Tatar surnames on the list of Tatar surnames: female and male alphabetic names, as well as origin and importance. Other common Russian surnames

Tatar surnames on the list of Tatar surnames: female and male alphabetic names, as well as origin and importance. Other common Russian surnames

If we consider the ethnic component of the population of Russia, the fact that the Tatars represent a very important part of it. Among the nations living in the country, they are alone among the first. Ethnic Saved language, original cultural traditions and uniqueness. Tatar surnames can be reached here.

Historical Overview

The origin of the name takes its beginning in ancient times. Usually, before all, they appeared from representatives of the nobility. Only at the end of the XIX century they began to acquire various layers of the population everywhere. In the meantime, it did not happen - the decisive role was played Belonging to the family. Since childhood, representatives of the ethnos remembered the names of relatives on the Father to the seventh generation.

The main mass is a modified name of ancestor, ancestor (Idarov, Akhmetov, Baigichev, Ielibyev, Rakhmanov, Sagaev, Safin, etc.). Under the tips, the sies and senior grandchildren began to acquire the surname. Later she remained unchanged for the rest of the descendants.

The three-fold form includes, in addition to the last name, the name and patronymic that came from paternal with the addition of "Kyzy" or "Ul" - daughter and son.

The formation of the name was closely and with native activity of carrier. For example, Arakcheev (Arakichy - Moonshine), Asmanov (Usman - Kostoprav), Koncheev (Kunche - Kozhevnik), Barashin (Barash - Cleaner), Karachev (Karachi - manager); ELCHIN (Yehch - Gonole), Tolmachev (Tolmach - Translator), Maksheev (McCha - official), Mukhanov (Mukhan - worker); Sagaev (Saga - Vinolrypius), Sadyrev (Sadyr - Singer), Ulanov (Ulan - Rider), Tsurikov (Chari - Soldier), etc.

The base could serve and nicknames: Zhemailov (Juma - Born on Friday), Ievlelev (Jewel - Lachars), Parades (Carynda - Tolstopusy), Kurbatov (Karabat - squat), Kurdyumov (Kurdjun - Kotomka), Lachinov (Lachin - Kretche ), Mamonov (Momun - shameful). As well as the names of the terrain, animal, celestial bodies, insects, household items. The roots of the Muslims of Muslim, Arab, Old Turk and Turkic-Persian.

Language interconnection

Using Russian as a state language it was essential on national names. From here, their overwhelming majority has the end of -in, -s, -Ev, on the manner of Russians. A brief overview of the list of Tatar surnames according to the alphabet (most common):

  • AIPOV.
  • Alalykin.
  • Balashev.
  • Buzchuchi.
  • Valeyev.
  • Vellyashev.
  • Gireev.ts.
  • Guers.
  • Devlegars.
  • Dunilov.
  • Yelgozin.
  • Elenetev.
  • Zakeev.
  • Zyuzin.
  • Email.
  • Karagadyov.
  • Lachin.
  • Onuchin.
  • Pedetches.
  • Ripples.
  • Sakaev.
  • Taghadisin.
  • Urusov.
  • Khankildev.
  • Chagin.
  • Shalimov.
  • Yushkov.
  • Yakubov.

In Russian, national names have two forms of writing. The first suggests the end of the end (Bekayev - Bekai, Tagayev - Tagai, Taleev - Talay). It is not official, but quite often used in national artwork and art. And the second obliges the use of surname terminations (documents, etc.).

The declination of male and female Tatar surnames is subject to the same rules as in Russian.

The sound of beautiful Tatar surnames is special. Clearly heard ineveful national flavor:

Very similar to Tatar surnames and Bashkir. No wonder. Bashkirs and Tatars are the peoples of the Turkic group.

Geographic neighbors having common roots, religion, almost the same languages \u200b\u200band culture. The list of Bashkir surnames alphabetically differs from Tatar.

Personal names and surnames from them taking place

Regarding the personal names of the hostility, I consider it necessary to indicate only some of their features, which is not found at the Tatar.

1) Among the Mishar Names often encounter ancient Tatar names, which the Tatars have already been replaced by Arabic.

In Kostrom, I had a conversation about Mishairs with a local Ahun Safarov (Rod from Casimov), who, telling about the Kostroma Mishai, by the way, touched and personal names. Mishari, according to him, belong to the names of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers with special respect, why are trying to give their children old names, for example Adelsh84, rolish, choram, uraza, altyn-bikә, Kutlu-bikә, etc., although from Orenburg Mufti there is a special circular about the replacement of such names with modern names of Arabic origin.

2) The names of Kutlug-Muhamet85 are often found, Kutlug-Muhamet85, Kuutlumen86, Kuutlukai87, Kutlush88, Kutlo-Yar, Kutlu-bikә (women's name), etc., that the Tatars are not noticed at all.

Personal names with the Coulp's prefix meet a lot and Kyrgyz: Kotlobәt, Kotlөhәmet, Kotlogazy, etc.

The word "Kut" on the Jagatai adverb means happiness, Htlug - happy. Tatar saying "Kutlug Bolsong" (let it be happy), according to Fren's observation, it was also on the coins of the Goldenopa Hanov89.

In the list of Akhunov district of the Orenburg Magomegetan Spiritual Assembly, Ismagil Kutlugülov is mentioned in 1896 - in the village of Kubak Belebean County Ufa Gubernia90.

Timur-Kutlug - Goldenordinsky Khan, with the name of which are Tatar coins92.

In the history of Schihabetina, Timur-Kutyluk's label is mentioned, Temirmelik-Khan's son, from 800 years old Hydju 139893

In the Turkic history of Abulgaz, Khan is mentioned from the genus Genghishan Kutluk-Timurkhan among the Kashgian Khanov94.

In the names of Tatar villages, occasionally and in the names, the Turkic word - Urazz - happiness, from here "Ucezli" - happy, Urazgilded - happiness came, Ucerazbakta - happiness looked out, Urazbaga - happiness looks at, uray, urazay, etc. with similar names in The Kazan province is found by Tatar settlements that the Misham is not noticeable.

3) Mishamen often have names with the ultimate prefix "Beck" 95, for example, Alim Beck (Galimbick), Arslan-Beck (Arslanbike), Bai Beck (Baybik), Sultan Beck (Soltanbik), Timer-Beck (Timerbik) , Uzbek (үzbik), Khan-Beck (Hanbik), RөstәM-Beck and PR96

Of these names, the Tatars occurs one Galimbick.

Similar names were used by Mongolian Tatars, for example, the names of Khanov җunibek, zbәk, Birda Beck, Nә-Fri-Beck, Celdi Beck, Tulun Beck, Chirkas Beck, Gaysetdin-Aha Beck, Kagan Beck, etc.97

In the list of Akhunov district of the Orenburg Magometansky Spiritual Assembly for 1896, Galya Chengaybekov is in the Kalmyk part Astrakhan province (P.75)

In the book "Sәgoycha" (Saitov Posad Orenburg province) at C.29, Akhun Temur-Beck Wildhanov, who died in 1271 hydrhesis.

4) Mishar surnames mostly old and occur from the Turkic root, for example Access, Baichurin, Bichurin, Bikchurin, Baigildev, Davletgildayev, Davlekimov, Dubdaneev, Agishev, Ageev, Bogdanov, Yenikeev, Tegulov, Mamaev, Mamleev, Mamina, Muratov, Kolchurin, Kappaev, Kameaev, Kudeshev, Kildyushev, Kadyshev, Karataev, Oktaev, Tenishev, Tukaev, Uzbeks, Chagatayev, Chanyshev, Yanyushev. Yamashev, Yangalychev, Yanugauz, etc.98

The Tatar often has no "surname", but called the Father. Ahmetzian Muhametzyanov, Abdul Valeev, etc.

In Kazan, where about 40 thousand Tatar populations, only two, three vintage born surnames.

In the list of Akhunov district of the Orenburg Magometansky Spiritual Assembly for 1896, the Ahuns of the Mishar parishes almost all have old names, and the Ahhunov Tatar parishes do not notice this.

5) Among the Mishar Names are often found in the names dedicated to Leo (Aryslan - Arslan), as a noble and strongest beast, such as Aryslan Heriers (Arslange), Aryslan-Galei (Arslancali), Aryslan-Beck (Arslanbik), etc.

The same is noticed by Bashkir, Kyrgyz and Crimean Tatars99.

The Kazan Tatars have such names very rarely and then only in the later time, probably due to the Mishar influence.

Asia's militant tribes needed to mark the birth of male babies or the reaches of the names of predatory and bloodthirsty animals: Aryslan - Lion, Kaplan - Leopard100, Syrtelan - Hyena101;

or giving the names of predatory, hunting birds: Schonkar - Falcon, Shaһin-Gәәy, Persian Chaһin - Falcon, Hawk; Shabaz-Gәәy, Persian Shabaz - Falcon, hawk who hunts the king;

or giving the names of the glorious kings and the heroes of the East: Article Alexander Macedonian, Rөstәm-Khan Rөstәmbek Rustum, a glorious hero of ancient Persia;

or they gave names with the prefix "Batyr" - the hero, the hero, the "gas" - to conquer, boiler-gas - a happy conqueror102, Batyrosha - King Bogatyr, a bayer is a rich hero, the curricyr is an excellent hero.

E.A. Malov notes that Mishari is not alien to both Russian names, which are already appropriated with adults when intercourse with Russians103.

Russian names are sometimes noticed by the Tatars, especially intelligent and born, and there are more of the hostility. In the city of Ufa, famous landowners of Tevkelev, three brothers, are now dead: sling (former mufti), Saidgerey (Guard Colonel) and Batyrgery. They were known more than Russian names - Alexander Petrovich, Alexey Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich and the Son of the last Kuhutlukai - Konstantin Pavlovich.

In the Elabuzky district, there were landlords from Tatar Murz: Kuutlukai Bikmayev, Ilyas Muratov, who were also known in Russian names - Konstantin Veniaminovich Bikmayev, Ilya Lvovich Muratov. The patronymic of the first is given according to the name of the father of Ibnamine, and the middle name of the second is the literal translation of the name of the Father - Aryslan (Lion). Different employees of such people in imitating their gentlemen are also assigned Russian names. In general, Russian names are assigned especially those of the Tatars who are constantly abandoned near Russians, and various ladies are known in the rustic bazaars.

"On the language and nation of the Mishary." Gainutdin Akhmarov
The news of the society of archeology, history and ethnography. Volume XIX, vol. 2. - Kazan, 1893. - P.91-160.

also from this work.

Male and female Muslim names, their origin and pronunciation features. The history and traditions of the nations of the East, associated with Muslim names.

10.10.2016 / 14:24 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

Muslim names are considered to be one of the most common in the world (after Jewish). They differ in particularly fraud and melodiousness, well combined with any foreign surnames. Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents prefer to give their children such names. Want to learn more about their origin, meaning and other interesting facts? We hope this article will allow you to get closer to get acquainted with one of the many faces of the Islamic world.

Features of Muslim names

The Muslim name receives not only newborns, but also people reversed in Islam. Basically all names have Arabic, Persian or Turkic origin. In different languages, for example, in Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar or Azerbaijani, they have a few excellent sound, but are easily identified. At the same time, from each people, the treasury of surprisingly beautiful Islamic names receives its particle of historical and cultural heritage. In Russia, Muslim names are most common in the North Caucasus, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in the Volga region, in the Urals.

Muslims are more often called the names of the prophets, one of the 99 names of Allah, historical names, beautiful epithets, meaning the character traits or the peculiarities of its appearance.

In the traditions of Islam, they relate to choosing a name. It must be beautiful good. This custom comes from the great prophet Muhammad, who always picked up for his loved ones, just such names and called on all the faithful to this. The name must come to a person, bring a blessing. As the Koran says, "in the day the day everyone will be called by named his and her father."

Men Muslim names

Abbas - strict
Abdul, Abdullah - Slave of God
Abdulhamid - the slave of the praised Allah
Abdurashid, Abduurite - a slave leading on the right path (gentlemen)
Adil, Adal, Adalelet - Fair
Adipa polite
Azamat - Hero
Azat - free
Aziz - Great (one of the names of Allah)
Aydan - light, radiant (literally from ancienture - "from this light")
Aydar - Lunny
Ainur - Moonlight
Airat, Harat - Amazing, Unusual
Ali - Great, strong, mighty, courageous
Ali - exalted
Alim - Sage
Alfinur - Milestone Light
Aman - Strong, Bogatyr
Amanullah - the owner of good health by the grace of the Most High
Amino - guarding (one more of the names of the Prophet Muhammad)
Amir, Emir - Ruler, leader, Prince
Amirkhan, Emirkhan - Chief, Ruler
Anas - good-natured
Anwar, Anwher - the brightest, most joyful
Arsen - Fearless
Arslan, Aslan - Lion, similar to Lion (Turkic languages)
Assad - Lion (from Arabic)
Asaf - Dreamer
Ansal - worthy
Ahmad, Ahmed, Ahmet - praised (one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad)
Ayub, Ayup Ayub - who accepted the Voe. The name of one of the great prophets in Islam
Ayaz - intelligent
Bagdat, Bagdar, Baghard - Gift of God
Bolddin, Beddedine - Light of Faith
Bakir, Bauyr - Early, young;
Buck, Baki - eternal. One of the names of the Most High
Bashir, Beshire - Joyful News
Borkhan, Burkhan - Witness, Frequent
Bulat, Polad, Polit - Steel, Strong
Vazir - Wiel, Prince
Vaaz - Orator.
Vakil - patron
Wafa - honest
Veli, Vali - native, close
Wildan - Minister of Paradise
Gazi - Warrior
Gani - Bogach
Gafur - Mercy (name Allah)
Gayaz - Assistant
Gufran - goodbye
Davlet, Devlet, Dulat - wealth, happiness, country
Dalil - truthful
Damir, Timir - Iron (in figurative sense - solid, persistent)
Danil - Close to God
Denmark - Important required
Daniyar - Smart
Dajan, Dajan - generous
Data, Daoud - Favorite, Cute
Dakhi - Great Sage

Dan - Great Judge (name Allah)
Jamil, Gemil, Shamil - Beautiful
Jan - Soul, Miscellaneous Life
Jaudat, Daulat - impeccable
Dindar - God-fearing
Delholy, Digger - Comforter
Zhamal, Jamal - Camel (in a hardy mean)
Pick - strong
Zaid, Said - with the Great Future
Claudary - a real man
Zaki, zeki - smart, clean, capable
Zakir - remembering God
I will rim, Selim - Cruel
Zamie - founder
Zamir - Friend
Zarift - sophisticated
Zafar, Zafer - Winner
Zinnat - Gorgeous
Zia - light
Zulfat - Kudryavya
Ibrahim, Ibrahim - Father of the people
Idris - ditty
Icram - Dear
Ilgiz, Elgiz - Traveler
Ildar, Eldar - Ruler Motherland
Ildus, Eldus - glorifying his homeland
Ilham, Elham - inspired
Ilyas - Divine Miracle
Iman - Vera
Inal - Prince
Andan - Believe!
Insan - man
Insaf - modest
Irek - independent
Irken, Irkan, Ercan - French
Islam - Crumpled (God)
Israfil - wrestler. The name of Angela who will announce the occurrence of the day
Icyc - cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ihlas - a devotee
Ichtir - respectful
Yoldiz, Ulduz, Joldus - Star
Kavim - honest
Cadier - ambitious
Kadir - Mighty, Name Allah
Kazim - balanced
Camille, Kamal - Perfect
Camran, Kamran - Happy
Kari - Quran Reader
Carib - close to God
Karim - generous
Kasim (Casim) - Fair
Kapol - returning
Kaharman - Hero, Bogatyr
Kayum - eternal. One of the names of the Most High.
Kurban - sister
Kutdus - dear;
Kavsar - Paradise Creek
Latif - Merry
Lockman (Lucman) - caring
Lutfull - the mercy of God
Lyabib - educated
Maxud - welcome
Malik - owner

Mansur - Victorious
Mahdi - coming correctly
Mahmoud - Nice
Minniar - Assistant
Mirza - Aristocrat
Muzaffar - Winner Warrior
Murad - purposefulness

Musa - Son.
Muslim - Muslim
Mustafa - High-level
Muhammad, Muhamed, Magomed - praised
Mukhsin - Helping
Mukhtar - chosen
Nabi - Prophet
Nadir - rare
Nazar - Foreignant
Nazim - collecting
Nazif - Healthy
Nail - Dar.
Nugman - benefactor
Nuriman - Light Faith
Ravil - Spring Sun
Rais - leader
Ryan - Paradise Gate
Ramadan, Ramazan, Ramzan - the names of children born in the month of the Great Muslim post of Uraz
Ramiz - Bunior Sign
Ramil - Wizard, Magic
Rasim - fast
Rasul - Messenken
Rauf is merciful. One of the names of the Lord
Rafik - soft-hearted
Rahim is kind. Name Allah
Rahman - forgiving. Name Allah
Rashad is prudent
Rinat - re-born
Rifat - noble
Ruzil - Happy
Ruslan - derived from the Turkic Arslan, Leo
Rustam, Rustem - Hero
Rushan, Ravshan, Raushan - light source
Sabir - patient
Sabit - honest
Sadyk - honest
Said - Mr.
Salah - God-fearing
Salman - not knowing grief, carefree
Samat - eternal. One of the names of the Most High
Sardar, Serdar - Communion
Suleiman - living in well-being
Sultan - Tsar
Tabris - Majesty
Tair - steaming
Such - pious
Talgat - attractive
Timur, Tamerlan, Timerlan - Resistant
Umar - long-lived
Ovit, mind - hope
Fazil - Talented
Phasis - purposeful
Fail - good sign
Farid - unsurpassed
Faruk - distinguishes good and evil
Habib - Favorite
Highrejdin - Worshiping Allah
Khakim - scientist
Khalik is an animation. Name of Most High
Khalil - Righteous
Halim is patient. Name of Lord.
Hamzat, Hamza, Havza - Promotional
Hamid, Hamit - worthy
Hanif - truthful
Haris - Defender
Harun, Garun - the wayward
Hasan - Handsome
Hafiz - knowing. One of the names of the Lord
Husain, Gusein, Hussyin - Handsome
Chingiz, Gengiz - Great
Shakir - thankful
Sharif - respectable
Shafi - healer
Shahid - Asket.
Shukhrat is notable
Emir - Head
Yunus - Pigeon, name of one of the righteous in the Quran
Yusuf is beautiful. The name of one of the prophets
Yavar - Assistant
Yakub - follower. The name of the prophet
Yamin - True
Yarulla - a man close to God
Yasin - the names of Sury Koran
Yahya - inspiring. The name of the prophet.

Muslim women names

In modern Muslim society, the long-standing traditions of name name are preserved. Children are not called simply beautiful with the name. And it's not by chance. After all, for Muslims the name is an integral component of human individuality. When selecting a suitable option, the customs of the genus, social layer, religious regulations are taken into account. The name should not conflict with the canons of Islam. All of them are bright, sonorous, shaped. Especially female. They emphasize the external attractiveness, comparing carriers with beautiful flowers, graceful animals, moon, natural phenomena - mysterious and unpredictable.

In female Muslim names, the distinguished main feature is an amazing melody of sounds. Listen, Layisan, Naoma, Nillyufer, Yeliz, Aigul, sound and gently sound.

Separately, it is worth telling about the name of Fatima. Arabs rarely meet for a simple reason - each newborn girl before receiving a name in the first days of life is called Fatima.

The most revered female names in Islam are a mansion. They are most often preferred in religious families. In the first place among them, definitely, is Aisha (Aishe). This is the name of the beloved wife of the Prophet Mohammed and another eight great people. Derivatives from him Aishat, Aisha. The root of the word -Ash means translated from the ancient language "Life". The correct pronunciation is considered to use emphasis on the first syllable and a small extension of it.

Other popular Muslim women names and their meaning:

  • Alia - sublime. The first syllable is shock. Among the famous supports of this name - Jordanian princess Aliya At-Taba's brother's wife of the ruling Korcor Jordan. This pair is sadly famous unprecedented in the Islamic and mona world divorce in 2008.
  • Amani - Dreams. It was very popular in America in the past century.
  • Amir - Princess.
  • Amina is true. Enjoy popular among Muslims, as it is the name of the Mother of the Prophet Mohammed.
  • Anisa - affectionate. The name of the breeding sister of the Prophet. Sometimes a single names of UNIS, Anis, Huns, Hynis, Inas, Munis are used.
  • Asia is a comforter. So called one of the most religious women in the history of Islam Asia Bandage Muzakhim, Faraon's wife.
  • Dana - Pearl. In the top of the popular names of Jordan.
  • Jamil - Beautiful. Ancient Arabic name, so favorite prophet that one day he even gave this to the name of the daughter of one of his associates instead of the unrealistic Asya.
  • Jana - Fresh Fruits (Paradise), the second most popular in Egypt and Jordan.
  • Judy - the name of the mountain, where he found his refuge ark nukh (Nov) after the World Flood.
  • Jumana - Pearl.
  • Giuri is a relatively new name in Islam. This is the name of the grade of beautiful damask roses of deep dark burgundy.
  • Zahra, Zehre, Zagra - brilliant. The second name of the daughter of the prophet Fatima.
  • Karima - generous. This name was Carima Bandage Ahmad, famous for his mind and scholarship. Long-liver from Mecca. Lived in the 10th century AD
  • Leila is one of the most beautiful Arabic names. It sounds equally practically in all Islamic peoples. Translated "Night", "Night Beauty", "Born at Night".
  • Lin - meek.
  • Lina - Palma.
  • Lujane - silver.
  • Lyamis - gentle.
  • Lyang, Layan - happy life.
  • Malika - Queen.
  • Maryam is the only name of the female mentioned in the Quran. All other women are mentioned in Scripture in a more abstract form - Adam's wife, Pharaoh's wife, Music Music. This name belongs to the Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus in the Christian tradition) and is a symbol of purity, chastity and piety. Ranked first in popularity in Tunisia.
  • Munira is brilliant. Often you can meet among the names of women from the Saudi nobility families.
  • Narmin - gentle.
  • Nur - light. It is considered suitable for boys and for girls. In fact, Nur is a noun male genus, but in modern society it is more common to give this name to girls. It is an integral part of other names - Nur-Islam, Nurgul, etc.
  • Wounds - intently watching. Today, the wounds are known all over the world - the wife of the Jordan King Abdullah is one of the most beautiful women East.
  • Rahma - Mercy.
  • Rome - White Antelope.
  • Sakina is calm.
  • Salima is healthy.
  • Saliha - pious.
  • Salma is an ancient Arab name. His value is well-being. Similar names - Sallyum, Salyam, Suleima, Salem, Silm.
  • Salsabil is a source in paradise with ginger and wine.
  • Samira - interlocutor.
  • Himself is high.
  • Sarah - Princess. Popular not only Muslims, Jews, Christians.
  • Safia is clean.
  • Sultan - Equivalent of the Men's name Sultan - Power.
  • Tasnim is a paradise wine source with musk.
  • Farns - male and female at the same time. Means "joy".
  • Farida is rare, unique.
  • Habiba - Favorite.
  • Hadzhar is the name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), the mother of Ismail, the ancestor of the Prophet Mohammed.
  • Halim, Khalime - meek.
  • Khannin is a passionate desire.
  • Sharif - noble.
  • Sheima - woman with a homeland.
  • Yasmin, Yasmina, Yashelin - jasmine flower.

Religious meaning of Muslim names

Immediately after the birth of a child, he should take his father or any senior and respected representative of the genus and read on the right ear Azan - a call for prayer, and in the left - ICAMAI - a symbol of faith (special lines from the Quran). This should be the first thing that hears the newborn. Sacred words and their meaning will accompany the person all his life. Then the name of the child is pronounced three times.

The names recommended in accordance with the Qur'an are contained by the Abd and Amate prefix - the slave of the servant in combination with the name one of the 99 Most High: ABD Rahman - the slave of merciful, Amatallh - Slave Allah, Abd Malik - Slave Vladyka.

The Hadiths indicate the preferred adoption of children by the names of the angels and righteous people, the prophets; Especially revered by the name - Mohammad and Him - Ahmad, Ahmed, Mahmoud, Mustafa.

It is forbidden to give the name Malikul Amlak ("Vladyka Total"), which its meaning denies the main postulate of Islam - "There is no lord, except the Most High." You can give the child two names, but in the commandments of Mohammed, it is recommended to be limited to one.

The names of the prophets

In total, according to Scripture, several hundred thousand prophets were sent to Earth, but only 28 were named in the book:

  1. Yunus - Iona
  2. Shuyb.
  3. Harun, Garun - Aaron
  4. Uzydra
  5. Suleiman, Suleiman - Solomon
  6. Salih (Mafusail)
  7. Nukh
  8. Muhammad
  9. Musa (Moses)
  10. Lucman (Lockman)
  11. Yusuf (Joseph)
  12. Yakub (Jacob)
  13. ISHAK (Isaac)
  14. Ismail
  15. Isa - Jesus
  16. Ilyas - Ilya
  17. Idris
  18. Ibrahim (Abraham)
  19. Zulkifl - Isaiah
  20. Zuluardine
  21. Zakaria - Zechariah
  22. David
  23. Out (Lot)
  24. Alasa - Elisha
  25. Ayub - Job
  26. Yakhya - John

The names of the members of the Great Prophet Mohammed family are recommended - wives, children, grandchildren: Aisha, Sauda, \u200b\u200bHafs, Zainab, Hadija, Umm Salma, Juseyaria, Maimuna, Safia, Umm Habiba, Maryam, Ibrahim, Hassan Rakaya, Kasim, Hussein, Umm Kulsum, Handle, Mukhsin, Tahir, Zainab.

Muslim surnames and names

Muslim surnames are no less diverse than names. They are formed depending on the country and the relevant legislation adopted there. So, in Arab countries, this is mainly derived names. They are not inclined and have the same form for both men and women.

Most often found: Almas, Boud, Atallah, Almaz, Parguti, Marzuk, Khalil, Shallaf, Mashal, Masri, Marzuk, Vahida, Sharaf, Abbas, Hamza, Shahzad.

In Turkey, the surname appeared only from the 30s of the last century. The example of the people filed the leader of Mustafa Kemal, who accepted the name Ataturk (Father of the Turks) and his closest associate Issue. He, in turn, chose Inen's surname - this is the name of the area in which the Turkish army won over the Greeks.

Citizens of the country also showed an outstanding fantasy in this regard and composed the original options related to the terrain, profession, features or appearance. Common Turkish surnames:

  • Gul - Rosa
  • Ozterk - noble Turk
  • Dogal - Present
  • Chalish-worker
  • Magitan-master
  • Ataevever - a lover of horses
  • Cylin - Sword

The formation of surnames in Turkey ended in the 50s and since then they are simply transferred by inheritance by the male line. Women after marriage get automatically surname of her husband. In exceptional cases, you can get permission to wear a double surname.

In the Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union, everything was much easier. After the Civil War in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, autonomous republics, Muslims received surnames named Father, formed by the usual Russian tradition with the addition of endings -On, -Ev: Akhmedov, Rasulov, Muhamedov, Shamilev, Jamilev, Tamirov, Bulatov, Ilkhanov.

By the way, among Russian aristocratic surnames, you can find a lot of generic names with Muslim roots. From the 14th century, the Tatar soldiers went to the service in the Russian army, turned in Orthodoxy and received the noble title. Yusupovy, Urusov, Kouchhelev, Naryshkina, Apraksins, Golitsyn - originate from the Tatar Mirz. Even the infamous Russian king Boris Godunov belongs to the descendants of Tatars.

Tatar surnames. Tatar surnames

Babicheva.Specific prince. From Baba Ivan Semenovich, Vitovt's governor, who left to serve Vasily I and Vasily II. In the XVI century, they are mentioned: In Moscow, the prince's Kolyka Babichev, in Kazan under 1568 "Dvor Prince Boris Son Babicheva". Continued with Beklemishev, polivanov. According to N.A. Baskakov, from Bai Bach "Son of Richoy." Judging by the lands in the Ryazan Territory and in the service in Kazan, people from Kazan and maybe even from Bulgar.

Baginins. In the Embassy Order under 1698 Tatchtaralya Baginin was celebrated. Nobles from the XVII century. Bugs - Baki "- a personal name from Ara-Bo-Turkic" Eternal ".

Bagrimov. In OGR, it is reported that Bagrim left a big horde to the Great Prince Vasily Vasilyevich in 1425. In 1480, Dyak Ivan Denisovich Bagrimov in Kashin, in 1566, Yuri Borisovich Bagrimov in Dmitrov. Surname Tatar from Bagrim "My Heart", "Dressing".

Bazanins. Nobles since 1616. From Turkic nickname Bazan, Basin "Krikun".

Bajanov.Nobles from the XVII century. From the Türco Tatar baza "Sadovka, husband of his wife's sisters." Subsequently architects, scientists.

Bazarovs. Noblemen S. end of XVI century. Under 1568, Temir Bazarov in Yaroslavl was noted. Nickname in people born in bazaar days.

Baybakov. Nobles from the XVII century. In the XVII century, Dyack Ivan Prokopyevich Baybakov, in 1646, Ambassador to Holland in 1646. Surname from Arab-Turkic bai tank "forever rich." In the subsequent military, scientists, public figures.

Baiking. Nobles from the XVI century, the estate in the digs. In 1533, Tolmach Vasily III in Kazan Fedor Baikchchkar was mentioned. From Turko Tatarsk. Nicknames Bai Kachkar "Rich Wolf".

Bikes. Baybulat Baikov - a servant Tatar in 1590 in Arzamas. From him, bikes - landowners in Ryazan, Ryazhsk, where there were usually placed from the Ka-Zansko-Mishar environment.

Baikulovy. Estates from the end of the XVI century under Ryazan. Baikulov Fedor Timofeevich is mentioned in 1597 in Ryazan. Judging by the location of the estate, a leaving from the Kazan-Mischarian environment. Nickname Bai Cool Turkic "Rich Slave."

Baimakov At the end of the 15th century, the estate in Novgorod. In 1554, Bakhtiyar Baymakov - Ambassador Ivan IV. Surname and name Turko-Persian: Baimak "Hero", Bakhtiyar "Happy".

Baiterovakov. Nobles from the XVII century. From Murza Baiteyaka from the foot, in relationship with yusupov. From Kazan-Tatar nickname Bai tiryak "Generic tree".

Baycins. Tolmachi, Abdul mentioned under 1564 in Moscow.

Bakayev. In nobles from 1593 years. From the signed name of the tank, the "eternal tanks." Baskakov implies the transformation "Bakaev - Ba-Kiev - Makiyev - Makaev". It is quite possible to the Bulgarian origin of the name of the Bakaev - Bakaev, because the Bulgarian Prince Sultan Tanks Son will be mentioned in the year 1370.

Bakakins. Nobles from the XVI century. From the palace delica Ivan Mitrofanovich Bakaka Karachairov, who served in 1537-1549. Subsequently, the residents of Kazan: Bakakin Yuri. Tatar nicknames: Bakaka - from the "Look" tank; Karachi "Looking". See Karacharov.

Bakshovama. Bakisch - Stanny of serving Tatars, clerk in 1581, cf. Turk. Bakis "clerk".

Bakiyev. See Bakayev.

Bakseyev. In the middle of the XV century, they mention Baksi Vasily, in 1473 Baksha Stepan Lazarev. In the XVI - XVII centuries. Noblemen Baksheyev in Ryazan Territory. Bakski - "clerk". But maybe from bapt. Tatars, Baksha, Buckchi "Dosal". Subsequently - teachers, artist.

Baklanov. Nobles since 1552. Nickname from Turk, cormorant "Wild Goose"; In the dialects of the Simbirskaya, Nizhny Novgorod province - "Big Head", "Churban".

Baklanovskiy. OPOO-LONCED Form from Baklanov. .

Balakrevy.Old nobled race. Balakirevs are referred to at the end of the XIV century among the Turkic-speaking troops of Mansura - the son of Mama Mamia, together with clay in Lithuania, then the KN. Yves.Iv.Balakir was noted in 1510 with land tenure in Kashire, Kolomna and Arzamas in the XVI - XVII centuries. . In 1579, prone Balakirev consisted of service at Ivan IV). Subsequently, the ancient noble genus, located in the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan Territories. From this surname, the famous composer M.A. Balakirev.

Balashevs. Nobles from 1741-1751. Surname, by N.A. Baskakov, from the Turkic Tatar Ball with a burning suffix.

Baranov. From Murza Zhdana on the nicknamed Baran, published in the 1430-1460s from the Crimea to the service for the Great KN. Vasilia Vasilyevich Dark, the surname from the nickname Baran Turko - Tatar origin. It is quite possible to the Bulgarian origin from the Rhodes-breeding name Baran - Baraj. Subsequent - military, scientists, diplomats.

Baranian. Colonized form from Baranov. From Polish - Lithuanian Tatars. Colonel Mustafa Baranovsky in 1774 was the last defender of Warsaw. Subsequently, scientists, economists, inventors OS, 1987, p. 1363)

Barancheev. From the baptized Kazan: Vasily Ba Ranchev in 1521, posted in believer; Peter and Ivan Semenovichi Barancheev in 1622 are located in Uglich. In the "velvet book" among the Baranchev, there are also immigrants from the Crimea.

Beshanes. Nobles from the XVI century. From Ivan Ivanovich Barash and his sons of Adash, the recent and ketlece, who left on Russia in the XV century. Nickname from Turko Persian. Barash "servant, cleaner." From the highest servant class. Ivan Alexandrovich Barbash is mentioned since the end of the XV century to 1535-36. Suzdal Prince Vasily Ivanovich Barabashin in 1565 - 1572 was in Okrichnin. Surname from Türco Bulg. Words Bar Bash "There is a head."

Badger. Nobles from the XVI - XVII centuries. From Yakova - Barsuka Son Amamyev, who came to Russia at the beginning of the XV century and received a place near Kostroma. In the XVI - XVII centuries. Barcukes are located in Meschchera and Arzamas, judging by them were immigrants from the Mishar environment: Semyon Barsuk - Son Ivan Klementievich Aminhev; Ullyan Barsukov Amenin was the ambassador of the spiritual letter of 1564 Nikita Yakovlevich Amamyev. Surname from Nickname Borsuk, derived from Turko-Bulg. leopard. Barykovs in the XV century left for the Great KN. Ivan Mikhailovich in Tver from Lithuania. Nickname from boil. Baryk "Thin, thin" or from Barack - the name of the Polovtsy Khan Barack, which means "a shaggy dog".

Baskets.Front meters from 1598 with places in Smolensk, Kaluga and Tula provinces. In origin, several versions: 1. From Baskak Amragan, around the middle of the XIII century former governor in Vladimir (on nicknamed - the title "Emir", possibly, of Bulgarian origin; 2. From Baskaka Ibragima from Tatars; 3. From various servants, descendants of backers on Russia in the XV - XVI centuries, for example, Baskaki Albych, Buddar, Kudasha, Tuta et al.. In the afternoon - military, scientists, for example, N.A. Baskakov.

Basmanov. Nobles from the XVI century. From Daniel Bass Mana, first mentioned in 1514 and in the subsequent active participant of the campaigns to Kazan. Surname from Kazan-Tatar nickname Basma "Print, Sign".

Pans. Nobles from 1564, land around Novgorod, which indicates an ancient way out. In 1499, Adash and Bustman Bas-Tanov were mentioned, in 1565 Yanaklych, Tetmet, Tutman Bantomes, including Tetmesh was an Ochrichnik in 1571, and Tutman is a messenger in Lithuania in 1575. From the Turkic Persian Bastan "Ancient", the origin also says the names: Adash, Bustman, Tetmet, Tutman, Yanaklych.

Batshov. Nobles since 1622, the land of Kostroma, where there were usually placed out of Kazan. In relation to adshev, since Stepan Adash at the beginning of the XVI century was recorded by the son of Fedor Batasha. Nickname from the Turkic bot "camel". Subsequently - large breeders, officials.

Baturins. From Murza Batura, who left at the beginning of the XV century from Horde for the prince of Fedor Olgovich Ryazansky. In the baptism of Methodius, descendants were boyars and Romanov. Relationship with Leontiev, Pet-Rowo-Navy. From the Türco-Bulgarian Batyr, Battur "Bogatyr". Subsequently, scientists, warriors, enlighteners.

Bakhmetyev leaving in the first half of the 15th century to the Great Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Dark, along with Kasim's brothers and Yakumba Aslam Bakhmet, is listed as a relationship with the princes of Meshcherski. Oslas, AS-Lam - from the Turkic-Bulgarian Arslan "Lion"; Bakhmet - from the Turkic Muslim Muham Mad or from the Turkic "Bai Ahmed". Most likely, immigrants from the Bulgarian Wednesday. Subsequently, scientists, revolutionaries, there are a friend N.G. Chernyshevsky OS, 1987, p. 115).

Bakhteyarov. From Prince Bakhteyar and his sons of Divai, Enaalea and Chelibay, who received estates in the Rostov of Rostov Yaroslavsky in the XVI century. In baptism, they became princes prime. Other Bakhteyarov are also known: Aslan Bakhteyr - Ambassador to Poland at the beginning of the XVI century; Enalya Bakhteyarov - a written head in the XVII century, one of the Siberian pioneers. Surname from Türco - Persian Byayeth Il "Happy Husband".

Bachmans. Nobles from the XVI century with estates in the vicinity of Ryazan and Novgorod. Mikhail Bachmanov is the old man of the Trinity Monastery in 1490. The surname may be from the nickname "Bachman", which was carried by one of the leaders of the Antimongeal uprising in the Volga region in 1238 - 40.

Bashevy. From Stepan's Boweva, the old-fashioned lip in 1603. Surname from the Tatar word Bash "Head".

Bashkina. According to N.I. Kostomarov: "Judging by the surname, Tatar origin" - see Bashevy.

Shoes. Nobles since 1662. From Daniel You Bashmak-Elimina, mentioned under 1447, together with sons, whose name was Abash, Tashlyk, heel. All names are Turkic Tatar nicknames.

Baheyshev. From 1613, the nobles from 1613 with the prevention in the Alaki district of the Symbirian province. From Bayusha Ripple Eva. Bayush is formed from the Tatars, Bay "Rewind".

Begichev. From Kazan Murza Begich, taken to the Russian captivity in 1445. In 1587, Alferei Davidovich Begichev received a placing under Kashira, later the estates of Arape Begichev were marked under Kolomna, Ryazan, Arzamas. In the descendants - scientists, sailors.

Runners. From the Begunov Warrior Ivanovich from the vesets mentioned under 1590. In the XVII century, they moved to the construction of the Zabami trail.

Beketovo. Nobles since 1621. Surname from Turk, nicknames Bekets "The Educator of the Khan's Son". Subsequently, scientists, military.

Beklemishev. Princes and nobles from the XV century. Descendants of the Tatar princes of Shirinsky-Meshcherski. Back 1472, Peter Fedorovich and Semyon Beklemishev are mentioned as Moscow governors. In the second half of the XIV century Fyodor Elizarovich Beklemis-Berren, and at the turn of the XV - XVI centuries. Bersen-Beklemishev Ivan Nikitich - a repeated ambassador to Lithuania, Crimea and Poland. Its sources are characterized as a "very proud person." The father of his Beklemishev Nikita was a ambassador to Kazan. The names of the Beklemishev's exit to the Russian service are testified by the names of the Beklemishev Sagittalonia of the Moscow Kremlin, the Beklemishevs villages in the Moscow and Pereyaslav county. Surname from Turkic Beklemish "Guarding, locking". In the descendants - famous writers, "" scientists, artists, etc.

Becleyshev. Recorded in the children of boyars and nobles since 1619. From Becklesha - the son of Mohammed Bulgarin, spreading Islam in the mesh in the XIII century, and then who took Orthodoxy. At the turn of the XV - XVI centuries. Ivan Timofeevich Beklashev-Zaglyazhsky. Surname from the Türco-Bulgarian Beclayshche "locking, head of the watchdog post." Subsequently, the associates of Peter I, military, sailors, senators, governors.

Becorukhukov. Nobles since 1543. Surname from the Turkic nickname bugberry "Gorbatoy".

Beleutov. Nobles from the XVI century, but in the XVIII century, the main generation and further continued in Odse-Be-Leutovy. The basis of the genus from Alexander Belleut, who switched to the service to Dmitry Donskoy and a ambassador to the Horde sent in 1384. Alexander Beleut - one of the first Moscow boyars - was considered to be the eighth knee of Ka-Sorry Prince. Surname from Türksk. Beleut, Balamut "Restless".

Belyakov. From the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars, moving to Lithuania at the end of the 14th century and retained the Turkic ethnos until the end of the XVIII century. Yusuf Belyak - General, one of the last defenders in 1794 Warsaw.

Berdibekov. From those who gone at the end of the XVI century to Lithuania, along with the son of Maia Monsur-Kiyat from the Tatars of the northern regions of the Golden Horde. Surname from Türko-Bulgarsk. Berdy Beck "Gotted Beck".

Berdyaev.Nobles from 1598, land near Smolensky and Pereyaslavl. Surname from Türksk. Beddy's nicknames "DONATED". Subsequently, scientists, philosophers OS, 1987, p. 130).

Berkutov. Nobles from the XVII century. From Murza Berkut, Kadomsky Misharina, who adopted Christianity at the end of the XVI century. Berkouts are the frequent name of the XVI-XVII centuries. . Educated from Tatar Berkut "Berkut; Pries".

Bersenev. Nobles from the XVI century. Known: Bersenev Ivan - a serunen man in 1568 in Kazan, Bersenev Petr - Dyack ingenic order in 1686 - 1689. The founder of the genus Ivan Nikitich Bersen-Beklemishev is a twum waller in the reign of Vasily III. Surname from the Tatar Word Bersen "Roshovnik", but maybe from Ber Sin, i.e. "you are alone". In connection with Beklemishev, there may be immigrarized bartas people. Named Bersenev villages Bersenevka in Moscow and Pereyaslavl counties, Bersenevskaya Embankment in Moscow.

Bibikov. Nobles from the XVI century. From the great-grandfather-ra, Tatar, who left the blue horde to the great prince Mikhail Yarosyavich. The son of Zhidimi-Ra Dmitry was in 1314 by the test of Prince Fedor Mikhailovich, and the great-grandfather of Fedor Mi-Kulich on Nickname Bibik (Turk, Bai Beck "Rich Mr." became the founder of the genus Bibikov. They belonged to noble Tver childbirth, from whose environments were David Bibik - Ambassador to Pskov in 1464, estates in Arzamas; Ivan Bibikov - a repeated ambassador to Crimea in the XVI century. Subsequently - government figures, military, scientists.

Bizyayev. Nobles from the XVII century. From Kireya Bizayev, Pushkar, a leaving from Kazan, the estates in the Swan "near Kursk. Kiriev and Bizyayi - Turkic names.

Bimirzina. From Bi-Mirza - the Russian ambassador in 1554-1556 in Hoga, including Yusuf. Surname from Türksk. Bai-Murza "Rich Mr."

Bares. Arap, Eastom and Zamnya Berees - from the baptized in 1556 of Tatars, estates in the XVI - XVII centuries. under Kashira and Kolomna. Surname from Tatars, Bir "Dai!". Biryuy is one of the governor Batya under 1240.

Birkins. From Ivan Mikhailovich Tag, who left at the beginning. The XV century on the service for the prince of Fedor Ol-Govich Ryazansky. In 1560, 1565, Pyatr Grigorievich Birkin, who owned estates near Ryazan, and in the XVI - XVII centuries. A number of service birkins: Rodion Petrovich - Ambassador in 1587 in Iveria; Vasily Vasilyevich - Slap Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Surname from Türco Mongolian Tag, Berke "Strong, Mighty." According to N.A. Baskakov, they are connected with Bai Churina - Bachulin, who received the nobility in 1685 and transformed into bi-churines - Michurin with estates in the Tambov province. Surname from Bulgaro - Tatar Bai Chura "Rich Bogatyr".

Bloches. From Ivan the flea from the Big Horde, which switched to Russian service at the beginning of the XV century. In 1495, Ivan Ivanovich Bloch - Anichkov was noted in Novgorod. Subsequently, scientists, revolutionaries, athletes.

Bogdanov. Noblemen from the XVI century. The line of the Türco Tatar origin: 1) from Tuzaka Son Bogdanova, recorded by the nobleman in 1580 and Ishima Bogdanov, who was in 1568 by the murza in the Crimea from Bogdan - the son of Kadomsky Murza Yang Glycha, the son of Bedysh, in 2- As half of the XVI century, which passed to Russian service. In the 60s of the XVI century, the residents of Kazan are noted - Bogdanova Ivan Baba, Vasily, one of whom was a trainer of Streltsov. Subsequently, prominent scientists, philosophers, artists.

Bogdanovsky. From Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. In Hu-Hu1 centuries. Mirza Bogdanov and his sons of the Trustees and Nazim, built after the battle under Berestov in 1651 in the rank of gentlemen, and after the nobility bred.

Bulgarian. From 1786, the nobles from Danube Bulgaria expects from Danube Bulgaria, which contradicts the presence of a typical Muslim sign in the generic emblem; Therefore, it is rather, the immigrants from the Volga Bulgaria. In this regard, it is interesting for the name "Bulgarian parish" under Kostroma.

Boltins. From Mikhail Bolt - the son of Murza Kutlu-Bug from B. Horde, which passed in the XIV century to Russian service. In 1496 were already nobles. Andrei Baltin on nicknamed Alay killed under Kazan in 1548, Ahmat Fedorov Botin was mentioned under 1556, and Ondrey Ivanov Botin in 1568 was marked as a servant man in Kazan. At the end of the 15th century, the bolt is indicated as a relative of Taneyev (cm). From the XVI - XVII centuries. The chatters had estates in the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, including L-known Pushkin Boldino. In the offspring, the conquers of Siberia, scientists, relatives of Pushkin are known.

Borisov. The nobles from 1612, the immigrants from the gentry of Poland and Lithuania, where, obviously, came from the Muslim - Turkic world, which the presence of two crescents in the coat of arms. Kazansko - Tatar language, such as, for example, Borisov Nikita Vasilyevich, in 1568, former rounded in Kazan and served by the correspondence of the Kazan bargaining in the Tatar language.

Borkovsky. The noblemen from 1674, the immigrants from Poland, where, obviously, got from the Turkic world, which he says their last name that occurs from Turkksk. Burek "Cap", as N.A. Baskakov believes.

Borovetikov. Nobles from the XVI - XVII centuries. With the estates near Novgorod, from Prince Vasily Dmitrievich Borovitik, who came out at the end of the 15th century from the vessel.

Buzleva. From Ches-Tigaya Buzlov from Tatars. In the middle of the 15th century, the "Ocean" buzles will be mentioned. From 1649 nobles. Surname from Tatar - Mishar nickname buzabula "having a calf".

Bumatic. From the Lithuanian race in Moscow in 1658, the buryry was Ulan. Surname from Türksk. The fog "humpback".

Bulatovs. Already in the XVI - XVII centuries. They had lands near Kashira and Ryazan in places of conventional concentration of lands of immigrants from the Casans' medium to join the nobility - 1741. Surname from Turkic Bulat - Steel. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. General - Governor Siberia, Decembrists, Scientists, Military. Songs with the son of Math attorney in Lithuania at the end of the XIV century. In 1408, some of them in Svidrigayyl retinue went to the Russian service, where he received land near Novgorod and Moscow. In the XV century, they are known as a boyars, in 1481 the governor in Novgorod is marked.

Bulgakov The last name of the first, as well as the rest, from the Turkic Tatar Bulgak "Proud Man". From Ivan Ivanovich Shaya - Bulgaka, the genus Hansky, who came to the service at the beginning of the 15th century to Olga Ryazansky with sons Golitsa. In the XV - XVI centuries. Already had a boyars rank and villages, including Moscow. In 1566 - 1568, the boyars Peter and Grigory Andreevichi Bulgakov were in Kazan, the voivpets and had a local "" village in the neighborhood of Kazan, including Kulmmetovo and others. From Matthew Bulgakov, who came out of the Horde at the beginning of the XV century to the Ryazan prince Fedor Vasilyevich and the former with his brother Denisiem in his service. From the Wednesday of Bulgakov, thus, a different, but Turkic origin, well-known writers, scientists, warriors, philosophers, metropolitans came out.

Bulgarins. Nobles from 1596, estates in the vicinity of Kostroma, where there were usually placed out of the Kazan environment. Here, in Novotorzhok district, there was a Bulgarian lip or parish. Under the same last name (for example, Faddey Bulgarian - the writer of the first half of the XIX century) were immigrants and from the Polish Tatars environment.

Bunins. From the rebellion of the project Mikhailovich, whose grandfather, who came out of the horde to Ryazan princes, received the land in the Ryazhsky district. According to other sources, Under 1445, Ryazan Bunko is mentioned in the service of the Grand Duke Vasily. From the riot environment - famous scientists, government figures, writers, including the laureate of the Nobel Prize I.A. Bunin.

Burnashevy. Nobles since 1668. Bournash - from the Tatar word Bournash "Zadira, Bachelor", a common Turkic name, preserved and in Tatars rubbing - see Bournash Giri, Crimean Khan in 1512, Bournash Monkey - Mentioned under 1561 in Kolomna, Bournash Elichev - Cossack Ataman in 1567 year, Bournash Gagarin. Subsequently, famous scientists, agronomists, writers, etc.

Busurmanov Nobles from the end of the XVI century. Known: Under 1587, the peasant Fedor Bursmanman from Arzamas; Under 1619, Prince Ivan Yuryevich Busurman-Meshchersky. Surname from the word Basurman, Buceman, that is, Muslim; Suites from the Ancestors of the Mishary.

Buturlins. Nobles and graphs from the ancient kind of legendary Radha "from the Germans", who left in the XIII century to Alexander Nevsky challenges this legendary statement and believes that it was a way out of the horde in the first quarter of the XV century Musa from the mysterious kind of Radha, the greatness of which Ivan Bourlyl laid the foundations The well-known boyars' budgeturine with estates predominantly in the Nizhny Novgorod Territory. N.A. Baskakakov believes that Buturlin left the horde to Ivan Kalita in 1337, and their surname was formed from the Turkic Buturly "Restless Man." Subsequently, the military, governors, relationship with Musin - Pushkin.

Bukharins. Nobles since 1564. From Timothy Grigorievich Bukhara - Naumova, mentioned at the end of the 15th century and his descendants of Deca Gishak Bukharin and Evuty Ivanova Son Bukharin. N.A. Baskakov does not doubt the Turkic origin of the genus. Subsequently, scientists, state and political figures.

Round table "Business Online": Tatar Murza and their role in the formation of a national self-consciousness

Today, the issue of the formation of new elites in society is at risk: what is a new Tatar elite, is it? And how should she respond to questions of modernity, on those challenges that stand in front of the Tatar nation, including those associated with the problem of the Tatar language? These and other issues were looking for answers to the editorial office "Business Online" Representatives of the ancient Tatar births - Murza from Kazan and Ufa.

Participants of the Round Table:

Bulat Yaushev - leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT;

Alexey von Essen - the leader of the Nobility of the National Assembly;

Rashid Galym - Candidate of Historical Sciences, a former researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Gali Yenikeev - Independent historian, lawyer (Ufa);

Nail Chanayshev - Member of the Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Officer of Reserve (Ufa);

Farhad Gumarov- Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Discussion Club "Big Eurasia";

Gadel Safin. - Head of the IT company.


Farit Urazaev - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Member of the Assembly of Tatar Murz RT;

Ruslan Aysin - Political analyst.

"It was an era when the concept of elites was turned upside down"

Who can be considered the elite of Tatar society today? Representatives of the Tatar Murza Tatar Murza and their historical role in the formation of a national self-consciousness, and their historical role in the formation of a national identity, and their historical role in the establishment of a national self-consciousness "were looking for this question. "Today there is an acute issue of the formation of new elites in our society. In a large Russian state, I lived after the revolution of 100 years, and it was the era, when the concept of elite was turned upside down: everything was mixed in society, in a way. And it has adversely affected the state of all society, its socio-economic and political development, "the leader of the meeting of the Tatar Murz of the Republic of Tatarstan began the work of the round table Bulat Yaushev.

Bulat Yaushev: "We lived in a large Russian state after the revolution of 100 years, and it was the era, when the concept of elite was turned upside down

At the same time, the representative of the oldest Tatar kind added that there is a natural history, an understanding of what the elite of society is and how they should be correctly formed. "This concept has a lot of examples of various countries and peoples, even there are mathematical theories that describe the process of forming elites. These patterns of historical cannot be broken, they inevitably make themselves felt. Today we would like these right scientifically based processes to be borne again and led to our society to return to healthy, natural development, "he said.

Rashid Galym: "The topic of Murz is the most important layer of the history of the Tatar people and, together with the history of Russia as a whole,"

Candidate of Historical Sciences Rashid Galym Brief description of the concept of "Murza". "The topic of Murz is the most important reservoir of the history of the Tatar people and at the same time the history of Russia as a whole. The term "Murza" means "Son Emir" - a member of the ruling dynasty. It has been used in the Tatars in several options, depending on the Dialect - Morza, Mirza and Merza, "the scientist noted. This term, according to Gallyam, was brought to Golden Horde from Persia. "Murza is a large feudal, landworker, head of the kind, hordes," he clarified and led the names of all famous Murz: this is the leader Idhege, Yusuf(from Yusuf Murza, the famous Russian nobility of Yusupova went approx. ed.) and his native brother Ismagil - Father Tsaritsa Syumubika. "Later this status was leveled. In 1713, under Peter I during the Christianization, Tatars Murzam was ordered to accept baptism if they refused, they were taken away from the land and passed to the Russian feudal. At this time, many Murza were transferred to the apparent estate, although part of the Murz retained both the title and some privileges. They were included in the noble estate already in the time of Catherine II. Since then, part of the former Murz entered the noble estate, and part of the trade. Murz came out from among Murz, benefactors, industrialists, and so on. The subsequent stage comes to the Soviet and modern era when the title "Murza" has a purely nominal value, a certain prestigious code, but does not carry a real social burden, "the historian reminded. At the same time, the participants of the round table noted that "half noble childbirth Russia wore Tatar surnames. "

"Adjusting to persecutions, many Murza became clergy, imamami, mufti, because they could not be baptized," the roundtable moderator was noted Farit Urazaev. "And in the Russian Empire, and in soviet time The immigrants from these clans reached very serious vertices, although the Soviet system was harshly pursued, repristed. But very many kinds in Soviet times took place and saved this code. For example, more than 200 candidates and doctors of science came out of the family of Chanyshev. Phenomenal phenomenon! There is still a village Tatar Kargali in Bashkortostan, 250 outstanding personalities came out of it: composers, writers, artists, scientists, military. This phenomenon has not yet been studied, "Urazaev added and handed over the word to the representative of the family of Chanyshev Nail Chanayshev From Ufa.

The former military told about the history of a kind, from which, as already noted by Urazaev, more than 200 scientists came out, as well as their contribution to the development of Tatar society. In particular, Shayhelislav Chanayshevtook an active part in public Life Tatars in Moscow, with his immediate participation, the House of Asadullayev was returned to the Tatar community, now there is a Tatar cultural center of Moscow. And Lieutenant Colonel Shagiahmet Rakhmetullin Son Chanashev Awarded the medal "For the capture of Paris" in the wars of 1812-1815. "Canyhevs, like many others, unlike the kind of richest family of the Russian Empire of Yusupov, refused to take baptism, as a result of which they lost their places, carried state anemas, have fallen at the salary and lost the same status and title, after which they moved to Ufa Gubernia," , - told Chanyshev.

Gali Yenikeev: "The story is part of the ideology, it forms the worldview"

"Romano-German Igo established in Russia"

Due to the fact that in Ufa, most of the ancient archives of Muslims remained, in 1993 Garden Murz Yenikeevthe Tatar Noble Assembly of the Republic of Belarus was created for the first time. Since 1997, the regular newspaper "Noborsky Bulletin" is available ("Morzlar Khabarches") . Later in Kazan in 2006, "Meeting of Tatar Murz RT" was registered ("Majlis Tatar Murz") .

"The organization began its work with the study of the history of old families and childbirth. Murza was always the most educated estate and carriers of traditions and advanced knowledge. This imposed his imprint for many generations. An example of the family of Chanyshev bright, but not the only one, in many kinds we observe such manifestations. Studying the history of his families, their birth, we deepen into the study of the history of the entire Tatar people - we find various documents in the archives. I would like the view of the modern generation to be deeper into its history. This in modern life is very lacking. Knowledge of the history of their people and their ancestors forms national identity and self-identification of the person. National self-consciousness, in turn, creates motivation to preserve the native language and culture. This direction in our activity is the most important thing, and we are trying to connect the younger generation to the knowledge of the present history of the Tatar, "said the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT Bulat Yaushev.

Gali Yenikeev
, another representative of the ancient Tatar race, a lawyer in the profession, wrote five books about the history of Tatars ("Corona of the Orda Empire", "Genghis Khan and Tatars: myths and reality", "Heritage of Tatars" and others), preparing the sixth. "I read the history of the USSR, translated from Russian to Tatar, completely in the 4th grade. The story is part of the ideology, it forms the worldview, "he explained his interest. I still had many questions on this story.

Murza and scientists noted the importance of studying the objective history of the Tatar people. So, the head of the Discussion Club "Big Eurasia" in the Republic of Tatarstan, candidate of historical sciences Farhad Gumarovhe told how Tatar Murza and Eurasianism as a certain concept are connected. "The Goldenopa Civilization played an important role in the fate of many nations in Eurasia. However, its role later distorted. Since Peter I, important posts in the state gradually began to occupy foreigners from Western Europe or their supporters. I also spoke about Klyuchevsky, and Lomonosov. According to one of the founders of the theory of the Eurasianism of Trubetsky, Romano-German Igo established in Russia. And so with time they began to unauthorizedly describe the Goldenopa heritage of Muscovy as times of wildness and dilapidation, given that more than half of the noble surnames were associated with Tatar Murza. And it was the Eurasians who were the first to ask the question of whether the history of Russia written by Europeans was true. And on the basis of the scientific base, they concluded that Turkic Tatars performed on the Eurasian expanses of the leading state-forming nation and the custodian of the Eurasian traditions, "he noted.

At the same time, all participants in the round table agreed that representatives of some well-known Tatar gods need to get away from the scale of microchetics, when Murza is studying only the stories of their surnames and go beyond these limits. "The history of Murz is not generalized, there are separate articles of individual scientists, there are books dedicated to individual births, but there is no generalizing work, there is still no fundamental book," he expressed his concern Galym. At the same time, Urazaev added that the process of mobilizing Tatar Murz and scientists in order to conduct an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of Tatar Murz and nobles.

"If someone decides this task, he will be a real Murz, a representative of the National Element"

Participants of the round table and the topic of studying the Tatar language in schools are not bypassed for all today. "What is the elite now? And as a new Tatar elite should respond to challenges that are facing the Tatar nation, including the problem of the Tatar language associated with the problem. What is a new Tatar elite, is it? If not, what should it be and how should she respond to questions of modernity? " - I wondered another roundtable moderator, political scientist Ruslan Aysin. "Topic" Tatar Murza and their historical role in the formation of a national self-consciousness ", in my opinion, is a very important defining topic, because that is" nation "? Nation is primarily self-determination. It is necessary to understand that the folk thickness, the folk mass is not a collective mind. Nation make units - just representatives of the elite. So historically it happened that these elites made from the Tatar nation - the imperial nation, the nation of the foregoing, which not only captured, as they said, Eurasian territories, but reached Egypt, - made the rulers of Egypt, Mamluki ( turks Kipchakapprox. ed.). Therefore, it is necessary to say that we are moving even and these borders, because, being a civilization of nomads, we have no horizon, we overcome the horizon. It is very important that Murza performed the elite and the fact that this pyramid of the plantation was built. Today, now, unfortunately, this topic goes, because we do not know our roots, our history, "he noted.

"For me, it was a painful topic all my life, because if the people have no language, he loses his face as a people. Why this question hurts everyone, because before 17 years I talked to my grandmother, and then I did not have the opportunity to practice and continue to teach Tatar. I believe that all the forces need to be thrown into an increase in material well-being or solve some technical task, but not to forget about the search for new methods, forms, and they are to raise the Tatar language to the level so that a person can think and talk on his native Language. A person who will know two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and Tatar - perfectly, will discover in the future in the future in the formation of the Eurasian worldview. If someone decides this task, he will be real Murz. And if you make a language minor, it is a quiet assimilation, the same as a Christianization, - supported the Language topic of Canyushev and led to the example of the genus Yusupov. "Love money - Accept Christianity."

"Language is not just a linguistic design, it is a style of thinking. The carriers of different languages \u200b\u200bformulate differently and build their thoughts. This side of the tongue is a decisive cultural portrait of a nation. The language needs to be preserved because it is the heritage of our culture, because it is the method and style of our national thinking. If we lose it, you will lose our uniqueness. What is connected with today's language situation: external forces are trying to systematically make us an object of manipulation, and we all feel the pressure of this manipulation from childhood. In this case, a distorted perception of history in school textbooks is crucial. An example is the story of the Golden Horde, the history of the so-called Tatar-Mongolian yoke. This, to put it mildly, is not true. "Black Legend", as Lev Gumilev said. And this invested in the consciousness of most people with school Benchis the basis of interfaith and interethnic conflict. We want to leave him, but we can't hold us in any way, the consciousness holds us, because it is formed since childhood. And now one of the most important tasks for us all and the thinking part of our society is still starting to study the real story. Return to historical facts, books written by serious independent researchers. If we come to this, we will understand that between nations inhabiting the Russian Federation, there is no confrontation, we all live here for centuries, we must be friends and cooperate, as ISstari collaborated. And no problems in principle should be. Russians should respect the Tatars and other peoples know their language and history, and Tatars must observe with satisfaction, as the Russian nation develops, flourishes and improving. After all, we live in a country that our ancestors together built together, "added the leader of the meeting of Tatar Murz RT Yaushev.

A Moderator of the Round Table of Urazayev to pay closer attention to the participants of the round table, stopped in sad statistics. Starting from the 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the Russian people basically experiences deep depression: on one day 25 million Russians remained outside their homeland and do not want to return back; Demographic figures over the past 25 years record population decline; Every year hundreds of villages from the country map disappear, lands are devastated, especially in Central Russia and the Far East; In recent years, about 20 million people living below the poverty line appeared in Russia; Increasing the retirement age and the outflow of young people with higher education from Russia (about 30%) in different countries abruptly can worsen the socio-economic situation of the population.

At the same time, in the Baltic countries, in Ukraine and in the countries of Central Asia, Russian as a means of interethnic communication is derived from the school program. This is a stress factor for the Russian population. However, in the Russian Federation in the Compact residence places of Tatars, the last quarter of a century, Tatar schools are systemarly closed. It remains an ethno-cultural component - these are two or three hours of the Tatar language or literature per week, and in many areas there is no it. These problems after the abolition of the Agreement between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, and came to our republic. "When the first Tatar gymnasiums opened, and it was the desire of parents, I gave my children to Tatar kindergartens and schools. I had no problems. When I already gave my grandson speaking in the Tatar, in the kindergarten, for six months he lost his native speech. That is, in Tatarstan, the training of my children and the grandson in his native language at the present stage is not guaranteed. Unfortunately, the assimilation of the nation begins not with school bench, but right from the kindergarten. We need not only to study the story, but also will have to rebuild the system of national education. These problems specifically me, as a grandfather, as a parent, are worried. We have a step-up sign, we lived here and we will live. I am the same taxpayer, but someone is the conditions for studying the native language are provided, and someone is not. At one time we wanted to be the "Soviet people", but for certain reasons did not become. Now they say: "We are the Russian people." But before becoming the Russian people, I, as a citizen of this country, as a representative of the Tatar nation, should know whether the state guarantees my unshakable rights to preserve the Tatar language and culture on a legislative basis. Violation of constitutional rights, unfortunately, does not contribute to the formation of civil society, "Urazaev concluded.

"Now we have the elite of money, the elite of clans"

At the same time, Aysin noted that here the role of Murz is very large. "And before the revolution, Tatars were not easy: violated their freedom of religion. What did Murza do? This is the people of a serious great consciousness, because they were responsible for the fate of the nation, and thanks to them we now have and our religion is Islam, which they have reported to us, and language, history, and the cultural matrix. Now their role is more than ever. Who, if not they? When we talk about the people, we must understand that this concept is quite abstract, amorphous. It is made by the people certain people: specific historians who write books, concrete Murza: Chanaishevs, Joushev and so on. They personify this people and lead it. If there are no, the people will simply crumble that we now receive. Do we have a genuine elite or not? If there are no elites, it means that everything is rapts. All we receive in recent years is a crisis of elite identity. No, apparently, that layer, which could, like Murza at one time, 500 years old, keep all this rich tradition. And now, unfortunately, we can all lose it very quickly, "said Aysin.

"All descendants of the nobles in Soviet times have fallen under the grievous impact of the state. Nobles at that time were not allowed in higher educational institutions, "added another participant of the round table, the leader of the Nobility Meeting of the RT Alexey von Essen. At the same time, Essen's background is confident: to grow a new elite, it is not enough to train a person with good manners. "The tradition, which is transmitted by the family makes it a cultural person. To become a cultural person, it is not enough to learn how to keep a spoon with a fork and smile. The family in two or three generations should live in prosperity and ok what is not now. What do you understand under the Soviet and post-Soviet elite? Elite Ta - Murz, nobles - was a community of people who relate to representatives of other classes. Now we have the elite of money, the elite of clans. Each rich considers himself an elite and creates a grouping around him. We go in the 1990s. Is it an elite? We must decide on this issue, "he stressed.

"It was the question of what is the main value basis of our society, not only Tatar, and wider, - agreed with him Aysin. - On the days of the World Cup of the World Cup, we saw that a certain value substitution was happening: everyone shouted "Hurray, Hurray." When the nation or the people who populate these expanses, there are no systematic values, they are replaced by some ideological simulats. " "Such a crazy patriotism," Murza agreed with him.

"The elite is the people who made some ideological superstructure. What should be the main value orientation of the Tatars, their traditional historical elite - Murz? " - wondered by Aysin. And the same, at the request of the participants of the round table, answered it. "What is the Tatar elite? What should it take shape? What things should it be formed from? Unfortunately, the defined thread is lost, the connection with the historical past, where there were great ancestors, some of this great unknown, part of us were informed. But, unfortunately, our current rulers will gladly dilute all this business, they make it easy to economically. What should elite be now? These are, first of all, those people who are willing to sacrifice in favor of society are ready to invest our intellectual and existential resource in the development of the nation. These are the people who are ready to give, and not take. Plus it is people with an excess of a certain internal passing energy. These are people with a special seal that are elected to lead the people ahead. There can be a lot of such people, but without this elite they will not get anywhere. I think that the representatives of the Tatar elite present here are also, because, first of all, they set the question "Why did it happen?", And the second is "what to do?". If people put such a question, they are already on the first stage. The second step is, actually, action. " "That is, you will learn them according to their affairs," Urazaev noticed.

Head of IT-Companies Gadel was noted that to combine young people under one idea now is not so simple: "Among young people, the situation is deplorable, because there is a social distribution, differentiation: on national, ethnic and, most importantly, on religious sign. There are entire channels that are incorporated this mnit, there are channels that, on the contrary, consolidate. I have no relation to Murzam, so I find it difficult to say something on this topic. " "Every time puts forward his Murz, intellectuals is a time prompt. Yes, there are hereditary Murza, which makes their contribution, and there are intellectuals, they are also Murza, who possess the colossal potential and make their knowledge in the development of society. In this regard, you are young Murza, the future of the Tatar nation; People of intellectual work, which contribute and will contribute, "Urazayev objected him. "Being Murz is a big responsibility for myself, for your family, for your own kind, for your nation, for the Fatherland, where we live," he summarized.
