How to rob Turkish delight. In Almetyevsk, having drunk a “people's inspector”: “The axis of this rotten, fox schmuck takes a picture of a car! Need for embellishment

How to rob Turkish delight.  In Almetyevsk, having drunk a “people's inspector”: “The axis of this rotten, fox schmuck takes a picture of a car!  Need for embellishment

Zgіdno with the legend of Turkish Delight wine for the naughty sultan, who was a great lover of women. And, it’s true, the greed of Turkish delight is to increase the potential for building up the body and energy for love in the air.


Turkish Delight - Vіdoma skhіdna nasolod. The stock of Turkish delight includes molasses, zuccor and starch, and for savory diversity, add different ingredients - berries or fruit juice, peas, fresh berries, chocolate, candied fruit, vanilla, coconut flakes and etc.

Vinayshli Turkish Delight is similar to the 18th century in Istanbul, and rich in why this recipe has remained unchanged today. Traditionally, the preparation of malt takes two days, so it is problematic to prepare Turkish delight in the home minds, but for the apparent practicality, that bazhanya is possible. The secret of the correct preparation lies in the slow and steady mixing of licorice and the pretrial trivial period of reaching.

Preparing that warehouse Turkish Delight

At the first stage, 400 ml of water is added, infused with erysipelas for an hour, and 4 bottles of zucru, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is added. Tsya sumish to be put on a strong fire, and for ten minutes to be brought to a boil. Ready syrup rises from the fire and cools down. The other stage of preparation starts with 3 flasks of water, 1 flask of starch and 1 teaspoon of tartar. Otriman's mass is heated on a gentle fire, constantly stirring, so that the breasts do not shrink. After boiling the masi in it, pour in a cold syrup with a thin glass, without ceasing to stir. At the third stage, I cook licorice at a temperature not higher than 80 ° C for a decade, stirring constantly, until the masa is thickened and becomes golden in color. After that, the pan is taken from the fire, and then the transformation of thick licorice into a savory malt begins. In licorice, the base is added with candied fruit, peas, vanilla, grated chocolate and other components, in addition, if you want to have a taste for cooking. With the help of the number of additional ingredients, you can take a third of the whole thing.

At the end, the culinary wil still warm and rare Turkish delight on a sheet of parchment, laying on a soundboard and smearing olive oil. Sob the mass spread on the leaves evenly, lightly shaking and stealing the leaf, curling the mass of the beast with polyethylene plivka and overtaking it. Approximately after 12 years, Turkish delight, for the help of special forms, or a great sharp knife, is given the necessary shape. Lasoschi, as it happened, they add to the animal the sum of zukrovy powder and starch, or coconut flakes. Preserve ready-made malt in a special container, or burnt in paper, to avoid contact with repeats.


The history of the most popular and the most popular shidnoy nasolodi is reliable, on the view of riches and others, which allow them to explore different thoughts.

Vigadav Turkish delight court confectioner of the Turkish Sultan, Ali Hadji Bekir, for example, the 18th century. And the axis should be furnished, so that the vineyard can be changed, with a sprinkling of thoughts. For one hypothesis, the great sultan was the great lasun. Once, having broken a tooth on a hard ice-floe, and being so angry at a confectioner, he saw a new soft dessert literally in one night. Arabic Turkish Delight means "handy little things".

According to another hypothesis, the Arab sultan is already loving women and having a great harem. Zvichka bring satisfaction to her wives, not only for the help of the body, but also to the previous vishukan chasts, zmushuvala yogo vimagati in her confectioners, wines of new unusual malts, more and more diverse and foldable. As a result, Hadji Bekir invented a universal Turkish delight, which included tsukor, erysipelas and starch, and yogho relish urinating for the help of adding various ingredients. Regardless of what is true, the sultan and yogo culinary made happy all the lasuns on hundreds of upcoming rocks, even if they are viscous and lower lassoschi, they are popular in the rich countries of the world and to this day.

Apparently, Haji Bekir's naschiki became rich and famous in the malting shop near Istanbul, and in the 19th century they presented Turkish delight at the Brussels exhibition. Solodashchi otrimal gold medal and wide expansion throughout Europe. In Europe, Turkish Delight began to be called "Turkish Delight", or "Turkish sweet". The English especially fell in love with the malt, de її they victorious for a five-one tea party. In this hour, there is a great number of views of Turkish delight, the most popular forms - ce and pea, fruity, two-ball, cubic, childish, narizny, fig, white, honey and richly other types.

Calorie content of Turkish Delight

Like a rich malt, the calorie content of Turkish delight is high and becomes close to 350 kcal per 100 g of the product. To him, it’s better not to be evil and not to eat malt more than 50 grams per day. And if you think the zayvoї vaga will be afraid, then it’s better to take a look at it for a certain hour.

So, as there is a presence of zukor in the storehouse of Turkish delight, then the yogo supermundane viability calls for a “failure” of fat metabolism, which is often the cause of the increase in body fat and fat production.

Korist Turkish Delight

The high calorie content of Turkish Delight does not yet lead to the conversion of yogo to shkidlivyh produktiv. Adzhe in these similar salmons is glucose, yak, after all sorts of sumniv, corysna for the human body. Zavdyaki infusion of glucose improves heart activity and brain function, increases the vibration of endorphins - hormones, which raise mood and efficiency. Cream of this, glucose, which enters the warehouse of Turkish delight, is beneficially indicated on the hairline and improves intestinal motility.

Deyakі vvazhayut tse even wondrous, but the melancholy of Turkish delight is poached also in the boosted immunity. It appears that glucose, when combined with starch, makes up a component that helps the human body fight against colds and viral infections.

The crust of Turkish delight is rich in what to put in additives, which should be included before the recipe. So, for example, pieces of orange or lemon help to overcome colds, honey improves blood quality and normalizes pickling processes, berries and fruit juices fill the body with brown vitamins and minerals.


Due to the high calorie content of Turkish delight and the great zucru, in the organisms of salt it turns into fat and is deposited under the shells of the internal organs and skins. That is why superimposed malt grafting leads to hypertension, circulatory diabetes and obesity.

The cream of the mustache, the abscesses of the weasel destroy the vision of the enzymes of the mucus, the submucosa of the intestines, as well as the pseudo-dental enamel. Therefore, for the obviousness of chronic illnesses and a low-grade way of life, Turkish Delight is better not to get used to.

Mabut, the most famous skhіdnі lasoshі - tse rahat-lokum, in the translation of the Turkish stink means "handy shmatochki", in Arabic it means "licorice for the throat".

Behind the legend, the Turkish delight was a boon for the great Turkish sultan, who once cracked his tooth on the hard ice box and became angry with the confectioner.

The rest of the turmoil for nothing to come up with other mild sweets. Another legend is to say that the sultan was more generous, and the malt was wine like a vishukan before the sultan's wife's wife.

In contact with

Why splurge on Turkish Delight: calories and stock

Turkey has Turkish Delight, a photo of which is presented in our article, popular lasochi. On this day, there is a great variety of views of Turkish delight:

  • pea;
  • fruity;
  • honey;
  • white;
  • fig;
  • and others.

Traditionally, in recipes, corn starch, borosno, peas, zukor and various fruit components - sik or berries are mixed. How many calories can you get from Turkish delight?

Korist that Skoda

Let's figure out what Turkish delight is, why shy away (warehouse), so that you can count how many shkoda and coriste you can take for your well-being.

Otzhe, chim brown Turkish delight? Increased calorie content of Turkish Delight not to talk about those that can be brought to the rank of high-quality products. Glucose intake, which enters the warehouse, normalizes the functions of the brain and heart activity, vibrates serotonin - the hormone of the burn mood and high performance. Cream of that glucose is kindly poured into the burning camp of the hair, shkiri and nigtiv.

When combined with corn starch, glucose dissolves a component that promotes immunity. It’s worth it to lie in the savory components, as it is traditional to go to the warehouse of Turkish delight: fruits are enriched with vitamins, and the zest of honey is etched with that bloody quality.

A large part of the brown tongues is found among the mountains, which can be found in the Turkish delight. Lively speeches do not collapse under the hour of thermal processing and pour into Rozum's activity and into the work of the heart-vascular system.

Cause tsukra to enter the recipe, and increased calorie content. supra-world implantation of Turkish delight can lead to diabetes, hypertension and obesity For this reason, people with chronic illnesses, or those who lead a small-armed way of life in the presence of malt, are better advised. Plus, up to all the sweetness, enamel is used and can become the cause of caries.

With a special care, varto is put up to fruit types of Turkish delight during breastfeeding, more of them to avenge barvniks and flavorings. Citrus juices and honey are known to alleviate allergies in a baby, having consumed breast milk in his body.

It’s too rich to talk about greed and Skoda Turkish delight. The classic type of malt, which lives in small quantities, is absolutely not to mess up, but rather introduce it to the diet step by step, watching for a possible allergic reaction. So that the freshness and the quality of the product did not call out sumniviv and it was possible to take a maximum of corrosiveness, Turkish Turkish delight, recipes from the photo of which you will know in the offensive distribution, it is better to cook at home on your own.

Turkish Delight: Recipes

A lot of people bring Turkish delight from Turkey for themselves and their relatives (the average price in Turkey is about 7 lire). Ale, you can cook tsi lasoshchi at home. Otzhe, how to cook Turkish delight at home minds? I have no choice of options for cooking lassoshchiv, below we present the instructions for the most popular Turkish delight recipes, photos and videos are also presented below for a short understanding of the cooking process.


The recipe for Turkish delight from apples is simple. We need:

  • 120g. corn starch;
  • 50g. tsukru;
  • 50g. hairy peas;
  • 4 apples;
  • coconut flakes and water.
  1. For the cob, it is necessary to prepare apple jam. For whom, trochs of water are poured into the stewpan, zukor is added. At the syrup, peeled skins and cores and apples are cut, and the stink of the troch is forced. There, the hairs of the peas are added with fine hairs.
  2. Starch needs to be dissolved in cold water and poured into the boiling mass with a thin glass. For the whole hour, the need to protect the jam has been seen, the docks will not be thickened, but we will see through. The best part of the recipe for apple Turkish delight - you will languish in the fire for at least a year.
  3. The bottom of that edge of the form is covered with grub, where hot masa is poured.
  4. After that, as if there is an okholone, it is necessary to put it in front of the refrigerator to catch it.
  5. After 12 years, Turkish delight can be taken out of the form, cut into cubes and rolled in coconut chips.

Like bachite, you can easily cook Turkish delight with apples at home with a recipe and a video lesson to ease the task:


To prepare the classic Turkish Delight at home, you need:

  • 800ml drive;
  • 1 kg. tsukru;
  • 150g. starch;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • coconut flakes to taste.
  1. At the heat of the water, zukor and starch are added to the final level, and with constant stirring, cook for at least a year. Masa, which has come out, is guilty of being viscous and thick. The base is white Turkish delight.
  2. Before that, having cooled like a wine, you can add savory taste, or you can leave out the classic option - in the malt, which you caught in the form, cut and roll in coconut chips or blood powder.

It’s awkward to prepare a classic shidna for malt, ale need a lot of patience, diligence at the same time. This is the basic recipe for the classic Turkish Delight, which you can easily taste after your taste like. A part of the supplement, whether it be, is not to blame, but more than a third of the main mass.

More detailed recipe for Turkish Delight in the video below:


For Turkish delight with carrots, you need:

  • 500 g carrots;
  • 200 g starch;
  • 150 g zucru;
  • 150 g hairy peas;
  • half a lemon;
  • water;
  • coconut flakes;
  1. Carrots should be grated and put in a saucepan, where to add zucor and a little water. Languishing the mass is guilty of no less than 10 hvilin in full fire.
  2. Then add lemon zest and finely chopped peas.
  3. In a small amount of water, the starch is carefully poured into the boiling mass, after which it is boiled until it thickens.
  4. Like in classic recipes, omitting Turkish delight takes shape, reaches it in the refrigerator for 12 years before catching. After that yoga can be cut into cubes and rolled in coconut chips.

The main foldability in the preparation of similar pastries is the centrality. From the improvement of all stages, the preparation of that cooling is better to dobi.

If you put food, like growing Turkish delight in your home minds with carrots, then this video instruction is for you:


Now let's talk how to save Turkish delight:

  1. The preparations of Turkish delight are taken from the burnt at the fry papyrus, which is to protect yoga from the water, at the dry, cold place. For such minds, the term of applicability of Turkish delight to the warehouse is the smallest of pivrok.
  2. Do not replace the parchment with melting but with foil - the stench does not protect the vіd volog, to that the malt is quickly zіpsuєtsya. For contact, it is also unique, so packages from paprias Turkish delight are taken from a special container.

Already in the 19th century, the death of the navy raised a great voice throughout Europe after the Brussels Exhibition, when she won a gold medal. "Turkish nasoloda" - the English themselves called it Turkish delight, which the lasosh especially fell to relish for tea.

From that moment on, traditional recipes were not changed, and the malt gained great popularity. And as you already remembered, to try Turkish delight, it’s not obligatory to fly to Turechchina, it’s easy to cook it in your home minds for the obviousness of the singing ingredients. Stock up on patience and you will definitely give in. All the same, it’s still a pleasure to travel to Turechchini, to enjoy not only malt, but also a wonderful beach drink ( , ). Create unique ( , ), ( , ).

In Almetyevsk, a car driver picked up a person, who took the car to the camera of a mobile phone in order to warn about illegal parking. A video with the "people's inspector", taken by a motorist, appeared on the side of the day before almetyevsk_only in Instagram.

Vodіy criticized the person, like virіshiv take a picture of a foreign car and wished to see the signs with his car.

“The axis of this axis is rotten, fox schmuck, walk around, take a picture [of the car] of this dude. Why are you on the future, sensible? De ti porushennya pobachiv here, is there a sign?<…>How can you give me a photo of my car? - like the author of the video.

After that, the "people's inspector" saw a sign of the car, which the author should belong to. A man at the same hour without seeing a photo of another car: You can't punish me, right?

“I tell you - go ahead, I won’t punish you until I punish you. See the sign! What can I give you? You rozumiesh, and raptom at the new one ( waterapprox. ed.) the child is sick and rejoices, and the person does not have a penny, but at once the fine will come again! How tse in my mood was bulo! - Saying the author of the video.
