Phenomenon at the basis of the merry-go-round 9. How does the merry-go-round settle down? What is a veselka like a natural creature

Phenomenon at the basis of the merry-go-round 9. How does the merry-go-round settle down?  What is a veselka like a natural creature

The colors of the veil do not exist, the shards are only an illusion, as we only dare. Let's see how much we know - the life is alive in the world, the people of the Crimea, but not in the mind. Prote won є.

Її bachat people, yakі live on the other side of the earth, on islands or continents, which are on the earth or fly in the air. Yaskrava, the colorful oarslet appears in front of the eyes of the suffocating gazers, if the raindrops still fall to the ground, and the sun is behind their back - and I create a marvelous picture, giving joy to everyone. That її was called that - veselka.

Since ancient times, people have been brooding over the nature of this phenomenon and why the oar and the wood are so tied one to one. It is not surprising that a majestic number of the most manipulative stories and legends is associated with it, most of them are superbly optimistic.

At the Old Testament. God gave people this wondrous sight as a symbol of the inviolability of his Word. And having said to Vin Noah that yoga of the world, that the all-world flood people will no longer be merciful.

For the ancient Greeks. Zgіdno with old Greek myths, along the merry people from heaven to earth descended to people the spring of the gods Irida.

In ancient Chinese. For the Chinese, the veselka was a heavenly dragon, which meant the day of Heaven from the Earth.

In ancient words. Our ancestors believed that this wondrous sight is an enchanting bridge. Angels descend along the new one, draw water from the river, after which they wag її in the gloom - after the stink of the stench, everything is dovkol with a living plank. Here the veselka that dosch is closely intertwined.

Veselka for zabobonnyh. Tsіkavo, that not everyone thought that the appearance of this marvelous manifestation of nature was good. Dehto vvazhav, scho appearing merry to bring misfortune. I would like that, according to the souls of dead people, to pass from the kingdom of the dead, and therefore, when they appear, they signal another close death.

Veselka and people's examples. Surely, the people's opinion was that it was impossible to turn around the atmospheric phenomenon by the side - people, orienting it, tried to prophesy the weather. For example, if the oar was ruffled high and was more bent - it means that the weather will be garnoy, if the arc of different colors was low and appeared stretched - you can get ready to the scoundrel.

What is an enchanting sight

It will be easy to find out that behind this wondrous phenomenon you can watch not only during the day, but also at night, in feathery gloom and wind fog for an hour. At the same time, from the earth, she stands before us in the form of an arch. And now you can only play once, if we will appear at the first hour of її to change in a plane, a helicopter, an aeroplane, or on a high-vischiy mountain.

Otodi y appear that really the veselka may be absolutely round in shape, the shards of scatter її povanistu over the earth's surface. And all that is dripping, which has a spherical shape and hangs in a beam of parallel dormouse light, can create only a few.


Sonyachna veselka most brightly їx usіh i її її bachimo most often. It is folded out of the majestic number of colors. It’s easy to remember the main notes of this phenomenon, it’s easy to remember, the shards were specially invented for this bulk, there were a few verses and orders, the first letters of which have encrypted colors of the merry-go-round:

  1. Kozhen - Chervoniy (the main yogo cannot be taken away when mixing colors);
  2. Mislyvets - Orange (additional - can be removed when changing the main colors);
  3. Bazhaє - Zhovtiy (main);
  4. Nobility - Zeleny (additional);
  5. De - Blakitny (additional);
  6. Sitting - Blue (main);
  7. Pheasant - violet (adult).

Irrespective of those that we care about, that there are only a few and a few colors of fun, in fact, the spectrum is absolutely uninterrupted - and our eye can see over hundreds of sights. And all that between these colors does not have a clear edge - and the same color (white) smoothly passes into a different one through all the colors.


Theoretically, the month's fun can be played everywhere. But in practice, it is most often guarded by bags of wood, or the whites of great waterfalls linger.

It’s not on the pavement, it’s like a sleepy one, you can look at the protege view of the Moon on the side of the sky at the hour of the full moon (plus or minus a few nights).

The night light may be low above the horizon, the sky is practically black and, obviously, from the other side of the view, M_syatsya is guilty of murmuring the board. Bring on parallels, boards and veselka (if there is a board, then you can shake the oar), veselka and boards (if the oar has appeared, then the weather can change).

It’s not easy to look at the colors of the monthly merry-go-round - it’s light for our eyes, it’s too weak. To that, we should spare її commemorate with an indefatigable new technology look, we only need an arc of white color.


Sometimes the foggy oar stray from the moon, the shards of it sound like a yaskrav syachichu wide white arch. On the inner side, it can be slightly purple, on the outer side - orange.

It is possible to do this if sleepy changes appear in a weak fog, which is formed from small water droplets (25 microns), which break it up brighter. Why the stench is less, the veil is greater, the shards of light beams flutter in the same direction, the bud becomes bleak, and then we swell.


The fire of the veselka is a supernaturally rare phenomenon. Vaughn is absolutely horizontal and looks like a feathery haze, which is on a majestic height - 8-9 km. above the level of the sea.

It is only possible to watch for it from the earth, during which day it was possible to shine under the hood, which exceeded 58 °, in the sky - to shed the plumes of gloom, as they are formed from hexagonal crystals of crystals and at the same time to be found horizontally (to change the Sun could in .

upside down

By the same phenomenon of nature, which rarely flashes, the oar is turned upside down. For її there will also appear the need for plumes of gloom. Only krizhanі crystals are due to visikuvatisya under the necessary degree, so that the sonyachni bіli promenі could spread out on different colors and climb on the sky.


Yaskrava, the arch of different colors is more important either before, or after the board, the shards of the veselka and the boards are tied to each other. When you change your sleepy (monthly) change of shoes, it’s the responsibility to penetrate the cloudy darkness, the light was behind the back of the people, and the wood, which is darker, in front. As soon as the merry-go-round appears early or in the evening (if the Sun is not far from the horizon), then the great rose will appear, as in the day (the light stood high) - a small one.

Why is it the very thing that is the manifestation of nature, the first to explain Descartes on the cob of the 17th century. Yogo often did not know anything about those who had a white building disintegration of different colors. Through it, the veil of the vcheny appeared white.

Rozfarbuvav її Newton, showing the dispersion and explaining the process of nature.

If you speak briefly about this phenomenon, then you can explain it as an optical phenomenon, as if it were a wink, if the exchanges of the heavenly body break and break at the majestic number (often up to a million) of plank streaks, and then the planks and oars are visible to the human eye.

  1. Bіlі promenі pass krіz doshchovі (or foggy) drops.
  2. A skin dot is a prism of its own kind (a body made of transparent speech, surrounded by two non-parallel planes, through which light breaks).
  3. The prism has wonderful optical power, which successfully distributes more light to the colors, from such veins it is added, and by itself a bunch of different color changes that diverge. In such a rank, it is possible to confirm that a drop of water has been taken skin-on-cream - it’s a little merry-go-round of its kind.
  4. Different colors of change come out of the prism under different cuts (here is a memory bar, that the surface of the drops is crooked). For example, the cut of a red one should be 137 ° 30 ', violet - 139 ° 20 ', reshta - between them. On the color, a dozhina of light fluff is added - in the red color, it has been found, in the violet one it is short.
  5. As a result of this white color, which is to avenge absolutely all colors in oneself, the cream of black, it will fall apart more and more, and it will make a different color smuga.
  6. It is often possible to commemorate a friend to finish one of the oars often, otherwise it’s a sprat of pieces, it’s true, it’s not the flooring of the yaskravih, it’s the main one. Tse secondary oars, yakі you can sing along, if it's light in one streak, two girls are twining. The colors of such arches are placed on the inside - to the beast - purple, in the middle - red.

If you don’t please someone permanently, and in practice, you can’t in any way sway this natural phenomenon in your eyes, you can’t be angry, even if you can create a whole bunch of fun on your own. Here I post food, like a merry-go-round.

Option 1. The simplest

I will take a glass prism, an arch of a white paper and go to the Sun. Turn your back to the new one and spread the prism in such a manner that light fell across it on the sheet. Veselka is ready! Approaching that seeing the prism of the paper, you can increase or change the variety of color marvel.

Option 2. With water-1

At this vapadka, a flask with water, filled with three quarters, comes out with a prism. They gave the need for action, like the first option. As a result, you will see a board that veska.

Option 2. With water-2

Take a bowl, fill it with water, know a big arkush paper and a small mirror. Put the bowl on the sun, lower the mirror near the water, close the dishes to the edge and turn it so that light changes fall on it. If it is necessary to ruin the arkush paper, the bowls are at the mercy of the mist, where the merry-go-round will appear on the new one.

Option 3. With a CD

Raidug can be pumped as a whole, vicorist disk. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those that yogo surface may be impersonal furrows, like the role of small prisms.

It is necessary to go to the lighted window, close it with a curtain in such a rank, so that a small gap is left for light changes. Take a disk and spread it out so that it drank a sleepy light on it, after which it is necessary to show the help of the disk on cardboard. If you heal a disc at the side of the ribs, you can take it like a regional wife, so a circular oar. As a substitute for the Son of vikoristovuvati likhtarik, the colors of the merry-go-round show less in abundance.

Option 4. For extreme people, who like to bark from the courts and work to repair

For this experiment, there will be a presence and a merry-go-round, and a board. At the largest room, install a lighter with an intensity of 500 watts and turn on yoga. Take a garden hose, bring water to the lighter, put a garden watering gun on the hose and put it on the saw. Raise the water, after which bring the pistol closer to the lighter, but do not pour yoga. For a sprat of khvilin, you will not only see a merry-go-round, but gazers - judge from below, to unequivocally evaluate your guilt!

Usim we have repeatedly had a chance to bachiti such a marvelous manifestation of nature - a merry-go-round. How is she blaming, for what rahunka in the sky does the majestic seven-color arc appear? Let's take a look at the essence of the veselka as an atmospheric and natural phenomenon.

What is a veselka like a natural being?

The Raiduga is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena, as it is customary to make a poster for the future. Veselka is visible after the board, to which the sun hangs the faceless water droplets in the atmospheric sphere of the Earth. Behind the shape of the veil, there is a pivkolo or arc, folded in seven colors in the spectrum - a variety of colors smuga. The greater the point of guarding the oar, the more the oar is more and more: for example, from the height of the litak, you can wind the outside of the oar, as if describing the oar. There is one natural law: if you posture a circular arc, the sun will be planted behind your back.

How and why do you blame the merry-go-round?

Veselka is a real physical phenomenon, which is based on the interplay of light and water. The sleepy light breaks and breaks with drops of water, which expands in the atmosphere. The droplets in a different way make you breathe in the light. Sposterigach, who stands with his back until the sun (dzherelo light), swing a candle of various colors in front of him. The price is nothing else, as it is more light, which is divided into a spectrum of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet. And then it’s worth noting that veselka, like rich physical phenomena, is special: this color is nothing else, like an optical illusion, it’s true that the spectrum is uninterrupted, and yoga color smoothly passes one into one through the impersonal intermediate colors.

colori veselki

The color of the din of the merry-go-round knows that the pheasant is not a pheasant for the skin. It is customary to talk about these spectral colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet. However, the number of feats, which are perceived by the eye, are also deposited in the culture of a particular people and era. Let's take a look at how different people bachiled the regional colors.

  • For the Russian people, veselka is an arc of seven colors.
  • For the British and the Americans, the veil is the same six colors, the black and blue shards in English are one and the same color.
  • Among the Australian aborigines, the oar was spun from six symbolic snakes.
  • The deyak African tribes see only two rainbow colors, or rather, colors - light and dark.
  • The great old Greek philosopher Aristotle saw only three main colors: red, purple and green, like combinations, on the other hand, gave other colors.

Also, you can have a stone in the knees of the feet.

"double" epithet of merry men

Alternative descriptions

. (mіstseve) dovga i thin pole, to serve as a vazhele at pіdyomі water from a well; crane

No hands, no legs, jump on the shoulders (mystery)

Grandma is great

A wooden arc with notches or hacks on the tips for wearing on the shoulders of a wind or some kind of tractor

Detail of an important mechanism

The name is important for some mechanisms

Attachment for transferring water by the wind

Important in some mechanisms, the fulcrum of which is ringing out in the middle

With a kind of subject of strong stuffing in Russian riddles, make a merry-go-round

Hut komaha corral grandmas

Part of the internal combustion engine

Vazhel bіlya vag

Boris Kustodiev depicted trading in roach with two yard-long links of dried ribi, and what is thrown over her shoulder in it?

. “Between two seas, along the meat mountains, bending places to lie” (riddle)

. “Kіntsy hang over the water, in the middle lie on the shoulders” (riddle)

. "shoulder" for vider

. “no light, no dawn pishov, bowing out of the yard” (riddle)

Komaha, grandma

Bucket balancer

Shoulder "important" for wind

Arc for transferring wind

Porovnyannya for Dimu in a smoky room

Wearing item

Plank for carrying winds on the shoulders

Detail of an important mechanism

Without hands, without nig for a woman strib!

The name is important for some mechanisms

Tovsta bent wooden club for carrying two buckets on the shoulders

Komaha, grandma

. "Dvoviderny" epithet of merry men

. "Between two seas, on the meaty mountains, bending places to lie" (riddle)

Boris Kustodiev depicted the trade of roach with two yard-long links of dried ribi, and what was thrown over her shoulder

Shoulder "vazhіl" for vider

Porivn. yoke m. important at the right; a pole, or a flood beam, which lies on a supporting point and walks uphill and down to the pass: important vag and bezmina; important, which moves back and forth the pistons of pumps or transfer in machines; kachun, dvigun; important for calling in calling that in.; a solitary water carrier, a beaming important, like to wear a pair of buckets on your shoulders, or two links of whiteness and other. call the yoke. and cold, great, baiduzhi water carrier, for two. She brought a yoke of water, two buckets. Vaga, in the Sarativ plus. Komakha grandma, Libellula. Zelena koromislitsa, koromiselko, koromisel. Suzir'ya Velyka Vedmeditsa, how the villagers recognize pivnich, apparently: the yoke has reached: Pivdnі cart, on skhid. throw on a joke, on a sivba. Elk. Dim yoke like a tangle, shifting in an arc. Babin's rozum, that the babina's yoke: і obliquely, but crookedly, і for two ends. The craft is not yoke, shoulders are not strong. Tight bow of the yoke, kalen arrows of the spindle. Do not crochet through the yoke, writhing pull. Lifting the weight of the houses with a yoke. He drank with a stovpom, dim yoke - chi is tight, chi is a dance! I drank with a stovpom, we smoked with a yoke, but the hut was not heated, not swept! koromislik, komakh koromisel, grandmother. Skoromislovy, - thoughts, - miserable, which is brought up to the yoke. Skoromislovy, at the sight of the yoke, yoke-like. The yoke is abo-shchik m. Nizhny Novgorod koromiselnik Tereziv won a medal at the London Exhibition. koromisliti, walk like a yoke, yoke, pump uphill and vіz
