Imagination. "Imagination - Progress Engine Imagination in Creativity


The writing

Imagination is a gift that the man gave nature. With it, he can dream, fantasy, dream. But, more importantly, the imagination helps a person converting peace - after all, he is able to embody his fantasies into reality and, thereby, to improve the surrounding life. Thus, the imagination is the engine of progress.

How does this happen in practice? In my opinion, the generation of human imagination is nothing more than science - theoretical systematic views on the surrounding world, based on these scientific research generated by human imagination.

Science, in turn, is organically related to production. At the initial stages of its existence, science did not have any noticeable impact on the development of society. However, over time, the position has changed. Three great inventions - compass, powder, typography - marked the greatest progress, which transformed the world.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. There was a close relationship of science with technique, which caused the gradual transformation of science into the immediate productive strength of society. The Unified System "Science and Technology-Production" was gradually folded. In the 20th century, the leading place already belongs to science, it becomes directly productive strength.

At the present stage, in science, the theoreticals came out instead of experimental knowledge. The main part of the products in the modern world originates in scientific laboratories. Production processes acquire more and more scientific purposes here, continuously occurs "masting" production.

The process of revolutionary transformations, which began in theoretical regions of science, then swept the equipment, technology, production of composite materials, energy, computer science. Now a new technological method of production has come to replace the instrumentalization (manufactory) and mechanization (machine manufacturing). Instead of a working car, such a technical device has been released on the historic arena, which is capable of fundamentally new management functions, when the technological process is carried out autonomously, without directly incorporing a person in it. Now microelectronics, robotics, flexible production modules and systems, and fundamentally new materials with specified properties are widely introduced into production. And all this "provided" is nothing but human imagination.

Currently, the pace of development, characteristic of those directions of science, where the achievements of the various industries are integrated (space research, the creation of new materials, new energy sources, management of large systems).

In the modern world, science is becoming increasingly important and developing increasingly rapid pace. Particularly enhances the role of fundamental, theoretical science, and this process is characteristic of all areas of knowledge. Theoretical physics is still the most important direction. Hypotheses that attract the attention of physicists, mathematicians, astronomers - these are ideas about the multiplicity of worlds, the shadow world, about general symmetry. The efforts of many scientists are aimed at creating a common field theory. In astronomy, a "big explosion" theory has been developed.

In fundamental and practical medicine, scientific and technical achievements are increasingly implemented. Scientists have learned to transplant almost all internal human internal organs, with the exception of the brain. The analysis of blood makes conclusions about hereditary diseases. Ultrasound is used for diagnosis and treatment. The search for medication from the "incurable" diseases - cancer, AIDS, etc. is internally.

The most important problem of modern science is the problem of "artificial" intelligence. The Extremely promising direction of modern science is also bio-immuno technology - its successful development is necessary for solving practical issues of food and drinking water on Earth.

The modern development of science and technology allows us to say that humanity is waiting for a miracle - a powerful "jump forward", revolutionary discoveries that will allow mankind to switch to a qualitatively new stage of its development. However, it seems to me that it is not worth seduced. We will not live in the "Eternal Paradise", because scientific and technological progress has its own reverse side. The development of civilization will entail new problems and diseases of humanity. Predicting and adjust this is also the task of science in modern conditions. And here again the assistant will be human imagination.

Making a general conclusion, it must be said that the imagination of mankind is a force, continuously revolutionizing science and technique. Imagination constantly stimulates the progress of science, putting forward new requirements and tasks before it.

I believe that imagination is a person's opportunity to think creatively.

In my opinion, the imagination is intended to be in order to create something new in the future. Everyone reason in different ways, therefore, the fantasy of each person has its own. Exupery in his book "Citadel" wrote: "Going on stranger tracks, you risk not to leave yours."

Writers of different genres, and in particular science and utopians, it is necessary imagination, because it is the key to an interesting plot. They create their own world on a piece of paper. The world, with their devices and heroes, which delays us. In order for the author to convey the thought, we, readers, also need to be fantasized, so that it is better to present a picture of what is happening.

Another creative profession, in which, undoubtedly, as personal qualities, the imagination should be present - the artist.

They are constantly looking for new flows of their craft. As, for example, impressionism based on the impression appeared in the twentieth century. We would not see numerous bright compositions, do not possess a person with such wonderful quality as the ability to imagine.

Imagination allows us to find our calling in creativity and enjoy the works of other talented people.

Updated: 2017-06-17

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  1. (37 words) In the story of Gogol, the "Portrait" also shows the influence of this art on personality. The hero spends the last money to the picture that amazes his imagination. The portrait of the old man does not let go of the new owner even outside. This is the power of culture over human consciousness.
  2. (43 words) In the story of Gogol "Nevsky Prospect", Piskarev is under the influence of his vocation - painting. That is why all life is painted for him in unknown ordinary people colors: in a public woman, for example, he sees Muse and his wife, he does not bend to help her. So real art enjoys the personality.
  3. (41 Word) This art always makes a person more sublime and noble. In the play of Ostrovsky "Forest", an actor who speaks Schiller who speaks, has the concept of honor, laid down in the literature. He gives all his money in an accessed unfamiliar girlfriend, not requiring anything in return.
  4. (46 words) in the novel of Dostoevsky "Poor People" This art helps Vare not to lose virtue, despite all the vital adversity. The student taught her to read Gogol and Pushkin, and the girl became harder character and stronger in spirit. At the same time, it developed a kindness, sensitivity and special internal beauty.
  5. (50 words) This art is always dedicated to people, "you are creating" from a big heart. In the story of the "Chudik", the hero just paints the stroller, but it makes it not only beautiful, but with love. His gesture did not understand, but we, readers, this situation recalled the fate of all persecuted creators who embodied their good in the works of art.
  6. (38 words) In the poem of Pushkin "Prophet", the vocation of this art clearly expressed - burn the hearts of people. The poet makes it a verb, an artist - a brush, a musician - his tool, etc. That is, their works are always worried and stunning us, forcing them to think about eternal questions.
  7. (39 words) in the poem Lermontov "Prophet" the topic is raised not recognition of the creators. The author writes how people began to despise his "pure teachings". Obviously, real art is not necessarily proclaimed, on the contrary, sometimes it distilts its time and becomes incomprehensible among conservative people.
  8. (49 words) The topic of real art was close to Lermontov. In his poem "When Rafael inspired" is described by the process of creating art, when "Heavenly Fire" burns in the sculptor, and the poet listens to the "Lyra Charming Sounds". It means that culture comes not even from people, but from something sacred and mysterious, which is outside of our understanding.
  9. (30 words) In the story of Chekhov "Student", the hero tells the biblical history to simple women. Even in the form of a negative, real art causes contradictory feelings and sincere experiences: Vasilisa cries, and Luchery is embarrassed.
  10. (58 words) in the poem of the Mayakovsky "the side" the topic of art is central. The author suggests that it serves people, inspires them to change that the poets "rush under the feet", go to the foregoing. And even when "the holiday will be behind the battle of the battle," art will also need people to cheer them and delight them. Thus, it is indispensable and very important to us.
  11. Examples of life

    1. (40 words) I realized the influence of this art, when he was carried away by playing the guitar. I began to listen carefully to music, search for chords, reefs and interesting tricks. When I listened to the game of meters, I received genuine pleasure, comparable unless with the euphoria at the concert.
    2. (46 words) Sister became my guide into the world of art. She showed me ancient engravings and frescoes in large and beautiful books, and once even took me to the museum. There I experienced such a mental lift, such a sharp curiosity for life, which will never be the same.
    3. (50 words) This art pulled me to me since childhood. The thrust led me to the bookshets, where I found the book "Richard Lion's Heart." I remember, she flew in one breath, I read even at night, and in the rare sleeping hours I have experienced tournaments and balls. Thus, culture enriches a person's life.
    4. (38 words) I remember how art inspired my grandmother. She did not miss a single theatrical production and always returned in such a joyful excitement that Twitter on the whole house, and I did not feel her age: it seemed to me young and blooming.
    5. (45 words) This art is brighter than just on stage. When I first went to the theater, I watched the "grief from the mind" with delight and excess. I tried to remember every word, every gesture, as if a miracle was played in front of me, and I, the chronicler, should pass his magnificence to descendants.
    6. (45 words) I was not very interested in art until the musical festivals discovered. There is something else, and the atmosphere, the word, not as in ordinary studio records. I was paralyzed by such a living, sincere, strong music and made me realize myself, love and penetrate our essence.
    7. (56 words) Art makes people culturally. My mother worked in the museum and was a very polite woman. She really loved and understood his exhibits, which watched, and this elevated feeling did it better. I never even shrinkled on me, but her quiet weighty word was thunder like that, because I was not afraid, but respected her.
    8. (48 words) In my life, art has played a decisive role. I had a gloomy period in my life, I wanted nothing, how suddenly I got old on my eyes oil paintings My great-grandmother. They crumbled ordinary, I decided to try to reanimate them. Then I found a vocation - painting. I continued my granting a family tradition.
    9. (34 words) This art makes a person better. My brother, for example, was closed, it was difficult to converge with people, but as soon as he had a passion for painting, he became a very interesting interlocutor, and the society itself reached him.
    10. (41 Word) Art - source of culture. I noticed that people interested in art are much polite and tactical than those who do not notice it. For example, I am friends mainly with the guys from a musical or art school, as they are diversified and pleasant in communication.
    11. Interesting? Save on your wall!

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Writing on the work on the topic: Imagination - Engine of progress and salvation of mankind (essay)

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein

All that, for centuries, humanity has achieved in science, technology and culture, was achieved due to imagination. Neither Tsiolkovsky nor Yuri Gagarin nor the first American astronauts on the moon would be impossible without the first dreamer, imaginably flying like a bird. His jump from the bell tower with homemade wings in her arms anticipated by the cosmic era of mankind. Russian Icar was not alone. It is known that on his sketch of the first aircraft Leonardo da Vinci wrote prophetic words: "A man will grow his wings." The aircraft of the artist of the Renaissance could indeed fly a few feet, but the Church hung on him a label "Devil Tool".
So, collective imagination contributes to the fastest development of progress. I especially want to note the value of the imagination of creative personalities. The science fiction writers of the whole world created an amazing country, which is not on the geographical map, but it is marked in the soul of every person who knows how to dream. This is the country of fiction. She lives in its laws and orders. Everyone's desires are fulfilled there and all dreams come true. But the country fiction is not so irre. Recall Jules Verne: from the area subordinate to him, in the real world they moved submarines in the real world, and our scientists argue that the flying spacecraft, drawn by the writer, is very similar to the Soyuz Soymaker and Apollo spacecraft. The collective world imagination focuses the creativity of such wonderful science writers as Ivan Efremov, Arkady and Boris.
We have published a whole "library of modern fiction." Even a quick acquaintance with her will force the reader to make sure in the desire of the authors to continue the tradition of scientific foresight. But even if there are no specific scientific discoveries in the works of modern science, they still work for human progress. For example, the product of Strugatsky "Beetle in the anthill" puts moral problems that, as it were, do humanity to psychological equilibrium among super-modern apparatuses on Earth and in space. I believe that the problem is not only to form in thoughts what has not yet been in the physical world, but in how a person will use this miracle of technology. Errors of this kind led to atomic explosions in Japan. Humanity still lives in fear of nuclear and other super-modern weapons of mass destruction.
The creativity of science writers is a spontaneous protest against public relations, gone and crumpled human soul. It is for this reason that the greatest achievements of science and technology in our days are perceived by many people as an insurmountable evil as a means of even greater enslavement of humanity. Writers create works in which fiction is only a background, which is played by the tragedy of intractable contradictions between man and a cybernetic robot.
For example, in the story of the Australian science writer Lee Garding "Searches" somety Johnston is looking for a corner of the real nature outside "Giant cities covering the entire planet of armor from metal and plastic. After long searches, he can find a beautiful park. Birds, grass, fragrance of flowers admire His. There, even the watchdog lives in a wooden house. The hero is going to stay there forever, but it dissuads him: "You should remember, Mr. Johnston, that you are part of the equation. The monstrous equation that helps municipal kiberams to support the smooth course of the world process." Without a warning, Johnston remains in the park, breaks with a bush a rose and makes sure that the flower is synthetic. Everything in the park is artificial, and even the watchman turns out to be a robot. Desperate, the hero opens the veins, experiencing the last joy that even blood is Real. But the blood flows through everything, and the hero does not die. And only the patrol robot kills him a bunch of ions.
I would like to hope that creative imagination will ever be impossible to use against a person, and only to solve world problems. American writer Robert Anthony said well: "We should never think about the situation as hopeless or insoluble. Belief in what we are on the way to self-destruction is just a delusion. " I completely agree with the American writer. Our creative imagination is the key to our future.


Performed: student 9 "in" class

Sweshevskaya Svetlana

Lecturer: Likhach Galina Vladimirovna

Gymnasium №12

Minsk, 2002

Introduction: Imagination value 3

1. Definition of imagination 6

2. Imagination functions 9

3. Types of imagination 11

4. "Technique" Imagination 14

5. Imagination in creativity 16

6. Imagination and talent 18

7. The role of imagination in science and nature 22 Conclusion 24

List of references 25

Introduction: Imagination

Imagination It is a special form of the human psyche, standing apart from other mental processes and at the same time occupying an intermediate position between perception, thinking and memory.

The specificity of this form of the mental process lies in the fact that the imagination is probably characteristic only for a person and strangely connected by the digestion of the body, while at the same time the most "mental" of all mental processes and states. The latter means that in any other, except for imagination, the perfect and mysterious character of the psyche does not appear. It can be assumed that it is the imagination, a desire to renew and explain to attract attention to mental phenomena in antiquity, supported and continues to stimulate it in our day.

However, the phenomenon of imagination remains mysterious and nowadays. It is still almost nothing about humanity about the mechanism of imagination, including its anatomy-physiological basis. Questions about where the imagination is localized in the human brain, with the work of any nervous structures, it is connected, today they are not yet solved. At least we can say much less about this than, for example, about sensations, perception, attention and memory, which are sufficiently studied.

The imagination is a special form of reflection, which is to create new images and ideas through the processing of available representations and concepts. The development of imagination goes along the lines of improving the operations of replacing real objects imaginary and recreating imagination. The child gradually begins to create on the basis of existing descriptions, texts, fairy tales are increasingly complex images and their systems. The content of these images is developing and enriched. Creative imagination develops when the child not only understands some expressive techniques (hyperbola, metaphor), but also apply them on their own. Imagination becomes indirect and deliberate.

Imagination is the most important side of our lives. Imagine for a minute that a person would not possess fantasy. We would lose almost all scientific discoveries and works of art. Children would not hear fairy tales and could not play many games. And how could they assimilate the school curriculum without imagination? It's easier to say: deprit a person fantasy and progress will stop! So imagination, fantasy are the highest and necessary human ability. At the same time, this ability needs special care in terms of development. And it develops especially intensively between the ages of 5 and 15 years. This is a period of scientists called a sensitive, i.e., the most favorable for the development of figurative thinking and imagination.

And if during this period the imagination does not specifically develop, subsequently there comes a rapid decline in the activity of this function. For example, one schoolboy asked famous writer Gianni Rodari: "What needs to be done and how to work to become a storyteller?", "Tearn how to mathematics," he heard in response.

Together with a decrease in the ability to fantasize a person's personality, the personality is declining, the possibilities of creative thinking are reduced, the interest in art and science goes out.

Thanks to the imagination, the person creates, it is reasonably planning its activities and manages it. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is a product of the imagination and creativity of people.

The imagination displays a person beyond his momentary existence, reminds him of the past, opens the future. Together with a decrease in the ability to fantasize a person's personality, the personality is declining, the possibilities of creative thinking are reduced, the interest in art and science goes out.

The imagination is the highest mental function and reflects reality. However, with the help of imagination, a mental departure is carried out beyond the limits of directly perceived. The main task is to represent the expected result before it is implemented. With the help of imagination, we have a form of a never existing object that has never existed at the moment, situations, conditions.

Taking into account how much the imagination has in a person's life, as it affects its mental processes and conditions and even on the body, we will specifically highlight and consider the problem of imagination.

Imagination is a special form of a psyche that can only be in a person. It is continuously associated with human ability to change the world, transform reality and create a new one. The rights were M. Gorky, saying that "it is fiction that raises a person over the animals," because only a person who, being a public, transforms the world, develops genuine imagination.

Possessing a rich imagination, a person can live in different time that no other living creature in the world can afford. The past is fixed in memory images, and the future is represented in dreams and fantasies.

Any imagination gives rise to something new, changes, converts what is given by perception. These changes and transformations may be expressed in the fact that a person, based on knowledge and relying on experience, imagines, i.e. Create a picture of the fact that in reality never saw himself. For example, a flight message in space prompts our imagination to draw pictures of fantastic in their unusual life in weightlessness, surrounded by stars and planets.

Imagination can, anticipating future, create an image, a picture of what was not there. So astronauts could in their imagination to present flight into space and disembarking on the moon when it was only a dream that was not yet implemented and unknown.

Imagination can finally make such a departure from reality, which creates a fantastic picture, brightly deviating from reality. But in this case, it to some extent reflects this reality. And the imagination is fruitful and more valuable than a greater extent, transforming reality and deviate from it, nevertheless takes into account its essential parties and the most significant features.

To study the cognitive role of imagination, it is necessary to find out its features and identify his valid nature. In the scientific literature there are a lot of approaches to the definition of imagination. Let us turn to some of them and we define the main features of the imagination.

S.L.Rubinshtein writes: "Imagination is a departure from past experience, this is the transformation of this and generate new images on this basis."

L.S.vugotsky believes that "the imagination does not repeat the impressions that accumulated before, but build some new rows from previously accumulated impressions. Thus, bringing new in our impressions and changing these impressions so that as a result there is a new one, who used to be not an existing image, forms the basis of the activity we call the imagination. "

According to E.Ignatyev, "the main sign of the process of imagination is to transform and process data and materials of past experience, resulting in a new idea."

And the "Philosophical Dictionary" defines the imagination as "the ability to create new sensual or mental images in human consciousness based on the transformation of the impressions received from reality."

As can be seen from the definitions, the ability to create new images is considered an essential sign of imagination. But this is not enough, because it is impossible to distinguish between imagination and thinking. After all, human thinking (the creation of cognitive images by findings, generalizations, analysis, synthesis) cannot be simply identified with the imagination, because the creation of new knowledge and concepts can occur without the participation of imagination.

Many researchers note that the imagination is the process of creating new images proceeding in a visual plan. This trend refers imagination to the forms of sensual reflection, the other believes that the imagination creates not only new sensual images, but also produces new thoughts.

One of the features characteristic of imagination is that it is associated not only with thinking, but also sensory data. There is no imagination without thinking, but it does not boil down to logic, since it always assumes the transformation of sensual material.

Thus, it is obvious that the imagination is also the creation of new images, and the transformation of past experience, and the fact that such a transformation is performed during the organic unity of sensual and rational.

2. Functions of imagination

People dream so much because their mind can not be "unemployed." It continues to function and then when the human brain does not receive new information when he does not solve any problems. It is at this time that the imagination begins to work, to stop which a person can not be able to.

In a person's life, the imagination performs a number of specific functions.

The first of them is to present reality in the images and be able to use them by solving problems. This imagination function is associated with thinking and is organically included in it.

The second function of imagination is to regulate emotional states. With the help of his imagination, a person is able to at least partly satisfy the many needs, shoot intensity generated by them. This vital function is especially emphasized and developed in psychoanalysis.

The third function of imagination is associated with its participation in the arbitrary regulation of cognitive processes and human states, in particular perception, attention, memory, speech, emotions. With the help of skillfully called images, a person may pay attention to the necessary events. Through the images, he gets the opportunity to manage perception, memories, statements.

The fourth imagination function is to form an internal action plan - the ability to perform them in the mind, manipulating images.

Finally, the fifth function is planning and programming activities, drawing up such programs, evaluating their correctness, implementation process.

With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body, customize it for upcoming activities. Facts also know that with the help of imagination, a purely volitional way can affect organic processes: change the rhythm of the respiration, the pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature (Indian yoga).

3. Types of imagination

Consider now various forms and types of human imagination.

The attitude of a person to the process of imagination directly determines the existence of various levels of imagination. At the lowest levels, the change of images occurs involuntarily, at the highest - in it, a conscious person plays a conscious person to form images.

In the lowest and primitive their forms, the imagination is manifested in involuntary transformation of images, which is committed under the influence of unaryanticular needs, deposits and trends, regardless of some conscious intervention of the subject. Images of imagination, as it were, spontaneously pop up before imagination, in addition to the will and desire of a person, and not formed. In its pure form, such a form of imagination is only in very rare cases at the lowest levels of consciousness and in dreams. It is also called passive imagination.

In the highest forms of imagination, in creativity, images are consciously formed and converted in accordance with the objectives. Using them, a person in his own desire, the effort of will causes the corresponding images of human creative activities. This form of imagination is called active.

Also the imagination reproducing, or reproductive, and convertible, or productive.

In the reproductive imagination, the task is to reproduce reality in the form, what it is, and although there is also an element of fantasy, such an imagination resembles perception or memory than creativity. So, with reproductive imagination can be correlated direction in art, called naturalism, as well as partly realism. It is well known that, according to the paintings I.I.Shishkina, biologists can explore the flora of the Russian forest, since all plants on its canvases are discharged with documentary accuracy.

The productive imagination is characterized by the fact that in it the reality is consciously constructed by a person, and not just mechanically copied or recreated, although it is still creatively converted in the image. For example, the basis of a number of art masters, whose flight of creative fantasy is no longer satisfying realistic means, it becomes also reality. But this reality is passed through the productive imagination of the creators, they will design it in a new way, using light, color, air vibration (impressionism), resorting to the point image of items (Pointelism), decompose the world on geometric shapes (cubism) and so on. Even the work of such a direction of art, as abstractism, was created with the help of productive imagination. With productive imagination in art, we meet in cases where the world of the artist is a phantasmagoria, irrationalism. The result of such an imagination is Roman M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", fantasy of the Brothers Strugatsky.

Imagination, as you know, closely related to creativity (this will be discussed below). And oddly enough, this dependence is reverse, i.e. It is the imagination that is formed in the process of creative activity, and not the opposite. Specialization of various types of imagination is the result of the development of various types of creative activities. Therefore, there are so many specific types of imagination, as there are types of human activity - constructive, technical, scientific, artistic, musical, and so on. But, of course, all these species constitute a kind of higher level - creative imagination.

In all these cases, the imagination plays a positive role, but there are other types of imagination. These include dreams, hallucinations, dreams and dreams.

Dreams can be attributed to the category of passive and involuntary forms of imagination. The authentic role in the human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in the dreams of a person find expression and satisfaction many vital needs that, due to a number of reasons, cannot obtain realization in life.

Hallucinations are fantastic visions that do not seem to have almost no connection with the surrounding person. Usually, they, being the result of certain violations of the psyche or the work of the body, accompany many painful states.

Dreams, unlike hallucinations, is quite normal mental conditionrepresenting a fantasy associated with the desire.

The dream is called the form of special internal activities, which consists in creating an image that a person would wish to implement. Dream from dreams is different in that it is somewhat more realistic and in more than associated with reality, i.e. In principle, feasible. Dreams in humans occupy quite most of the time, especially in adolescence and for most people are pleasant thinks about the future, although some have and disturbing visions that generate anxiety and aggressiveness. The imagination process is rarely immediately implemented in human practical actions, so the dream is an important condition for implementing the creative forces of a person. The need for a dream is that, being an initially simple reaction to a strongly exciting situation, it is then often becoming an internal need of personality. The dream is very important in the younger school age. The younger than the child's child, the more often his dream is not so much expressing his direction as it creates it. This is the formative function of the dream.

4. "Technique" Imagination

The transformation of reality with the help of imagination does not occur arbitrarily, it has its own patterns that are expressed in various ways or transformation techniques that are used unconsciously. Psychology allocates several such techniques.

The first such method is agglutination, i.e. combination or combination of various uncompressive in everyday life parts in new unusual combinations. Combination is not a random set, namely the selection of certain features, produced consciously, in accordance with a certain idea and the design of the composition. It is widely used in art, science, technical inventiveness, and especially in the monuments of the ancient Egyptian art and in the art of American Indians. An example is the classic characters of the fairy tales of a beast man or a bird, allegorical figures Leonardo da Vinci.

Another reception is to accentuate some sides of the displayed phenomenon. Acquesting is an underscore. It is often achieved by changing the proportions to various sides. In such a reception, caricature uses: it reproduces the features of the original, exaggerating those or other his features. At the same time, to be significant, accentuating must be allocated characteristic, substantial. Acquesting actively uses changes in items with their increase or decrease (hyperbolization and limit), which is widely used in the fantastic image of reality. The following fabulous characters can serve as an example: unprecedented strong Svyatogor, a tiny boy-with-finger or giant gagliver sizes. On the one hand, the exterior of the giant, its grand sizes can make more obvious inner strength and significance of heroes, and on the other, fantastically small sizes can force the power of contrast to emphasize the large domestic advantages of the character.

The third known method of creating images of imagination is schematization. In this case, individual representations merge, and the differences are smoothed. The main features of similarities are clearly being developed. An example is any schematic drawing.

And the last way can be called typing, i.e. Specific generalization. It is characterized by the allocation of a significant, repeated in homogeneous facts in some respects and their embodiment in a specific image. In this taking some features at all are lowered, others are simplified, freed from parts and complications. As a result, the whole image is converted. For example, there are professional images of a worker, doctor, artist, and so on.

Thus, in the imagination, naturally, a tendency to allegory, allegory, the use of images in a figurative meaning is concluded. All means of literary creativity (metaphor, hyperbole, epithet, trails and figures) show the manifestation of the transformative imagination force. And all the main forms of creative conversion of the world, which uses art, ultimately, reflect those transformations that the imagination enjoys.

5. Imagination in creativity

The imagination plays an important role in every creative process, and especially its value is great in artistic work. The essence of the artistic imagination is, first of all, in order to be able to create new images capable of being a carrier. ideological content. The special power of the artistic imagination is to create a new situation not by violation, but if the main demands of vitality are preserved.

The root is erroneous is the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the fancy and wonder the work, the more imagination at his author. The imagination of Leo Tolstoy is not weaker than the imagination of Edgar Alan by. It is just another. After all, the more realistic work, the more powerful should the imagination should be to make the described picture of visual and figurative. After all, as it is known, a powerful creative imagination is found not so much because a person can fiction, invent, but by how he knows how to convert validity in accordance with the requirements artistic design. But observance of vitality and reality does not mean, of course, photographically accurately copying perceived, because the real artist has not only the necessary technique, but also a special look at things other than the look of a nonmaturary man. Therefore, the main task artistic work- Show others what the artist sees, so that others see others. Even in the portrait, the artist does not photograph the person depicted, but converts perceived by him. The product of such an imagination gives a often deeper and faithful picture than even the picture can do.

The imagination in artistic work allows, of course, a significant departure from reality, a significant deviation from it. Artistically, creativity is expressed not only in the portrait, it includes a sculpture, a fairy tale, and a fantastic story. Both in the fairy tale, and in fantastics, deviations can be very high, but in any case should be motivated by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. And the more significant these deviations about reality, the more motivable they should be, otherwise they will not be understood and appreciated. Creative imagination uses this kind of fantasy, the deviation of some features of reality, in order to give imagery and clarity to the real world, the main idea or plan.

Some experiences, feelings of people in everyday life can be and invisible to the alley, the imagination of the artist, deviating about reality, transforms it, brighter illuminating and convexing showing some particularly important part of this reality for it. To move from reality to penetrate and better understand it, is the logic of creative imagination.

No less need imagination and in scientific work. In science, it is formed not at least in creativity, but only in other forms.

Another English chemist was attracted, opened oxygen, stated that all the great discoveries were able to make only scientists who give a "full scope of their imagination". The role of fantasy in science was highly appreciated and Lenin, believing that "she needs not only a poet. Even in It is needed by mathematics, because fantasy is the quality of the greatest value. "The specific role of the imagination in scientific work is that it converts the figurative content of the problem and contributes to it.

Very brightly, the role of imagination is shown in an experimental study. The experimenter, thinking of experience, should, using its knowledge and hypotheses, achieve science and technology, to imagine such a situation that would satisfy all the required conditions. In other words, he must imagine such experience and understand its goals and consequences. One of the scientists, which always "conducted an experiment" by his imagination before the real experience, was the physicist E. Rutherford.

6.Fraction and talent

As already known, imagination is always the creation of a new one as a result of the processing of past experience. No creative activity It is impossible without fantasy, so creativity is a complex mental process associated with the character, interests, personality abilities.

Sometimes people more mature age difficult to imagine something unusual and begin to fantasize, but this does not mean that they have lost their ability to imagination. The imagination is every person, simply, becoming older, the person is doing it less often. And to train the imagination, as psychologists advise, you need since childhood.

Creative activity develops the feelings of children. Creation, the child is experiencing a whole range of positive emotions, both from the process of activity and from the result obtained.

Creativity contributes to the optimal and intensive development of such mental functions as memory, thinking, perception, attention. But it is they who determine the success of the child's study.

Creative activity develops the identity of the child, helps him absorb moral and moral standards - distinguish between good and evil, compassion and hatred, courage and cowardice. Creating works of creativity, the child reflects its understanding of life and peace in them, its positive and negative qualities, in a new way there are comprehensive and evaluated.

Creativity develops and aesthetic feelings in a child. Through this activity is formed by the susceptibility of the child to the world, the evaluation of the beautiful.

All children, especially senior preschoolers and junior and middle-aged schoolchildren, love to engage in art. They sing with passion and dance, they make and draw, compose music and fairy tales, perform on stage, participate in contests, exhibitions and quizzes, etc. Because creativity makes the life of a child richer, more fully, happier and more interesting.

Children are able to engage in creativity not only regardless of the place and time, but most importantly, regardless of personal complexes. An adult, often critically evaluating his creative abilities, shy to show them. Children, unlike adults, are able to sincerely manifest themselves in artistic activities, not paying attention to shyness.

Of particular importance is creative activity for gifted and talented children. Giftedness is a complex of abilities to have special achievements in a specific field of art, science, professional or other activities. Not many children are distinguished by pronounced talentedness and giftedness. For a gifted child, the imagination acts the main characteristic quality, he needs a constant activity of fantasy. Unusual approaches to solving problems, the original associations are all characteristic of a talented child and is the result of imagination.

Giftedness and talent are closely associated with advanced development. Talented children are characterized by higher results compared to their peers, and they reach these results much easier. These children are characterized by a greater sensitivity to the world around, and in specific periods for them are also particularly high sensitivity. Such periods of psychologists are called "sensitive". In these periods, a specific function (for example, speech or logical memory) is the most susceptible to the irritants of the outside world, it is easy to train and develops intensively, and children show special achievements in various activities. And if an ordinary child may experience a "sensitive" period for one function, the talented child demonstrates "sensitivity" at once many functions.

With the help of creativity and imagination, naturally, the child forms his own personality. And there is a special scope of the child, which provides specific opportunities for personal development, is a game. The main mental function, providing the game, is exactly the imagination. Imagining game situations and realizing them, the child forms whole line Personal properties, such as justice, courage, honesty, sense of humor and others. Through the work of the imagination, compensation occurs. There are still insufficient real opportunities for the child to overcome the vital difficulties and conflicts.

Cashing creativity (for what is also the priority is imagination) the child forms such quality as spirituality. In case of spirituality, the imagination is included in all cognitive activities, accompanied by particularly positive emotions. The rich work of imagination is often associated with the development of such an important personality like optimism.

Of particular interest to scientists are imaginary companions, which are constructed by many children - fictional relatives, imaginary friends, fairies and elves, animals, dolls and other objects. 210 children participated in one study; And it was found that 45 of them had imaginary companions: from this number 21 were the only child in the family and 21 had only one relative, each. Observers noted that, although 45 children had many favorable opportunities in order to play with other children, they did not do it. The imaginary companion is the creation of the child himself, it in principle can give it by any properties and to force his personification to treat him as he wishes himself. It should be noted that the game, which includes such companions, sometimes reflects the installation of parents, and knows the case with a girl who had two imaginary comrades - one was endowed with all the virtues, as she understood them, and the other - all the shortcomings that she found them. But it should be noted that psychiatrists consider such a fantasy symptoms of spiritual disorder; From their point of view, such personals are created to compensate for the absence of warmth and heartiness in real life.

In adolescence, when personal development becomes dominant, this form of imagination becomes of particular importance, as a dream is the image of the desired future.

A teenager dreams of what gives him joy that satisfies his most intimate desires and needs. In the dreams, the teenager is building the desired personal program of life, in which its main meaning is often determined. Often, dreams are unreal, that is, only the goal is defined, but not the path of its achievement, however, at the stage of adolescence, it still has a positive character, as it allows the teenager in the imaginary plan to "move" different options for the future, choose their way to solve the problem .

Imagination is significantly in personality and for an adult. People who in adulthood retained a bright imagination, differ in talentedness, they are often called richly gifted personalities.

With age, most of us lose the ability to fantasize: how difficult it can sometimes come up with a new fairy tale for a child. To preserve and develop the imagination, there are a number of exercises that are described in detail in a special pedagogical literature.

7. The role of imagination in science and nature

In one of the US laboratories for creating artificial intelligence before scientists, there was a problem: how to teach the car to see? It would seem that everything is simple: put the camera, connect the microcircuit, and everything is in order! But no.

The task was not easy to teach "see", but to make the robot can perceive not only individual objects, but also entire scenes. To do this, he needed through visual bodies to learn a huge amount of information about the subject. For example, its position in relation to other subjects in space, the quality of its surface, its size, color characteristics, purpose, etc.

All this for the car is quite great difficulties. For example, to see the relative position of the bodies in space, you need to have stereoscopic vision, but this problem is quite solvable. It is much more important and more difficult to teach any situations or scenes to "understand". After all, scientists still do not quite understand how this process occurs in a person, what to talk about the car!

Only goal is clear: it is necessary to create an artificial imagination at the car, and then, inspected several separate items, it will be able to present the situation as a whole and analyze it. So, it will be possible to create artificial intelligence !!!

However, if the imagination is inherent in a person, its primitives can also have in some highly organized animals (dolphins, higher anthropoids). How does modern science answer this question?

Without a doubt (this was proven by a number of experiments), these types of animals are capable of manifesting quite complex logical and intuitive thinking. This is due to a factor in the knowledge of the group lifestyle. When conducting such a lifestyle, instincts cease to be a dominant guideline, giving way to conscious thinking. Recall that the development of imagination has the distant ancestors of a modern person:

· An informed application of labor tools (starting from the most primitive) and cases of their atypical use

· Creative expression of your ideas (rock painting, etc.)

In the laboratory conditions, the expression of these factors was recorded in a number of high-organized animals (higher primates, elephants, dolphins). So, the world's so-called "painting" of monkeys and dolphins is known to the whole world. Such "paintings" was repeatedly exhibited at auctions in many countries of the world, including in Russia (in the Moscow Dolphinarium). However, is this manifestation of creative thoughts by the conscious expression of their perception of the surrounding world?

On the other hand, it should be remembered that the lifestyle of the ancient anthropoids of the modern species of Homo Sapiens largely resembled the lifestyle of modern major human-like monkeys. Consequently, the latter can have the infringement of imagination?

Modern science can not give a clear answer to this question, since there is no evidence-based approval that the manifestation of creative deposits in highly organized mammals is the reflection of their vision of the picture of the world, after all, formless stains on the sheet of paper in imagination of researchers may be interpreted by anything.


The value of the imagination in the life and activity of a person is very large. The imagination occurred and developed during the labor process, and its main importance is that any human work would be impossible without it, because It is impossible to work without imagining the final and intermediate results. Without imagination, progress would not be possible in science, nor in art or technique. No one school subject It can not be absorbed completely without the activities of the imagination. If there were no imagination, it would be impossible to make a decision and find an output in a problem situation, when we do not have the necessary completeness of knowledge.

Philosophers still at the end of the XIX century offered the phrase "imaging man" as one of the species characteristics of a modern man along with a "intelligent man."

And in general, without imagination there would be no dreams, but no matter how boring life was in the world, if people could not dream !!!

List of used literature

1. Vygotsky hp "Development of higher mental functions." - Publishing House "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1950

2. Korshunova L.S. Imagination and his role in knowledge. - Moscow, 1979

3. Kroinsky L.V. "Is there any mind in animals?" .- "Young naturalist" №11, Art.12-15, Moscow, 1980.

4. Rubinstein S.L. "Basics of general psychology." - Publishing House "Peter", Moscow-Kharkov-Minsk, 1999

5. Subbotina L.Yu. "Development of imagination in children" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

6. Philosophical Dictionary edited by M.M. Rosentyl, pf Yudina - Political Literature Publishing, Moscow, 1968

7. Shibutani T. "Social Psychology". - Publishing "Progress", Moscow, 1969
