Zhadіbnіst: how to wake up the wadi. Zazdrіst and greed - like їх pozbutisa Like not greedy

Zhadіbnіst: how to wake up the wadi.  Zazdrіst and greed - like їх pozbutisa Like not greedy

All of us can sing a set of yakosts. Maєmo and bad, and good rice. All buildings and for noble, and for pdliy vchinok. And we all feel so powerful, like greed. From children we were told that it’s filthy, and it’s necessary to fight obligatory with it. Without a doubt, in this case there is a part of the truth, but only a little more. The one who needs to be spared is not yogo, but as a step of yogo I will pour on you. If greed is no longer able to save you in the form of zayvoi generosity, building mischief, you become a zahist, but if it drowns out all other emotions and blames you for any drive, the time has come to beat on the flashes.

How to fight greed

It is not easy to reach success and kindness, and if this path has been traversed, it seems that at that moment it will be the best way to get better, and almost enjoy life. Forget all the experiences, the hardships, the overstepping, the inexcusable work of yourself. It’s a great pity, often the pursuit of the bazhanim becomes the primary way of life, and there is no strength, as if they would have guessed that you won’t earn anything and you won’t get enough, even if you try hard. Zhadіbnіst and zazhannya mother more and more allow the well-deserved relish of victory and shovhayut the whole hour in advance, not allowing me to relax. Tim himself, without giving people the opportunity, seems to be satisfied with that self-realization. And the most terrible, wine is not built from the house, nothing is done, the docks do not become too much.

Sob what didn’t happen, it’s necessary, sob self-analysis becoming so zvichny, like charging vranci chi dream. Helping yourself to understand your own experiences, those who are not in power, do not rest and what needs to be changed in order to turn the indulgence calm. Too many people are afraid of being left alone, because they instinctively know that they are going the wrong way. And in this time there is nothing marvelous, no one wants to be recognized through the singing interval of an hour, having shrunk the wine.

Pragnennya stability played an evil heat with us. From the children we can be reconquered, so that you can once again grow viber and all life follow only you, if you want it to be different. Like a person, like you don’t know life, don’t know, don’t know how to transfer the developments of the future to the future, stretching old fates to grow up, like hearing it’s better to become fathers and grown-ups, like to live in your own world, you can understand, you’ll be like want to get busy. But for a second you don’t get alone with yourself, and you try to learn to know yourself, with your morals, turn to that plan, which stench has been made, and which is the best for you.

Older ones rarely try to help children grow up in themselves, because some people themselves do not know what they need to work. And if greed and sknarist declare themselves in advance, don’t explain how to cope with them, but just seem that it’s bad and that you don’t share with others, you will never become a good person. But it’s impossible to guard your own feelings, you can only learn how to manage them in order to protect yourself.

Nebazhannya dilitisya or spend a penny on those who asked you about it, bagatma immediately accepts like greed, but in truth - it’s more than reasonable pidkhid to vitrat. Zayva generosity, a gift to leave a shirt for a needy person cannot be called miraculous things. If you want a similar behavior in the court, but in the depths of your soul you won’t praise it.

Hiba can be a beautiful quality, like a shkodi manager, wanting to be one person. Are you yourself unworthy of these pennies and the same set of benefits? Why are you guilty of constantly spreading yourself, what can you do, if you yourself are the first to make kintsy with kintsy. Your suffering is less summary, lower than that of the one to whom you have lied to help yourself to harm.

Greed becomes evil, if a person is telling the truth to someone who does not help, vvayuchi, that she has not yet given everything that she wanted. If a person could satisfy the basic needs and now nothing threatens his loved ones, for his own good, he cannot encourage someone who needs help. I call it unimportant, you will be great on the scales. Bring a homeless creature out of the streets, make a sacrifice for an ailing child, or put gifts into a child's booth, you already work miracles.

Similar shots are a good proof that there are more good people and more good people. And if people, having penetrated with their irrepressible bajans, adding inner doubts, stun them again and again, the stench becomes stronger and transforms into quiet ones, for whom the sound, the sound of mercy is not an empty sound.

Showing greed, if a person is defiantly ready to help, but not to rob anything, a signal that some of the most important human values ​​have been lost in the birth camp or have changed. And to ignore such a threat of advance, do not look over the shutter to the light, soon the sknarist will bear its terrible fruit. That is why it is so important to recognize that line subtly, de vain you stop victorious over your function, ryatuyuchi a person in his own eyes, and begin to be a bastard.

  • Be it a folding situation, first plan to fight, it is necessary to determine what result you want to take, and what you need. Reach for the set goal, you wouldn’t stink like that, you can only in one fall, if the person is defiantly wrong. Think to yourself - the most convenient task, like standing in front of people. Even if you don’t boost your motivation, and you’re not ready to recognize incompetence, like you call out, every day you try to achieve it, you won’t be crowned with success. In some hour everything will turn around.

  • Well, if you know that greed has become necessary to often pour into your vchinki that decision is made, and if you don’t cry out, you’ll get the first serious crochet on the way to self-perfection.
  • Sob not to miss the hour and reach success, it is necessary to clearly understand why greed has turned from a swedish almost into a serious shift. To know the cause of such a metamorphosis, you can only learn from your feelings and inner experiences, being left alone with yourself, there, you can’t hurt anyone.
  • Hotch bi yak important, try to analyze what provocatively її viniknennya. Maybe it’s connected with them, that you are afraid to spend what you can, but for them, that I won’t appreciate your help, or they called out that nothing happened to you, and for you it has become the primary way of life. For sure, there is a glybinne reason, having cleaned it up, you can solve the problem.
  • It’s all right in the fact that it’s important to stop earning all the time and, guess what, you’ve achieved a little more, think about it, but it’s not even a great price to pay for such a high bar. Such a life is similar to a big closed stake. She doesn’t have enough credit for those who enjoy a well-deserved success.
  • Fear the fear of evil gracefully, but to the same wine, most often, breed stinginess. Ale, nothing is impossible. Golovna, believe in yourself and stop giving in to negative emotions. Reveal what has become more terrible. What do you work for? Shouldn't you put your hands down? Surely chi?! So it’s better to lie to yourself earlier, then more, what can you not do.
  • Get the priorities right. Know that you are ready, through stinginess, to spend the honor of relatives and friends, to be quiet, to whom it is appropriate. It doesn’t seem that you can change the world for better, good guys, less accepting, lower manifestation of material wealth.
  • Work on the frivolous things, work on the cohanim of people, stain yourself, your development and health. Unify the transcendentalities, and for an hour believe in yourself and those who know how to correctly spread the slaughtered bones, not giving the rest, but, and not taking care of the help. І greed stop bothering you.

Having recognized yourself, having realized that you are falling, you can easily figure out why you blame yourself in this situation. First of all, understand what it is necessary to fight with him, what you need to do, listen carefully and act wisely. Having realized that greed does not bring negativity in you, you put yourself before it, not as a drive for self-criticism, but as one more emotion that helps to live in this world. Having marked that fine line, beyond which it seems to change in a negative way, you will be able to correct your behavior and behave as the soul commands. You won’t have to think more, as greed will wake up, even if you learn to cherubate it.

For the names of Allah, the Merciful and the Merciful!

First of all, talk about those, how you can get greedy, then explain the anatomy of greed and show it by pouring on people. In one of the Hadith it is said: “Generosity is the tree of Paradise, the tree of which can reach this world. The one who trembles for a tree of generosity, the tree will bring to Paradise. Avarice is the whole tree of Hell, the trees of which encroach on this world. The one who is trembling for a bush of a tree of miserliness, he will bring him to hell. Greed is one of the worst addictions. The signification of greed, like passion, means that a greedy person feels an energy charge in his own, that it attracts his object of worship. As if in a person there are not enough resources to satisfy one’s own needs, then one becomes a husky and persecuted, the riven її growing aggression allows one to cross the limits of morality, morality for the sake of reaching one’s own goal.

The readiness to cross the red line for the sake of one's own mind is one of the hells of Hell, for a greedy person is lulled. And what is the cause of greed? Most often, at the basis of greed and stinginess lie dissatisfaction, apparently empty and useless. As E. Fromm wrote: “It seems that such forms of greed, like transcendental spontaneity and hopeless purchases, often become maddened by the depressive camp of a person, as if they are forced by such a rank to turn themselves in.” To go out, scho zovnіshnі pridbannya for a short hour vіdvolіkayut people like a little internal empty. Another reason, in my opinion, is that it is possible to perekonannya in the cooped-up of resources and faith that "we mustn't work out." Now, if the picture is to be cleared up, we can decipher the work.

Otzhe, well, from the inside empty. How can you patch up the blackness of dissatisfaction in the soul, so that it does not provoke the blame of greed in people? I think the best way to grow is to do it a little. The joy of the squeeze is by no means equal to the joy of the bath. In the book “The Art of Love”, Fromm described the whole camp of the people, as he says: “Davannya is the greatest having shown strength. At the skin act, I create my strength, wealth, my power. Such an experience of high life and strength reminds me of joy. Give - radiantly, take it not to the one who is relieved, but to the one who in this act of pressure manifests the viraz of my life. Chi is not that rich, who is rich, but the one who is rich. Leather, who can give himself, rich. Vin is felt by a person, as you can give yourself to others.

The last famous psychologist and psychiatrist Alfred Adler gave the following recipe to patients who suffer from melancholy: “You can change in 14 days, if you will follow this rule: try to think about those, as you can get someone to take it.” Zgіdno zіslamskoyu tradition lyudyna "zagachuєtsya" for її mercy її that sacrifice, chimney more won і helping others, tim more pіdtrimki that її pomogi їy naday Vsevyshnіy. In one of the hadiths it is said: “Verily, the keys to the worldly things were given by the charge of Arsh, and the Almighty sent them to His servants at the world of their vitrates. How generous you are for your family, Allah sends you the keys to the worldly lot. To go out, scho vіddayuchi and podіlyayuchis, people do not only allow empty and greedy, but th natomіst otmіє more blessings in the form of his creator.

Another reason, as we said more, may be the faith of a shortage, a change in the exchange of resources. Ale varto looks around the dovkola, sob to perekonatisya at the protilege. Marvel at our wealthy riches, marvel at the diversity of nature, the creation of the Almighty. Almighty care for even the skin organism. As it is said in the Qur'an: "I don't have any wealth on the Earth, (about the yak) the Almighty (not) taking on Himself (pikluvannya i) the security of Yogo їzheyu and all that is necessary for life" . Aje Allah - Bagatiy, Patriarchal.

Otzhe, to believe in the innumerable blessings of the Almighty - that is another way of healing in the face of greed.

Far be.

Asya Gagiev

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Hello to all readers of my blog! Not long ago, life gave me a new vision; The whole thing was shown to me at the same time, the shards I began to write from time to time with myself and my achievements. And what happened.

Oskіlki my work is connected with indestructibility and prostitution of sites, then I have checked my work on my own site on Novobudov Anapi. Let me, I think, hang, don’t ask for a drink, but if you bring more pennies, then I won’t mind.

It is said to be broken. Vykoristovuyuchi knowledge, I dosit quickly zrobiv yogo vіdvіduvanim. Before me, people began to turn around, so that I would help them get an apartment in Anapa. I redirected all of them to one well-known realtor, who was already engaged in selection.

The first link is about those who don’t have everything for me generously - greedy prodzveniv, if I’m convinced that a realtor, who works with me can and don’t tell me about those who have been guilty of pleasing my client .

I decided to change the realtor for another one, whom I trust more, then I change the one for the third one. Having understood that there will be no such thing, I myself have learned to practice my clients and do not dilute myself.

At that hour, before me, it came earlier in the day, in the middle, for two applications, they gave more. I became a pracciuvati as a right realtor. With whom I want to blaspheme on an important moment. I don’t take a penny from a client, just a penny. In Anapa, the work is so prompted that the realtors lay the agreement from the forgetful and work for the same prices as the forgetful, and if a person comes to the forgetful from the realtor, then the forgetful will simply pay the realtor a commission. ale for the purchase, the price for the apartment is the same.

The first axis of this situation, if I, in fact, cost-free, work everything for clients, I got stuck with such a scammer, it didn’t take me long to find out. Approximately 90% of my clients, for the sake of them, I didn’t cheat for an hour, they just threw me a penny. Seeing all the information, as it seems, everything that was acquired by excessive practice, they often go without a hitch to the forgetful place and lay down an agreement on the purchase of an apartment, not worrying about those who sent them there, they just throw me at the money.

I understand everything, if on the secondary market a realtor takes a commission on an object that is for sale, there is a less reasonable motive for buying, bypassing a realtor. Ale is here! For one price, and all the same they try to throw!

I began to remember that I started hating quiet people step by step, as I recently said. If someone, who before me started to savage, I already hate! For me, it was such a shock, as if, honestly, I hadn’t finished before the end.

One of the most beautiful episodes in history was those, as if I had turned the image of greed, її ochі. You won't believe me, but I її patted, profited! Before me, a young pretty couple came to the consultation about choosing an apartment. We talked for a long time, for example, if the stench took away all the information for them, the girl asked me, - " We don’t blame you at once?". I vodpoviv yak є, - no, forgetful me to pay for those that I will bring you to the new one. I am not guilty of anything". The girl laughed at me and at that moment I shook the deputy of the girl, instead of the deputy, she disguised a mask, a motor-like stinking grin, approximately like in the film "Aliens". Who is bachiv, that understanding, who is bachiv, do not explain.

Vaughn didn’t completely cover up the girl with herself, but as soon as she stepped through, it wasn’t scary, I realized that there’s nothing out of the world and nothing to taste here. Vaughn snarled, giggled, and I vividly felt her thoughts, - “ God bless you more, we all took away what you wanted, and then we ourselves will buy an apartment, without you».

Well, now I can smell your thoughts. I'm watching them. No, I don’t drink, I don’t prick, I don’t indulge in cannabis and I don’t grow mushrooms. Ale, I tse pobachiv, really!

І I understand who it is. They showed me greed! Everything is beautiful! If I have added a new building to sensibly mirkuvat, I have nourished myself, - " what have you shown?". I am sensible! Tse not їh, tse my greed!

I figured out how I steal, investing licensed films, how I steal, investing paid trainings and books. I understand that all these people, my clients, will show me my power of greed! Tse I will tell you the secret! I don’t show what styles are in me!

How to get greedy, Hawaiian folk method

If I don’t want my mother on the right with such clients anymore, then I’ll seriously become rozmirkovuvat over him, like greed. The first thing that fell on a thought is the method of purification in the form of a yak. I often practice this method. Not regularly, but often help me in different situations. On the first day, I spent no less than a year on cleansing, then another day, the third.

It's wonderful, but the number of applications from the site has been rapidly running fast, maybe, send those, whose lessons I will not require anymore. Proud tim that I have overcome my greed, I asked God, saying something like this to you, - “ Dear my, you’re already cool, I’m practically not overwhelmed, I’ve changed my situation, I’ve changed my situation, I’m right, I’ve changed my own greed».

I organized wine, like a fiend, looking at the best, so that less than a day later we were shaking in the face of "injustice"! I realize that three days for exaltation of vice is clearly not enough for me. It looks like a couple of days to fight to get

How to overcome greed, religious pidkhid

On which one could I finish the story, but the article is still not about me, but about those, how to overcome their greed for pennies, I want to add more to those who talk about this vice of holy writings and shanovni me people.

For example, the Qur'an has step-by-step rows " Indeed, the keys to the worldly lands lie in charge of Arsh, and the Almighty sends them to His slaves in the world of their vitrates. Naskіlki ty generous for your family, nastіlki Allah sends you the keys to the worldly lot».

It’s not at once that I respect the “slaves”, I don’t deserve it myself, but respect “ Naskіlki ty generous for your family, nastіlki Allah sends you the keys to the worldly lot».

What are the words about? The more you think about your family, the more opportunities you hope for in order to earn money for them. Not for myself! For Sims! Tse is important. And how can you expand your understanding of your closest relatives and take responsibility for them? I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m wondering if there are a lot of pennies earned. And how can you take the honor not only for your relatives, but for the quiet, who, for various reasons, cannot be able to earn a penny, how can we? That is why, in order to win over in greed, it is necessary not only to sit in meditations, clearing oneself and space. It is necessary to start donating.

Forget rich people. Most of them donate chimali sumi for charity. I immediately guess the phrase “The more you give, the more you take”, And I, for the rest of the hour, all seemed to have put in the moment, wanting to practice such activity earlier.

I know that someone cares a lot, moving, if I have a lot of pennies in me, then I will also sacrifice. You won't! Wealth is always diluted, be generous. You need to fix it at once, if you don’t get a penny. You need to change your paradigm from the light-gazer of the zhemarka, to the light-gazer of a generous person, the building is not less than a brother, but oh, come on! Don’t do something like that, I’ll sleep in the snow, and then it gets colder. Always change to go in the middle, change your position on the back, then change the sharpness, it’s cold on the back, sweat it’s snow!

Lead about those, how to get greedy, greed, greed

- Garne food. greedy, greedy, greedy. Dear friends, repeat: "Ishavasem idam sarvam" is a mighty mantra. Ishavasem idam sarvam - henceforth, everything belongs to God. "Nir mama" - there is nothing for this world. I come there with empty hands, and I go there with empty hands. "Ishavasem go sarvam", and greed changes. In addition, marvel respectfully, people suffer, whoever you don’t get, help others. Considerably satisfied with the sight of it, really, as if it were correct for me, correctly supplemented, not just in the wind of the cost, but right in the knowledge itself, it is necessary to be respectful for the sake of meti.

- It is not my fault to put up with them, that many people are suffering in this world, it is my fault to expand knowledge, or to help me with mine, as if we were rich, we hurt and sick people, children. So we can be active, kindness can be active, and so we fork out of nedolikiv. Ale, even though kindness is passive, this kindness is overgrown with greed, I am greedy and greedy. I am kind in the middle here, but people don’t understand what, bachite, for I have outlined the axis with these imperfections. Because I'm not active in my honesty. I don’t get to know where to direct my honesty.

- Tse life is imposed by the laws of greed, struggle and zazdroshchiv. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat “Ishavas idam sarvam”, so I lie down with God. Everything belongs to you, God-centered conception, Lord already. And I can’t help him, he’s guilty for me. The principle of service harmonizes the whole world, but not the principle of panuvannya.

I assume all the above. Greed is rejoiced only with one face, faith in God, but rather trusting him and his own generosity. It seems that in the next hour I will deal with this terrible force! And what about your generosity?

    Olena Kurbatova on 25 March 2015 22:09 on 27 March 2015 09:30 Galina Nagirna on 10 September 2016 15:32 on 10 September 2016 18:26 Galina Nagirna on 11 September 2016 02:36 14:00 Shuro 4 VID 21 SICHNI 2016 13:54 VID 21 SICHNI 2016 14:40 Galina Nagirna VID 21 SICHNI 2016 15:08 SHURO4KA VID 21 SICHNI 2016 15:15 Galina Nagorna 2016 17:11 Oleksiy VID 31 Sichnya 2016 01:16 VID 2 Fierce 2016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 :07 Oleksiy on February 2, 2016 09:06 on February 2, 2016 09:34 Irina on February 4, 2016 23:48

Let's mourn a little about those how not to be greedy And under this, do not be costly. In my opinion, the topic is serious. Razbirayuchi її, I will guess you, what is greed, what is such greed, and I will share my thoughts about how to know the middle of gold between tsimi camps, and now vazhali її shukati. So let's do it.

Greediness is the negative quality of a person, and greedy people are always treated negatively. Be greedy badly, and you won’t get ahead of yourself. That's why we choose it, as if you were greedy, stop being greedy, as you have such a “sin”.

Ale є th protilezhny bek of the medal. A lot of people, talking about those, like not being greedy, not looking greedy, go to the other extreme and become costly. And if greed doesn’t lead to stodnoy shkodi, then cost-benefit can be brought up to, even more profound, which is a colossal problem, it’s not easy to find it.

How not to be greedy and not wasteful? It's simple: it's necessary to be economical and live for money, not stingy with it. And now a few reports.

In other words, economical people. For the benefit, I know, after all, I have reportedly written down what it means, and then I will guess briefly. To live for money means, bring your money from your income to your income: clearly understand, what kind of money you can spend on your consumption, you can spend your income and reach these limits. When you don’t be greedy: stained pennies easily, without being affected by any psychological discomfort caused by it.

How to get greedy?

If you see for yourself the greed for pennies - it is necessary to get rid of the negative bitterness. How to stop being stingy? You just need to change yours. And for yourself: take a penny as a tool for satisfying your needs and reaching the goal.

How can you “scan” to an instrument? Show yourself: mother hammer and do not hammer the flowers. Abo mother drill and do not drill open, mischievous tool. Wait, it's stupid!

Pennies - tse such a tool itself. So, just like a drill, we don’t buy it for the sake of it, to hang it on the wall, but for the sake of opening it, we earn a penny for the sake of satisfying our needs and achieving goals. So shkoduvat їх, greedy - tse bezgluzde and dead-end shutters. A penny is necessary for vikoristati. Ale vikoristovuvati dbaily, neatly, competently, efficiently!

I know, let's draw an analogy. Please state that you have a small drill with a great drill bit, and you want to drill this solid concrete block. You can’t get into trouble, you break a drill, it’s possible - and drill, or you can injure. Therefore, for such a robot, a hard drill is needed from a workable drill.

So it is necessary to win pennies and save money, so as not to hurt yourself with unwritten and unsafe stosuvannya.

How not to be costly?

In order not to transform from a greedy one into a costly one, it is necessary to simply start taking care of and planning your finances. Report back to the first song zusil, and if you see it at the start, it will be automatic, without any thought.

How to conduct the appearance of special finance? I need to know what to change, what to work, because you have a small income and a lot of other evidence on the broadest food on this topic, I have selected in the next article: .

Sob not to be greedy, and at the same time not to be costly, it is necessary to simply live for coins, so that you can earn pennies with your income. It is necessary to estimate the amount of pennies for what you need, allowing you to spend your earnings and reach these limits. Tobto, win your penny tool for being recognized as such.

For accuracy, we continue to analyze the butt. If you earn, mentally, 30 thousand. rubles for a month, then spend five evenings in a restaurant, paying 10 thousand rubles for the price. rublіv - tse life is not for the money, tse rіvnosily try to drill through the solid concrete block with a small drill. If you still need to drill through this block - it's wonderful that you have such an ambitious meta, but you can only reach it if you buy a suitable puncher.

I am sure that my butts helped you grow up, like being greedy and spending money. Shorazu, if your Skoda breaks apart for a penny, guess my butt about the tool. But don't forget about something new and different, if you want to earn a penny inconspicuously with your earnings. If you learn how to properly set up pennies and live for coins, your financial camp will start to change.

On whom I will finish. I wish you financial success! The site is your reliable informational partner in the field of promoting financial literacy and teaching competent management of special finance. Follow us! See you soon!
