Comic fortune telling for a friend's birthday. Cookies with predictions Text of wishes and predictions for all occasions. What a propicate movie titles and songs

Comic fortune telling for a friend's birthday. Cookies with predictions Text of wishes and predictions for all occasions. What a propicate movie titles and songs

Comic predictions for the children's holiday is, of course, not serious divination, but merry comic messages. Such fun will be appropriate on the birthday or school matinee of any subject. But, of course, the fortune telling is especially relevant New Year! After all, the traditions of guessing about the events of the coming year not one hundred years. And not only to make it up, but also to believe that the predicted will come true. Therefore, the texts of "predictions" for children's holidays must be funny, positive and non-clear. Let them rather be like wishes than predictions!
The basic principle of all the "fortunes" described below is one: on more or less decorated pieces are writing joking texts-predictions. There should be many such pieces of tickets to a minimum one for each participant in the holiday. It is better if the texts are not repeated, but if there are many children, it is almost inevitable. It is clear that it is not necessary to say about the accuracy of such fortunes, and it is not necessary to strive for it. On the contrary! Than the paradoxical and implausible result - the fun!

Possible texts of comic predictions for children's holidays

These comic predictions Suitable for children of younger school age and even 5-6 class. You can come up with your own more suitable for your children who take into account their interests. Here the texts are stamped, but believe me, it is absolutely optional. The main thing is to be funny!
1. All children envy you - you will dance in the ballet!

2. Raise the rod at eight tone and you will be in the sport champion!
3. You will play in concert Hall On the violin, flute and piano! (At the same time!)
4. Your portraits and landscapes Watch We will be in the Hermitage!
5. On the envy of adults and the guys, you will become a deputy in the Duma!
6. Divide the new planet. Get a premium - rocket!
7. Will you play football and score the brazilians goal!
8. Smiles waiting, fans, flowers. Telecommer's star will be!
9. Write a feug and sonatu - all the guys will be survived!
10. In science will conquer the top - we will stand the car!
11. You will be happy, you will be proud, put the world record!
12. For many indirect signs to become a poet!
13. For the exhibition of your paintings you will get a prize - and not alone!
14. Learn for sure one hundred and two non-Russian languages!
15. You will write a romance steep, no worse than the lion itself Tolstoy!

Comic divination at a children's holiday can be organized in different ways. We offer several options.

Predictive phanti - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

Predictive phantas are a bit like - run-up songs. Here, as in the folk fortune, they collect from all the phantas - personal belongings, toys, anything. If only this items could be accurately defined by the owner. All these are in the box, a bag, a bowl covering the cloth. In another container, predictions will be laid. They can, for example, stick to greeting cards - then predictions can be saved as a souvenir. Or just write texts and roll the paper into the tube.
For comic divination, two oracles are needed. One gets a container with a phanta, and the other with prediction notes. The first presenter pulls out the phanta. In this case, a "magic" formula can be pronounced. For example, such:
Who will come out, it will come true!
Soon will come true, it does not happen!
What falls this phanta?
After that, the second lead pulls out a piece of paper and reads the prediction. The one who "predicted" the fate takes back its phanta and prediction - for memory.

"Magic Pouch" - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

You can do without predictors-leading. Take the "magic bag" - any opaque package, handbag, better, of course, beautiful. Mold rolled in tight tubes and grace with thread paper with predictions. Now the guys take turns to get them. As they say, "his own hand is Vladyka." What pulled out, I pulled out, not to whom to whom!
Note-predictions can be attached to small gifts or sweets.

Candy with predictions - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

Candy is a wonderful "asshawable equipment" for the children's holiday. You will unfold candy in advance, put a note and wrap a fantasty back. You can get such "magic" candies and from the magic bag and from an ordinary bowl. Immediately, the candy unfolds, the prediction is read, and the sweetness is eaten.
There will be more fun if sweets hang on the tensioned tape and cut off (or tear) them with tied eyes.

Prediction Cookies - Comic Divination for Children's Holiday

It is quite difficult, but an interesting version of comic fortunes is to place predictions in cookies. The participants of the holiday receive their treat (you can, for example, fold cookies in a basket or a bowl and transferred in a circle), breaks cookies and reads prediction - loud or about yourself, it's like you decide.
We offer you two options for recipes for such a delicacy. The first is to all familiar cookies-nuts with condensed milk. Motherland of the second cookie - China.

Recipe for cookies with predictions of "nut" for comic fortunes

For the preparation of this cookie, you will need:
3 glasses wheat flour,
250 g of butter (margarine),
1/2 cup of powdered sugar or sugar,
2 eggs,
Salt and drinking soda at knife tip, 1
teaspoon lemon juice,
Boiled condensed milk - for bonding halves
And, of course, molds-shells for baking.
Separate egg yolks from proteins. Distribute sugar with butter, add yolks and rub further until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add soda and lemon juice, salt. Gently interfere with pre-whipped proteins. At the end, add flour and mix again. You should get plastic gentle dough.
Fill the molds on a 1/3 dough and get it so that the dough sticks to the mold. In addition to the molds, the store can use a special form-aunts. The deepening of one half of the yarn fill in 2/3 of the test, then close the second half with the protrusions. Serve dough cut.
Put the molds into the oven and bake until readiness. Give the liver slightly cool. Usually inside such biscuits put boiled condensed milk, but we put a note with predictions. And you can only edge with boiled condensed milk - to glue shells.

Recipe "Chinese" cookies with predictions for comic fortunes

For cookie cookies, we will need:
40 g of flour
2 egg whites
60 g of powdered sugar
20 g of butter
Vanillin on the tip of a spoon
This is the number of products approximately a dozen liver. Prepare predictions in advance, write them on narrow strips of paper wide about 1.5 cm. Fold in half.
We start cooking cookies. Soften the creamy oil and scroll it with sugar. Add to the resulting mass of proteins and mix. Now put vanillin and flour. You should get very liquid dough.
Take a leaf of bakery paper and draw on it two or three mug with a diameter of 8-10 cm. To do this, you can circle a cup. Leaf turn over and put on the baking sheet down. Lubricate paper with creamy oil. In the center of each drawn circle pour a bit of the dough and smear it on the borders of the circle. Put the baking sheet in the hot oven (about 200 degrees) and beat 7-10 minutes.
Then get the cookie, and while it is still hot to fold the cookies in half, and inward put a piece of paper. Immediately fold again in half and leave to cool.
The cooled cookie should turn out to be very crispy, so do not keep the cookie in the cellophane package - it will not be criste after that.

  • You will work much and hard to work in the new year - you will receive a reward in the form of award.
  • Will you get up early in the new year - never be late to work.
  • It is impossible to work in a year of pig as a horse - it will discard you for a whole year ago. We will choose a TV channel for a long time to view the New Year's Eve - I wake up with a remote control in your hands.
  • New Year of Pig - Good to sleep for lovers. Consider the stars and sleep as a baby.
  • On the morning of January 1, go out of the entrance and look to the left - you will see a bright and brilliant future.
  • How much do you eat peas from Olivier - so much desires will come true in the new year.
  • Updated in the morning of January 1, champagne - remind the past year.
  • Lost on January 1, hat - to buying a new one.
  • Gifted by his wife for the new year, a frying pan - to a bishke on his forehead. And fur coat - to love and mutual understanding.
  • Passion in the new year cakes and chocolates - to updating the wardrobe.
  • In the new year you will be raised at work - your office will move to the floor above.
  • In the new year you are waiting for many new, exciting ... home affairs.
  • Giving a wife for the new year with a jewelry, you provide a full life for a whole year.
  • After such a tasty New Year's treat - you will fight off the whole year from guests.
  • To be to you in the new year, a large boss - you get 50 kg.
  • In the new year, your pragmatic interest will turn into a romantic passion.
  • In the new year you will meet big love. Very big. Kilograms so 120, no less.
  • In the coming year, avoid cold from the second half. And then all year will be sick.
  • Taking off the career stairs this year, see under the feet so that there are no dizzying effects.
  • Still cleanliness. My hands before meals. If there are dirty hands - you get sore diseases contagious.
  • In the morning, after the New Year's feast. Fake a hard hit. Getting up for scales.
  • In the new year, boldly move forward - and you are waiting for you.
  • A visit to the fitness club and the pool in the first quarter of the coming year - to the envious views of the girlfriends in the next two quarters.
  • For passionate fishing, fishing happiness will come in the new year. Near the house will open
  • store "Fish and Seafood". There will always be a catch for a report before your wife.
  • In the new year you will have everything you wish. And you will not be worth it for it. Thewi is waiting for new, exciting journeys ... to the cottage. Do not be saddened - this is also a change in the situation.
  • This year is expected a strong explosion - all your envious will burst.
  • In the coming year, all the doors ... supermarkets and boutiques will open for you. And the thick wallet of the husband will lose great.
  • This year you will find the treasure ... Detect the hook of the husband, which he copied all last year.
  • In the new year you will find out a lot of new and useful. You will give the encyclopedia.
  • In the new year you will be attacked. Good luck and success will attack you and you can not fight back from them.
  • Behold. Very soon. Very soon. You will find a big ... love.
  • Yours creative successAs an artist on the makeup of his own person, many men will be seen this year.
  • Your charm and beauty in the new year prepare you a happy meeting

The new year is a holiday that is celebrated with a scope, collecting close and expensive people. Accordingly, preparing for the celebration must match the scope, otherwise all the event will be reduced to the simple eating, with several congratulatory words. If you decide that you will be the organizer of the holiday, we recommend prepared in advance. Today, comic predictions and lotteries are gaining increasing popularity, among other entertainment.

Prediction - an alert of the event that should happen in the near future. We want it or not, but a person is intended to be interested in his future. Now there is no shortage of various predictions - all sorts of astrologers, fortune-tellers and vigories, so people are tired of serious prophecies in their lives.

Comic predictions for the new year is, in addition to a fun pastime, a fresh look at the forecasts in the near future. We are sure that the guests gathered, will appreciate your ideas and will get huge moral satisfaction.

Friends, your prophecies, can be absolutely different - long, painting every action or very short, written prose or in verses, most importantly, so that they can be funny, carry laughter and joy others.

Lottery predictions

Let's first consider the possible submission of predictions, and then, we will offer examples of text.

Prophetic balls

To do this, you will need conventional inflatable balls, small leaves and handle. Predictions We write on leaves, fold the tube, put in the ball and influence it. Balls can be tied to guest chairs, and you can distribute during divination. Blowing the ball, man loud reads the foresight associated with his life. What merges are prophecy, the more positive it will bring.

Preparing in advance to session, you can specifically form paper (dipping it into a strong tea or onion solution) or make it bright, colorful with a beautiful rope. This will give the features of the mystery or holiday, depending on what to select.

Poster predictions

Here everything is simple, we take a pre-prepared dishes in advance, we fold crushed bags with comic wishes. Let the potters in a circle, each guest pulls out one bundle and reads it.

Capacity can be blocked by paper, giving an outdated look of dishes, or form paper in advance.

Gypsy chest

The stereotype of gypsies is deeply in us, they say they are all beautiful fortune -akers, and this is a wonderful way to use in their comic prophecies.

Gypsy gypsy in advance, you or someone from the guests, go into a room with a chest filled with predictions. The master offers each guest guest, pull out one bundle and read.

Here the main thing is not the forecasts for the future, but the feed. Perfect if the Gypsy will enter the role and with the expression characteristic only by them, will hold a competition.

Prophetic cookies

Remember quotation: "All ingenious is simple, and all the simple brilliage"? It is this aphorism that underlies this competition. For its preparation, you will need leaflets with predictions and cookies. True, cookies will have to do yourself, however, if you have the opportunity to purchase it, why not. For those who want to create something original, we offer a recipe for cooking.


  • Eggs, 3 pcs;
  • 50-70g wheat flour;
  • 50g cream oil;
  • Spices at will;
  • Sugar, sugar powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg protein from the yolk, whipped to the appearance of foam, add flour, sugar, spices as desired, mix to homogeneous mass.

A small advice: Whipping protein Do not dilute, if a large number of air bubbles appear for a long time and the dough will start quickly when the temperature is raised.

  1. On the baking sheet, we spread the culinary paper and lubricate the butter, heat the oven to 180-200 C. teaspoon laying out even mugs on the baking sheet.
  2. We put in the oven for about 6-7 minutes, as soon as the edges are gilding, reach and turn over, we have a pioneer with predictions, fold in half. Next, taking cookies for the ears, bend it.
  3. Lay out on the table and wait until completely cooling.

Miracle dumplings

The next event has a certain similarity with the previous one, the difference is that instead of cookies, we use dumplings. This old fun, today is almost forgotten, but for predictions in a circle of family and loved ones, it is perfect. The secret in the subject that is placed together with a filling that carries a certain meaning.

  • Orange crust - Favorite or Favorite will present a gift;
  • Peanuts - a romantic meeting is possible;
  • Cherry - to good luck in affairs;
  • Peas - the house will be reigned and welfare will be reigned;
  • Walnut - health will recover;
  • Buckwheat - sudden addition of finance;
  • Mushrooms - full calm life;
  • Money - sports victories;
  • Grain - full bowl of wealth;
  • Raisin - an unexpected temptation;
  • Cabbage - salary takes off up;
  • Caramel - Roman is possible;
  • Potato - boost at work;
  • Cranberries - expect change in personal life;
  • Ring - Wedding;
  • Bitter pepper - possible problems at work or at home;
  • Kuraga - excellent news;
  • Carrot - meeting with new people;
  • Meat - financial success;
  • White thread - you will have to leave the company for a long time;
  • Green thread-hike abroad;
  • Black thread - a fast business trip;
  • Thread with nodes - problems from where it was not expected;
  • Cucumber is a new passion;
  • Button - something will get something from clothes;
  • Sugar - year will be successful;
  • Apple - your work will be appreciated.

Lottery with three predictions

For this, on leaves, write wishes or prophecies, at the rate of three obnomen per person. The leaflets are beautifully folded and mixed in the bag. It is proposed to pull convolutions in turn, reading out loud.

Hidden desires

To prepare for the competition, you must prepare funny images, the main desires of a person. It is absolutely optionally to draw, you can select pictures from logs or print, attach images to the rope, pull the rope. Tie guests eyes, spin and sum up to a stretched rope, giving the opportunity to choose a piece of leaf. Images can be absolutely different.

  • Family hearth;
  • Finance;
  • Head office;
  • Wedding;
  • Huge, new manor;
  • New car;
  • Modern gadgets;
  • Travel and more.

Text of comic predictions for 2020 in verse

  • Wait for not crying, luck will come again;
  • Look soon forward, a lot of money is waiting soon;
  • You an ambient road, but there will be a lot of money;
  • Walk boldly you forward, success with luck is already waiting;
  • From friends, wait for news soon;
  • Find your love, you can marry again;
  • The ladder of the career will fly up, even the boss shake;
  • A huge mountain of money will fall from above, native from the ailment will recover;
  • Do not be sad in vain, on the approach, friends;
  • Loved you a neighbor, which live for many years;
  • In the last month of winter - February, success will come to you again;
  • I saw exactly me, you will have a big family;
  • Exactly at midnight, in the New Year, your luck will fit;
  • In front of the leadership, you will have to be in the temptation to get drunk;
  • Once you were kicked out of work, it means that there were concerns;
  • At the festival, who will get up, without an advance in the house will return;
  • In the store, you will take a fashionable pants;
  • Under, glasses ringing, give the class phone;
  • Will fall on the heels of ice, life is like a picture;
  • Year of pigs on the approach, we wish you friends,
  • Be careful, smart, clean, not an analogue of a boar.

Comic predictions in prose

  • Firmly stepping up the career ladder, do not slip on the spitches of envious;
  • Perhaps the increase is very expected very soon, you will have to move on a couple of floors above;
  • Continue to smile and we will certainly sign a favorable contract with a toothpaste manufacturer;
  • Halfed happiness - remove the bad habit, but the curiosity will appear - a couple of new ones will appear;
  • Be careful - in the coming year it is possible to add a family, cockroaches from the neighbors gather to you;
  • Find a hidden treasure, although it will look very similar to the spouse's stranded whip;
  • With the arrival of the new year, the possibility of attacking you. Applies an unexpected strike success, it will be almost impossible to repulse;
  • Gray weekdays of next year, dilute with bright meetings with the opposite sex;
  • In the near future, you will greatly benefit, it will happen to your pockets;
  • Your friends great remember you how you can forget the debtor;
  • Be careful on the roads, maybe the fate is already waiting at the crossroad;
  • This year, for cockroaches you in your head, will be especially lucky;
  • All difficulties and difficulties will leave you, with you incredibly boring;
  • Next year, your body itself decides when, where and most importantly, he is to be;
  • The rod inside you may be the usual carnation in one place.

Quote communication Requisites: skirts, scarves, cards with wishes (you can niphotos, so that the curls of the kings and ladies are with the faces of the birthday and his relatives) find free photoshop programs. From the reverse side of the cards to print fortune telling - wishes. You can take ordinary maps and get wishes on the reverse side. And wishes can be chopped from newspapers - horoscopes. We niphotos and imprinted on a color xerox (4 cards on a sheet A4, and on the reverse side printed fortune telling, then cut and illuminated, we turned out real maps and the anniversaries.)

Music sounds from k / f "Tabor goes to the sky" "Nane Tsoha"
It turns out, dancing, gypsy.

Gypsy is suitable for guests:

Good afternoon Romale. I am Gypsy Aza,
I got here right on request.
On the table oh a stack, opa, opa, wholesale.
She, and that is yours, and this stack is mine.

I wanted to tell you what puzzling,
I can pay for you for remuneration.
The handle me gild, just not scared,
Better Ase is not found, do not even try.
Who wants to enlighten
about luck and love
Come one to one to us
Read only money!

Gives cards and offers to choose the one that looks at him.
Card values:

Queen loves you -
Queen of beauty,
Do not bother about gifts
More often buy flowers!

"You think a girlfriend for a long time
Who to go under the crown:
Seventy-four years
You will marry finally!

Your health, Romala,
We envy slightly -
I see how the grandson's wedding
You dance a hopak!

Your husband will become an oligarch
will be everywhere to carry you -
But will turn into an engineer
If you cut!

You are a rich fan
on nature will call -
He has 6 acres in the garden
And potatoes beetle gnawing!

You will get inheritance
Severy Unlis -
House in Paris, Villa in Nice
And some islands!

Your husband is a secret prince of Zamar
To argue it,
When children fell asleep
You need to kiss hard!

Eight kids to give birth in a year?
It's impossible!
Oh, yes you are not married!
Be careful!

I see a peak lady
It feeds interest!
Sells his apartment,
To buy you "Mercedes"!

You boss at work
The right eye will win.
But do not try to answer
He will appear on you a report!

Unexpected gift
will prepare you fate:
What is now after drunk
Will a clear head!

Your line health
Get forward of you!
We would like to seek
Only our wife will give up!

You with the vision of the problem
Soon they can wait:
Trouble do not see
Fools do not notice!

You will find treasure in the apartment
He is in the wall, where Chiffonier.
Well, if you do not find -
Update the interior!

Say love mutual
All are conversing age!
Every year now fall in love
You will be up to one hundred years!

You have my soul, soon there will be grandchildren,
It will be fun then, and there will be no boredom.

And I'll tell you so, smile cute,
After all, with a smile, you are very beautiful.

And in your eyes we look, I see good luck in them,
Because this time, can not be otherwise.

Be to you, beauty, tomorrow morning in the morning,
pussy, fish, and you give a beer, you will become my wife again.

Wai, what a heavy blow is waiting for you! ....
In the morning, when we stand on the scales .....

Waiting for you a big loss ...... tie will lose.
Find all night to search, you will find in the morning ... on the belt at the neighbor.

Get ready for a big battle! Icra red ate?
Pinkly revenge comes!

Happiness is much waiting for you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money,
The one that will lose today.

Waiting for you, Daliless, gave unknown.
You will think half a day, while you understand where I woke up!

Friends around you today will be. Friends are faithful, devotees.
To say how to call them? Ball, Bobby and Polcan.

There are two bags of happiness today today,
One - with a salad, the other - with a vinaigrette!

You will sleep, curly, you will sleep sweetly, gently,
While the cake is from under you will not pull out!

You will sing so that the neighbor will pay.
And everyone else is falling asleep!

Oh, good, my eyes will put on you today
I know for sure. Then also the heart, the liver, language,
And there is something long on top, such a thin ........... it's badly visible.
..... Aaaa Sellodka!

I see everything, I know everything, you will run in the morning for beer,
In the evening - for girls!

And you know for sure that tomorrow will
- Monday (if today is resurrection)

Wai, daragoy, badly you will be ....... to work for work

Well, beautiful, gilding handle, I will tell you that tomorrow will be!
Oh, I see, I see everything! Let's hang out tomorrow!

Tomorrow be attentive .........
And look do not sleep in a plate at the neighbor .....

Three lines of lily petals on hand
It's you, and this is he, and that's you already together!

Our life is changeable, everything is changed in it,
But luck will be lucky and love for you will come.

(anniversarized fortune telling)
House, I see full bowl,
Slightly pouring through the edge!
So that our gadanha come true,
Hurry up to us!

When Gypsy went to everyone, says:
Guests Daragiye, and now please dance gypsy with me.
Gypsy incendiary song sounds.


We all heard about predictions. It is known that people who are in one way or another are associated with various forces are still not understandable and unknown by a person. Predictions were always in demand and everywhere in any countries and in various epochs. Of course, and in the modern world of predictions play a huge role, because few people who do not want to look into the future. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes in secret want to know what is waiting for them in life on. However, predictions are now acquired not only a rigorous character, but also a jog appears. And therefore, you can even meet comic predictions.

Comic predictions - what is it

What do merry predictions differ from their stricter form? It is initially important to note that such predictions may voiced with a different goal. Many people annoy reading boring and strict predictions on the day, month, year. I want to discharge the setting, read something ridiculous, but instructive. And therefore, ordinary predictions sometimes transfix into a comic shape. It can be just humor, cartoon, and sometimes a real black humor is found. Reading cool predictions can also be laid out, and take note of several warnings that will help avoid various problems in the coming deadlines. In addition, when reading comic predictions, severe reality is easier, and it becomes easier to look at life. Like such predictions, of course, the case of every person. But it will be worthwhile to take a caution.

Where used funny predictions

However, comic predictions do not always have a strict selection. They can be used and just to raise the mood. A person who takes them to herself is capable of becoming a soul of the company as soon as possible and to enjoy jealous melagour. You can use them in the office at work, at a party with friends, in general, anywhere, the main thing is that they are appropriate. Naturally, such a prediction is not required to take on faith, it is intended only for entertainment. However, there are also cases when even merry predictions, invented for laughter, have come true. So even with them should be careful. Also cool I. funny predictions Frequently used on holidays and celebrations. It may be birthdays, anniversaries, corporate and home holidays.

What events are more often used comic predictions

The first events on which merry, but instructive predictions originated were weddings. You can rarely see the wedding in which the guests are not disguised in Roma on the second day. And what kind of gypsy without predictions? In order to raise the festive spirit among those present and simply weld passersby a gypsy in a comic form, pronounces the predictions of the bridegroom with the bride, and after all those present. After merry predictions began to be used on other holidays. The jubilee is always wishing long years of life, health, happiness. Everyone is known and habitual. But here is a joking prediction spoken in the midst of the holiday, in which humor is mixed with the wishes of happiness and longevity, can light it with a new force, laugh guests and please the jubilee. Often cool predictions are used in children's holidays. Of course, the form of them must correspond to children's topics.

Form of cool predictions

Comic predictions are used in various shapes. If they are pronounced during a feast, weddings, then more interesting to use a poetic shape. Thus, at the same time the prediction can become an excellent toast. Also, the cheerful prediction often becomes part of the game, entertainment. There are many packaging games in which you can solve them in a comic form, who was a man in a past life, of course, with the same comic result. If cool predictions are conducted on children's holidays, then it is usually a feeling of mysteriousness. You can even with a similar purpose to hold a costume masquerade. Interested in a mystery, children are always happy to take jokes.

In general, comic predictions can be used by anywhere, and anywhere. The main thing is that it is appropriate, otherwise the jokes will simply fail.

Comic predictions in verses in one line

1. The bright day and a bark as a cute gift.
2. Waiting for you soon a trip to the sea.
3. Let the joy of the tear be sheds, the old friend will come back soon!
4. Down and anger, and revenge, you will get joyful news.
5. Wait for the sunset, wait for dawn, wait from a cute brush.
6. Every day and every hour someone thinks about you.
7. Were forward looking forward, there wealth awaits you.
8. Wait a little, waiting for you the road.
9. Gingerbread yes sweets, there will be much joy.
10. You are waiting for a holiday and fun at the end of the week.
11. It will suddenly have a new friend.
12. Wait, I do not cry, good luck will come to you.
13. The sun again and happiness again - you will meet new love.
14. By the next Saturday, we wait for success in your work.
15. You always have a delicious food in the house.
16. Try to relax on the baugam times six per year and then you will certainly be surely lucky.
17. If you for a long time naked in the winter on the ice, no microbe will no longer crawl into you.
18. The coming year is lucky to someone again, maybe you or a neighbor - you have to always be ready.
19. Wait to change you in early January, get ready for them gradually - do not waste time in vain.
20. Try to gently run at night in ice, and then it is quite possible to meet you new year.

Merry predictions

1. Giving your favorite bouquet of daisies, recalculate all the petals. Must be: loves!
2. Waiting for a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely break off.
3. You are lucky! So be modest and lack more happy tickets.
4. Turning the road, look around - there is a possibility to meet your destiny.
5. Come to the boss from the left leg - and you will be promoted by the service.
6. Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy man. Silence! And no one will call the boring.
7. Your life is an infinite road, so choose a reliable means for moving on it - a car.
8. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
9. Buy a book that you do not like completely - and you will find answers to all questions.
10. During the first week after meeting the New Year, you are waiting for a pleasant surprise.
11. Coming out of the entrance from your home, turn the head right. Machine standing there - you will soon appear.
12. If the neighbors knock on the battery today, then a cheerful and unforgettable New Year awaits you ahead.
13. In the new year you will win a million dollars, but then you will give them all for charity.
14. In the new year you will be able to get rid of your bad habits, but you will acquire a couple more new ones.
15. In the new year you will give you the most desirable gift - the goldfish. True, it will be stuffed with rice and greens.
16. In the new year, you will find out and open for yourself a lot of new and useful, and now open please a bottle of champagne.
17. In the new year, you will have fun to spend a lot of money, and also have the pleasure of earning them.
18. In the new year, you will lead yourself a new pet, and you will give an old elderly.
19. If on June 1, you caress inside out clothes, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!
20. If you get in bread foreign body, Know - it's fortune!

Astrological comic predictions

1. Stars are favorable to you. However, you should not catch them in a bowl with salad, otherwise the powerful influence of Mars can contribute to the proper dreams under the table.
2. Venus in the second house foreshadows a tight dinner with frills and moderate exercise on the dance floor.
3. For your sign, the zodiac is contraindicated with ritual dancing on the table, otherwise an impartial meeting is possible in a government house.
4. People of your sign smile, cheerful, talkative, Mixed ... Hey, Miley, are you too laughing on champagne?
5. The abuse of shouts "Happy!" fraught with throat diseases; "Happy New Year!" Some lips should be pronounced, meditatively handing over the eye.
6. Stars are located in the best way: the most susceptible rhythmic twitching will be the knee, brushes, elbow and hip joints.
7. Your planet patroness Mercury foreshadows you an unexpected turn of events after your toast for love.
9. From today, you are under the auspices of the planet Venus, which will present you with a new unexpected love.
10. This night the stars are located in the sky so that you are shining all that you have dreamed so long ago.

Wishes in the new year

1. You good luck, happiness, peace! It will be your apartment!
2. Save wish the style! There will be a car!
3. Won't leave you luck! There will be a new cottage!
4. For your health your toast! There will be a career growth!
5. I wish you lucky! Waiting for you adding you!
6. Surrounded you to comfort! And incomes will increase!
7. Let success accompany! You learn best!
8. Impressions are different! Traveling beautiful!
9. Do not worry let the care! Waiting for you a new job!
10. I wish nothing to miss in vain, there will be new friends!
