It means, how little kiti. Tiny bezgluzdі astrakhan on the porch, people like themselves with telbuchs. Squares, rhombuses and іnshі geometric figures

It means, how little kiti.  Tiny bezgluzdі astrakhan on the porch, people like themselves with telbuchs.  Squares, rhombuses and іnshі geometric figures

Shtrihuvannya will calm downє

More often than not, people do not mind, but they start mimicking the little ones, as only the paper that pen is pressed by the hand. However, it is not "empty" from malunks. The skin image is a tse code, which is kind of like our preference for us.

Be-yaka dumka people will not appear in Russia. Likewise, babies see internal mental processes. We can say that the author is worried all over the place - even the art therapist Maria Yalisheva. - Even if there was no writing yet, people got along for the help of skeletal painting.

If you decipher the little ones, then it is possible not only to learn the help of the people, but to deal with the problems and find ailments. Evidently, in the skin of us, those little ones can take revenge on the child's text.

In my own robot art therapist, in my mind-bending interpretations of babies and images, I am hovering towards the individual symbolic movement of the skin patient, his emotional and similar reactions and manifestations. - The skin babies can mean their own. Ale є y universal symbolism. For example, if there is a little line of people, gostri, because of a strong onslaught, as if it was just a little bit of a papier - then, I should be worried, angry. In art therapy, navit є to the right, yak know the flames, - zvychane shading. Before tim yak spilkuvatis, mi proponmo clienteam zashtrihuvatyu surface, schob znyati a trivial aggressive camp.

Psychologists zagalili unversal symbols and deciphered them. The stench is to interpret pretty little ones, overwhelmed by people without a visible sense, with the following rank:


Equivalent symmetrical form will imply on a human being, like to love everything in order and shape. In front of the tiny one, there are readings from the life.

Faces, heads, exposing people

Oh, call on the little fun, sarcastic, ironic people, who want to laugh at themselves that little light.


Especially often lip and paint the girl. The price of special sensitivity and giftedness. Such people still love art and creativity. However, if the teeth become too thin in the lips, it is a manifestation of internal aggression!


Pivot smartness to the point of caution. Yakshho eyes in different angles and types - people dig around in their own.

Rough lines, strokes

We see our lines and a strong onslaught - we are the strong inner pressure of the tiny one. Win is clearly in the middle of a conflict, and he wants to vibrate more. Aleksei leave the "attack" the problem is deprived of the porch.


Relief to chaos, internal lack of control. Lyudin is very important decision.

Fox and tree

Lyudin shukak will be killed in the navkolishnyy light. Vvazhayayut, uchayuy such babies, people are unnerved, unpalatable in themselves, as not to love the situation of their rights.

Strokes from the center

Little cute people, who are ready to organize them for reaching the goal.

Sonce, hmari

Sonechko, the sky is that khmari, call the little mriynik. Imaginatively the dream, lyudin has shown her optimism, friendliness, joy and lightness.



Pragnennya harmonizuvati all dovkola.


For such an "artist", the head is harmony in everything - і all the middle, і the call! If people have little quotations, it’s better for everything, there’s no luck, or to face the problem, and the turbulence. Win pidsvidomo pragmatically harmonize the situation with malovanny quotes.

Suspended arrows

Shvidshe for everything, people stand in front of the choice and cannot appreciate the decision. Yogo is "attracted" now in one bik, now in іnshy.

Pricing from bid

If you want to paint your mood, be it enough for people to take a pen and look at it. If you need to resolve the problem of a psychological nature, you need to know more about art therapy. There is one of the psychotherapy methods that is popular at Calling in. The Petersburg community is actively developing the rest of the five rockets and also adding their own shanuvalniks. City dwellers come to the special center, so they know themselves in the light, how to get out of their way, and the flow of information, favor with another statute, and take care of the child's problems.

Art therapy is the focus of mystery, the transmission of mental problems for additional creativity, - the message of Maria Yalisheva. - Come and grow older, and little ones. With a few words, we will write about the situation of people who want to be flexible. Let's get it done. When we talk to the little ones, we can decipher them all at once.

On the thought of a psychologist, if only for help, a little guy can get involved. Often it is the same to be seen in children - they trace their fears, the stench is amused by them. Before the speech, one of the ways to soothe yourself is to paint at the center of the stake.

If the little one is not enough, then the patient is guided by the writer. This method is called food therapy. Ludin has grown up to go in with a specially appointed photographer and for an additional figurine, he will start a life of svit.

I myself have tried my own method of robotics at the nursery. Only there I am in the distance see the waste of my grandmother, - the psychologist Marya Yalisheva says. - If she died, it was not possible for me to see it, it was very important to be separated from the kohan granny. I was regularly depressed. I was able to close the wound in my soul. The explanation of food therapy is simple: our internal light is stored from images. At the nursery vibudovuєmo tsei svit. Yak bi visualizumo sv_y internal camp. Obviously yogo. Then the transformable and sprymaymo back - a new light without kolishnіh wounds. The housekeepers are unaware of their own. One day dialogue to see on the intuitive level. It is possible that people can malign a snake figurine. And as a matter of fact, you can imagine the qualities that you do not love in yourself. With the price of the "snake" you can talk that housewife!


"Squares" - workers and good "cola"

The simplest psychogeometric test is more useful, for example, a robotic intelligence-psychological portrait of the applicant. Marvel at the number of figures - square, tricycle, rectangular, tricot, colo, zigzag. You will choose the one that has brought you the best, as the most "similar" to you. Please put in the order of decreasing your "sympathy". People who vibrated a square - it was even better to stand on their feet. The smell of good workers, stressful, invented and loving everything in order. "Trikutniki" are ambitious leaders, who want to be right in everything, energy, strong specialties, who set goals and reach them. People who have put a colossus on the face are of the kind of nature, as they value the misconceptions of life. The stench is even more kind and comunicable. People - "colo" hear the rumors of the others.

"Zigzags" - creative, creative, non-standard misleading nature. Vrodzheni generator of ideas. Pryamokutnik is an unstable figure in a whole set. Tі, hto vibrav the very yogo, shvidshe for everything, perebuyut at the stanі transition that snakes. "Pryamokutniki" nevgamovno whisper short life, splinters of unhappy spravzhnіm. The stench often perebuyut at zbenzhennі and unimportance for itself, then add on. Until the speech, stretching out the life of the reign can change.

Imagine yourself

Rub okremo colo, square and tricycle.

Now paint the little ones to the skin figurines like this, the square and the tricycle have become not just figurines, but a rank.

Now, respectfully marvel at the little ones: the ring is those, as you see it for yourself, the square is the one as you see it as the call. A tricycle - those who like to see their sexuality. As soon as it seems, if you saw a little bit of a sack, then you better see for yourself at the light of a bag of light. And if the square has become a garnishing bumblebee, then it’s a great light for you, mabut, it’s calm and quiet and warm to the place. Yakshcho a tricycle who has changed into a shark's fin is better for everything in sex vie - hijack.

Simple images reflect our character, temperament, mood. It is not for nothing in psychology and psychiatry that it’s so good to be victorious with a leaf of paper, but you have a lot of knowledge about a person, її problems, and correctly choose the strategy of love.

Psychology Malyunka matured people

Imagination, we will grow up, we can vkazuvati in a special way of life, robots, radio and general mood. Especially valuable are the scribbles, as a person is to bring the paper on the arch automatically, do not forget about those who are particularly small (for example, if you are sitting on a hundred-hearted narada). Psychology Malunka is as follows:

  • overload the slips of the line, objects - signs of a crisis, serious problems, an important confused camp, which vibrates very importantly. About the same talk sіtka chi shakhov's doshka (squares). Ale the situation is uncritical, vikhid є (good, little understanding);
  • bdzholini stylniki - peace of mind, calmness;
  • namalovanі cholovіchki to vkazuyut on those who specialties are even demanded by those who, by the mighty forces of podolati the inability to go rotten;
  • nudgu to visualize with ornament, which is repeated;
  • The appearance of "cheerful" little ones in psychology is not necessarily strained on the mindset, on the visibility of inappropriateness. The dream is a sign of confusion, nostalgia, the presence of human warmth, joy, instability;
  • to heart to the radio mood;
  • squarely to love the little things of the last, the straightforward non-moral specialties, as it is important to endure spontaneity, to live under a clear plan;
  • trikutniki set off ambitions. Such individuals are ready to bag a rizikuvati for the delivery of the item;
  • rounded objects and love little ones, who want to act, be afraid of conflicts;
  • the intertwining of the stake to represent those who are married to the ruch, activity.

As far as lyudin is small, the geometrical figures, the psychology of the sturdzhun, can be traced to the individuals, who were firmly convinced of the singing rank. Such people are perceived as internal singing, unpreparedness.

Deciphering childish babies - interpretation of psychology

The simplest little baby baby - "vikno" at the svitovidchuttya, the inner standard of the child:

  • if the image is "empty" landscapes - trees, galyavin, field, the same, see the self. Krykhty dumb spilkuvannya with children, the little one does not accept one-liners;
  • pampers of booths - a sign vtomi. Malukovy marriage of the warmth of the native land;
  • good peaceful creatures (kittens, bilochki, kochenyats) little baby, if the mood is clear, there are no problems;
  • close, with a dark, brown color in the child of confrontation. The loving native babies open yaskravimy quits. Chim the figurine of a close bolsha, tim is more meaningful, on the thought of a baby, won;
  • as though the child imagined a great dark human postati, perhaps, the little one didn’t know how to feel like he was (especially not knowing);
  • "Self-portrait" with gigant wukhs to tell about the deyak self-care, bazhannya get ahead of the others. And the power of the image with great hands will turn on the visibility, the lack of clarity of the misnomer, the fearlessness of the sound of the new;
  • the baby has an underestimated self-assessment, as I picture it as a short-legged one.

Around the postati of people, the images are shaded, farmed, it means that the child is put to the point of being negative, afraid.

Deciphering malunks in psychology

Chimalo razpovidayut color, roztashuvannya ob'ktiv, size, form lines.

  1. Kolіr malunkіv
    Kolіr ob'єktіv can say a lot about it:
  • chervoniy strains on a non-viral confl ict situation, stresses of the nervous camp, dissatisfaction and passive aggressiveness;
  • - Imagination of a wonderful optimistic mood, readiness for children;
  • blue. Psychological babies, similar to the viewpoint, are aware of the inner peace, the visibility of the senses, and the positive attitude. The school, depicted in blue color, is a clear stretch, that the child has no problems with one-year-olds, teachers, and it is impossible to give the initial material. Blue can also be familiar with the knowledge of the fact that you see, not wanting to forget your little light;
  • perevazhayuchi sіri tony to inform about those who are married to a positive, everything is everyday, prosaic;
  • richly green - the person is inspired, optimistically astonished forward. The same color is used to show the overseer to the independent natures;
  • horny vidtinku richly in the little ones zakokhanikh, happy, sensitive people;
  • perevazhannya gray, black - a sign of triviality, driven by a depressive mood.

Remember! Individ, how to love shading namalovans, it is important to spryman new, to see old glances. Well, the person does not shade any nicholas, she’s ready to accept it.

  1. Roztashuvannya

People read the psychology behind the little ones for their roztashuvannyam. As soon as an individual is interested in more beautifully placing the image closer to the upper part of the leaf, then it is the culprit of ambitions, bazhanya to reach something rich. Tsya specialty pragne to become a professional of his own right, highly acclaimed by kar'erny gatherings.

The little one closer to the lower part of the leaf is to indicate the complex of disagreement. Particularly afraid of competition, underestimation of power.

If the little one is close to the left edge, then the specialness is tough for the past. Youmu to be forgiven: the most beautiful backward.

The image on the right means that it’s about the right will to forget, so as this year’s day of the individual there is little power.

Remember! Naykrashche, if ob'єkti closer to the center. Todi specialty is satisfied with the help.

  1. Rosemir

Psychology behind the little ones in the size of the picture. The image of the image is set for self-assessment. If the little one is rather big, then everything is garazd with her.

Majesty is the image - a sign of zeal, generated internal unhappy life, big bazhanny. To a little one - signs of rubbishness, anxiety, fear to show oneself.

Forms of lines of psychological malunks and values

Lіnії is another criterion, for which one can judge the specialty:

  • as far as the line of re-personalization, ludin thinks about the accepted solutions, the culture of his camp, the life of the individual marriage, stability;
  • Sucilnít pull on a strong specialness, I sing it out of my own people, as I don’t think about accepted solutions;
  • thin lines - the price of drinking a day, it’s like that, they gave it a bit of time, they stopped talking. So the little ones who are for the hairy vchinki disgustingly over the others;
  • fat to rob the one who wants to respect, positive assessments of their actions, the one who is married to her.

As the line is straight, without the gostrich kutiv and viginiv, then the specialness is disgustingly adapting to the new, misinterpreting it straightforwardly, the sound of dull schemes.

Gostrі kuti see fortune, actively put up with them, but little power. Roundness, navpaki, talking about a soft, inclusive character, ready to compromise.

The meaning of malunks in psychology is as a symbol of pidvidomosty. Through the form, the image, the colors, the dimensions are called the appearance, that the people have wondered very hopefully. The head of the fahivts is to help the individual rise in the rounds of problems, and then to know the paths of the revision. Such a fakhivtsem is the psychologist-hypnologist Baturin Mikita Valeriyovich. Also, you can look at the corny video on the psychological ones on

Already a lot of psychologists have confirmed that our little ones can tell a lot about our specialty, character and mood. Neither in psychology, but in psychiatry there are many methods of diagnostics of tying babies themselves. Especially uvaga priiliaєtsya to childish little ones. When analyzing the specialness of the grown-up people, it is possible to vikoristovuvati the little ones, as they are to rob them on the right - everyone is often led by the olivs on the paper before the hour of telephone calls, narads, lectures of trivial ochikuvannya. Check out the statistics and learn about how we can tell our baby.

Behind the little ones, professional psychologists can tell a lot about a man. However, the basic rules for the analysis of a baby at a time are available to everyone, who wants to know, so how to find self-deciphering a baby will help you better to know your loved ones, or to help yourself. Chomu analysis of malunka in psychology so effective? Tsomu є shonaimenshe two explanations.

  • Nasamper, in the little ones, I think they are. Oscillations in a way of dialogue from outward light є indirect, on a vidmin, for example, from a mov, little ones in a small world are controlled by our testimony. As soon as I see my food, I pass my words through the actions of the inner filters, then, I see through the little ones, I see my real ones. For example, this is how you can explain the rosetting of malunks and zmist.
  • Our myazovs are known directly from the little ones. The nature of the arms is depicted on the lines and dimensions of the image. You, melodiously, began to think that our hands would lie down like a mittvich emotsiy, so a temperament and character. To navigate the process of extravagant spilkuvannya is even more abundant in information about people we can accept non-verbally: sparingly, as a gesture, and as a change in a mimic. Rukha hands, about how you can easily judge the little one, so you can give us a statement about the character of that people’s attitude.

Sometimes in psychology, for the diagnosis of people, it is special to ask people to be quiet, and sometimes in the analysis to show them as little ones, as it’s a lot of people to beat us with the right, as if in the hands of an old man and a cigarette. Another way, madly, efficient. Vypadkovі babies give the most objective characteristic, and in babies, malunks, especially for a psychologist, people can get really good.

p align = "justify"> A very special place for a loan in psychology is the analysis of a child. Deciphering them is rich in simpler terms, when little babies are old enough, so little babies are perceived as great versatility and a wide range of colors. If you want to be able to interpret it when you are old enough, or childish little ones, then I respect the beasts not only for the image. Roztashuvannya ob'єkta on arkushi, yogo kolіr that character lines may not be less significant.

About how to reduce the roasting of a baby?

According to the position of the little boy, you can build a story about the nature and values ​​of the people. In addition, there is a lot of painting in the right margin of the notebook, in the old people’s documents and small urivka paper. However, you can win a lot of people with respect to those who like Lyudin vikoristov for his little one obvious space.

  • Little ones, spreading closer to the upper edge of the sheet, indicate self-assessment and straightening about the temple. For this type of people, the main life priority is self-realization and success. Such people love the process of making, kick but be short in be-yaky right. It is not often the smell that can add to the excitement and the leader's goodness.
  • Apparently, the little ones, hanging around the lower part of the leaf, talk about those who have low self-esteem among people, they don't see themselves as they have demanded and are not fought for persistence.
  • The image is evil to talk about conservativeness and nostalgia. Tsia lyudina is bored with her help, and has passed to serve for her as an organizer.
  • Yaksho Lyudin is painted right-handed, tse, navpaki, meaning її її її її її її її її її її ії іі і їіbutn. Tse means that a person checks on positive snakes, but the current camp of the right is not vlashtov. Tsi rules for the analysis of specific skin culture. For example, the hands of evil to the right are characteristic of our writing, so from the malunks it is possible to create visnovka for analogy.

  • Roztashuvannya malyunka is either livoruch, or a right-handed person can associate with a singing part of dissatisfaction with life. Call past those people who are uncomfortable with the present. To that, a harmonious mice for a baby is the center of the sheet.

About how to reduce the size of the baby?

Razmіri malyunka on arkushі beckon to the association from self-centered people. Zrozumіlo, slіd vrahovuvati razmіr throughout the entire expanse of the sheet, as the place is framed.

  • Great babies will tell you about the temple self-assessment. It’s as if the little ones are superbly great and they’re unnatural, you can even talk about zeal and marnoslauding, the great reason for which, navpaki, є uncomfortable in their powers.
  • About the special inability to bring the little ones, as to stop taking all the place in the arch. Tse z the psychological mechanism of compensation: if a person is unpromising to assert their own mind at life, if you think about it, take everything beautifully, take more space. Call such people - extroverts, as for quiet reasons they cannot adequately realize themselves in suspension. Tse know sv_ydbitok at babies.
  • Introvert the little pictures that are small enough to fill the empty space around. It is unjustifiable for little kids to interpret psychologists as sluggishness, dullness, fear and triviality. Such people are emotionally closed, they see discomfort in the outgoing sights, they get bad and do not add up to it.

Colir malunks in psychology

Behind the cym parameter, you can analyze, zdebіlshogo, baby babies. When you grow older, you want to play with the little ones if you are an old man, like a hand. Interpretation in older babies can be very clear and visible. For little children, colir is of great importance for psychologists.

  • Green colors can be indicative of independence, self-sufficiency and perfection. Tsei kolіr vikoristovuyut children, as they want to self-affirm.
  • It’s easy to get the little ones together, it’s comfortable for people to smell.
  • Blue means unrepentant that annoyance in oneself. The blue little ones to be timid at the moment of thinking about the past, and I think about the problem.
  • Fioletoviy kolіr inform about rozvinenny fantasy.
  • Chervoniy kolіr inform about the need for viplesnuti energy, which has accumulated. Tsei kolіr often vikoristovuyut hyperactive children. The chervonia can also be a signal of prized aggression.
  • Syriy to inform about nudga and the lack of positive emotions.
  • A brown color means a protest. Ditina, the yak is often vicious brown farbah, not satisfied with any situation, feeling turbulence and discomfort.
  • Chorny associyuєtsya from the drive. Let such little ones be told about those, that the little girl is strongly focused on her problem, and does not show positive experiences.
  • In vipadkovy babies, grown-ups, shaded figures can mean closeness, seeing oneself within the framework. It’s not like such little ones to tell about the creative crisis of the people.
  • As far as Lyudin doesn’t shade my image, I’m talking about the readiness to sprymati new and accept snakes.

About what to say to the little line?

Along the lines, as to rob people, it is possible to tell a lot about the character. Tsі lіnії can be succinct or urivchastny, rounded or with hostess kutas. On the lines of the little one, you can easily decode the image, grow up to the right. Such a way to go the same way is good for the analysis of children and grown-up babies.

  • The essence of the line is to imply stability, dullness and excitement on the emotion. Such people call for peace, and for singing, how to fit in with the difficult things, how to find it out.
  • Changes in the lines, navpaki, mean inconsistency and instability.
  • Fat lines can testify about the bazhanya of people and see that they will be affirmed. Such lines can be used to compensate for the internal inadequacy, but we will also be aware of it and evaluate it.
  • Navmis thin lines, if a person doesn’t press on an olivist or a lady to tinker with a paper, talk about bazhannya unique respect that spilkuvannya, take a decision. There are a few lines of wine, as people see it as rubbish and almost guilt.

  • Strictly geometrical little ones, every bit straight, protein perpendicular and parallel to one, can mean a bit of aggression. There are also some lines to talk about the conservativeness and the difficult adaptation to the new.
  • Obviously, aggression and divination can be due to the great number of gostrich kutiv malyunku.
  • The rounded lines and the meat of the Vigini speak of the meatiness and the numbness of the people. Call these little ones to the wives of the more often, not to the people.
  • Vuzki and miniature figurines talk about closing, praigning to the rules and not going out of the box.
  • It’s great for people to see them, because people are broad-minded and emotionally aware.

What about talking about painted objects?

Zrozumіlo, especially respect for coming to that which itself has been painted. In addition, as you picture a person, you can tell a lot about her.

  • Live ob'ykti, before the creatures like people, to witness about the marriage of spilkuvannya, consume from social contact. Likewise, some of the images can lead to a folding problem in the life of the people, as if you are afraid of being self-deprecating.
  • Empty landscapes, how to imagine nature without people, to take into account the difficult things of the community and the minds of other people's thoughts.
  • The repetition of standard simple ornaments, for example, kvitiv, hmare, wood, or a little bit to talk about emotional zesty and try to preach your rewarding experience.
  • The plot of the little ones, which depicts people who are pure creatures in Russia, see the active nature of this.

Psychology Malyunka matured people

The little ones are grown-up, shattered around themselves, they can be no less smart, less kids. And then, it’s very painted, it is possible to judge a lot about the specialness of the people. The most popular options are clearly visible among older adults and psychology.

  • The flippers of the line and the spirals can talk about those people who are overwhelmed by the folding situation and start to feel the crisis. Such little ones will be able to stop being disturbed and appear, as if the people got lost in chomus.
  • Sitka to talk about those who can smell the people at the unacceptable, infuriating camp.
  • Often people can paint the sun and quotes on the right. Unfortunately, the meaning of such little things is not as obvious as to be built. Malunki kvitiv at psychologists, like a baby son, most often the hassle and demand from respect and spilkuvanny turn around.
  • Joy can be twisted in little ones' hearts.
  • Ornaments, scho repeat themselves, talk about nudga.
  • As far as lyudin is small people, it means that you want to reshape on which one the appearance of that unique robot is. This can also mean the need for additional help and assistance.
  • Malunok budinku at psychology means, therefore, the bewitchment of the people in terms of being brought up to a new life and the prosperity of being relaxed at the friendly for the whole middle.
  • Chekhs call on people to paint, as they have indulged in an ambiguous situation, if you don’t know the stench, it’s a solution to appreciate it.
  • Bdzholini stylists, namalovanі by a grown-up people, talk about harmony and spokіy.
  • It’s a little geometrical figure of a human being, so you can talk about the hardness of his perekonan and match with the adopted decision.

Psychology of a little baby

Most often, little ones start learning and you can interpret independently - for any little one there are a number of basic criteria, for which one can judge about the temperament and emotional standard of the child. What do we mean baby babies in psychology?

  • Go to the forest, meadow, or in the street without people, children can signal the identity of the problem in spilkuvanna. As a child there are little deserted landscapes, better for everything, she doesn’t get along with one-liners.
  • A small booth is also, like for grown-ups, to talk about this, the need for a lull and a fix in otochenny close people.
  • About the inner spirits, fear and discomfort can be witnessed by the little chudovisk. Often, images of children drive popular fears.
  • Uvaga varto brutalize on the little ones of the family. Malunok family in psychology children are kindly demonstrating how to kick around. As this is pictured at the main warehouse in yaskravik farbs, it means that you can go for the good and the child comfortably. I didn’t imagine the child, she’s thinking about it - it’s possible, the whole people don’t look in the life of the child, there’s little respect for the child. Black and brown farbi in the image family talk about the problem and the negative that sees the child. Also, for young children, the best figure means the head of the family for a childish mind.
  • Little tree in psychology means pragnennya pіznannya that development. However, more important are the values ​​of those, as the tree itself is painted. At the children psychology є test of malunks- one of these tests is for the child to pass through on the crimson tree. For the obviousness of the presence of the root, it is possible to see the visibility of those who have a little bit of the sound of mislity. The curvature of a stove-burr is because of a stoov-borne form to talk about stress, dissatisfaction and discomfort. You can easily assess the crown of a tree along the lines, from which it folds - roundish lines with sharpened kutas, thin or fat, susilny or altered.
  • Little creatures in psychology are vvazhayutsya a good sign - the stench to testify about the calm and joy of the child.
  • Interpretations of little people in psychology give a special respect - especially tsykavo in robots with children. Yakshho child is small to lyudin, which often means marriage spilkuvannya. Varto beasts I respect also for those who have a concrete person painted with a clear zbirny image. Yakshcho lyudin is numbered in dark headlights і unnaturally great, mozlivo, in a child є fear of people.
  • As a child, I’m dying to talk about the need for self-recognition and self-expression. Baby babies are often not proportionate, for other details of the image you can tell a lot. For example, it’s great to talk about the buzz that you see, short legs put on a low self-assessment, and all your hands are about those who are ready to try new things.

Psychology behind Malunky people You can tell a lot about this special characteristics, and about this mood at a particular moment. Having possessed the power of the little babies, you can turn over, according to the rules of the best interpretation. Apparently, when evaluating people, I will not be willing to give in to the analysis of those little ones, the protest of the image, in which it is obvious that one motive is quilted, it may help you to recognize the people three more beautifully.

Video: "What about our little ones talking?"

Razmovlyayuchi on the phone, attendance at latencies, hearing lectures, a lot of what we’re trying to start vivoditi on arkushi papery vіzerunki, peaks or geometric figurines. Appear, such innocent little ones can tell about the mood of the people or about the character. Whoa? About the readers of NG Iryna AKSYUCHYTS, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, assistant to the Club of Successful Women Simvolwoman.

Shah chi checkmate
We found ourselves in an unacceptable, twisted camp, the one who was a little shakhivnitsa. I want to see all the problems, having rotated your tactics and strategy, how to try to trickle down. Tim for an hour, as long as the image is in your notebook - a part of the guest, it is not included, as long as you are watching from the prikhovannyh complexes.

Spirali, cola, boasting lines
Someone else’s problems aren’t overturning you and not talking about them. Because the people are even more hidden and closed, do not love if you are licking at yours. You can, you are going through an easy crisis. Infection vi - susilny denudation of wires. Try to trim yourself in your hands, you can also try to form a spy broker.

There was a birch tree near the field ...
Thin trees with bare spikes paint into the tormented people. And the axis of the gillast of the crown and the tovsty stovbur show, as in the energy, life, and at once you are not a turbine.

Budinochok for bjil
“Bdzholin's stylists” talk about pragmatism to a well-ordered and diffused life, calmness, harmony with oneself and with a new light. In addition, such a little one can mean bazhannya to open it up, in which often a man does not want to visit himself.

Oh, already tsi posts
Squares, rhombies, tricycles can see clearly and firmly. Such figuri call to paint people, as they sounded to see their thoughts. The stench doesn’t get lost in front of the enemy; Moreover, symmetrical form means being cunning to the order and keeping everything in mind. At the same hour, when the kuti figur was prodded back to the city, it was obvious that they were smart to aggression. Your problem is borrowing money, because you won't be able to relax normally.

Come on and wait for the sun
Are the pages of the note-book embellished with the sun of the garland? Paradoxically, even if your mood is not that kind of a paradise, like a baby. You do not want to whistle warmth, turbot that uvagi. See about friendship and need. Do you want some fun? Try to get among the people as often as possible at the closest hour. Call your friends, go for a walk from them to the cinema, sit by the cafe. Todi sonechko will not be deprived of the porch, but y at your soul.

Parade of numbers
Lovers of small numbers are rewarded with material values. The first option is to make a living. Another - think, yak rozrahuvatisya from the Borgs.

Crosses without zeros
To whine to twist to be guilty. You can, they have formed, or they didn’t vikonali obіtsyanka, or you can be built, so that you can travel for us. Yaknaishvidsche to discuss everything that will fit you, or if you vibrate, you will immediately become lighter. Before the speech, on your little one you can be not just an extravagant whip, but, for example, embellish or embellish verbatim, so that you can avenge chrest-like elements. As a rule, this kind of їм nadayut women.

Heart to heart
We re-equip them in a bit. I would like to kiss the whole world. Ale you constantly stream your emotsii and from the side to be built suvorim and unapproachable. And what is more, what is more, the big little one, what is more, the difference between your true accusations and the inviting mask. To achieve control over yourself, become more open and open.

Quitka - seven-bar
Quite a leaf to talk about a kind character. Such people are chuiny and love to help others. The stench is also sensitive and emotional. Iakshcho Lyudin is small in the vase, which means that the energy is constantly needed.

Burn burn my dawn ...
Zirka is an indicator of optimistic nature. Having stumbled upon a problem, such a person will not lose heart and will not lose heart, and will be able to get better at difficult times. In addition, a small child demonstrating the bazhannya of a "chair" to brutalize himself.


Psychologists say: approximately nine out of ten individuals from 18 to 34 years are gradually painted between the right, and the middle, who is over 65, - six from ten. Seemingly, John F. Kennedy loved the images of the bathroom. On the thought of an authoritative graphologist, I am sure to acquaint myself with the great ease and life of energy.

Iryna AKSYUCHITS: “If you want your little ones, don't mean it, don't play around, just catch your distant feeling on the porch. And with such a rank of lyudin, I will give a good emotional distribution, tell about those who are sick. Navigating innocent images will help people change their minds, how to win, and draw up their own ideas. It’s a great plus ”.

Razmovlyayuchi on the phone or take the fate of the late-narads, minusculely, mayzhe not grasping that, start to vivoditi on arkushi papery vizerunki, peaks chi geometrical figurines. Do not sleep on wikidati your mystery! As foreign psychologists are involved, astrakhan can hardly tell about your character or mood.

Okremі rice (parallel or pіd kutom) in the empty space paint intravert. Some people, who are covered with great light, who are going to get lost in those. One straight line means that the author of the little thing is not a building self-reliant action, and often pokes himself into a paste, he doesn’t need it.
Spirali, cola, boasting lines... Someone else's problems are not necessary for you to be bothered, not to be tricked, to make you look tight. If you see the snares of strangers on the right, then you will get rid of them yaknaishvidshe. For what? All your respect at the same time zoseredzhena on a vlasn_y person. You can, if you are experiencing a slight crisis, or if you need to be appreciated as a solution. As soon as you remember, you should fix the little spirales, pay attention to the respect: at the same time you need to especially follow yourself, so that you do not grow out and do not create an image for the sponsor.
Sitki... You see, you have been served in the garrison, or simply not handled in the camp. Skinny rishucha, bold line - tse attack, yaku vi will not get into trouble. As soon as you circle your little ones, it means that the problem is over. In the most frequent way, it’s good for you. And I’m not safe from my own heart: your souls will accumulate a lot of charm and you will feel your grandfathers more unhappy.
Vіzerunki, yak on trellises... Gostri kuti and smooth ovals fit into the motive, which is repeated until infinity. Such a perplexity to talk about those who are boring for you, came up with a telephone call, and perhaps, zagalі all your way of life. You can take a look at the others: let's say, vikinut is extravagant, even if you wanted to, but you didn’t get into trouble. Tse zruynu mono-versatility, that is so oppressive on you.
Whine... Women will give them a glimpse of embellishment, the choloviks have a stench of more suvorikh outlines. In both vipadki, whine to twist, almost guilty, yak, shvidshe for everything, vinyklo in the course of growing. I’ll cover you: if you can fix it yourself, or if you are a spy broker. It is necessary to discuss the reason unequivocally - however, it is not obligatory at the same time. In general, you will have to suffer a lot.
Squares, tricycles and іnshі geometric figurines... One thing is clear: you will not be easily fooled. You have a clear order and reconsideration, if you do not even think about it, do not add your thoughts. See the fear of your opponents and competitors. Call viseredzheni. Chim kutastish geometrical forms, tim more vigorous, I wish it’s the call or not at all. The quality of it fetters your imagination and does not allow you to relax. Be amazed at the simple speech.
Piramida, cube, kulya It seems that the author is a good one, and there are options for the last hour. Such people are kindly given a robot, as they will require concretization of an abstract idea.
Bdzholini soti... The stench of talking about pragmatic calmness, harmony, to a well-ordered life. The stench can mean bazhannya to open the same nest. Think about the remaining explanations! Ymovirno, your problem is that you do not want to see this world before you. The little one looks like your prikhovani thoughts.
Shakhovi fields... Obviously, they found themselves in an even unacceptable abo, fornaymni, twisted camp. See about the clear and overwhelming way, which will guide you from the beginning. At the given moment, not slid prikhovuvati or zamovchuvati. As such images appear often, then vi, nyimovirnishe, stpapyartr vid gktn-ttiu
Weaving kіl... A thought about a stable sound? You can. Ale most of all, such a little fellow sees the bazhannya brother's fate. For a given moment, see if you are going to change the pose with steps. You can, if you want someone to help you, if you don't know yak. Abo htos righteously, but without asking you. Try to learn what you see in the "pose of the thunder", and how to correct the camp. Intertwined hearts. We re-equip them in a bit. I would like to kiss the whole world. To besmirch respect: what are the words, what are the words, how are you, who are on a larger scale nabuvak babies. Do not need trimatisya so cold that prikhovuvati your feeling. Vislovit їkh!
Rooms, trees, pastoral stages paint hairs of sensitive nature. The stench of loving nature, everything is beautiful, living with oneself and eager to spend an hour behind the scenes.
Quotes, sun, garlands... It’s not so fun in your soul, as you can get up, sooner navpaki. In the best way about friendship and need, and the words that I’m spinning, transferring words to the papir: “I respect the beast!” As long as your hand has been repaired, in order to find out or sleep, go to see good friends, or, take it, try to get the closest hour among the people.
Pulls, litaki, ships it’s not fond of high prices. Navpaki, the image often appeals to people, as they are fighting at the camp, at the desolate, at the pastor, if one way is to create a swift crack of vidnosin, the serpent of robots, all the way.
People... Do not let the good-looking cheerful viglyad not introduce you to Oman. The picture is a sign of the feverishness of the bazhanya to get out of the way. People call out to paint people at the moment, if they say a little "ni", the stink can change a word to itself. The same cholov_chka is required to take off and say to them: “Don't give up! Vidmovsya, innakshe will be scolding through weakness! ”.
Specimens... Lyudin, scho little exposing, thinks, scho little ones, but for the right - to herself, her own inner camp. Garni profiles and images of people are painted, which instructions for a robot is tied to people. Variety of images to talk about goodness, not abstractly misdirection, instead of empowering that goodness to creativity. As for the little ones, people are handling portraits of women, and talking about their romance.
Frowning denouncing- A glimpse of yo power dissatisfaction, a laugh - an image of satisfaction, grimaces twirling and sum'yattya. Great, widely spaced eyes speak about optimism and love to the life of the "artist". Treasury fizionomy with specks to replace the eyes and rice company - a foreigner.
Tortured and hardy peaks signify that the author of the malunks is not satisfied with what they are doing.
I know Lyudin and I know you write my own name, Experimenting in the elements of embellishment, win over the crisis in the country, and fail to believe in the correctness of the decisions he has taken. Writing your own image is a way of self-assertion, the addition of emotional and intellectual conflicts.
Specialist signatures, power names, first letters and names or information It is most often to write nature-centered, as it is a lot to think about oneself and great problems.
People who can imagine booths chi objects In such a rank, show your love to the warmth of a home atmosphere, a pragmatic to know the calm and the same happiness. To love the order that plan.
Quit and sheet to talk about those who are lyudin 's nature. Such people love to help others and become even more tender in character. The stench is also sensitive and emotional. A request for a vase or a small piece of equipment means that people will not need it anymore.
Image Twarin- a sign of kindness, show that rich imagination.
Zirki- Indicator of optimistic nature. Having stumbled upon problems, such a person does not give up and grows yaknayshvidshe їkh virіshiti. Zirki also see the bazhannya people and gain respect for themselves.
Surroundings symbolism of secrecy, isolation. Such a person is not to love, if you lick the life of that right, that will trim your thoughts with you.
Sertsya mostly romantic and sentimental nature. Most often people shy away from such little ones, thinking about the kohan lyudin or talking with her on the phone.
Labyrinth in the fields- a sign of the fact that a tiny bit of harmony in the jokes, its own living way.
