They began to see bad eyes what to do. How to improve vision

They began to see bad eyes what to do. How to improve vision

Consultant: Tamara Dolinskaya, PhD, an ophthalmologist

Presbyopia, or age-sightedness - not a disease, but a natural physiological process. Many who have stepped over the 40-50-year-old frontier are faced with this: objects, especially those located closely, look like a fog, their eyes get very tired when reading, it becomes difficult to distinguish the small print.

With age, presbyopia develops absolutely in all - both people from childhood who have one hundred percent of their eyesight, and those who suffer from short-sightedness, and those who are far-sighted. By the way, for the latter, this process begins earlier than for everyone else.

Presbyopia is a visual impairment associated with a gradual and irreversible change in the ability of the eye to focus an image of an object at close and medium distances.

  Presbyopia Correction Methods

  • Non-surgical:

Contact lenses.

  • Surgical:

Laser correction,

Implantation of intraocular lenses.

What are your years!

The main reason for the development of age-farsightedness is the loss of the ability of accommodation by the lens (the ability to adapt to different distances when viewed). “Figuratively speaking, the crystalline lens is a liquid in a plastic bag that gradually hardens,” explains our expert. “As a result of this process, the nucleus of the lens condenses, it becomes less elastic and loses its ability to focus objects.” That is why a person cannot clearly see at close range.

Be patient

Despite various non-surgical methods of correction, age-related hyperopia will progress to 60-65 years. So, the degree of presbyopia will change. As a rule, it is increased by 1 diopter for 10 years. Therefore, you will need to periodically visit the oculist and change glasses or contact lenses for stronger ones.


Despite the rapid development of ophthalmology and the emergence of new methods, glasses remain the most popular way to correct presbyopia. They are worn by about 90% of people. People who have always had good eyesight begin to see ill nears with age. They are recommended presbyopic glasses for work at a short distance. As a rule, optical power lenses + 1D are required at 40–50 years, 50–60 years old… + 2D, 60–70 years old… + 3D.

An unpleasant surprise!

Perhaps, the most unlucky are those who suffered from axial hyperopia since childhood. Surprisingly, a person may not be aware of his disease - in his youth, the ability of the lens to accommodate is well developed, and no inconvenience arises. Surprises begin after 40 years, when presbyopia enhances congenital farsightedness. Over time, such people will need strong enough glasses - for reading and for distance. After all, in this case, the clarity of the image is disturbed when viewing closely located objects, and those that are far away.

Difficult situation

It is believed that the myopic are in the most advantageous position - allegedly with the appearance of hyperopia, myopia disappears. This is not true. In people with little myopia (-1.0 ... -1.5 D), the moment when reading glasses become a necessity is just slightly relegated.

Patients with myopia-3.0 ... -5.0 D may not need presbyopic glasses at all - for reading they will only need to take off their own, for giving.

But those with a high degree of myopia may find themselves in a rather difficult situation: they need to have two pairs of glasses - for work and for constant wear. If this option does not suit you, it is advised to use a model with bifocal lenses that have two optical zones with correction for long and short distances. However, these glasses have significant drawbacks: due to the fact that the zones are separated by a border, they are not very attractive, and the eyes in such glasses are not very comfortable. They can not work at the computer, because bifocal lenses do not provide a clear view at an intermediate distance.

Progressive technology

The solution to the problem - glasses with progressive lenses. Modern technologies make it possible to make them according to individual calculations, which enables a person to clearly see objects at any distance. These glasses have a more aesthetic design, provide high visual comfort, they do not have a jump image when looking from distance to near.

When using glasses with progressive lenses, a person’s vision is close to one hundred percent. However, you need to consider that their wearing requires adaptation, and for permanent work at the computer, they are not suitable. To do this, it is better to use special office glasses with a wide working area.

There is a contact

Contact lenses are also widely used to correct presbyopia. They are produced by monovision technology - one eye is corrected to work at close range, and the other - for distance, as a result of which a person clearly sees at different distances. A great option for those who for some reason do not want to wear glasses. However, the lenses have their own disadvantages. Many can not get used to the "foreign" object in the eyes, individual intolerance, the risk of infection is not excluded. And, for example, during colds it is not recommended to wear them at all.

Stimulus - reaction

Applied techniques - ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, vacuum massage are used to correct hyperopia. However, they are focused only on strengthening the muscular system, therefore they do not give a lasting effect.

Radical measures

Currently widely used surgical methods for the correction of presbyopia.

Laser Thermokeratoplasty (LTC). The technology is based on the use of radio waves, which change the shape of the cornea and improve visual acuity with a low degree of presbyopia. But the adaptive capabilities of the lens still continue to decline, and over time, LTK proves to be ineffective.

Laser keratomileusis ( LASIK).Its essence is simple: the eye with the best visual acuity is determined by the leader, the shape of its cornea is changed with the help of an excimer laser for distance vision. The cornea of ​​the second eye is deformed for near vision. As a result, with both eyes, a person sees clearly. However, this method also has a drawback - the instability of the result obtained.

Implantation of an intraocular lens. This method of surgical correction of presbyopia is widely used today and in certain cases is the only possible one. Removing a lens that has lost its function and replacing it with an artificial multifocal ensures high visual results and a stable refractive effect. And if you consider that many people of middle and old age have lost the accommodation of the lens, such an operation is the only way to return good vision.

Solve the problem of

Of course, any operation requires serious preparation, thorough research and competent rehabilitation. Both for laser correction and for implantation of an artificial lens, there are indications that are individual for each person. For example, with cataracts, laser correction of presbyopia is completely useless. The best option in this case is the implantation of the multifocal lens. It effectively compensates for any violations of the refraction of vision, including eliminating a person from the problems associated with age-sightedness.

Presbyopia is an inevitable condition, but the moment of vision deterioration can be postponed. It is enough just to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and follow his recommendations, and also not to sit at a computer for hours, alternate work requiring eye strain with rest.

Text: Galina Denisya

Causes of visual impairment

Before you talk about the treatment of visual impairment, it is necessary to list the possible reasons why this problem most often occurs.
  1. Constant strong eye strain
    We will put this reason in the first place, as it is by far the most common. In this case, too bright light has a negative effect on the cells of the retina, or vice versa - too dim lighting.

    Most often this occurs as a result of a long stay at the computer, with very bright monitor lighting, especially when there is no light in the room or the light is dimmed. As for situations when the cause of this voltage is dim light, then you can cite as an example reading books in public transport in low light.

  2. The weakening of the muscles of the lens
    Not less often the situation when deterioration of sight is caused by weakening of muscles of a crystalline lens. The so-called image focusing occurs due to changes in the curvature of the lens. Depending on the distance to the object, the ciliary muscles control the bulge of this crystal, to focus the image. As a result of the fact that a person often looks at objects at the same distance, the muscles that control the curvature of the lens can become weak and lethargic, resulting in vision problems.

    Again, in most cases, this problem causes a long stay at the computer, in particular, due to the fact that the person is constantly at the same distance looking at the monitor. It is also possible to count watching TV, reading books, etc.

  3. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye
    Another reason for which vision loss may occur is the dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye. Due to the fact that the shell is in a dry state, this has a negative effect on the clarity of vision.

    Drying of the skin of the eyes is caused by the fact that we very rarely blink, and it is with blinking that the skin of the eyes is moistened and cleansed. Most often this occurs when our eyes are focused for a long time on a specific subject: a book, mobile phone and tablet, TV, monitor, etc.

  4. Circulatory impairment
    The retina is a truly amazing part of the eye that plays a major role in our vision. Along with this “functionality”, the retina is very sensitive, especially its work depends on proper blood circulation. At the slightest disturbance of blood flow, she immediately responds to this by deterioration of vision.

    In this case, the cause of the deterioration of blood circulation are the internal causes of the organism, which must be identified through examination and testing.

  5. Retinal aging
    Ordinary retinal aging can lead to a deterioration of vision. In the cells of the retina contains a certain light-sensitive pigment, thanks to which we actually see. Over time, this pigment is subject to destruction, resulting in vision loss. The reason for this - a banal aging.
  6. Various diseases
    Other various diseases, especially of viral origin, can cause visual impairment.
That is, in fact, all the reasons for the deterioration of vision. Next, we describe the symptoms of vision loss.

Symptoms of visual impairment

To begin to suspect a deterioration of vision - it is necessary to get acquainted with the symptoms that symbolize the presence of this problem.
  1. You start to see bad
    The first sign of blurred vision is that you begin to see worse. If before certain objects you could see well and clearly, now you can not focus on them, and you see them vaguely. And it is important to replace which items you have become worse to see: those that are close, far away, or you do not see all the objects, regardless of their distance.
  2. Partial vision loss
    In this case, it means the situation when visibility deteriorates, when you look in a certain direction. That is, for example, you see well directly, but see badly, looking away to the side. Also here can be attributed the situation when you do not see well in a certain light.
  3. Pain in the eyes
    And another symptom that we would like to mention here is pain in the eyes, for example, when it arises, if you look at a bright light, or look at something for a long time and your eyes get tired.

What to do if vision deteriorates?

If you notice that your vision is deteriorating, it is necessary to urgently apply all possible measures to stop it and prevent vision from deteriorating further. Along with this, it is necessary to produce a complex of therapeutic actions that will help restore impaired vision. Let us consider the treatment of vision impairment in more detail.
  1. Consult a doctor
    First of all, with the slightest suspicion of deterioration of vision, it is necessary to consult an oculist. The doctor will hear your complaints about the eyesight, then check it and make an eye examination. If the doctor has his own medical office, then with the help of special computer diagnostics he will be able to study in more detail the eyesight and the eyes themselves.
  2. Let your eyes rest
    Regardless of what diagnosis was made by the doctor, nevertheless, you turned to him because of vision problems and possible pain that you experienced in your eyes. That is why we recommend for some time to allow your eyes to relax and not load them. This is especially necessary to do if the doctor diagnosed vision problems.

    To give your eyes a rest - eliminate, and if you can not reduce to a minimum, work at the computer and watch TV. These two classes are the most active way to adversely affect vision. Instead, listen to music or radio on the music center, or listen to audiobooks - who cares what. To escape, you can go for a walk on the street, or go to a cafe with friends. At home, instead of watching TV, you can do household chores: general cleaning, rearrangement, revision of old things, laundry, etc.

  3. Do exercises for sight and eyes
    In order not to give impaired vision and to contribute to its restoration - it is necessary to make special exercises 3 times a day. Charging includes some simple exercises that are easy to perform.

    The first exercise is to switch the view: from near to far. To do this, take a pen and stand near the window. Hold the pen in front of you and turn your eyes one by one: first look at the pen, then look out the window, at some building or tree.

    The second exercise is called the "pendulum", it is that you need to move the handle in front of you, which should be at a distance of 30-50 centimeters, and focus your vision on it. First, lock the handle straight in front of you, then move it to the left - focus the sight, then move it back to its original position - and focus the sight again, then move it to the right - and again focus your vision on the handle. These are two simple exercises that help the eyes with vision problems. The total duration of each exercise should be about 5-7 minutes.

  4. Take medication prescribed by your doctor.
    When visiting a doctor, it is possible that he will prescribe some medications: eye drops, vitamin preparations, and in certain cases may recommend supplementing his diet with some products. Follow the recommendations given to them and in no case do not self-medicate, which may simply not be effective, and in some cases - detrimental.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle
    Strangely enough, but, nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle will positively affect your vision. A healthy lifestyle consists of a whole series of measures that need to be observed not only in case of deterioration of vision, but in general in life.
A good vision requires a healthy sleep, so that the eyes can fully relax and unwind from constant stress. It is important to adhere to the daily regimen in order not to sit all night long in unison at the computer. Adhere to a proper and balanced diet, which will be rich in all necessary vitamins for health, including vision. Along with proper nutrition, eat fruits and vitamin preparations that are responsible for vision, which in turn are vitamins: A, B2, C, E, as well as zinc, lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene. Finally, we strongly recommend you to quit bad habits: with alcohol and smoking.

Prevention of vision impairment

How to stop the deterioration of vision? Unfortunately, many of us think about the prevention of vision loss rather late, when it took a tendency to deteriorate. However, the recommendations below will help to stop the problem, and if you are okay with your vision, you can prevent this problem.
  1. Take breaks at work
    As you can see, one of the main problems of visual impairment is a computer and a TV. That is why during prolonged work at the computer and during long watching TV - it is very important to take breaks every 2 hours. Such breaks should last 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can both make exercises for the eyes, and just look out the window to switch to distant vision. You can also just lie down with your eyes closed. In general, it is best to spend as little time as possible on your computer and TV.
  2. Do eye exercises
    A little higher in our article we talked in more detail about the benefits of gymnastics for the eyes and gave an example of several exercises. Do these exercises 3 times a day and your eyes will thank you.
  3. Full sleep is very important.
    Your sleep should last about 6-8 hours, it will help to rest your eyes, especially after a strong overstrain.
  4. Use special protective equipment.
    If your work is related to a computer or you just spend a lot of time on it, then we recommend to buy special safety glasses that protect your eyes when working at a computer.
  5. Take
    A certain amount of vitamins that are contained in the body is responsible for vision, their balance should always be normal. To date, there are special vitamin complexes, which include all the vitamins necessary for vision. Taking these vitamins reduces the risk of visual impairment.
Take care of your eyesight, and try to prevent its deterioration, as it is very difficult to restore!

Hello, friends!

That's how it turns out - my mom had excellent vision all her life. But in recent years, in view of age, she began to suffer from hyperopia.

In contact with

  I wonder what will happen to my vision in old age? Finding the answer led me to this article. So, honored. Farsightedness caused the invention of glasses ... did not know. What is a "lazy" eye ... Oh, oh, oh, with long-sightedness, you can not serve in the army!

If a person pulls a book away from the eyes while reading or wears “plus” glasses, then he suffers from farsightedness.

Farsightedness is a violation of vision, in which the ability to see nearby objects is sharply deteriorating (distance 20-30 cm).

In ancient times, it was this visual defect that triggered the invention of glasses. It all began in the 15th century, when typography appeared. People who previously had no idea that they see poorly near, realized that it was difficult for them to read: the letters blurred. To help farsighted, and special reading glasses were created. Lenses for myopic came up only a century later.

Most often, farsightedness occurs in young children and in people over 40 years of age.

Farsightedness, caused by the short longitudinal axis of the eye, is usually inherited from parents to children.
  After 40-45 years due to age-related changes in the body, many people begin to deteriorate the refractive ability of the lens, and then comes the "presbyopic."

What happens when this happens?

In order for the eye to see normally, the image of objects must focus on the retina. With farsightedness, this point of the ideal image is moved aside, as if located behind the retina. As a result, a person sees the picture in a slightly blurred form.

Rays from distant objects are parallel, from approximate - diverging. With the latest, far-sighted eyes do poorly. Thus, a person sees the worst at close range and much better at distance.

There are two reasons why the light beams when farsightedness are focused too far: a shortened eyeball or insufficient refractive ability of the optical system of the eye. It is also possible combination of these defects in one person.

The main manifestations of farsightedness:

  • low vision near;
  • increased eye fatigue when reading;
  • headaches, burning eyes.

Farsightedness, if ignored, is fraught with such unpleasant complications as:

  • strabismus;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the eye (conjunctivitis);
  • amblyopia (“lazy” eye) - outwardly the eye is healthy, but it doesn’t see and fix it is not possible either with glasses or contact lenses.

The progression of farsightedness can lead to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid and, as a consequence, the development of glaucoma.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your eyes become worse to see - ask for help from an optometrist. To begin with, he checks the sharpness of your eyesight on the table, then examines the fundus of the eye with a special mirror or ultrasound. After that, the doctor will be able to choose the right lenses for you.

To date, there are three ways to correct hyperopia: glasses, contact lenses and surgical correction. Glasses or contact lenses (“plus”) are selected individually depending on visual acuity and associated diseases.

Children with long-sightedness are advised to start using corrective lenses as early as possible. Usually the doctor prescribes them glasses for constant wear. With age, many long-sighted children have an eyeball that lengthens and vision, respectively, is restored.

Adult lenses or glasses are needed only for reading and work. Only with a high degree of farsightedness, two pairs of glasses are assigned: one for “near,” others for “given.” After the selection of glasses you need to constantly be observed by an ophthalmologist, in order to replace the lenses with stronger or weaker lenses if necessary. Laser correction of farsightedness is used when the patient has already reached 18 years.

Prevention of complications of farsightedness lies in its early detection and the appointment of timely and proper treatment.


Degrees of farsightedness

Doctors ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of hyperopia:

  • weak - up to +2.0 D;
  • medium - up to + 5.0 D;
  • high - over + 5.00 D.

With low degrees of hyperopia  high vision and distance and near, but there may be complaints of fatigue, headache, dizziness.

With moderate hyperopia  - Vision into the distance remains good, and close is difficult.

With high farsightedness  - poor vision and into the distance, and up close, since all the possibilities of the eye to focus on the retina, the image of even distant objects are exhausted.

Far-sightedness, including age-related, can only be detected by conducting a thorough diagnostic examination (with a medical expansion of the pupil, the lens relaxes and true eye refraction manifests itself).


Hyperopia more than 8 diopters exempts from military service

The Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123 “On Approval of the Provision on Military Medical Examinations” in the so-called “schedule of diseases” contains Article No. 34 “Violations of refraction and accommodation”.

The article number 34 says that the farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians of more than 8.0 diopters falls under the category of shelf life B - limited to military service, that is, exempted from service in peacetime.

The causes of farsightedness can be the following states.

The reduced size of the eyeball on the anterior-posterior axis. This situation is typical for most babies. That is why oculists recommend hanging rattles and toys at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, otherwise the baby simply can not see them. As the eyeball grows and develops, the problem of farsightedness disappears by itself.

With age, many people become farsighted.  The reason lies in the reduced ability of the lens to change the curvature. This process begins at the age of about 25 years, but only by the age of 45-50 leads to a decrease in vision, at which reading at the usual distance (25-30 cm from the eyes) becomes difficult. As a rule, by the age of 65, the eyes almost completely lose their ability to accommodate.

The main symptom of farsightedness is near vision with a satisfactory and even very good distance vision.

As a rule, such people wear glasses to read a book, but they can easily see the number of the bus, which seemed far away. Only with severe hyperopia, the patient begins to poorly distinguish between close and distant objects.

Moreover, during long-term work of the eyes near (computer, reading books, writing) people suffering from long-sightedness appear to have pains in their eyes, fatigue, tearing, burning and tingling in the eyes. Headaches, discomfort when looking at the light, or even intolerance to bright light can also join. Moreover, the higher the degree of farsightedness, the stronger the unpleasant reaction to light.

As a rule, in case of farsightedness of a weak degree of eyes, with the help of accommodation, they independently cope with their task and allow a person to see normally.

But already at hypermetropia of medium and high degrees, correction of vision is required both for distance and for close distances.
  I would like to note that vision correction for hyperopia should be carried out necessarily. Not only to normalize vision, but also to prevent the development of complications. Such as blepharitis, squint, conjunctivitis, amblyopia (reduced vision in the worse-seeing eye).

Regarding treatment, at the present time, unfortunately, there are no methods for the conservative treatment of hyperopia. It can be corrected with glasses and lenses. But heal completely possible only with the help of surgery.

Surgical treatment is aimed at enhancing the optical power of the eye. As a result, the rays of light focus on the retina, and not behind it.

Currently, the most popular operations for farsightedness are the replacement of a transparent lens, thermokeratoplasty, thermokeratocoagulation, and implantation of a positive lens.


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