Characteristics of the "Cherry Orchard" p'єsi, analysis of the comedy. The image of the garden near the "Cherry orchard of the image of the head heroes

Characteristic p'єси

Social status of heroes p'usi - as one of the characteristics

At the prisoners A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" is dumb on the head and other rows of diyovyh individuals. All the heads, navit are created epizodic roles are of great importance for the development of the head idea of ​​the whole creation. Characteristics of the heroes of the "Cherry Orchard" And even in people's heads, the social camp is already inlaid with video cards, and it is not deprived of it on the stage. So, Lopakhin is a merchant, who is already a long-time associate with a loud and tactless huckster, who doesn’t know how to feel subtle about that experience, but Chekhov, having passed over, is a merchant who sees himself as a typical representative of a certain kind. Ranevska and Simeonov-Pischik, poznacheni yak pomizchiki, viglyadayut even marvelously. And even after reading the basic law of social status, the status of the supporters was lost in the past, even a bit of the stench did not seem to suggest a new suspension. Gayev tezh is a friend, ale at the heroes of the heroes is “brother of Ranevskoy”, who thinks about the lack of self-reliance of this character. With the daughters of Ranevskoy dedal, the big-mens were crazy. Ani and Vari have meanings, showing how the stench of the youngest characters in The Cherry Orchard is.

So the very meanings and meanings of the oldest dyyovoy individual - Firs. Trofimov Petro Sergiyovich is a student, and at the same time he is a student, then he is young and, according to Batkov, it’s early to be assigned, but at the same time it’s been ordered.

With the help of the effort of the "Cherry Orchard" of the hero, the hero opens up into a whole world, which is described in the typical forms of literature for the whole kind - in the most modern characteristics, which are given by them by their own participants.

Short indicators of the main operational features

If Chekhov did not see the main heroes of the p'usi in a row, it is easy to see them. Tse Ranevska, Lopakhin and Trofimov. Itself їхнє bachennya from the hour to become the main motive of all creation. And the whole hour is shown through the gateway to the old cherry orchard.

Ranevska Lyubov Andriyivna- the main heroine of "The Cherry Orchard" - an aristocratic woman who sounded like a life beyond her heart. The cholovik died early, having surpassed a bunch of Borgs. Poki won before the new senses tragically dropping the little syn. Vazhayuy themselves wine in the tragedy, won’t go all the way to the house, see the Kokhantsya Zakordon, which ureshti-resht pishov behind him and literally robbed him there. Ale and її hopes for zdobuttya did not cope with calmness. Won’t love your garden and love your little ones, or you can’t vryatuvati. It is not misleading to accept Lopakhin's proposition for her, even if the bogat order will be destroyed, in which the name of the "pomist" will be passed from generation to generation, incapable of cultural and historical recession, imperfection and imperceptibility.

Lyubov Andriyivnі and її Brothers Gaivu the power of all the most beautiful rice of the nobility: chuyness, generosity, awareness, feeling for the beautiful, in the mind of spіvchuvati. However, in fact, all the positive aspects do not need to be turned over to the other side. The generosity of becoming a non-gamble marnotratism, the chuinism and the mind of spirits are transformed into slobbering, the lucidity of being transformed into marnos.

On the thought of Chekhov, two heroes do not merit the performance and their experiences are not so glorious as they can get up.

At the "Cherry Orchard" the head of the hero speaks more, does not shy away, and Edina Lyudin is a tse deiya Lopakhin Urmolay Oleksiyovich, the central character, to the author's thought. Chekhov boosted overwhelmingly, if the image doesn’t give in, then the whole thing will fail. Lopakhin meanings as a merchant, but the word "businessmen" has gone more and more. Sin and onuk krіpakіv becoming a millionaire zavdyaky his own sensitivity, straightforwardness that rose, and even yakbi vin buv durny and not illumination, who won’t be able to achieve such successes in his right? It’s not vipadkovo Petrik Trofimov talk about his soul. Adzhe lishe Urmolay Oleksiyovych learned the value of the old garden and its beauty. Ale yogo komertsіyna vein overbought and won over the garden.

Trofimov Petro- a vichny student that "oblizly pan". Obviously, wine can also be traced to the noble family, having become scarlet, by the way, a homeless vagabond, like a world about the good and happiness. It’s a lot to say, but there’s nothing to spoil for the yaknayshvid’s present day of light maybutny. Yomu is so self-indulgently gliboki almost to feel good to people and cunning to the point. Win live deprived of the world. However, win the zoom to grab Anya with his ideas.

Anya, daughter of Ranevskaya... Mati has deprived her brother of 12 years of age. Tobto in the midst, so important for the formulation of specialness, Anya appeared herself. Vona calmed down the most beautiful qualities, as the power of the aristocracy. Vona is naive in a youthful way, it is possible for that, so easily Petina's ideas were thrown in.

Short characteristics of other characters

Diyuchі individuals of the "Cherry Orchard" podіyuchі on the head and other-row lichens for an hour їkhnyoya participation in diyakh. So Varya, Simeonov-Pischik Dunyasha, Charlotte Ivanivna and lackeys say little about the mattress, that svitospryattya through the cage does not open up, the stench is seen.

Varyachi- Ranevskoy's little girl is welcome. Along the way, there is an economist in a wardrobe, in which regulations include a turbot about gentlemen and servants. Vaughn missed the on-the-fly rivn, and її bazhannya to assign to yourself a servant of God, no one doesn’t take all sorts of things. Natomist її is namagayutsya vidati zamіzh for Lopakhin, which won baiduzh.

Simeonov-Pischik- Such a pomіchik yak і Ranevska. Prostіyno at the Borgs. Ale yogo positive attitude of additional help to the end of the fold situation. So, I won’t think about it if the proposition of building my land for rent comes. Tim made his own financial difficulties. You will be welcomed to a new life, on a visit from the gentlemen in the cherry orchard.

Yasha- Young footman. Having spent time behind the cordon, he didn’t bother about Batkivshchyna and visit his mother, because he didn’t need to be with him. The smokiness of the head of rice. I don’t care for the gentlemen, I don’t care for anyone.

Dunyasha- Vіtryana dіvchina is young, yak live one day and і мріє about kohannya.

Єпіkhodov- A clerk, a chronic nevdakha, I wonder about it. On the day of this life is empty and pointless.

Firs- The oldest character, for which kasuvannya krіposnogo right became the most tragedy. Win a lot of attachments to their masters. First, death at the empty booth before the sound of the garden, which is vibrating, is symbolic.

Charlotte Ivanivna- a governess and a circus girl in one person. The head is the representation of the declared genre of p'usi.

The images of the heroes of "The Cherry Orchard" are united by the system. Smell to add one to one, then help yourself to create a new theme for the creation.

Tvor test

"The Cherry Orchard" is the pinnacle of the Russian drama on the ear of the 20th century, a lyrical comedy, a piece that marked the ear of a new era for the development of the Russian theater.

The main theme is autobiographical - a family of noblemen who bankrolled and sold their family mauettes for an auction. The author, yak Lyudin, has gone through a similar life situation, with a subtle psychologism, I describe the mental camp of people who are tempted to leave their booths without a bargain. Through the innovation of p'єsi є, the heroes come to see the positive and negative, and the heads and others. The stench is divided into three categories:

  • people of the past - noblemen-aristocrats (Ranevska, Gav and їkh lackey Firs);
  • people of the day - ehny yaskraviy representative of the merchant-entrepreneur Lopakhin;
  • Maybut people - young at that hour are progressive (Petro Trofimov і Anya).

History history

Chekhov rocked the robot over the 1901 rock. In connection with serious health problems, the writing process was not easy, but in 1903 the robot was finished. The first theatrical production of p'usy was seen through the rik on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, becoming the pinnacle of Chekhov's creativity as a playwright and a classic classic of theatrical repertoire.

Analysis p'usi

Describe to creator

Diya see the mother of the patroness Lyubov Andriyivnya Ranevskoy, who turned from France with her young daughter Anya. At the zaliznichny station, they create Gaiv (Ranevskoy's brother) and Varya (my daughter is accepted).

The financial encampment of the Ranevsky homeland is approaching collapse. The entrepreneur Lopakhin proposes his version of the solution of the problem - break up the land for a share and give it to summer residents for a single fee. We will be wrapped in a tight proposition, and for the sake of it you will have to say goodbye to our beloved cherry orchard, which is tied with richly warm spogadіv of youth. Add to the tragedy the fact that Sin Gritsko has lost her love in the garden. Gav, having gone over the worries of his sister, was prompted by the obedience that the birth of the mother would not be displayed on sales.

The diya of another part is seen on the street, near the courtyard of the mattu. Lopakhin, because of his domineering pragmatism, prodovzhu to put on his own plan a little t-shirt, albeit not a beast for a new one. All change over to the teacher Peter Trofimov, who showed up. Win vimovlya, grasped promov, assigned to the share of Russia, to the great and to work with those of happiness in the philosophical context. The materialist Lopakhin is skeptical about the young teacher, and will appear, but only Anya is welcome to change her ideas.

The third day is to repair the team, so Ranevska for the last few pennies will ask the orchestra for a dance evening. Gauv and Lopakhin at all times - the stench went to the place for the auction, the girls of the Ranevsky can drink from the hammer. Lyubov Andriyivna understands that Lopakhin bought at the auction at the auction for Lopakhin, who doesn’t smell the joy of his own podbannya. The family of the Ranevsky depressions in the minds.

The final full of assignments from the family of Ranevsky from the family home. The scene of separation is shown with great psychologism enticed by Chekhov. Finish the p'essa completely gliboky behind the wicked monologue of Firs, as if the gentlemen were in a hurry, they got stuck in the mattress. The final chord is the sound of the sound of sokiri. Chop the cherry orchard.

The main heroes

She is a sentimental person with a hair-masquerade. Having lived a bit of rocky behind the cordon, it sounded up to a childish life and for the energetic sale of so much allowance, but with a deplorable state of finances due to the logic of a healthy deafness, mothers are inaccessible. Being a light-hearted, special person, a helpless one in living food, Ranevska is not good for her minions, though I will learn to understand my weaknesses and inadequacies.

Successful merchant, beloved to the family of the Ranevsky family. Yogo image is ambiguous - at the new one will come to the conclusion of pratsovitst, razvazhlivst, zapovzyatlivst and rude, "muzhitske" ear. The final p'usi Lopakhin does not agree with Ranevskoy, he is happy, well, he doesn’t care about the village, he can afford to buy the masters of his deceased father.

Yak and his sister, even more sensitive and sentimental. Being an idealist and a romantic for all of Ranevskoy, I see a fantastic plan for a family mother. Wine is emotional, rich in meaning, albeit absolutely idle.

Petro Trofimov

Vichny student, nigilist, promotional representative of the Russian intellectuals, who is fighting for the development of Russia in words. In persecuting the "truth of the truth", I will reserve love, I will adore to other and primar minds, who will torment little Ranevskoy Anya without peace.

A romantic 17-ichna lady, who wasted the populist Pyotr Trofimov. Recklessly stopping at a beautiful life for the sale of her father's shirt, Anya is ready for the hard times of social happiness from the cohanim.

87-old old man, a footman at the Ranevsky booth. The type of servant of the old hour ototchuyu Batkiv turbocharger of his gentlemen. Zalishivshis to serve his masters to see the writing of the law.

A young lackey, who is scornfully placed before Russia, mriє viiyhati for the cordon. Tsinichna and zhorstoka lyudin, to be rude to old Firs, it is unattractive to go to see his mother.

Structure tvoru

The structure of p'usi dosit is simple - 4 days without podilu on the edge of the stage. The hour of the day is a bit of months, from the end of spring to the middle of autumn. In the first stage, there is an exposition of that connection, in the other - the build-up of springs, in the third - culmination (sales of the mattress), in the fourth - the connection. The characteristic peculiarity of p'usi is a fair call of conflict, dynamism, unrelenting twists and turns of the plot line. The author's remarks, monologues, pauses and disaffection create a unique atmosphere of vishukany lyricism. Artistic realism to reach for the rakhunok cherguvannya dramatic and comic scenes.

(Scene from a lucky production)

We have a dominant development of the emotional-psychological plan, the main driving force behind the internal experience of the heroes. The author of the wider artistic space, create for the additional introduction of a great number of characters, who do not appear on the stage. So the very effect of expanding spacious cordons gives the theme of France, which is symmetrical to the winery, and gives the arch of the form of p'usi.

Pidsumkovy visnovok

Remaining p'us Chekhov, you can say - yo "swan's song". The novelty of the dramatic move is in a direct way of a special Chekhovian life concept, which is characterized by an unprecedented respect for others, giving small details, sharpening respect for the inner experiences of heroes.

In the work "The Cherry Orchard" the author imagining the camp of the critical roses of the Russian suspension at this hour, the whole sum factor is often present at the scenes, the characters feel deprived of themselves, but the lack of visibility of intermode.

Dіyuchі lycea

“Ranevska Lyubov Andriyivna, helpmate.
Anya, її dona, 17 years old.
Varya, її priymalnya, 24 years.
Gaiv Leonid Andriyovich, brother of Ranevskaya.
Lopakhin Urmolay Oleksiyovich, merchant.
Trofimov Petro Sergiyovich, student.
Simeonov-Pischik Boris Borisovich, assistant.
Charlotte Ivanivna, governess.
Semyon Panteliyovich Apikhodov, clerk.
Dunyasha, pokoivka.
Firs, footman, old 87 years.
Yasha, a young footman.
Head of the station.
Post office clerk.
Guests, servants "(13, 196).

Like bachimo, social markers of the skin role are saved in the list of the most important features of Chekhov’s last passages, and so it’s like, in front of them, it smells of a formal character, not due to the character’s character, nor the logic of the scene’s behavior.
So, the social status of a supporter / supporter in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XXth century has actually ceased to exist, not to introduce new structures of suspicious changes. In a whole sense of Ranevska and Simeonov-Pischik, they are referred to as persona non grata; This day and night is not tied to the motive of volodinnya by souls, to those who are people, and to be hungry, be-chim.
Lopakhin has his own charm, “thin, low fingers”, and “thin, low soul” (13, 244). ... Ostrovsky nabula at the Russian literature has a singing semantic halo. Lopakhin's appearance on the stage is marked with such a detail, like a book. The logic of inconsistency of social markers and scenic realizations of characters is promoted by the old student Petya Trofimov. In the context of the characteristics given by the other characters, Lyubov Andriyivna chi Lopakhin, for example, the author's name in the posters sounds like an oxymoron.
Dalі in the posters go: the clerk, like a discussion about Bokle and the possibility of suicide; peace, so gradually mrіє about the uninvited cohannia and the dance at the ball: “Douzhe ti nіzhna Dunyasha, - say їy Lopakhіn. - I dress up, like a pannochka, and scratch like "(13, 198); a young lackey, who does not see the good men for the people who are to serve. Mabut, deprived of the Firs behavior model from the status declared in the poster, however, і vin is a lackey in the presence of the masters, but also does not appear.
The head category, the form of the system of characters of the last Chekhov's p'usi, is no longer a role (socially literary), like a skin from them, and an hour, some skin from them can be felt. Moreover, the chronotope itself, depicted as a skin character, explores its character, seeing the light and itself in the new one. From the point of view of the victory, to reach the tsikava situation: it is important that the majority of characters do not live in the hour of the day, willfully zgaduvati about the end of the world, so that you can go back to the maybut.
So, Lyubov Andriyivna and Gayev see the buddies that garden is like a beautiful and harmonious light of his own childhood. The very same dialogue with Lopakhin at other comedy projects is good to talk about the garden as a whole real deal, which can be easily reconfigured, I can easily reconcile it in the country; sell happy:
“Lopakhina. Vibachte, such light-hearted people, like vi, sir, such non-loving, wondrous, I have not yet heard. You should be told in Russian language, your hand is on sale, but you are definitely not smart.
Lyubov Andriyivna. Why should we be robbed? Now, what?
Lopakhin.<…>Be mindful! If you have enough of a residual, you will have a little dacha, then you will be given a pittance for a penny, if it’s hidden.
Lyubov Andriyivna. Dachas and dacha dwellers - it’s so good, vibe.
Gaєv. Absolutely good for you.
Lopakhin. I’m either crying, or screaming, or screaming. I can't! We were rolled over to me! " (13, 219).
Іsnuvannya Ranevskoi and Gaєva in the light of harmony of childhood, markovan is not deprived of a micem of children, we will recognize the author from remarks (“a room, how to be called a child”), do not deprive the constant behavior of “babysitters” of Firno ... I know they didn't wear those pants. And I’m going to be with you! (13, 209), and I will naturally appear in the discourse of characters in the images of the father and mother. "Nebіzhka mumu" to bang at the white garden of the first house of Ranevska (13, 210); about the dad, who went to Triytsyu to the church, zgadu at the fourth act Gauv (13, 252).
The child's model of the behavior of characters is realized in their absolute impracticality, in the context of pragmatism and in navit - in a quick and persistent change in their mood. Zvychayno, you can beat in misses and vchinka Ranevskoy manifestation of "zychaynoi people", like "fiddling with your own do not depend on garbage, whims, schoraz deceive yourself." It is possible to poke at the її image і "I will evidently profanity of the role-based way of living." To protest, even the lack of hatefulness, lightness, the mittvst of the singing to the boot, that the child is even worse off, the mitt is in the mood to play the whiskers and the blindfolds, from the glance of the other characters in the system and the early comedians. Before us are children who have not become mature enough, have not adopted the model of behavior that has been fixed in the mature light. For the whole sense, for example, all the serious ones try Gayva vryatuvati matoks viglyadayut the yak gra at the over-grown:
"Gav. Pomovchi, Firs (nanny teem hourly learn - T.I.). Tomorrow, I need you to see me. They were obsessed with the knowledge of one general, which could give a promissory note.
Lopakhin. You will not see anything. I don’t pay for your wages, stay away.
Lyubov Andriyivna. Tse vin marit. There are no zhodnykh generals ”(13, 222).
It is noteworthy that the imposition of the characters one to one seems to be insignificant: stink of a brother and sister, as they are not intelligent, but only one without words:
“Kokhannya Andriyivna and Gauv lost their breath. The stench was as if checking on the tse, throwing themselves at one to one and reading streamed, quietly, be afraid, they didn't smell.
Gaiv (at the rozpachі). My sister, my sister ...
Lyubov Andriyivna. Oh my love, my lower, beautiful garden! .. My life, my youth, my happiness, goodbye! .. ”(13, 253).
Primikє to the center of the microgroup of the characters Firs, the chronotope of the yakogo - a number of times past, ale past, but very clearly the values ​​of social parameters. It is not a bad idea for a promo character to have specific time markers:
"Firs. For a long time, in the past forty-fifty years, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, boiled varennya, i, buvalo ... ”(13, 206).
Yogo passed - a whole hour before neschastya, tobto until kasuvannya krіposnogo right. We have before us - a variant of social harmony, its own kind of utopia, based on the zhorystkoy architecture, on the basis of the laws and the traditional order:
“Firs (don't feel it). A shche b Pak. The peasants are for the men, the ladies are for the peasants, and now you must be cut apart, not the sound of anything ”(13, 222).
Another group of characters can be cleverly named the characters of the Maybut, if I want the semantics of the ichny Maybut, I’ll be smart, and even if I don’t want to be socially savvy: Petya Trofimov and Anya are ready to go.
Maybutnє Petі, as and past Firsa, I’ve made rice of social utopia, I’ll give a description of what Chekhov didn’t know from censorship truth, happiness to the future, like only mobility on the ground, and I am in the first ranks ”(13, 244).
Before the beginning of the Maybut, seeing to myself in advance, the world of the world characterizes Dunyasha. “Please, let's talk a little, and now give me some peace. Now I am mriyu ", - as if it was for Epikhodov, who was constantly thinking about no more than a garnese day (13, 238). Ї mriya, like і mrіya be-like a lady, like you and see, - kohannya. Characteristically, there are no concrete, visible outlines in the world (the lackey Yasha and "love" - ​​it’s not possible to approach the world). Її the presence of the markovan is deprived of special visions of the tampering, let us turn on the motive of the semantic field: "... and in my dances the head fouls, my heart fights, Firse Mikolayovich changed, and at the same time the official didn’t ask me to do it" (13, 237).
So it is, like Dunyasha mriє about unwittingly kohannya, Yasha mriє about Paris as an alternative to smithe and not fair, on your mind, reality: “The champagne is not fair, I can sing you.<…>It’s not for me, I can’t live ... I don’t have anything. Having hoped for non-glamor, there will be nothing for me ”(13, 247).
At the designated group of characters, Varya has a sub-position. On one side, we’re living with a lot of help, mittєvy problems, and in all the seemingly life is close to Lopakhin: “I can’t do it without help, matusya. Me shhokhvilini needs some kind of work ”(13, 233). The very same, the role of the economist in the house of the foster mother is naturally being promoted now by strangers:
“Lopakhina. Vi kudi now, Varvaro Mikhailivno?
Varyachi. I AM? Until Ragulinim ... I was home to them to pursue the dignity ... in the economy, why "(13, 250).
On the other side, at the self-reported, there are also constantly present bazhans who may be present as the inheritance of unhappiness for the present: “Yakbi bully pennies, I want a few, I want a hundred karbovants, I threw everything, I went to give it. The monastir had a bi pishla ”(13, 232).
Lopakhin, pikhodov and Simeonov-Pishchik can be brought to the characters of the mindset. Such a characteristic of the present hour was summed up by Tim, who, in the skin of the names of the characters, is his own image of the hour, in which he is alive, and, from the same, for everyone, the concept of the present hour, so it is, as in the hour of May not іsnuє. So, the hour of Lopakhin is a specific time, that’s an uninterrupted lance of the day’s “fair”, which gives visible evidence of his life: "(13, 246). Inappropriately, the character’s move with prompts for a specific hour of the day is quiet for the next day (it’s the first time, that’s the best time for the next day, as it’s vividly with the prompting of distant responses, so it’s regular for the day to come). , in Kharkiv yyhati "(13, 204); "If nothing is invented, and nothing comes, then twenty other sickles and a cherry orchard, and sell the whole hand for an auction" (13, 205); “In three we’ll get bogged down” (13, 209).
Єpіkhodov and Simeonov-Pischik set up a couple of different types of people in the group. For the first life - the lancer doesn’t miss, and even the character’s reconsideration is supported (I’ll look at it) the theory of geographic determinism of Bokle:
"Epikhodov.<…>I like kvass vizmesh, nourish myself, and there, wondering, even more obscene, at the sight of the targan.
Have you read Buckle? (13, 216).
For the other, navpaki, life is low in vapidness, for the sake of being happy, as if you want to correct a situation like this: “I will not waste a little of hope. Axis, I guess, everything is gone, having turned it over, already wonder - the zaliznitsa passed by my earth, and ... they paid me. And there, wonder, it won't be this year or tomorrow ”(13, 209).
The image of Charlotte is the most ridiculous image in the last comedy of Chekhov. Epizodichnyy behind his mіscem in the list of dyovyh individuals character, tim not mensh, nabuva supervised importance for the author. “Oh, yakbi ti at my p'esi grala governess, - write O.L. Chekhov. Knipper-Chekhovy. “It’s a beautiful role, it’s not like me” (P 11, 259). A trifle of food about the actress, I am grateful for the role, if the author repeats the trichi: "Who, who is the governess in me?" (P 11, 268); “Write the same to the gratima Charlotte. Nevzhe Raevska? (P 11, 279); Who is Charlotte? (P 11, 280). Zreshtoyu, at the leaves of Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenku, commenting on the remaining roles that have already been raised and, without question, I know about those who are grateful to Ranevska, Chekhov is still growing up to be reasonably important for a new role: “Charlotte is a sign of nourishment<…>the role of pani Knipper ”(P 11, 293).
The importance of the image of Charlotte is fostered by the author in the text of P'usi. The skin of the unnumbered character appears on the stage of the supervising author's commentary, which is the same as the one who calls out to the eye, so the first one. The respect (focus) of the author becomes obvious, but Charlotte's remarks, as a rule, were made in the least, and the number of characters that are more significant on the stage (say, Love Andrew) should not be sent to the author to remind the children її portrait.
Who has a mystery about Charlotte's image? The first is to finish the unsuccessful caution, like a varto zrobiti, a glimpse in the fact that the character's outlook is accentuated at once і women, і cholovіchі rice. At the same time, the vibration of the details of the portrait itself can be called auto-quotes. So, the last and the last of Charlotti's appearance on the stage, the author of the supervideo remarks, which is repeated: “Charlotte Ivanivna with a dog on a lance” (13, 199); "Blow Yasha and Charlotte with the dog" (13, 253). Obviously, in Chekhov's artistic painting, the detail "with the dog" is significant. Vaughn, yak vidomo, markє the image of Anni Sergiyivnya - pan with a dog - is even more poetic for Chekhov's prose, a poetic image of a woman who looks like a poetic image on the fair. Of course, in the quiet scene of the show, the detail will be removed from the comic implementation. “My dog ​​is bitter,” - like Charlotte to Simeonov-Pischik (13, 200), immediately see Annie Sergievny. On the sheets of Chekhov's squad, the semantics of the dog is even more reduced, however, on such a variant of the scenic engagement of the napolyag, the author: "... the dog is needed in the first act of a volohat, small, like a drink, with sour ochima" (P 11, 316); “Schnapp, I repeat, will not do. It needs that oblazla dog, yaku ti bachila ”(P 11, 317-318).
The same first episode has one more comic remark-quote to avenge the description of the character's name: “Charlotte Ivanovna in white cloth, even thinner, is pulled together, with a lornet on her belt, to pass through the stage” (13, 208). Made at once, three guesses by the author of the details create the image of the governess, Albion's daughter:<…>The crow was dressed in a white gauze cloth, along the yak, the thin shoulders were strongly enlightened. Golden years hung on the golden belt ”(2, 195). Lornetka will replace the years on Charlotte's belt, so that it’s like a “memory” about Anna Sergiyivna, most of the detail will be emphasized by the author both in the first and in the other part of “Ladies of the Dog”.
Typical and nasty assessment of the name of the English Gryabov: “And talya? Tsya lalka nagaduє meni dovgy tsvyakh ”(2, 197). The detail sounds even worse like a virok zhіntsі and in Vlasne Chekhov's - epistolary - texts: “Yartsev seems to be wan, and the price of me doesn’t seem like it,” Chekhov’s squads write in rows below, like bi-directional, - Sofіna even thinner and even older ”(P 11, 167). Such an exploration of the plot is made with meaningful quotes to rob the character of the character by unimportant, expanding, adding semantic uniqueness.
Remark, which is in front of another diyu p'usi, even more slowed down the image of Charlotte, to that now, when describing the newest viglyad, the author of the accentuates the traditional cholovich attributes of the character's dress: “Charlotte is at the old Kashketi; she knew the towel on her shoulders and straightened the buckle on the belt ”(13, 215). Tsei describe the knowledge of the readings of the auto-quotation, all at once - with the dramas of "Ivaniv". The remark, before the beginning of the first stage, ends with the famous appearance of Borkin: “Borkin at the great chobots, in the rushnitsa, in the garden in the garden; vіn napіdpitku; having beat Ivanov, navshpinki yde to new i, having competed with him, aim at yogo disguise<…>know kashket "(12, 7). However, as in the forefront, the detail does not become characteristic, splinters, at the view of Ivaniv, at The Cherry Orchard, Ani Rushnitsa Charlotti, and Apikhodov’s revolver should not be fired.
Remark, included by the author in the third comedy show, navpaki, on the other hand, on the cob, recorded in the earlier Charlotte's viglyad; now the author calls it simply a figure: "At the hall of a figure in a gray cylinder and in cartoony trousers, waving his hands and shouts:" Bravo, Charlotto Ivanovno! " (13, 237). It is noteworthy that the price of newness - gra - cholovych / zhinochim on the cob was fully understood in the author's semantic field of the character: “Charlotte speak not in laman, but in pure Russian language, - written by Chekhovstienko to Nemirovich-Danchіr and the wardens of the rogue in the cholovic and female birth "(P 11, 294).
Charlotte's expressive dialogue with her inner voice, changing between the article identification of the other participants:
"Charlotte.<…>And the weather is good for the yak!
Їy dpovida a talented female voice, nibi z-fid stati: "Oh, so, the weather is wonderful, pani."
Such a garnishing my ideal ...
Voice: "You, pani, you will also be given more help" (13, 231).
Dialogue to go down to the model of light chatter between the person and the woman, but one side is named in a non-drooling way, but there are two angry voices.
Still more important is the caution to beware of Charlotte's behavior on the stage. Efforts to replicate and build up unsupported and not motivated by the current logic of this situation; The stench itself is not tied to them, but to be seen on the stage. So, at the first comedy show, Von introduces Lopakhin in a ritual proposal to deprive him of his hand at this show, but later on you might want something more:
“Charlotte (see my hand). As soon as I allow you to kiss your hand, then give it a little while at the side, at the shoulder ... ”(13, 208).
In the most important for the author, another girl, at the most pathetic moment of a mighty monologue, about how we should have to tell if the characters sit, premeditated, passing by, passing by in the harmony of the butt, Charlotte , 215)). Having finished the process, try to beat the call of all the disagreements and not confirmation by the text of the comedy a compliment to pikhodov: “Ty, pikhodov, the ludina is even more intelligent and even more terrible; blame you for loving women ”(13, 216) - and where from the stage.
The third day includes Charlotte's cartoony and cherevomovny tricks, as well as ії іlusіynі until, if Anya or Varya appears from the blanket. It is noteworthy that the plot situation is formally supportive of the show, it’s not overwhelming, it’s distributed to one of Lyubov Andriyivnya’s remarks: “Why is Leonid so dumb? Who is it to rob the misti?<…>And Leonida is still dumb. I’m sure it’s not a matter of mind! ” (13; 231, 232).
І, nareshty, at the fourth comedy stage at the hour of the sarcastic farewell of these characters from the budinkom and the garden
“Charlotte (take a vuzol, similar to a zgornut child). My child, bye, bye.<…>
Lock up, my kind, my dear boy.<…>
So you Skoda! (Kidag vuzol at the misce) ”(13, 248).
Such a mechanism inspire the stage of the theater of the poetry of the Czech theater. So, in the pershu performance "Uncle Vanya", Marini's remarks are included: "Cip, cip, cip<…>The line went with kurchats ... The crows wouldn’t sip ... ”(13, 71), as they follow Voynitsky’s phrase:“ It’s good for the weather like this ... ”(Ibid.). Marina, as she has already had a lot of rubbish, in the system of characters in a persona, nagaduvannya people about the unacceptable logic of podіy. The very fact, take care of the fate of the struggles of the other characters with the surroundings and each other with one.
Charlotte will sit in a special place among the other characters in the comedy. The peculiarity of the qi is not deprived of the author, but it is said about it; won’t be understood and perceived by the character himself: "People are thirsty for sleeping" (13, 216), - say Charlotte, and the remark is more beautifully correlated with the phrase of Dr. : "People are boring" (13, 25). Charlotte's monologue, which is a kind of other comedy act, explores the specialness, how to realize, persh for everything, in absolute visibility of social markers in the image. Nevidomy її vіk: “I don't have a passport, I don’t know how many rockies I have, and I’m all going to be built, I’m young” (13, 215). Inadvertently and nationally: "Since both mother and father have died, I have taken to myself one nimetska pani, and I have less read." There is also nothing to be seen about the nature of that genealogical tree of the character: “Whoever, my daddy, maybe the stench і didn’t start ... I don’t know” (13, 215). Vipadkovoy and unprivileged to appear in the profession of Charlotte, some children in comedy have formally grown up for a long time.
All of the characters in The Cherry Orchard, which meant a vine, turned on at the last minute of the day, a non-drop-off motive that helped to guide the majority of them into heads: Firs and Petya Trofimov represent two characters themselves. The very fact that "all the inshes" in p'us see themselves in a virtual, and not real chronotope (cherry orchard, noviy garden, Paris, dachas). Charlotte appears in the pose of all the traditional expressions of the people about themselves. The hour is fundamentally not linear: the new one doesn’t have the past, but the same, and the future. Vona is mesmerized to see herself only at once and only in this particular space, so to say, at the insane chronotope. Such a rank, before us, is a personified by Chekhov, a personified by a person. ... To get caught up in Charlotte’s vampire, in Perche, the self-identity of the middle people, who won’t get out of there, and I can’t stay in the open space / hour: “I just want to talk, and not with kim ... Nothing in me is dumb” (13, 215 ). In other words, there is absolute freedom of intelligence, which can be imposed on people by suspension, the order of behavior is deprived of vigorous internal impulses:
“Lopakhina.<…>Charlotto Ivanivno, show the trick!
Lyubov Andriyivna. Charlotto, show your focus!
Charlotte. Not required. I'm spati banging. (Walk) "(13, 208-209).
The absolute calmness of the character appears as a taste of the two surroundings. There are a lot of different psychological remarks, like a markuval, seeing Emotional Charlotty from absolute zero, while some of the characters can speak just plainly, getting stuck, radically, angry, hard-hitting, knowledgeable, etc. And, it is nareshty, it’s natural to know the completion of the character’s lightness in the singing model of behavior - in the vivid occasional, girly, vicious and invisible of all the other characters in real life. The price is set to the eve and exploration of famous focuses.
“I roam salto mortale (yak і Charlotte - T.I.) on your lіzhka, - write Chekhov's squad, for those who go to the third on top without a" car "already with an unbridgeable jumper, - I flock with my feet and, having gone to you, I roll over ... and, having given you to the stele, I will drink and whole ”(P 11, 33).

The head is the heroine of P'usi, the patroness of that lord's mother in the cherry orchard. Dekilka rockin that died cholovik, and then tragically dropping the sin of Gritsa. She hastily went to Paris, having overshadowed the masks, the servants, and the loyal little girl Varvara. There she bought a dacha in Montoni and sold it for the year. Hanna's daughter knew її in Paris from strangers і without a kopeck of a penny.

One of the main characters in the p'us, the brother of the assistant Ranevskaya. Winning old lyudin, like a sister, is sentimental. I am still worried about the sale of the generic mattress in the cherry orchard. For nature, Gaiv is an idealist that romantic. There is no need for attachment to the "new" life. Itself to introduce up to the people of the 80s of the 19th century.

One of the main characters p'usi, the merchant, the sites of the krypaks, who were praying at the father and father of Ranevskoi. Batko Lopakhina is unkind and rude, often beating him. Ranevska bull is kind to the boy, harrowed yogo. It seems as if I loved more than ever, I was more than happy for a new one. I think about myself, I want to see the peasants and see them, but we’ll cover it like that without becoming.

One of the main heroines of the p'us, the daughter of the patron Ranevskoy is welcomed. Їy 24 rocky і won’t carry all the Ranevsky's dignity, they’re playing for a water hour and my home daughter and economy. By nature, Varya is a modest and pious little girl, who is summarily put up to her obligations. Vona is often occupied by other government officials on the right і, on the view of the panel, rather economically.

One of the characters in P'usi, the colish teacher of the seven-year-old son of Ranevskoy, the child of the age of 26 chi 27. Bagato, who is called a “vital student” and a “gymnasian” for that, it’s a great deal of time to get started, and I don’t finish the course. Petya wear eyepieces and love philosophy, as a need for life.

A girl of seventeen years, the daughter of the patron Ranevskoy, a symbol of the breadth and safety of the "Cherry Orchard" farm. Anya, who is a very rich member of the family, grew up at the cherry orchard, got a noble vikhovannya because of such governesses, yak Charlotte Ivanivna - at the last circus acrobat without a passport that singing vіrnіvna.

The oldest character among p'usi, a lackey at Ranevskoy's mother. Yomu 87 years of age and in a larger part of his life, having assigned the service to his masters. Good pam'yatak daddy and dida Ranevsky. Uninvolved in the vidmina of kriposnogo law, having lost to serve the gentlemen. Win dbav and write about them like about old children.

Dunyasha should be close to a number of other heroes of the p'єsi. Such characters, as you won’t overwhelm the comic and the tragic situation. I won’t go to sleep in Ranevskoy’s wrist, protest behavior didn’t come to mind. Seemingly about yourself, all the knowledge has become and delicate, like a pan.

A.P. Chekhiv. "The Cherry Orchard". The characteristic of p'єsi is hidden. Analysis of the third act.

To transfer Chekhov to the stage everything without effects, beautiful poses, unpretentious situations. Vіn vvazhav, that in the theater it is so simple, and at the same hour it is foldable, like it is in life. In everyday life it is necessary to build both beauty and significance. We will explain the awesome composition of the dramas, the simplicity of the plot, the quiet development of the show, the appearance of the scene effects, the “water leakage”.

"The Cherry Orchard" - Edina P'usa Chekhov, in the main it is possible to bash, if it is not called clearly, a social conflict. The bourgeoisie will come to the change of the doomed nobility. Good tse chi is rotten? Incorrect food, vvazhaє Chekhov. It's a fact. “It’s not a drama that came out of me, but a comedy, take a farce,” wrote Chekhov. On the thought of Bulinsky, the comedy of the vyavlyak, as a matter of fact, life escaped to the ideal. Why is Chekhov's talent at the Cherry Orchard? Life, beautiful in its possibilities, more poetical, like a quitty cherry orchard, - and without the power of "dull-witted" who are not old enough to save the journey, nor to make their way to her, to pacify them.

The peculiarity of the genre is lyrical comedy. Heroes are painted by the author with a slight glamor, ale without sarcasm, without hatred. Chekhov's heroes are already joking at their place, even if they don't know it, the whole scenic hour stinks. Ale nikoli can’t be won over. The tragedy of Chekhov's heroes is a kind of failure in the present, like hating the stench, like being afraid of the stench. It’s real life, it’s real, it’s a stranger, it’s wrong. Out of the tightness of everyday life (and the reason is still to scream in them, that way is not good) to smelt at the maybut, at that life, yak maє buti, ale yake niyak doesn’t insist. That stench doesn’t shy away from anything, it’s come.

One of the main motives of the p'єsi is an hour. To fix on the trip, if you are a little bit overwhelmed, to end up on the trip. And the heroes do not see, but the hour changes. It went to the booth, de (how to be built by Ranevskoy) there wasn’t anything to change, і it went down, it zuynuvali. The heroes came out every hour.

The image of the garden near the "Cherry Orchard"

Composition of "The Cherry Orchard": Act 1 - exposition, arrival of Ranevskoy, threat to lose the mattress, vikhid, proponations of Lopakhinim. Act 2 - deafness to the gentlemen in the garden, act 3 - sales to the garden, act 4 - to the great gentlemen, the entrance to the new, virbuvannya garden. Tobto 3 act-culmination of p'usi.

Garden of maє buti sales. Youmu was judged to be bent, on the whole floor Chekhov, I want to b yak vіn to tsyo put. What it will become - it is clearly shown in 1 and 2 acts. Zavdannya 3 acts - show yak.

Diya vidbuvaєtsya at the booth, the remark to introduce a glance at the evening, they talked about yak in 2 act. Ranevska is called a ball, and it’s just a matter of fact, but "the balls went wrong" - from the moment Petya looks at it, it’s obvious that the auction is being held at all times, on which the share of the tamper is shown. To this the mood of the stage is a contrast to the welfare of the world (dance, trick, the need for "baln" rozmovi) and the atmosphere of tightness, filthy transmission of that axis-axis of the finished isterica.

Yak Chekhov create the atmosphere? I don’t react to something like Simeonov-Pischik, I don’t react to anything like that, and it’s necessary, since I’m just getting drunk and gentlemen about my sadness, I don’t have time for guests.

If no one needs a ball to see, there is a Gauv and Lopakhin because of the news about the sales of the t-shirt. "Whistup" Lopakhina in a new role has played a foldable, more important role of the enemy, but the act ends with an optimistic note - a reply from Ani, beastly before Ranevskoy: "Mom, you have lost a heroic life ..." si (vibir, the need to show and brothers on yourself) back.

What's new about heroes in 3 acts?


Appear, it’s good not just to drag your impracticality, it’s not bad at all. To be built, she threw herself at the whole ball - healthy, respectful about Yaroslavl's grandmother, about those who also have a cherry garden for her. At the rose of Petya, there is a wisdom to be found, even more precisely because of the daytime of the people, and without beauty, that person speaks about itself of that life without beauties. If I want, slyly, to feel like myself - truthful to the sharpness of the words out there, like Peter, who will hurt more painfully, more painfully. Ale vzagal tse pіk її vіdobrazhennya life, already on the cob 4 acts won to continue grati, like an actress, as an important role is not available and is not available for the whole. And at once you get a sound about the sales of the t-shirt is not husband, alright, without a gr


There is no sense in the whole act, and there is nothing new about it. All that can be said: "I am hostile to you!" - Zagalom, I know "I". Getting in yogo in the mountains is even simpler - with the knock of billiard sacks.


The axle is not supported. Dossi mi yogo knew a kind friend of the motherland, as such a friend did not merit. About the little cherry orchard a little bit more, no more goofy at once. I didn’t think about it, but I want to buy a cage myself, but for the new price it is not just Cherg’s pleasure, but an act of the triumph of justice. To that now, the honesty is more dear. We didn’t know anything yet, but the building was overwhelmed, forgotten, excited to the point of madness, such a wine was built up and spoky. First of all, hatred is “genetic” in new to coli-mish gentlemen - not especially to Gayva and Ranevskoy, but to the class: "... Did that dad were slaves, .. they weren't allowed to go into the kitchen ..." : "Shvidshe would change yak-nebud our awkward, unhappy life ...", and what kind of bewilderment - ignored: "Come on, everything, yak I want!"

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