Theater "Baikal" vikonav on the TV show "Dance all!" Chinese dance with vіyala. Buryat National Theater of Song and Dance Baikal Dance All Theater Baikal


In one of the pavilions of Mosfilm, the final stage of the television competition "Dance All" was held. The Republic of Buryat, nagadamo, representing the Buryat national theater of music and dance "Baikal". There is a great number of people in the crowd, there are three stands. Zyomki have been three years old.

Aldar Damdini, Mikola will be, Senator For the Federation of Buryatia Tetiana Mantatov

Theater "Baikal" played the fourth behind the rakhunk. Our artists performed a dance performance with a national flavor. Ale, having demonstrated the elements of quiet styles, like the stench of the project: vogue, hip-hop, ballet.

For example, Anastasia and Daba Dashinorboevi showed a bare-bones dancer, Yulia Zomoeva dancing on pointe, Chingiz Tsibikzhapov, Valentina Yundunova and Aryuna Tsidipova danced vogue, Fedir Kondakov and Balurenyuda Osoboeva.

Looking at the gaze, the gazes were amicably sang from the moment and shouted "Bravo!"

“I am buried in the skin of you,” said Alla Sigalova, a member of the journal.

The journals were not rated in the final. Kozhen from judges vibrav one finale at a time. Alla Sigalova vibrated the Baikal theater, Volodymyr Derev'yanko - Vira formation, Ugor Druzhinin zupiniv vibir Evolvers.

Joy, shouts of "hurray!" reached the pavilion beyond the boundaries. Organizatori vikotili on the stage a great cake with a logo for the project. All the dancers went to the theater "Baikal", they made a svyatkovy fireworks and a majestic certificate for a sum of 1 million rubles to be handed over to them.

Absolutely, the theater "Baikal" deservedly played, the guys grew to love, and the stench was very popular with our project!.

The residents of Buryatia were encouraged by the TV screens in their homes for all this action. The active volunteers came to wonder about the final directly to the Maidan Rad. After finishing the final, a great screen has been set up there.

Buryat artists, politicians played with the words of the teacher. Dozens, hundreds of townspeople radioed, if they were barely naked.

Tse such pride for our theater, for our republic! I would like to have a poster of Happiness! Thank you, "Baikal!", - said the peer Olena.

Cross-country dance:

All efir:

Friday, 07 February

13th day of the month with the Vogon element. nice day for people who were born in the Rik Konya, Vivtsi, Mavpi and Kurki. Good morning to lay the foundation, buduvati booths, dig the earth, fix the lіkuvannya, kupuvati lіkarskі zbori, grass, carry out the matchmaking. Virushati on the road - up to dobrobut. unpleasant day for people who were born in the Rik of the Tiger and the Rabbit. It is not recommended to start new knowledge, know friends, fix the vicious activity, use the robot, hire a good lady, the teacher, and the thinness. Haircut- for happiness and success.

Saturday, 08 February

14th day of the month with the element Earth. nice day for people who were born in the village of Korovi, Tiger and Rabbit. This is a good day to ask for the sake of a unique situation, to carry out ceremonies for polishing life and wealth, to visit a new settlement, to lose weight. unpleasant day for people who were born in the village of Misha and Pigs. It is not recommended to write, create, see the knowledge of science, hearings of the people, lectures, do it for the right, try to do it right, if you want to help you master the robot, hire workers. Viruati on the road - up to great troubles, as well as to leave with loved ones. Haircut- to the addition of wealth and thinness.

Week, 09 February

15th month of the day with the element of Zalizo. thanksgiving and a great deal of money that will grow a hundred times over the course of a day. A pleasant day for people who were born in the Dragon's Rik. Today you can build a house, build a house, build a house, fix it right, read and understand science, see a deposit from a bank, sew and cut clothes, as well as for a hard decision of children. Not recommended re-enter, change the place of living and robots, bring the negligence, see the daughter in the given name, as well as hold a funeral and commemoration. Virushati on the road - to the nasty ones. Haircut- to good luck, to friendly heritage.

Screenshot from YouTube / channel "WeiT Media"

I know, among the most successful, a team from Buryatia

Beforehand, viyshov in the third edition of the Russian TV show "Dance all!" on the channel Russia 1.

Participation in the New Shore the Pisnі and Dancing Theater "Baikal". Likewise, both the іnshі collectives from the efforts of the country are guilty of showing their professionalism in other genres - to show their professionalism in other genres - to show them in the popular style of the show.

At the last program "Baikal" I got the magazine "Viennese waltz" and took the first meeting in the tourney tables. And the last few TV watchers marveled at the "Chinese dance" at the Buryat team's vicon.

Maybe it’s just that the number is easy for us, that is why the Chinese universities have eyes, we have university eyes and everything is the same. It’s not a folk dance, like the sounds of dancing, all one dance is stylized, and there’s a singing wiklik, ”Zhargal Zhalsanov explained in the artist’s profile in the artist’s profile.

First, our artists impressed the eyes and the judges with the new facets of their talents, showing a barvy and specific number, a member of the magazine Alla Sigalova compared with the Circus du Soleil. At the bag "Baikal", having trimmed the temple score of 27 points. Ygor Druzhinin putting "8", not "10", explaining the tsetim, which yomu tse vistup guessed from the energetics of the dance from the vizitnoy card - a fragment from the vistavi "Spirit of the ancestors".

Protest, "Baikal" without any special difficulties to pass the offensive round. And having left the project at the whole stage of the Sevastopol Academic Theater, I dance.

The Buryat National Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" appeared in Ulan-Uda in 1942. A collection of the tse buv ensemble of the Philharmonic, from the warehouse of the winners on the cob of the 2000s. The new history resumed in 2005, since together with the orchestra and the dance theater the ensemble was transformed into a theater.

Theater dance "Baikal" on the show "Dance all!" The 2017 rik became special for the theater, since the team played in the TV project, the professional team was demoted. Until the final was consumed by 3 teams, I changed the theater "Baikal" to "Dance all!" "They brought the voices of the eyes. In the course of the project, the team performed in different genres. The final dance to the Baikal theater will be a folk Buryat yokhor, which will include elements of ballet, vogue, hip-hop.

At the performances of the Buryat theater "Baikal" one can see the folk cultural traditions of the Buryat-Mongols. The basis of the vistav is the folklore of the inhabitants of the Muscovy, where the vine is fueled by Buddhism and shamanism. Here you can see the idea of ​​nature for the Buryat-Mongols, see in the hours of a nomadic life, colorful scenes with monsters and creatures.

Messages to the "Baikal" theater, as they vikonuyutsya before an hour whistling, even self-contained, їх do not decipher in a very musical way. The stench is to supervise the national dance, the elements that are intertwined with the brisk choreography. Innocent voices of creatures and birds are heard.


On the official site, the poster for the Baikal Theater is presented for the month. Here you can see concerts and concerts, like the theater is organized on the small maidan, including in some places. On the right in that, at once at the theater I dance "Baikal" there is no stage of my own. The future is not planned for the capital region, as there are already three theatrical maydans in the place. Zbir kostyv for design documentation for the Buryat music and dance theater "Baikal" buv innovations on crowdfunding platforms. Often, performances can be performed on the stages of the Russian Drama Theater in Ulan-Uda.

The poster for the "Baikal" theater includes theatrical concerts, solo and juvenile parties of artists, dance shows, and the orchestra. Especially tsіkavo give concerts to the theater "Baikal" with ethnic ballet or opera: the whole performance-element "Spirit of the Ancestors", staging "Myths and Legends of Lake Baikal" and іn. Such statements are based on folk myths and folk tales. At the concerts, the contemporary choreography is staged.

Іnsha barvy show to the theater "Baikal" is called "Blisk Asia". Here you can play dance and dance of the other peoples of Asia, including China, Korea, Japan, Bali. You can hit the poster for the Baikal Theater in Ulan-Uda, a multicultural tour project in the Russian regions.
