efficiency of the huge production for the additional creation of minds that change the population and create highly productive activities.

In connection with the implementation of the policy of ensuring social priorities, if people from the periphery of the economic interests of the marriage move to their center, the role of the service sector is also growing, and and benefits for organizing and managing.

The 20th century saw a strong influx of management into all aspects of the life of a marriage, organization and people. During this period, management itself was formed as a science, which managed to establish a wealth of management practices and developed well-established recommendations in a thorough manner. Numerical and diverse, with their approaches and instead of theory and schools, have significantly expanded the understanding of management as an independent activity, knowledge of the possibility of its stagnation. Therefore, the principles, forms and methods of management have expanded from the sphere of business organization to the principles of science, education, health protection, religion, and are actively being challenged by mysticism and politics, which until recently was considered practically impossible.

Management as a practical activity originated around seven thousand years ago. Since the science of management began to take shape around the end of the 19th century, it has gone through several stages in its development.

First stage ( end of XIX century – 30th century of the 20th century) – besides fragmentary research in Galusa, enterprise management becomes the basis for the formation of scientific schools and directly; Management is expected to emerge as an independent science and a strengthened type of business activity, as well as a separate management of power.

Another stage(30 – 60 years) – management revolves around the government’s foundations of a rigid vertically integrated management system with a clear division of responsibilities between sub-units and leaders. Of particular importance is the investigation of problems of motivation of workers, human officials, and the influence of groups on the behavior of workers.

Ostanniy, third stage (from the 60s to the present day) characteristic of the informal management system that has taken over the mountain is based on a horizontally integrated motivational model with highly important divisional departmentalization. Great respect was given to the leaders of the organization for activating the behavior of the people of the organization.

In addition, in the mid-50s, signs of chronic overproduction and markets began to appear oversupplied with goods in the apologetic countries. In such minds, creativity could no longer develop directly from unbounded self-growth. There was a need to develop a different strategy. Economic science responded adequately to this change, as previously it traditionally concentrated its attention on the field of production and faced the problems of improving the efficiency and modernization of this sphere, regardless of the influx into ї spheres of living.

The theory of marketing was widely and practically stagnant during this period. The development of marketing directly flows into the management of the company. The close relationship between marketing and management led to the emergence of a new term “marketing management”. The most important principle of the marketing approach to managing a company is the goal orientation of all elements of the marketing system, as well as the viral and social infrastructure that serves the system, on the most important problems, What does a potential supplier of goods and services that the company brings to the market have to do with it?

p align="justify"> A particularly important marketing concept for management is for enterprises and organizations in the service sector, whose activities are strictly oriented towards clients (stayers) and are fundamentally based on their demand iv.

Marketing directness to management is the main, but not the only, goal of day-to-day management. In order to understand other features of the problem of management of the service sector, it is necessary to briefly discuss the specifics of this sphere of activity and the substitution of the sphere of material production.

The system of employment, according to B. Karlof, is similar to the system of recruitment and division in an industrial company, although it is often presented in a completely different way. And the service management system, in Asel’s opinion, is similar to the goods management system.

At the same time, there are low specific features of the sphere of services that differ from the sphere of material production:

1) characteristic features, apparently, are present in the services themselves (elusiveness, heterogeneity, unsalvageability, inconsistency of the given services as a result of co-operation). Services are often contrasted with products, although, as P. Doyle says, “pure products and services are more of a scientific abstraction. Most trading propositions involve various combinations of sensitive and subtle elements.” As Professor T. Levitt writes: “There are no such servants. It’s just that some people have a lot of paid services, but others don’t have the same. "Services must be given." Thus, most manufacturers provide buyers with a range of services including delivery, repair and technical maintenance, insurance, consultation and training for personnel. The airline regularly distributes information to its passengers, such as magazines and newspapers.” This idea is shared by B. Karlof, who says: “The concept of the enterprise that operates in the sphere of intangible production should be preserved with careful caution, the fragments of the production of rich industrial goods is accompanied by none of the tributes of the great stake of servants.” To be clear, we need to go back to the classification of services established by G. Asel, whereby all services are divided into services related to goods, services based on Anna's possessions and services are based on the work of people. The characteristic features of services grow and are most clearly revealed during the transition from the first group of services to the third;

2) various types of services and organizations that can be provided: government regulations (education, health care, transport, information and other services), commercial organizations (banks, insurance companies, advertising agencies and others), and news non-profit structures (providing beneficial, honorable, enlightening and other services);

3) services are provided not only by specialized companies and companies in the service sector, but also by industrial enterprises (delivery of products, repairs and technical maintenance, insurance, consulting and training of personnel, etc.). As P. Doyle says, “many manufacturing firms are actually service enterprises. Approximately half of the expenses for production must be spent on additional services (for example, advertising, transportation, financial services). More industrial manufacturing firms are involved in design, marketing, finance, after-sales services, and not in product manufacturing”;

4) services are oriented towards the general public (for example, medical installations, catering, daily services to the population), and satisfying the needs of firms and other organizations (for example, the provision of business services: technical, accountant social, auditing, legal and others);

5) the direct importance lies between the growing income of the population and the promotion of various services, for example, they are allowed to perform routine duties (cleaning the house, preparing food, etc.), related to the work permission (mystery, sports, etc.) .

The listed features contribute to the formation of the management system in the service sector.

Service management model, created by B. Karlof, looks like this (Fig. 1.1).


Small 1.1. Service management model.

The service management model starts with a market niche (market segment) and then, moving along the same line, leads to an understanding of the “service concept”, “service delivery system” and “image”. The image is seen here as an information tool that can be used to infuse the staff with the resources of the companies and the prospects for their development, which will contribute to the establishment of companies in the market Vitrat activity.

The culture and philosophy of the company are of the utmost importance, while their management controls, encourages and develops a social process that looks like the delivery of services that brings wealth to the assistants. The organization of the delivery system and the developed realistic concept of services, culture and philosophy of the company are the most important factors for long-term effectiveness. It is within the culture and philosophy of the company that the values ​​and morale that lie at the basis of life and success are formed. Therefore, the development of philosophy and mission of the company in the service sector will be reviewed in a report on the functions of management.

When developing a service delivery system, and therefore a management system, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

The designated role of the service sector is to work on the management of operations in the service sector, V.D. Markov emphasizes, folding the right hand, from the point of view of ensuring efficiency, and this means the specificity of management Not in this sphere.

The main reason for the peculiarities in the management of the sphere of services is the services themselves.

p align="justify"> The process of providing services evolves from the process of development and sale of goods with a wealth of characteristics, which implies the emergence of peculiarities of management activities in organizations in the service sector.

So, elusiveness service, which facilitates the demonstration to fellow employees of the received result and the value of the service before the beginning of their service, will require special respect from the staff not only before the process of serving clients, but also before other factors such as And by the way, they indicate the brilliance of the servants and are significantly less important in the military galuzahs : place of expansion and interior placement, user-friendliness and design of the equipment, new appearance and behavior of the computers, mode of operation of the organization.

Heterogeneity services to the point where standardization is difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore, traditional product development methods of planning, motivating and monitoring the activity of pharmacists are based on rules and standards that are always acceptable for the service of employees. Particularly complex and in such a way that it requires special approaches, it becomes possible to control the scope of this service, since it depends not only on the material and labor factors of the organization, but also on the specific client.

It creates one of the main problems for management in the service sector carelessness services, which allows you to easily and quickly respond to a change in drink with the help of additional reserves. This problem is less noticeable for services with a seemingly stable supply: cleaning the office, repairing audio equipment, etc. However, for services that are characterized by the presence of peak drinking during the entire season - transport, recreational facilities, resort facilities, etc. - unsaving of services will lead to a sharp decrease in the efficiency of activity due to the idle time of employees and the possession during the recession and the lack of income during the periods of peaks, which will affect managers when accepting Those managerial decisions should look for ways to reduce the influx of this problem, and use methods of statistical precautions that help to significantly reduce obligations that structure will serve.

Remnants of service incomparable to their relationship , before the employees of the organization are assigned specific tasks related to the participation of the employee in the process of this service - assignment to the staff of a respected, sensitive position to the employees; the creation of friendly minds is not only for the diligently served client, but also for others, for example, who watch their cards; the need for an effective control system that allows you to strengthen the results associated with the work of specialists, such as officials, who understand the characteristics of the client. Many services are provided for the immediate presence of companions, so choosing a robotic organization mode can be beneficial for most clients. The level of client acquisition before the service process varies in different services from high (in health care, education) to low (in telecommunications). From this point of view, the specificity of management methods during the provision of various services is connected.

Thus, the main characteristics of services, management problems and their solutions can be presented in this way (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

The main problems of management and their directions

Service characteristics Problems for management Ways of problems
Invisibility availability of the product; service is a matter of opinion. Difficulties with this standard expression: the provision of services is associated with a risk for the client. The service cannot be demonstrated: it is complicated by the differentiation of the proposition. Existence of the patent system: free entry into the market for competitors Stimulating customer satisfaction with the services, recommending them to friends and acquaintances, identifying thought leaders and making them want to serve the company. Exploration of guidelines that indicate a high level of service: the current appearance of the premises, equipment, equipment, advertising of the brand.
Integrity between the given services and their co-operation Residents take part in the process of providing services. Obstruction from the process of servicing groups of employees: the problem of control. The company that provides the services is represented by its personnel: the company's identity is assigned to the client's positions before its employees. Washing up the service is done by washing the rice of the postal chief of the servant. Problems with expanded companies that provide services: the need to create measures. Instructing staff to interact effectively with clients: the art of hearing, understanding the emotional state of another person, and sensitive behavior. Availability of features that make it possible to provide instant service to large groups of people. Maintenance service: the main operations must be rationalized, and other robots must be excluded from the service process. Creation measures are separate: the company can open standard service modules, for example, victorious and franchising.

Continued table 1.1

Service characteristics Problems for management Ways of problems
Heterogeneity Standardization of services is difficult, and some of their characteristics are widely recognized by fellow workers. The problem of control over the quality of services: diversity of minds in the service. Investments in the selection of personnel, their motivation and training. Service optimization: automation of the service process, detailing of planting instructions, detailed control. Individualization of services.
Carelessness Services cannot be saved: daily inventory. Problems associated with the primary objectives: low efficiency of work. Problems with established prices for services: problems with pricing. Differentiated pricing. Pleasant mind-cleaning. Increased posture during peak periods. Vikoristannya system of forward transactions. Transition to a non-working day. Re-rozed the robot. Help from the side of clients (wanted participation of buyers). Podil servants.

Features of management associated with the main characteristics of services indicate the main problems facing the leaders of companies in the service sector. There is a wide variety of problems identified in the table. 1.1, the most important are those related to the human factor, which plays a major role in service sector enterprises, and itself:

vibrancy control;

achieving high productivity;

personnel management.

The very concept of “service quality” is ambiguous. This is due to the specificity of the services and its main characteristics, which makes it difficult to manage the services. As a result of research conducted by foreign authors, ten criteria for assessing the services of employees were identified, of which the first five are related to the results of the service provided, and the remaining five are related to the service process.

The main criterion for assessing the quality of services is the consistency of the services. As the yakness that is absorbed has overtaken the cleansing, you will be satisfied with the service. If the results of the service do not live up to your expectations, the client will become dissatisfied. The main responsibility of the company's management lies with a secure core of employees, which ensures the well-being of employees.

The gap between the effective and efficient performance of services can occur for a variety of reasons. Knowing and understanding these reasons for allowing the maintenance of companies to improve the results of their activities. The main reasons can be named:

· Incorrect assessment by managers of employees' progress. A gap between the cleared and concentrated range of services often occurs when the company’s staff is not able to find out what to expect from the company’s services;

· Incorrect statements about the brilliance of services. However, since customer care accurately assesses the well-being of employees, most often managers are unable or unwilling to direct the company’s resources to solve the problem. For example, many organizations that accept utility payments, banks, and shops offer their clients a work regime that changes over time;

· Low service level. Some of the services may not meet the standards due to various reasons, but most often due to the fact that the company's specialists, who are dedicated to serving clients, are insufficiently motivated or remove jobs from their low professional and qualification levels. The reason for the low level of service may be due to the lack of essential material and technical base, for example, diagnostic and clinical equipment in installations that provide medical services;

· Unreliable advertising. Advertising, which depends on the service’s brilliance, leads to a decrease in the customer’s perceived brilliance and disappointment, because the result is not truly consistent with survival. As the demand for service is rapidly increasing, the likelihood that high-quality service will be negatively assessed is advancing.

To better address the problems of managing the service level of a company's service, it is necessary to:

1) develop the right strategy: identify the target market and the greatest value for the operating characteristics of the services;

2) always adhere to high service standards;

3) carry out careful and detailed preparation of calls to improve the quality of services:

Establish high and limited criteria for the effectiveness of business activities;

Carry out initial and stimulating activities for patients;

Expand systems for monitoring business productivity;

carry out continuous testing, verifying the validity of services to the established criteria;

4) convey to fellow residents less than real information.

One of the biggest problems in the service industry is related to low productivity. The objective reason for the complexity, and sometimes impossibility, of the work and productivity of work in service types of activity is explained by the specificity of the result.

The amount of productivity in the service sector is based on the interaction of three factors:

1) the high level of employee acquisition before the service process makes it difficult to standardize and automate this process;

2) services, as a rule, are characterized by high labor intensity;

3) the lack of preservation of services most often leads to the appearance of excessive effort in business.

An important problem for management is maintaining productivity and efficiency. For example, the productivity of a physician improves when the patient intake rate changes. The inevitable consequence of this is, as a rule, a decrease in quality, and therefore in the efficiency of service.

The main ways to increase productivity without reducing the quality of services can be:

1) the activity level is equal to the contact with the employee.

Various types of services depend on the different level of participation of employees in these services, for example, in medical and lighting services, the level of client acquisition is even high, with postal utilities, too many of them. the servants are significantly inferior. A wide variety of services include both high- and low-level customer contact activities, such as passenger check-in and baggage handling; the work of the bank operator directly with the client and the processing of information behind the scenes; the work of a pharmacy pharmacist with a client and the preparation of medicines.

The manager is responsible for dividing the phases of the service process according to the stage of obtaining clients. At these stages of the maintenance process, which do not require close contact with co-workers, it is necessary to promote productivity by streamlining and speeding up the process. At the stages of direct interaction with the client, increase the efficiency of work without reducing the efficiency of services;

2) conveyor approach to service.

This approach transfers automation of manual processes (for example, automatic machine operation, vending machines, ATMs), as well as systems that allow for a short number of service personnel (for example, supermarkets, fast food restaurants).

Until recently, similar technological solutions have been stagnant for less than a hundred years, which gave a standard result, but, thanks to steady technological progress, the growing awareness of people about technology and systems, it is possible to create a new The best approach to service is already stagnant, and in the near future there will be widespread stagnation and for quiet services that are consistent with the individual benefits of clients. An encouraging example of this is the diagnosis and prompt treatment of patients at the MNTK “Eye Microsurgery”;

3) advanced level of client participation in the service process.

An effective way to increase productivity is to transfer clients to private self-service: direct, without the assistance of operators, international and inter-local telephone calls; tidying up dishes in various activities of the community tavern; equipping hotel rooms with household appliances, which allows clients to independently prepare tea or drink snacks.

Such innovations are based on the known needs and characteristics of customer behavior. Managers need to carry out preliminary testing of the innovation, explain their advantages to clients in such a way that they are satisfied with the activation of their role in the service process;

4) establishment of equalities and propositions.

The main reason for the inconsistency of the company's operational efforts is the need for maintenance and unsaving of services. The main ways to improve productivity are:

· Reducing the peak price, which can be achieved by differential pricing, a system of forward transactions, increased respect for clients, and a reduction in the receipt of services from the bank;

· Increased flexibility of the proposition, which can be achieved by the provision of irregular working hours, the employment of several companies and more effective employment and staff during the growth period.

Particular benefits in the service sector depend on personnel management. In contrast to the production of human beings, where people are immersed in the words and forces of nature, the object is merging with the sphere of service and the head rank of people with these needs.

In managing services that convey a high level of client acquisition, utmost respect must be given to the relationship of the company's employees to their fellow employees. It is important for a professional company to formulate the same standards of behavior for its employees as they would in relation to customer inquiries. to identify such a common socio-psychological phenomenon as the “client-oriented” type of behavior of clinicians at “hot spots”, where they are in close contact with clients.

A person always struggles with two sides: rational and emotional, which is important to take care of at the bottom of the client service sector. When a client enters the office, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of welcome, enthusiasm and goodwill. What is important here is the professionalism, tact and attentiveness of the responders, especially those who are the first to respond to the client. When the client is greeted with a friendly smile, offered a cup of coffee or tea, and given a few neutral foods, a positive mood is formed. In addition, the firm’s professional consultant takes away the opportunity to evaluate a partner and choose the required direction of cooperation.

A very important role is played by what the inspector says about the company and its employees. The staff must understand what is being sold and how it can bring profit, then. Even more important is the professional training of staff. For example, in a repair shop, the operator and technician are obliged to explain to the client that the work uses only good glue: waterproof, durable, universal, suitable for gluing leather, plastic, synthetics, etc., so for repairs The ovane will be worn for a long time.

Otherwise, it seems that the company's employees are guilty of disclosing the client's knowledge to those who themselves provide high-quality services. The professionalism of the service personnel does not depend so much on transferring the client, but on ensuring that the transfer itself comes to new information about the company and the availability of reliable services. The client is fully aware of the uniqueness of the services in terms of speed, availability, cost, triviality, etc. - The greatest impact of my harvest.

The behavior of the workers adequately shapes the image of the company. And here there is a need for a piece of his creation.

Foreign evidence that is beginning to actively compete with Russian companies in the service sector has resulted in a low recommendation for the establishment of a clientele-type behavior of workers.

In order to get a client, you must:

· Ensure the warehouse and homogeneity of buyers;

· Enter original service information;

· Carefully think through the pre-production information policy (instructions, descriptions, diagrams, addresses and telephone numbers and warranty masters, etc.);

· Ensure consistent design of retail space and offices;

· Rebates for regular clients;

· introduce new forms of servicing (for example, foreign servicing, participation at fairs, servicing for food, etc.);

· Steadily expand the range of products and services;

· Strengthen the development of consistent norms of behavior among the company's employees (constant search for something new, adaptation of clients' requests and their adjustment);

· be “acceptable” to clients.

The basic structure of customer-oriented behavior of competitive companies includes low elements.

Pointing out one of the fragments of “client” behavior to the company’s personnel, which provides services.

The “anti-client” type of behavior of the company’s personnel is evidenced by the question: “How to identify a client?” Tsomu says:

· Preservation of the range of services;

· Availability of guarantees for clients;

· Incompetence of staff;

· unattractive type of service items (for example, wrinkled clothes, unsuitable set of tablecloths and serverets);

· tightness and sparseness in the sales area and offices;

· Number of service services (folding furniture, setting up computers, delivering large items to an address, etc.);

· Low prices, no discounts;

· the availability of supply and infrastructure for the region in which services are provided (for example, the establishment of an atelier for sewing exclusive models of clothes in the microdistricts of the city, where it is important for low-income groups to live in village);

· The firm's work mode is ineffective for clients.

“Anti-client” type of behavior can also be found in business-related security companies. The client may be subject to the following situations:

· The price was previously negotiated over the phone and changes when the client shows up at the office;

· Nevikonannya accepted crops;

· company symbols on heavy, casual overalls;

· Pogano Vikonan company symbols;

· Availability of name and symbol signs on the doors in the office.

The client may be terminated by the security guards themselves in the following situations:

· Instead, in order to show interest in the client, they are encouraged to “get involved”;

· Spokespersons do not introduce themselves and do not display company identification marks;

· You feel rushed in your sleep or on the phone;

· The client is asked to call back without explaining the reason;

· Instead of a “living person” (the company’s spokesperson), the client hears the “voice” of the auto-reply, which blocks the return call;

· Sports workers try to find employment;

· Researchers search for information for a long time or do not consume information in abundance.

In this way, the description of the situation is intended to convey high risks to service personnel. In addition to their professional skills, sports professionals must have a basic knowledge of psychology, aesthetics, and morality for greater satisfaction with the clients’ drinks, a deeper understanding of their tastes and tastes. And for whom are they supposedly motivated? The importance of personnel management is due to the fact that the supply of life in the service sector is significantly lower than in production, and the increase in service obligations is achieved mainly through the department the number of military personnel, and not for the level of organizational and technical ones.

The considered features and problems of service sector management influence the process of implementation of all management functions. Since the laws, principles, principles and methods of management are practically the same for the development of the sphere of services, the main functions of management (planning, organization, motivation, control) may have specific manifestations in different spheres of activity. Therefore, in the next sections of the guide, there will be a report on the characteristics of management functions and the characteristics of their manifestation in enterprises and organizations in the service sector.

s Control food

1. What is the evolution of management systems and what is today’s management?

2. What is the essence of the marketing concept for management?

3. What do you think is great about management and service development?

4. What are the main reasons for the peculiarities of enterprise management and service organization?

5. Redefine the most important service characteristics that enhance product strength and explain them to service area management. Point your butt.

6. Describe the main problems in the service sector.

7. Try to measure the brilliance of the service.

8. What are the main officials who infuse the brilliance of the servants? Focus on the influx of other factors into the results of the service process.

9. For a specific company that provides services, look at the reasons for the lack of high quality customer service.

10. What are the responsibilities of managers to effectively manage their employees?

11. What are the main problems in managing productivity in service enterprises?

12. Describe in specific cases the main features of increasing productivity in service sector enterprises.

13. What are the most important problems of personnel management in the service sector and their current directions?

— Questions for discussion at the seminar

1. Sphere of services: the main problems and development: The need to provide comprehensive services.

2. Characteristics of services and their management system.

3. Current problems of management in the sphere of services, activities and practical evidence of their rise.

Ñ Basic concepts

The sphere of services, management in the sphere of services, marketing concept of management, management model in the sphere of services.

1. Abchuk V. A. Management: Pidruchnik. - St. Petersburg: Vidavnitstvo "Soyuz", 2002.

2. Assel G. Marketing: principles and strategy: Head. for universities. 2nd view. M: INFRA-M, 1999.

3. Glukhov V.V. Management: Pidruchnik. 5 types, Vipr. ta add. - St. Petersburg: Vidavnitstvo "Lan", 2002.

4. Doyle P. Management: strategy and tactics. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.

5. Kotler F. Marketing management. St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1998.

6. Karlof B. Business strategy: Prov. from English / Head. ed. that auto. p_slyasl. V.A. Pripisnova. M: Economics, 1991.

7. Krasovsky Yu.D. Behavior management in a company: effects and paradoxes (based on materials from 120 Russian companies): Pract. additional help. M: INFRA-M, 1997.

8. Markova V.D. Service marketing. M.: Finance and statistics, 1996.

9. Markova V.D. Small business in the field of production and services // EKO. 1996. No. 12.

10. Management: Head. Handbook for universities/Ed. Yu. V. Kuznetsova, V. I. Pidlisnykh. - St. Petersburg: Vidavnichy House "Business Press", 2001.

11. Management in the service sector/Ed. V.F. Ukolova. M.: Promin, 1995.

12. Meskon M., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management. M.: Right, 1992.

13. Porter M. International competition: Competitive advantages of the countries: Prov. from English / For ed. V.D. Shchetinina. M: Mizhnar. vidnosini, 1993.

14. Rumyantseva Z.P., Filinov N.B., Shramchenko T.B. Behind-the-scenes management of an organization: principles and processes // 17-module program for managers. Module 3. M: INFRA-M, 1999.

15. This note to management. / For ed. V. Krasnova and A. Privalova. View. third. - M.: ZAT "Journal Expert", 2003.

16. Skriptunova E., Svirkova E. Analysis of competitors and clients. Standards for efficient customer service// Management today. 2003. No. 2.

17. Nikolenko N. Future business, customer-oriented / / Management company. 2003. No. 7 (26).

18. Sheldrake John. Management Theory From Taylorism to Japanization. International Thomson Business Press, 2001.

Service planning

Planning: essence, significance and storage elements. Features and specific planning in service sector enterprises. Forecasting and recognition. Goals in the organization of services: their functions and classifications. The mission is the philosophy of the organization that delivers its services. Strategic, tactical, operational and operational goals. Tree of organizational goals. Principles of effective goal setting.

Types of service planning and their classification. More strategic and more precise planning. Officials who integrate the warehouse and the structure of plans into the creation. Principles, stages and methods of planning in galuzakh spheres of services.

Planning and goal setting in service organizations

The place for management in the service sector, as in other areas, is revealed in its functions, which were inherited from the subfield and specialization of management. p align="justify"> The process approach conveys to management that management is not a one-time activity, but a series of continuous interrelated activities, called management functions. At this time, it is common practice to respect the stagnation of all organizations with their basic functions: planning, organizing, motivating and controlling.

Planning, being one of the main functions of management, allows us to ensure the effective functioning and development of the organization in the future, changing insignificance. The decisions made during the planning process create a complex system within which they merge one on one, which will require mutual coordination, which will ensure their optimal integration from the point of view of the greatest possible increase in potential organization and possibilities that open up before her.

Planning is divided into broad and narrow meanings. In a wide range of areas plans understand the process of making decisions related to goal setting and assignment, strategy development, distribution and redistribution of resources. The university planning department has special documents - plans, which initially provide specific timelines for organizing the implementation of the set goal. Plan is called an official document in which the end and intermediate goals of the activities of the organization and its subdivisions, as well as the methods and terms of their achievement, are displayed. In many market markets, plans are not set by the enterprises of the fire, but are developed by them independently. The plan is the basis for the activity of the organization of all forms of power and size, and without anything else it is impossible to ensure the convenience of the work of children, control the results, determine the demand for resources, stimulate the labor activity of the worker iv.

Planning in the service sector has few particularities, which complicates the work in line with the development of plans for the activities of related organizations. These particularities are explained by the specificity of the services themselves and the processes of their delivery. Yakshcho, in the motherly Vobrobnitvitvi, Zhorstsky Fіksovanii Zv'yazov MIZH with Ekononomic factors (set, the norms of an hour on all Roboti, the norms of Vitrati Sirovini I Matteriyal), then the nadanni listened to the same stars є bilsh Gnuchkim. In this case, the development of norms and standards is more difficult and impossible, and the connections between economic and technological factors are rich in what is reflected in the success of services, their advantages, similarities, and capabilities. In most enterprises in the service sector, it is difficult to accurately identify and, therefore, plan the out-of-pocket obligations of services. Natural displays may be unpleasant for those due to the diversity and inconsistency of other services, and after all - due to the lack of an objective penny assessment for the low services and and, health protection and other) fragments of the activity of service industry enterprises are important to be kept in mind Obligation and structures are required to provide services, the planning of such organizations for the replacement of military workers is of a unique nature and the number of tasks is in full swing.

Ensuring the direct development of the organization and all its structural parts.

Prompt recognition of upcoming problems and capabilities of given servants. Development of specific approaches, investments in the support of favorable trends and the streamlining of negative ones.

Coordination of the activities of structural departments and personnel of organizations with the provision of services.

Creation of an objective basis for effective control, which makes it possible to evaluate the activities of the organization by aligning the actual values ​​of parameters with the planned ones.

Motivating the labor activity of workers in the roads is a step in the implementation of planned tasks for the delivery of services as the main object of stimulation.

Information security for healthcare workers. Plans are guilty to contain information about the goals, terms and minds of Vikonannya's work from providing services to fellow workers.

Within the planning function, there are subfunctions: forecasting, goal setting, etc.

predicted It is called a scientifically grounded transfer of possible directions to the future development of an organization, which is based on obvious practical data and assumptions about the dynamics of the development of objects and processes. The forecast is based on the following:

Scientific transfer of the future on the basis of identified trends and patterns of development;

Significance of the dynamics of economical items;

The ordering of forecasts can directly show the development of the organization;

The significance of the terminal parameters in the development of the organization, and its behavior in different situations in terms of the level of achievement of the set goal, is determined in the future.

p align="justify"> The importance of forecasting grows due to the lack of availability of services and the inability to save them, which creates problems in responding to pressure. In the service sector, forecasting is carried out, including transferring the dynamics of demand for specific services. For example, the increased level of unemployment in the region may be the basis for the increase in demand for car repair services, and the decrease in the price of new cars - for a change in the cost of auto repair services. Since the forecast is clear, the forecasts can be the basis for planning. Thus, stable health protection work includes plans formed on the basis of forecasts of population and mortality rates, epidemiological and environmental conditions, forecasts of the recovery and waste of property in this country.

The basis of plans for any enterprise is its purpose. Pid method organizations understand the end result and the result of their direct activities. The service organization management system aims to include a number of important functions.

1. The goals reflect the philosophy of the organization, the concept of its activities and development, the place and significance of the organization on the service market.

2. The goals are to change the lack of importance in the ongoing activities of the service. They become guidelines in the organization of work and other people, help to focus on the most important activities, thereby increasing the maintenance of obligations and the variety of services and reducing the amount of money spent on them.

3. Goals form the basis of criteria for seeing problems, making decisions, monitoring and evaluating the results of activities from the service provided.

The goals of activities that are set in enterprises in the service sector can be classified by decal marks (Fig. 2.1)

Small 2.1. Classification of goals in service organizations

In addition to the classification sign, goals can also be classified according to the level of recruitment, according to the importance of setting, according to rank, according to the level of authority.

The system of goals of any organization is based on this mission, which in a fundamental, unique way distinguishes this organization from others of the same type and defines the scope of its activity. The laws of market economics emerge from the skin organization’s formulation and general principles, which reveal its necessity and importance for the success of the organization as a whole. ї and її spіvrobitniki. The theory and practice of management have not yet developed universal rules for formulating the mission. This is why there are no different approaches to replacing such a mark. However, at the current marketing stage of management development, especially for the organization of the service sector, the main focus is on the interests, perceptions and values ​​of the client. The stated mission of the service organization may have the following information:

The most important services;

Ochikuvani comrade servants;

geographical scope of activity;

The concept of service cost;

Concept of price creation;

The main technologies that are used in this service, the level of their uniqueness and progressiveness;

An image of enterprise, a good reputation, etc.

As a rule, the mission does not include all of the significant components, but the most significant of them. For example, the mission of Swedish food restaurants may be advancing: providing locals and guests of the region with high-quality food products at affordable prices and with Swedish services. The warehouse of this organization may include philosophy What is the credo of the founding, the supreme ambush of activity. The philosophy includes the basic economic, social, environmental, ethical values ​​of the organization, its statements about the activities of the company and the role of specific services in the development of marriage . For example, the company "Mary Kay Cosmetics" stated that "the company's philosophy is based on the golden rule: a spirit of participation and respect where people with a good attitude give their time, knowledge and evidence." The McDonald's food truck, many times, has died down, as it has become the philosophy of this organization: “Naturity, service, cleanliness and value.” One of the national banks formulated its mission in terms of the philosophy of the organization: “To promote the development of business in Russia by providing a wide range of banking services, high quality service “Entives and effective development of the interests of shareholders, clients and partners.”

Strategic The goals of the organization are set by high-level managers and focus on the most important nutritional goals. They are aimed at the most promising large-scale problems in these services, which clearly change the activity or image of the organization. Thus, a strategic method for tourism companies can be the transition from international tourism to domestic tourism. Tactfully The goals are set by the top rank, middle-level managers and focus on the main activities, necessary to achieve strategic goals. With the butt of a tactical weapon, within the framework of the designated strategic one, it is possible to add and re-possess the strength of two local tourist bases. Operational Goals are formulated by managers of the middle and lower levels, they are related to the functioning of various subdivisions of the organization and are directed to the activities and work necessary to achieve tactical goals. For example, the achievement of a designated tactful goal can be set to an operational goal: conducting a regular analysis of the implementation of local tourist bases over two months. Operational goals set for specific commanders are sometimes called operational .

Through the establishment of interconnections between goals and hierarchical ordering, a “tree of goals” of the organization is established, from which the “trunk” is derived from the mission, There are great “gilks” (heads of zagalnoorganizational marks). These “pillars” include others that serve the purposes that they serve. With this rank, the “crown” is established, so that it can “get rid of itself” in a big way. The resulting “tree” clearly demonstrates the mutual ordering of goals, showing which additional goals can be implemented to achieve a specific goal (Fig. 2. 2).

Coming from the period of time necessary for the implementation of goals, they are divided into dovgostrokovi , mid-lines і short lines . Mid-line, especially short-line goals, are characterized by greater, lower-line, specification of the transfer of results from them. The period of implementation of the goals of the skin type lies below the level. Most strategic goals are long-term, tactical - mid-line, operational - short-term.

Technological The goals are related to improved technology and methods of providing services. Thus, one of the technological goals may be related to the advanced level of computerization of customer service. Virobnychi The goals are to improve the performance of the services, improve their capacity, and increase the efficiency of their activities. Marketing goals related to entering these and other markets will be achieved, gaining new clients then .Economical The goals are aimed at achieving the financial stability of the company, increasing profits and profitability. Social The goals are related to the creation of sympathetic minds and the development of practitioners, advances in their knowledge and qualification level, etc. Administrative The goals are focused on achieving high organizational integrity, discipline among workers, and good work performance. Until then, instead of goals, scientific and technical guidelines may also lie.

Small 2.2. "Tree" of goals

Goal setting refers to the development of plans, which are tools for achieving goals. From the correctness of setting goals lies the strength of plans and the results of their implementation. Successful implementation of the function of goals is possible by maintaining low principles.

Reality of goals.

Correct formulation of goals. Goals should be short, specific and tied to the hour. If possible, the formulation of the mark may be based on certain parameters.

The flexibility of goals. If necessary, the person must succumb to adjustments.

The absurdity of goals. The goals of the organization should not be the same, but, instead, mutually support and ensure the delivery and development of services. Convenience is ensured both vertically, between the purposes of different levels, and horizontally, between the purposes of different spheres of activity of the organization.

Verification and desire to achieve goals. This is largely due to the need to evaluate the level of achievement of the goals of the given service and to stimulate the consistent activity of workers.

See, the principles and stages of planning

In service sector enterprises, various types of planning may be implemented, such as depending on the method, level, subject, etc. (Fig.2.3)

Small 2. 3. Classification of types of planning in service sector enterprises

Strategic planning lies with the designated mission of the organization, a formed system of goals and strategic activities in the service markets.

More precise planning You can turn it on more tactfully and quickly. The main task of tactful planning is the choice of costs to achieve the ultimate goals of the company. This includes personnel policy, methods of hiring core services, internal financial policy, and internal marketing strategy. Operational planning is aimed at developing specific programs to address organizational problems, detailed by rock, quarter, month and day. During the development of operational plans, decisions are made about how to operate the operational system of the enterprise in the area that is replaced by its services, how to ensure the processes of providing services with resources with minimal waste and to what extent you can get workers, etc.

It is more strategic and more precise to plan to compete for a wealth of signs (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1

Establishment of strategic and flow planning

Signs Strategic planning More precise planning
Revenge for management The most important rhubarb All Rivni
Main orientation On problems For a period of an hour
Problems Poorly structured berries Well structured towns
Signs Strategic planning More precise planning
Insignificance Visoka Low
Substantiality of planning Focus on innovation, strategic adaptation to the modern environment Focus on integration, coordination of the internal environment.
Purpose criterion Creating potential for success Realization of potential for success
Horizon planning Emphasis on long-line, partly on the middle and short-line planning Emphasis on short- and middle-line planning
Units planning Strategic government units All functional areas have been developed by practitioners
Level of detail Enlarged procedure More details
Exit information Organizational policy, external environment Organizational strategy, internal environment

Dovgostrokov plan is oriented over a three-year period (from 1 fate for continuous plans to 10 or more fates for strategic ones). Timing time for mid-line The planning consists of several months for continuous plans up to 3-5 milestones for strategic ones. Shortstroke The plan is covered for a period of several days up to one day every day.

Nomenclature and thematic planning In the sphere of services, there are plans for the development of the company, which include updating the range and replacement of services, increasing the competitiveness of services, improving technology and organizing competitiveness in their delivery. processes The main complex operates from this type of planning and can be carried out by marketing specialists. In this case, it is recommended to choose a model with a package of services, which includes:

* main service;

* Additional services that support the main one;

* support services, make the main service more attractive, valuable, and valuable than those promoted by competitors.

Resource planning includes the allocation of material, labor and financial resources, the necessary implementation of specific services. This type of planning includes financial planning, budget planning, business plans, etc. An important warehouse planning is the development of pricing policy. The process of price creation, which is complicated by the elusiveness of services, is due to the following factors:

basis of service;

service individualization stage;

the process of the client assessing the quality of the service.

Calendar planning conveys important duties of work, engagement of employees and Wikonavians, the creation of calendar schedules for work with various Vikonavians, employees, specific services, schedules of acquisition of goods, It works in periods. This type of planning in the sphere of services is associated with greater difficulties than in the sphere of material production. Services that replace goods are expected to operate in real time and often require the presence and participation of the client. The triviality of a long-term service is often unknown from afar, and the remains lie only with the officials of the organization, but also with the characteristics and demands of a particular employee. Therefore, calendar plans for a wide range of services (medical, cosmetic, restaurant, etc.), as a rule, are based on the average indicators of time commitment to the staff, placement, equipment and transfer to possible adjustments when removing the necessary tasks. During the fall, calendar plans can change the time of work of the enterprise, the hour of providing cost-free or convenient services, etc. During the peak period, the plans may change the ordering of orders (advance registration, increasing the comfort of customer service). client (repair, cleaning, cleaning).

At enterprises in the service sector, this can be implemented functional aspect planning Accordingly, prior to the adoption of the same procedure in the organization, differentiated plans are developed across several functional areas: operations (the main activities of the service), personnel, finance, supplies, etc.

The level of planning increases the level of detail of plans. Depending on the size of the organization, its organizational structure, and the resulting concept of planning independent objects can be outside of the practitioners, their groups, outside of the servants and specific preparations, organization and management.

Planning for repeated actions This applies to standard situations. In the service sector, such planning occurs at the same time as developing a schedule for transport and receiving doctors. However, in such situations it is recommended in plans to deprive the window for non-recurring, non-transitional situations. Planning for unique events responds to new, specific problems. For example, this kind of planning is carried out in travel agencies to organize a special individual route.

The structure of the organization's plans that operates in the service sector is influenced by a number of factors, including
- directly the activities and the warehouse of servants that are expected;
- Organizational structure of the enterprise;
- the nature and nature of the processes that are used for the delivery of services;
- The size of the organization and the scale of its activities, etc.

The high quality of detailed plans is supported by the incorporation of scientific principles of planning. Low levels of them are especially important for enterprises in the service sector.

Principle scientific background conveys the use of current information technologies, the establishment of methods for optimal planning, experimentation, as well as progressive procedures and methods for delivering services. Principle complexity means a systematic linkage of all plans for the adoption of plans. Principle continuity considers planning not as a single act, but as a gradual process, which results from the periodic extension of long-term plans for the development of services and merges with short-term plans. Principle coordination transfers the plans “horizontally” between different business units and different types of services, and the principle integration - “Vertical” between the two levels. Principle economics It is important that the effect of the vicarious plan for the provision of services will be greater, without spending on your work. Principle bunkness transmits the validity of plans to the dynamic reaction of changes from internal and external officials, and guides the conservation of necessary reserves. Principle participatory emphasizes the maximum possible participation of the military organization in the work above the plan, since such an approach results in greater activity and productivity during its vacancy.

Planning process one of the most important processes for the service industry. Regardless of the type of plans, the planning process has three main stages.

I. Stage productions includes the identification and analysis of problems associated with the delivery of services, in which output changes and target values ​​for planned parameters are determined.

II. Stage rozrobki plan transfers the formation of possible solution options, the assessment of identified alternatives based on their analysis and the alignment of predicted results based on target parameters, as well as the selection of the shortest alternative.

III. Stage implementation of planned decisions focuses on bringing the planning decision to the Vikonavians in the form of specific planning tasks, norms, standards, indicators.

All planning processes are closely interconnected and create a specific planning cycle.

Service planning methods

The main goal of planning in service organizations is to identify the best possible problems associated with the implementation of services. At this time, there have been a number of ways of making plans or planning methods for such organizations: regulatory, assessment, balance sheet, measure and others.

Lapochkina Ganna Anatolievna

student, Faculty of Economics, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

Baygulova Alsou Anvarivna

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production, Faculty of Management, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

Abstract: The article examines the scope of services and their role in the current world economy. The remaining risks are the tendency to shift the role of servants, and the growth of the sphere of services outpaces the growth of material production. This situation is typical not only for economically developing countries, but also for countries that are developing. The development of the sphere of services directly flows into the flow of life of the population. The growing scale of world trade in services inevitably led to the need for the creation of an international regulatory mechanism.

Key words: service, development, part, influx

The role of services in the modern economy

Lapochkina Anna Anatol"evna

student, Faculty of Economics Ulyanovsk state University Ulyanovsk, Ukrainian

Bajgulova Alsu Anvarovna

Candidate of economic Sciences Associate Professor, Department of Economics and organization of production Faculty of management Ulyanovsk state University Ulyanovsk, Russia

Abstract: Materials look at low-level services and their role in the global economy. not just for the development of territories, but for the development of Countries.

(service) sphere of the economy where goods are generated, the negative effect of which manifests itself in the very process of their creation.

The production of economic (interchange) benefits is divided into two spheres - the sphere of material production and the sphere of services. In the first sphere, the creation of the created good is strengthened by its creation, in the other it is confirmed.

For example, the process of producing a loaf of bread in itself does not satisfy any human needs (after all, it is necessary for the people); harvested bread will be available later and in a different place; The regularity of reading lectures immediately satisfies the listener’s need for knowledge.

Right up to 20 tbsp. The sphere of services was immediately excluded from the sphere of production. Thus, the famous English economist Adam Smith directly stated that the wealth of a marriage lies only in the productive work of creating material wealth. To take up unproductive activities, if nothing is generated, but rather the enormous wealth previously created is gained from the services of such professions as “priests, lawyers, doctors, writers... actors, clowns, musicians, opera singers, dancers and In." (Smith O.). Investigations about the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. T. 1. M., 1935. P. 279). This point about the unproductiveness of the service sector was adopted by Marxist polytheconomy, and then by Radian statistics.

In the most guilty countries already in the 19th century. They began to realize that the sphere of service, although it does not completely generate material wealth, protects the main minds for this production. Therefore, in current statistics (including Russian), the service sector (tertiary sector) is seen as a valuable part of production, equivalent to agricultural rule (primary sector) and industry (secondary sector).

Zhiltsov E.M., Kozakov V.M., Voskolovich N.A. Economics of paid services. Kazan, 1996
Demidova L.S. Scope of services in the post-industrial economy. World economy and international news. 1999 No. 2
Area of ​​service: problems and prospects for development. Tt. 1 3. For ed. Yu.V.Sviridenko. M., 2001
Klikich L.M. Economics of the service sector: problems of methodology and analysis. Ufa: BPAU, 2004

