Cossacks brothers make-up. Nayvidomish kazki brothers make-up Rozpovidi brothers make-up short

Cossacks brothers make-up.  Nayvidomish kazki brothers make-up Rozpovidi brothers make-up short

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The craving cossacks of the brothers Grimm stand apart from the cossack light creativity. The zmіst їkh nasіlki groveling, do not overwhelm the baiduzh be-yak ditin.

Did the stars come for the love of the Kazka?

The stench came from the Nimetsian lands. People's Cossacks, selected and opratsovaniye zavtsy movi and folklore - brothers. A bit of rock, you can write down the most beautiful messages, the author was able to paint the tsikavo and paint them beautifully, as well as this year's sprites, as written without them in the middle.

The heroes of the brothers, Grim, are kind and more beautiful, but they don't get into the folk art and into the wondrous wizard of robots, as they were vocal in the language. In the case of leather TV, the stinks put in a thought about the insane overcoming of good over evil, the overcoming of courage and life of love, which is why one can think of a plot.

Yak їkh vidavali

Cossacks namagavsya steal a lyudin, yaku brothers respected for a friend, Ale did not rise. In 1812, the picks were able to live and see them. Do not create at once, blah blah blah blah. Aleksandr's professional editing rose in great circulation throughout the land. For 20 years, 7 times were seen. Zbіlshuvavshy change of creation. The Cossacks, out of the range of simple folk creativity, have been reimagined into a new literary genre.

Brothers Grimm received a spontaneous cut, which was appreciated by the whole world. This year's work is included in the international list of the great decline of the past, established by UNESCO.

Who has the curiosity of the brothers Grimm?

Name the bagatokh Kazoks who are old enough to remember. Brothers Grimm do this with their charming style of informing, evangelizing plots, promoting the love of life and style in whatever life situations will fall in love with and take over.

And for the whole year because of the satisfaction of reading at the same time because of the children, guessing, how the kazki befriended us more, because of the times of those who are popular today.

Mayzhe seventy hundred and fifty old bags of the Earth love to read Kazakhs. Reading Kazakh histories, when you start to get caught up in this charming light, you’re uniquely referenced realities. The leather Cossack Bula has its own style of writing Kazoks: Charles Perrault, writing in the romantic style, Andersen's life and about the common people, and in Brothers Grimm, the Kazkars of the Bula have a light mysticism, and the deeds of the Kazoks can be called joyfully. Let's talk this year about the brothers Gramm: folklorists, linguists, pre-old folk culture, and then Kazakhs from Nimechchina Jacob and Vilhelm.

Otzhe, in front of you are the latest kazki Brothers Grimm for the version of the site:

Briefly about the life and vibration of the profession of brothers Grimm

Brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm were born in small fortunes near their ancestral homeland in the German town of Hanau. Love before folklore in the brothers of Kazkars appeared in the childhood, since my mother told them the old legends and reports, and in the young vice, they were interested in the rest of the life in the drowning, and then in the sense of life. Wonderful brothers traveled all over the country in the jokes of the testimonies of old-time folklore, so they took care of themselves, took eyewitnesses and wrote down valuable information for them. For all their life and creativity, Jacob and Wilhelm created and published a copy of the name "Kazki brothers Grim", as they became popular as well and went to our vuh. And at the same time, let's guess the best, the best and the most beautiful of the brothers Grimm.

"Kazka about the King-toad, or about Zalizny Genrikh"

Tsia kazka is the best of history in the first volume of the collection of kazoks and legends. Speak about the unaccustomed princess and the good toad, who gave the little girl, how she cried, and told the people about her friendship, the golden ball dropped from the bottom of the girl. Ale shhoyno korolivna threw away her ball, immediately began to play her obitsyanka. Toad appeared to be a spontaneous enchanted prince;

"Bilyanochka and Rozochka"

I wanted to put a lot of money on the ear of our list, some of my favorites. Cossack about two sisters Bilyanochka and Roses with kind hearts fell in love with the witch and the falcon, I don’t know, but the prince is enchanted by the dreadful foolish chaklun-bearded prince of that friend.


One of the most common kazoks of the brothers Grimm is about those who are proud and impudent of abominable allies and friends. The pride of the princess could not vibrate with her baptized and all applicants in the absence of a visitor. And one day before the palace, the righteous king came, just ask for his hand, and at the sight of him he felt the promises. First of all wise men, the king of the virgins, read the zhorstoku to the princess, pretending to be an ordinary musician.

Bіlosnіzhka and seven gnomes

Nayvidomisha and the most popular Kazka of brothers-Kazakhs, as they were able to develop life and history in the Kazakh manner. The beautiful princess, nicknamed for the dreamy-bea shkira Bilosnizhkoyu, was born at that beautiful, now she crossed the path of wicked machusia for the sumptuousness of the chaklunka, who bazhaє be the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. The daddy king didn’t want to save his daughter, but he didn’t want to be in the palace, even if he left in the forest, but then, kindly, Bilosnizhka knew the path and the middle of the little gnomes - the sack of the wonderful miraculous.

Bremen music

We can call a lot of brothers Grim the most beloved one that is most popular not only on the victim's expanse, but on the whole world. Wandering music-animals, going by the place of Bremen, wandering around in the light, sleeping songs and appearing just the sky for many glances and voices. Alone once, a donkey, a whale, a dog and a dog run into the hut of bandits and with their spins sniff and leave their booths and go out to wonder, and the cunning friends of the music have lost their mind to the state.

And read about the best ones on our site, if you change your favor.

Charivna kazka about the king of that yogo servant, which everybody has sviy nis. The King ordered the next meal to bring another meal. As for the dish, it’s not a matter of nobility, but a servant. Alone one day, the boy was so happy that he didn’t get caught and shouted a cry of abuse. From the side of the wines of the building, there was a worm of snakes on the dishes. The servant should not be utterly utterly uncomfortable; As soon as you wink, you can feel it in your mouth, it’s not a wicked spit behind you, but a subtle sound of a sleepy voice. Win zrozumiv, so the meat of the snake has become charming and now there are a little voices of sound. For the whole day the servant did not want to serve the king anymore, he did not want to serve the king; I yak buvaє in kazkas, for those who are not safe (and not even worse) are suitable, they know their princess, having become friends with her and becoming a king.

Much more povchalnaya kazka about the lack of confidence and carefree brother and sister, who were hurt by the daddy, thrown into the fox. Well, did it help two little children to see terrible, unproblematic monsters, a lot of wild animals and evil rogues? Tse, zychayno, friendship, dovira. And so is the fearlessness of the elder brother Hansel, I mark that for the majestic bazhans who will kill their sister Gretel from the terrible hands of the evil enchantress. The kazka is meant for children, for us, for our fathers, to read it, and a lot of reappraisal and a lot of things to come across among cich childish and not childishly intelligent children, but smut, intelligence, but a lot of happiness and wealth of German ... And the first thing is that it’s not often not guilty of zmushuvati us kidati їkh at bіdі.

Before the speech, on our site є tsikava stattya about who are guilty of being on the police skin child.

In the first rows, I learned about the hard lot of the little stepchild, about the evil machuchu and the lynch daughter, how they poked and shouted, if the stepdaughter was left with all the fraudulent and important of the robot. Yakos padchek let the spindle into the well, knowing the machus in the whole, she felt an evil saying: "She let in herself and go." Nothing was left of the bidniy divchintsi, like stripping into the well. If it hit the bottom with its feet, the charismatic land looked like it. People walked through the windows of one garnier booth, a step beat the pani Blizzard. The little girl was so honored, and she asked to serve in her.

She lost her hand, the bully was very friendly and vikonuvala his robot summarily. If instructed to turn around the house for an hour, Pani Blizzard generously presented the girl with gifts. Having kicked the tse, the machuha was filled with rage, the chill greeted my heart. She brought her little girl to the house and ordered to bring even more gifts. Ale liniva і nezgrabna daughter deserved deprivation of the cauldron of tar, which was transferred to her. So I couldn’t be able to see my daughters. Linoshi and zdrіst - disgusting companions, more beautifully we are kind and pratsovitim - such is the moral of the Kazakh culture.


A Kazka about a beautiful princess, who, from the will of the valley, brought geese to graze. By deception and riveting by an evil servant, she made a fortune to the misce, the princess was thrown into the castle and allowed to help the gusopas. Since then, they have become nazivati ​​- Gusyatnytsya. Ale dvchina bulat is beautiful, vitoncena and aristocratic, she is leathery, who is bachiv, she does not look like a commoner in front of him. At the princess, there is a promo-book for Falad's note. The servant, who gave the queen, was even more afraid that Falada was victorious and punished to abandon the horse.

The princess became more confused, she went to nikudi, asked the villagers to nail the horse's head under the gate, to lead from the castle. So vin and zrobiv, and the princess's paw talked to the head of the horse, if she drove the geese to the pasture. Hour minav, and dovgo so grazed the geese of the princess, she knew about the old king, and everything became clear to you. Taking the wine by the hand, she spoke to the princess and to the prince, and to the servant she rang the strat. Good will rewrite evil, hai not in life, ale I want to be in Kazts.

The most beautiful kazka brothers Grimm

It’s like Lucifer himself came to the devil, and having pinched on all those riches, as if he had given him a shot, now see those who є for a million, and at the end of an hour the daughter of the devil was sitting there and spinning yarn. If the daughter of the mendicant saw it out from Satan, she was punished by the father to cut out her hand and the vignati from the house. So, a lady of the dvchina bloked with a fool for a long time, the docs її the king didn’t play, and having fallen in love with the unaffected mind.

Nikorotsha kazka brothers Grimm

"Three Spinners"

The plot of the tale is short and short. Yakos, prozhdzhayuchi all over one village, the queen felt the cry of the girl and zupinilas to feed about the reasons. Mother devil couldn’t tell the queen about those, that her daughter couldn’t spin, she couldn’t see the strands so richly that strand, and a few won’t be able to take care of the beloved right, so crying. Todi the queen tried to take the girl with her, and even to use her yarn for the whole kingdom, as long as the whole lion is straightened out in a short term, so the queen will see it for her sine. On the help of the girls, as she could not spin, three spinners came.

At the end

Kozhen kazkar has his own style and manner of writing kazoks. At Wilhelm and Jacob Grim, from the old Nimechchin, all of them were prompted by the idea that they went through with a frown, mystical, and horrible, but not less intriguing and tsikavim. For the last year, you have guessed the most beloved and most famous fashion of the brothers Grim, at the skin of the skin, as they have raised their minds, є their own morality and science. TopCafe editorial office Did you think that the brothers Grimm have lost your memory?

The Cossacks of Brothers Grimm are the collection of the most beautiful Cossacks of all the authors.

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09:45 300
05:40 200
04:05 100

For the first time, the collection of the Cossacks of the Brothers Grimm went to 1812 and was called "Children and Family Cossacks". Create all the boules on the Nimetsian lands and overgrowth for the sake of literature and the miraculous chaklunism that has become a gift for children. The dumb races of all the brothers Grimm read in one visit. The list is great, but not all of them are good, so far from being skinny for little children.

Seeing the first book of brothers Grimm

In order to see their book, the brothers Grimm had to go through a lot of negligence, they went out of their nerves. Having puffed up the manuscript, the stench passed on to its own friends. However, it turned out that Clemens Brentano didn’t bother. Having looked at the brothers Grim gold vein in the kazakhs, that simply saw the friends from the field and how the stench came to mind for a while, seeing the kazki from their own name. The manuscript was known to have been written for the time of the death of the authors. They have 49 Cossacks, unique in their own kind, they sensed a message from Hesse.

Having outlived the joy of their beloved friend, Brothers Grimm took over and watched the book without any special overtones and vitrates: an illustration of that embellishment. So, on the 20th of 1812, the first book of authors turned into a rock, the first volume of which was already 86 creations - the axis is so stubbornly common people read the letters of the brothers Grimm. The list of kazoks was increased even after 2 rockets for 70 childish charisma histories.

Chitati kazki became usi!

The Cossacks of the brothers Grimm chitati became absolutely everything, the histories were transmitted from the mouths of the authorities and the actions of the author-Kazakhs became widely recognized persons, the love that grew up to those who grew up yak on the road. People came before them, helped them with something, and dyakuvali for a piece of joy, as the stench is the essence of the children who love them. Nadihnuvshis іdeєyu zіbraty yaknaybіlshe folk creations, to add in them a few charms and corny children wicked nuances, the brothers didn’t bend their hands until the end of their life. So for more than 20 more rocky brothers they let loose 7 vidan, moreover, with a bright illustration and a backside for quiet hours.

At all hours of the Cossacks brothers Grimm loved to read yak children, as well as grown-ups, if people didn’t respect these children. Zanadto grew up with the plot and inodі glibokі mіrkuvannya lyakali dad. To that the brothers Grimm didn’t fade away and didn’t educate the children of the Kazakhs, reorienting them to the best children. The axis of such a viglyadi stench went down to us. On our site we have tried to add the kazki to the original childish version of the best Russian language translation.

And bwah so ...

The Cossacks of the brothers Grimm seriously squeezed into the set before the Cossack creativity, since before them the Cossacks of the Buli are most often simple, then the history of the brothers can be called literary innovations, a hole. Years later, the helpless people got nagged by the joke of the miraculous folk Kazoks that were published. For that number, the author's site was shown a number of new additions at the development and promotion of happy children.

Apart from that, it’s not forgotten that the Kazki brothers Grimm are not a little rich, but in the international fund of UNESCO at the razdila, dedicated to memorable, great creators. And also the knowledge of a lot of things to talk about, and a lot of things we had two good Cossacks Grimm.

Passed a lot of rock since that hour, like "Children and homework" brothers Grimm first went to the svit. The sight of the most humble and for the call, and for the ossyag: the scribe had 83 kazki instead of 200, so that ninja could be handled. Peredmova, nominated to the library by the brothers Grimm, was signed on the 18th anniversary of the commemoration of 1812 to the rock. The book was widely appreciated in the era of the German self-awareness, in the era of the awakening of hot nationalist pragmatists and the written development of romance. Also for the life of the brothers, Grimm їkh zbіrka, gradually supplemented by them, showed them 5 or 6 views, and the bullet was shifted as much as all European movs.

Tsya zbirka kazok bula mayzhe pershoyu, the youthful pracea of ​​the brothers Grimm, the first ehnyuyu on the way to the path of the chosen collection of those relics of the memories of the old Nimetskoy literature and nationalities. Seeing the great way, brothers Grimm didn’t give good glory to European science and, having appropriated all life to his majestic, truly immortal ancestors, infused even a strong infusion into the life of Russia into life. I’m reckoning in Russia with a strong, well-deserved popularity, to be attracted by our teammates with a great leader. It’s snappy at the top, mi viznaєmo, but here we are far from preoccupied with the pretense of a short, squeezed biographical naris life and the generosity of the famous brothers Grimm, who are rightly called "daddy". that the founders of the Nimetsky Philology ”.

The brothers Grimm stayed for the promenade until the middle class of suspension. Daddy їkh became a lawyer at Ganau, and then joined the service from a legal unit to Prince Ganausky. Brothers Grimm were born in Hanau: Jacob - 4 days 1785 rock, Wilhelm - 24 fierce 1786 rock. From early youth, the stench of boules was tied by the strongest bonds of friendship, yak did not cringe to the cowardice. Until then, the offense stink, to see for its very nature, they supplemented one one: Jacob, as the elder, who was physically flexible for his brother Wilhelm, who, when young, gradually became even more sick and old in health. My father died in 1796, and having overshadowed his family in a strangled camp, so only those who were generous in their titties from the side of their mother, Brothers Grimm, could have finished the night before, as early as it was already early. The stench came to us in the Kassel Lyceum, then we entered the University of Marburg, with the firm pledge of legal science for practical efficiency with the butt of a dad. Smells and sprays heard lectures from the Faculty of Law, took care of the law, and they started to learn about nature, and they got it from the law department. OAO All svoї dozvіllya slit in unіversitetі stench became prisvyachuvati vivchennyu vіtchiznyanoї nіmetskoї that іnozemnih lіteratur, and if in 1803 rotsі vіdomy romantic TIK having seen svoї "Pisni mіnezіngerіv" Yakim peredіslav garjachego, vіdchutnu peredmovu, - to take Grіmm time vіdchuli naysilnіshy potyag to vivchennya nіmets narodnostі i We were honored to become familiar with the old-fashioned handwritten literature from the works of art. Having entered the university unimpededly on the road, the brothers Grimm did not leave until the end of their life.

In 1805, if Jacob Grimm was brought to Paris for an hour by science, brothers, as the sound of life and pratsyuvati at the same time, saw a lot of tyagars for a rosary, but they didn’t care for any more mіzh navpіl.

Mіzh 1805-1809 rocky Jacob Grimm after being on the service: for a decade as a librarian Jerome Bonaparte at Vilhelmsgezi, and then visit a state auditor. After the end of the war with France, Jacob Grimm took the form of the Elector of Kassel’s office to Paris and turn to the Kassel library — the manuscripts, like the boules of the French. In 1815, a number of messages were sent at once from the representative of the Kassel Elector to the Congress of the City of Kassel, and from the first to see an innocent diplomatic career. Ale Yakob Grimm, having seen before her a tsilkovite ogide, that zagala at the service workers bach without a transition to occupy a science, which will be informed by a soulful soul. In 1816, he abandoned his service, saw the proponent of his professors in Bonn, saw the great salaries for pay and gave all the humble experience of the library worker in Kassel, the brother of the second secretary of the library since 1814. The offended brothers took over their modest encampment until 1820, diligently taking in their hours of scientific history, and the period of their life will last until 1820. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm became friends; All the same, the brothers didn’t disperse і prodovzhuvali life і pratsyuvati at once.

In 1829 the director of the Kassel library died; yo mіsce, zychayno, from all rights and justice, it is not enough to go to Jacob Grimm; Ale you were respected for a beautiful foreigner, who did not claim any merit for themselves, and offended the brothers Grim, defended by a shouting injustice, they knew themselves to be a snarling tribute at the delivery. It goes without saying that the brothers Grimm, who at that hour had already gotten even more popular with their forebears, did not lose without money. Jacob Grimm Bouv has 1830 requests to Göttingen as a professor at the Nimetsky Literary Institute and as a senior librarian at the local university. Wilhelm joined the school as a young librarian, and in 1831 he became an extraordinary professor, and in 1835 he became an ordinary professor. About the disciples, the brothers lived here, it was not degraded, especially the splinters here created friendly gurtok, which included the first glimpses of the modern science. Aleh overbuvannya їkh with Göttingenі didn’t go well. The new king of Hanover, who ascended the throne in 1837, conceived the constitution with one stroke of the pen, given to Hanover by his successor, whom, in a snazzy way, destroying dissatisfaction with himself in all the land; if the seven Ghettingensky professors of Mali are not enough of a huge manhood, then voice their protest against such an unauthorized violation of the basic sovereign law. The brothers Grimm intervened with each other. In response to a protest, King Ernst-Augustus responded to the secrets of the seven professors from the fortunes of the Hanoverian townspeople, as they did not bully the Hanoverian monsters. At the tridennial term, the brothers Grimm Mali left Hanover and settled in Kassel. Aleh for the famous disciples, the huge thought of Nimechchina interceded: I will write the base letter for the protection of the brothers Gram from the consumer, and two great Nimetsky booksellers (Reimer and Hirtzel) were written down to them. Brothers Grim took over the proposition of the greatest readiness and for the necessary ones, they took up the robots to finish the trivial ones. Ale їm didn’t have a chance to come to Kassel: friends told about them and knew their patron saint in the person of Crown Prince Fridrikh-Vilgelm of Prussia, і, since he came to the throne in 1840, he immediately became a brother to Bernilikov. Smells were picked up in the members of the Berlinsky Academy of Sciences and as the academics denied the right to read lectures at the Berlinsky University. Nezabarom and Wilhelm, and Jacob Grimm began to read lectures at the university and lived in Berlin until death. Wilhelm died on the 16th breast in 1859; Jacob followed him on the 20th spring of 1863, on the 79th of his richly difficult and fruitful life.

As soon as the value of the scientific performance of the brothers Grimm is concerned, then, obviously, it is not for our assessment of this short biographical notation. We can here be surrounded by the deprivation of the overwhelmed by those who have dearted the prats, who brought them great glory to the European students, and put on that insight, which was the inspiration in the power of Jacob and Vimmelhelm of Science.

On our side, the selection of the kazki brothers Grimm. Cossacks brothers Grim list - Celebrating all creatures. To the whole list, the charming kazki of the brothers Grimm, the kazki of the creatures, the new kazki of the brothers Grimm have been added. The light of the brothers Grimm is divine and charming, reminiscent of the plot of good and evil. You can read some of the letters of the brothers Grim on the sidelines of our website. Cossacks brothers Grimm online reading is even more comfortable and comfortable.

Cossacks brothers Grim list

  1. (Der Froschk? Nig oder der eiserne Heinrich)
  2. (Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft)
  3. Children Mary (Marienkind)
  4. Kazka about those who went to fear and read (M? Rchen von einem, der auszog das F? Rchten zu lernen)
  5. Vovk і сім gozenyat (Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Gei? Lein)
  6. Virny Johannes (Der treue Johannes)
  7. Gave the trade / Vigidny dilok (Der gute Handel)
  8. Indiscriminate musician / Divakuvatiy musician (Der wunderliche Spielmann)
  9. Twelve brothers (Die zw? Lf Br? Der)
  10. Zbrod obirvantsiv (Das Lumpengesindel)
  11. Brother and sister (Br? Derchen und Schwesterchen)
  12. Rapunzel (Dzvinochok)
  13. Three cholovіchki in lіsі / Three little lіsoviki (Die drei M? Nnlein im Walde)
  14. Three Spinners (Die drei Spinnerinnen)
  15. Hansel and Gretel (H? Nsel und Gretel)
  16. Three serpentine leaves (Die drei Schlangenbl? Tter)
  17. Bila snake (Die weisse Schlange)
  18. Straw, kutoch and bob (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne)
  19. About fishing and yogo squad (Vom Fischer und seiner Frau)
  20. Horobry Kravets (Das tapfere Schneiderlein)
  21. Poppelushka (Aschenputtel)
  22. Riddle (Das R? Tsel)
  23. About a teddy bear, a birdie and greased a cowbass (Von dem M? Uschen, V? Gelchen und der Bratwurst)
  24. Pani Blizzard (Frau Holle)
  25. Сім воронів (Die sieben Raben)
  26. Chervona Hat (Rotk? Ppchen)
  27. Bremen musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
  28. Der singende Knochen
  29. Devil in three golden hairs (Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren)
  30. Voshka and blishka (L? Uschen und Fl? Hchen)
  31. Girls without hands (Das M? Dchen ohne H? Nde)
  32. Reasonable Hans / Wise Hans (Der gescheite Hans)
  33. Three Movies (Die drei Sprachen)
  34. Rozumna Elsa (Die kluge Else)
  35. Kravets at Paradise (Der Schneider im Himmel)
  36. Table-yourself-nakriyatsya, golden donkey і kiyok z mіshka
  37. Daumesdick
  38. Vesіlla panі foxes (Die Hochzeit der Frau F? Chsin)
  39. House (Die Wichtelm? Nner)
  40. Nouns-rozbyynik (Der R? Uberbr? Utigam)
  41. Pan Korbes
  42. Pan Kum (Der Herr Gevatter)
  43. Pani Pratsi / Frau Pratsi (Frau Trude)
  44. Death of a godfather / Death of a godfather (Der Gevatter Tod)
  45. Daumerlings Wanderschaft
  46. Fitchers Vogel
  47. About the Enchanted tree (Von dem Machandelboom)
  48. Old Sultan (Der alte Sultan)
  49. A bunch of swans (Die sechs Schw? Ne)
  50. Bumps / Spitting Krasunya (Dornr? Schen)
  51. Birdy know / Ptah-Naydenish (Fundevogel)
  52. King Drozdoborid (K? Nig Drosselbart)
  53. Snіguronka / Bіlosnіzhka (Schneewittchen)
  54. Knapsack, drops and ryzhok (Der Ranzen, das H? Tlein und das H? Rnlein)
  55. Rumpelstilzchen
  56. Miliy Roland (Der liebste Roland)
  57. Golden Bird (Der goldene Vogel)
  58. Dog that gorobets (Der Hund und der Sperling)
  59. Frader ta Katerlizchen (Der Frieder und das Katherlieschen)
  60. Two brothers (Die zwei Br? Der)
  61. Cholovik (Das B? Rle)
  62. Queen bjil / Bjolina uterus (Die Bienenk? Nigin)
  63. Three feasts (Die drei Federn)
  64. Golden gander (Die goldene Gans)
  65. Strokata Shkirka (Allerleirauh)
  66. Bunny named / Hare named (H? Sichenbraut)
  67. Two twelve mislivts (Die zw? Lf J? Ger)
  68. The villain and the yogo teacher (De Gaudeif un sien Meester)
  69. Jorinde und Joringel
  70. Three happy / Three happy
  71. The sixth of the whole light is ob_idemo / The sixth of the whole light is ob_idemo (Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt)
  72. Vovk ta lyudina (Der Wolf und der Mensch)
  73. Vovk ta lis (Der Wolf und der Fuchs)
  74. Lіs and panі kuma (Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin)
  75. Fox and cat (Der Fuchs und die Katze)
  76. Carnation (Die Nelke)
  77. Vinahidliva Gretel (Die kluge Gretel)
  78. Old did that onuchok (Der alte Gro? Vater und der Enkel)
  79. The Little Mermaid / Undina (Die Wassernixe)
  80. About the death of a chicken (Von dem Tode des H? Hnchens)
  81. Brother Veselun (Bruder Lustig)
  82. Gansl-Gravets (De Spielhansl)
  83. Hans im Gl? Ck
  84. Hans heiratet
  85. Die Goldkinder
  86. Fox and geese (Der Fuchs und die G? Nse)
  87. Bidnyak and Bagatiy (Der Arme und der Reiche)
  88. Das singende springende L? Weneckerchen
  89. Goose (Die G? Nsemagd)
  90. Young Veletn (Der junge Riese)
  91. Dat Erdm? Nneken
  92. King from the Gold of Gori (Der K? Nig vom goldenen Berg)
  93. Voronikha (Die Rabe)
  94. Reasonable daughter of a peasant (Die kluge Bauerntochter)
  95. Three birds (De drei V? Gelkens)
  96. Alive Water (Das Wasser des Lebens)
  97. Doctor Know-it-all (Doktor Allwissend)
  98. Spirit at the Gloss (Der Geist im Glas)
  99. Blazing brother of the devil (Des Teufels ru? Iger Bruder)
  100. Leader (Der B? Renh? Uter)
  101. Kinglet і wedmіd (Der Zaunk? Nig und der B? R)
  102. Reasonable people (Die klugen Leute)
  103. Kazki pro vzhe / Mürchen von der Unke (Mürchen von der Unke)
  104. The old farm laborer on a little that little girl (Der arme M? Llersbursch und das K? Tzchen)
  105. Two mandrіvniki (Die beiden Wanderer)
  106. Hans mein Igel
  107. Little shroud (Das Totenhemdchen)
  108. Der Jude im Dorn
  109. Vcheniy єger (Der gelernte J? Ger)
  110. Lantsyug from paradise / Lantsyug from the sky (Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel)
  111. Two royal children (De beiden K? Nigeskinner)
  112. About km_tlivy kravets (Vom klugen Schneiderlein)
  113. The dream is clearer than the whole truth is clear.
  114. Blue svіchka (Das blaue Licht)
  115. Three Paramedics (Die drei Feldscherer)
  116. Seven smilivtsiv (Die sieben Schwaben)
  117. Three Pidmaistri (Die drei Handwerksburschen)
  118. Sin of the king, who is not afraid of anything (Der K? Nigssohn, der sich vor nichts f? Rchtete)
  119. Inverted Donkey (Der Krautesel)
  120. Granny in lisi (Die Alte im Wald)
  121. Three brothers (Die drei Br? Der)
  122. Damn that yogo granny (Der Teufel und seine Gro? Mutter)
  123. Ferenand Virniy and Ferenand Nevirny (Ferenand getr? Und Ferenand ungetr?)
  124. Залізна піч (Der Eisenofen)
  125. Line spinner (Die faule Spinnerin)
  126. Four right brothers (Die vier kunstreichen Br? Der)
  127. Ein? Uglein, Zwei? Uglein und Drei? Uglein)
  128. Beautiful Katrinel and Nif-Nasr-Pidtri (Die sch? Ne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie)
  129. Lis ta kin (Der Fuchs und das Pferd)
  130. Vitoptan in dances of the cherevik (Die zertanzten Schuhe)
  131. Six Servants (Die sechs Diener)
  132. Bila ta chorna named (Die wei? E und die schwarze Braut)
  133. Zalizny Hans (Der Eisenhans)
  134. Three Black Princesses (De drei schwatten Prinzessinnen)
  135. Lamb and Ribka (Das L? Mmchen und Fischchen)
  136. Mount Simeli
  137. At the road (Up Reisen gohn)
  138. Donkey (Das Eselein)
  139. Der undankbare Sohn
  140. Rіpa (Die R? Be)
  141. Anew vicutius cholovichok (Das junggegl? Hte M? Nnlein)
  142. Pivnya deck (Der Hahnenbalken)
  143. Old foal (Die alte Bettelfrau)
  144. Troє ledariv (Die drei Faulen)
  145. Twelve Linear Servants (Die zw? Lf faulen Knechte)
  146. Shepherd (Das Hirtenb? Blein)
  147. Zirki-taleri (Die Sterntaler)
  148. Gestohlene Heller
  149. Look (Die Brautschau)
  150. Pokidki (Die Schlickerlinge)
  151. Gorobets and four children (Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder)
  152. Kazka about nebuvalu land (Das M? Rchen vom Schlaraffenland)
  153. Ditmarska kazka-nebilitsya (Das dietmarsische L? Genm? Rchen)
  154. Cossack Mystery (R? Tselm? Rchen)
  155. Bіlosnіzhka and Krasnosorka (Schneewei? Chen und Rosenrot)
  156. Clever Servant (Der kluge Knecht)
  157. Sklyana Trun (Der gl? Serne Sarg)
  158. Ice Heinz (Der faule Heinz)
  159. Ptah vulture (Der Vogel Greif)
  160. Mighty Hans (Der starke Hans)
  161. Khuda Liza (Die hagere Liese)
  162. Das Waldhaus
  163. Joy and grief navpil (Lieb und Leid teilen)
  164. King (Der Zaunk? Nig)
  165. Flounder (Die Scholle)
  166. Vipy and hoopoe (Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf)
  167. Owl (Die Eule)
  168. Hour of Life (Die Lebenszeit)
  169. Die Boten des Todes
  170. Goose bilya well (Die G? Nsehirtin am Brunnen)
  171. Inert children Єvi (Die ungleichen Kinder Evas)
  172. Mermaid at the rate (Die Nixe im Teich)
  173. Little People's Gifts (Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes)
  174. Veletn i kravets (Der Riese und der Schneider)
  175. Tsvyakh (Der Nagel)
  176. The big boy at the grave (Der arme Junge im Grab)
  177. Die wahre Braut
  178. Zaєts ta їzhak (Der Hase und der Igel)
  179. Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel
  180. Cholovik i chort (Der Bauer und der Teufel)
  181. Morska pig (Das Meerh? Schen)
  182. Maisterny villain (Der Meisterdieb)
  183. Drummer (Der Trommler)
  184. Wheat ear (Die Korn? Hre)
  185. Grave pagorb (Der Grabh? Gel)
  186. Old Rinkrank (Oll Rinkrank)
  187. Kristallkugel (Die Kristallkugel)
  188. Divchina Maleen (Jungfrau Maleen)
  189. Chobit from the buffalo shkiri (Der Stiefel von B? Ffelleder)
  190. The Golden Key (Der goldene Schl? Ssel)

Brothers Grimm were born with a family of officials near the town of Hanau (Hanau). Daddy їkh with a handful of acquiring a lawyer in Ganau, and then taking up legal services with Prince Ganausky. The older brother, Jacob Grimm (01/04/1785 - 09/20/1863), was born on 4 days in 1785 rock, and the youngest - Wilhelm Grimm (02.24.1786 - 12/16/1859) - on 24 fierce 1786 rock. Yak linguistic bully, one of the founders of scientific Germanic studies, became the etymological "Nimetsky vocabulary" (actually zalnonimetsky). The release of the Nimetsky vocabulary, which appeared in 1852, was completed in 1961, but it was not written regularly.

From the early dynasty of the brothers Grimm, friendship unified, like a trifle to a truncated dooshka. After the death of the dad, in 1796, he was brought to drink on the drink of the mother's side, and only the workers of the stench finished their mortgage. Mozhlivo, having gone too early without fathers, having rolled up their brother's ultrasound for all life.

Brothers Grimm knew the lawyers before the beginning, they entered the University of Marburg. Aleksei disputed the share, and as a matter of fact, they knew it at the Vivchenna Literatury.

Nayvidomish kazki brothers Grimm "Bremenski muzykanti", "Khlopchik - z - finger", "Khorobry kravets", "Bilosnіzhka and sem dwarfs". Kozhen from us, having worried about the hard lot of cottonmen, who are deprived of some of the fools, who whisper the road to home. And "rozumna Elza" - all the girls wanted to be similar.
